Ubuntu :: Format A SDHC Card To Read As A SD Card?
Dec 17, 2010
I am wondering if it would be possible to format an 8g SDHC card in a way that it will be able to be written to and read by an SD reader?
Reading about SDHC vs SD suggests that the only difference is the block/cluster/byte configurations. Is that true?
Could I format the 8g FAT32 SDHC with gparted to a 1g FAT16 partition with the rest of the space left un-formatted so an SD reader could handle it?
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Jul 21, 2010
I have an EeePC 4g netbook which only has a 4Gb hard drive and I thought I would like to install Fedora 13 on an 8 Gb SDHC card and use it to boot the netbook.
As neither the netbook nor I have an optical drive, I made a bootable USB memory stick using Unetbootin which boots the netbook and could be used like a live CD to install Fedora.
On booting with the live USB stick, with the blank SD card in place, and clicking on the install icon, the installation starts but then there are 2 problems; the first is that the installer appears to want to install to both the SD card and also the USB stick. There is a tick in the box beside the USB stick which I can't remove.
I decided to ignore that and put a tick in the box beside the SD card but when it got to the point where it creates partitions it said "Could not find enough free space for automatic partitioning. Please use another partitioning method"
Surely 8 GB is more than enough space for partitioning, so where am I going wrong and why does it want to install on the USB stick as well?
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Feb 25, 2011
I've got some trouble trying to format a SD card. I tried to format it in the GUI and the terminal, but couldn't make it. I couldn't even copy or move any file to the directory in the SD card, even logged as root.
It's a SD card from a digital camera. When I insert it in the camera, it says the card is blocked, so that it's not possible to take any picture.
I tried using "fdisk" to set a new fyle system in it, and tried "mkdosfs" trying to format it under the current file system.
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Jan 25, 2011
I am trying to format 4 GB sd memory using mkfs.vfat. I want to use the card both in linux and windows so I am formatting with Vfat filesystem. When I format the card from command line with "mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/mmcblk1" I am getting a warning message like "unable to get drive geometry, using default 255/63" but the data in the card is erased.
But when I mount the card and checks for the size using df -h its showing 1 GB instead of 4 GB. how to format the SD memory card or any other alternate way to format the card.
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Jun 12, 2011
I was attempting to reformat a 16GB MicroSD card in my camera when the battery died mid-way. After that, any time I try to read the card in my camera, it gives me a "Card Error" and does not allow me to reformat it in my camera.
So, I thought I would plug the camera in to the laptop with it set to host the card as media when plugged in as USB, in an attempt to fix the formatting issue.
However, when I plug it in to my linux machine, it does not register as a device (e.g., /dev/sda) due to some errors, therefore I cannot reformat it. Essentially, I think I need to fix the partition table but I'm not sure how to when it doesn't register as a device. code...
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Jun 19, 2010
I am using UNE 10.04 and when I place my SDHC card in my netbook's built in sd card reader it doesn't do anything and shows no signs of the cards existence. I am dual booting with windows 7 which does recognize the card.
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Jul 16, 2009
When installing Fedora 11 (Gnome, from live CD), is it possible to use a SDHC card for the /home partition?
The reason I'm asking: having heard that Fedora 11 should support the EeePC 701, I decided to try the installation, following this guide. I created the partitions as in the guide, with the exception that in the place of a 16 gb secondary SSD I have a 16 gb SDHC card. The installation ends in an unhandled exception.
I tried various different partitioning systems, always however putting the /home partition on the SDHC card, because if I select only the machine's 4 gb SSD to be used in the installation, I'm told that there is insufficient space. Whatever I try, I always get the unhandled exception error. So, I'm wondering if this is due to trying to use the SDHC card for the /home partition.
I'm afraid I didn't save the error message details, and since installed OpenSUSE on the eeePC, but this started bugging me.
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Oct 24, 2009
I would like to install fedora onto a memory card 16Gb kingstone SDHC that I use in a ACER aspire one
I followed the instruction on the website and I found the following problem:
The wireless and Ethernet hardware where either not found or, if they were found, they did't work and there were no possibilities to make it work.
The strange thing is that almost every time after I attempted to boot form the memory when booting window as usual, the Ethernet hardware was not found anymore also under window!
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Mar 6, 2011
I have an 8 gig ssd Dell vostro that has been running ubuntu linux successfully for several months. Linux is the only O.S. on the machine. Wishing to have more room I inserted a new 32 Gig SDHC card in the card slot and did an ext4 format and then did an install using the 10.10 disk that did the original install. Everything seemed to proceed as expected, but it rebooted using the 8 Gig drive. The 32 Gig card appears to have all the proper files. How do I get it to boot from that card?
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Jan 5, 2011
I have an HPDV7 running 11.3.
I have a new 16GB SDHC memory card.
It is formatted FAT-32 LBA
When I plug the the card into the DV7's internal MMC/SD card slot, it automounts as /dev/mmcbkl0p1.
I can then access files (camera images) on the card with Dolphin, etc.
When I plug the card into an external card reader(USB interface), automount fails and I can see a long string of messages from dmesg. It is attempting to mount it as /dev/sdd, I see numerous I/O errors as it attempts to read various sectors.
The card reader is a Kingston FCR-HS219/1.
The 16GB SDHC card in the Kingston card reader combo works on my WinXP machine, so (apparently) the combo does work.
A 2GB SD card (FAT16) in the Kingston reader works on both WinXP and the HPDV7 11.3 laptop.
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Sep 29, 2010
I have tried putting the SDHC card in before switching on laptop, after, unmounting and remounting several times... on the odd occasion (1/10?) it reads fine, but more often than not, i can see thumbnails of all the images but on opening the file it comes out wrong...either most of the image is a grey block - so can see a tiny bit of sky then its as if it hasn't rendered the whole image...or, the image is striped horizontally, with as if a film negative has been shredded and then misaligned with the colours going wrong...is there an update, something to install to fix this? ETA: - its not the card which works perfect on other laptops and its not the card reader it opens fine in windows 7 on the same computer.
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May 24, 2011
After reading a SDHC (camera) card with my computer in a non-HC compatible card reader, i guess i destroyed the partition table.
After getting a SDHC-compatible reader i found it seems there is no part. table on the card and no fdisk(1), badblocks(1) can read that card.
Seems they will wait forever to get a part table.
dmesg says:
How to recover the card?
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Dec 25, 2009
F12 on my aspire one (A110, the original 8Gb SSD model) works well with only one significant problem.
Suspend fails; the screen fades to black, backlight stays on, macine stops responding to keyboard/mouse/powerswitch and just hangs (for at least an hour... longest I left it). Only thing that works is a 5 second click of death on the powerswitch. Plus an FSCK on at least one occasion after reboot. I have not been able to check if SSH and shutdown possible (on vacation) plus have logs go to a tmpfs (to save my SSD) so no log info. Similarly I cannot confirm if this affects hibernate because I run without a swapfile (SSD again, i.5Gb ram installed and I have never come even close to running out of memory).
But I think I have the culprit anyway:[url]
As described there; shutdown fails if there is a mounted card in the cardreader slot (/dev/mmcblk0) My system has a 4Gb SDHC card in the LH slot with a single XFS filesystem; which has my homedir on it; if I unmount that filesystem (but do not remove the card) shutdown and restore appear to work properly. But if the filesytem is mounted I get the bsod. Linked bug suggests this is restricted to large filesystems (?SDHC?) but I have not fully confirmed, although that matches my situation.
Posting here to see if anyone has any further info/workarounds, to ensure the fedora crew are aware that this appears to affect F12 (and is a regression, F11 suspended fine) and make sure it is documented somewhere. The linked bug also states similar bad suspend activity on other netbooks.
I'll try some other variations (and see if it also happens with USB sticks/RH cardrader, and report back here.
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Aug 26, 2010
I've tried everything--from the CLI to GParted and back--but I can't seem to format my SD card. I know it's not the card because it is recognized in three other devices, which offer to format it because they don't think it's formatted.When in GParted, I can create a new partition table and create a new partition, but after that completes, the card remains grey and the GParted tells me the disk label is unrecognizable.When I go at it with fdisk/mkfs.vfat, I'm told:
Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel
Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x24edb58b.
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.
Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)[code].........
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Jan 19, 2011
I tried to format my SD card from ext3 to NTFS... But when i right click, i am not able to find the option for formatting...I am dual booting, so able to do it in Windows.. But was wondering, whether we can do it without help of any program like gparted, as we are able to do it windows?
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Mar 27, 2011
I know this is going to sound stupid, but I have a few 2gb CompactFlash memory cards that I bought to use with my FujiS7000 digital camera. Only problem is that that camera will only read/write to 1gb memory cards. I don't suppose there's any way to format these 2gb cards so that the camera sees them as 1gb cards?
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Sep 24, 2010
So basically I have an SD Card that I use with primarily with my Wii. This morning I decided to install the HomeBrew Channel on my Wii (I don't think it matters if you know what this is). While trying to run an application my Wii froze, and since then my SD Card has been unreadable, my Wii however is fine.
I assumed I could just pop this card into a computer and format it. There is nothing on the card I need to recover. When I stuck the card into my room mate's computer running Windows (she's the only one who has a SD card slot) Windows Explorer freezes, and remains frozen until I remove the card. I tried using the Disk Management to format the card, but it also freezes upon inserting it.
The only idea I could come up with is booting to my Ubuntu disc on my room mates computer, in the mode that lets me run Ubuntu right off the CD-ROM, and try to format it here. When I insert the card an item called 'SD/MMC Drive' appears but there's no option to format when I right click on it.
Now my linux is a bit rusty, but I thought I could do it by typing "sudo mkdosfs -F 32 -v /dev/sda1". The status seems to indicate it was successful, but the issue still persists.
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Oct 16, 2010
im a beginner in using linux and i want to know how to use fdisk to format a mmc card and partitioning it
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Jan 25, 2010
i have no idea if anyone can help. linux has been nothing but a hassle for me. i just wanted something that wouldn't be affected by viruses. to the point though. i read an thread on here about using fdisk to format sd cards. tried everything it said, not only did it not work but now my svideo to my tv no longer works. i have ubuntu 8.04 (yes i would upgrade but i can't bc for some reason anything newer won't work on my laptop)
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Dec 29, 2015
I'm not that new in Linux I've been using for years since 2010 mostly, and formatted a number of flash drives with allegedly fat32 fs however, this time I need to be sure I'm formatting it as fat32 for experimental reasons and I can't seen to find a mkfs.fat32, both vfat and fat are fat16 and I don't know what msdos does...
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Aug 24, 2011
For the last several weeks i've been trying KDE and it's been working quite fine. There are however several minor issues with KDE.
First - how can i format a usb stick? In GNOME after the usb stick has been plugged in one just have to right click on it and select "Format". Here i don't see such an option. I googled it and i read somewhere that the tool for this would be KDE partition manager. I installed it but it looks like an overkill for the task. KDE partition manager is high level tool like GParted, whereas i'm looking for something that integrates into the desktop so i can just right click on the usb drive and select format. Besides KDE partition manager asks for a root password which is logical because it can format all your partitions. However i don't see the need for a root password when one is going to format a usb drive.
Second - i tried to use my micro sd card yesterday and while it mounted automatically i couldn't write anything on it or delete any of the files on it ( didn't have this problem with the usb stick though). How can i change that? I have a default Debian install with a nearly default KDE 4.6.5. In GNOME the SD card was always mounted writable by default.
Third - i am using Iceweasel, Rhythmbox and GIMP which are GTK applications. To make them look OK in KDE i installed gtk2-engines-oxygen and kde-config-gtk-style and i also installed the Oxygen KDE Firefox theme (from here [URL]). I then configured the GTK applications to use the oxygen engine and Rhythmbox and GIMP look perfectly OK (i've attached a screenshot at the bottom of my post) however Iceweasel doesn't look completely OK. The problem is that the color scheme of the window is slightly darker than the color scheme of the upper window border - i've attached screenshots of Rhythmbox and Iceweasel so you can compare. I've tried KDE 4.7 with Arch Linux and Firefox there looks OK just like Rhythmbox. It is a small detail but it bugs me...
Fourth - i have problem with the KDE theme for Firefox which i've installed. Without it Iceweasel doesn't look that good. With it, the find menu (activated with ctrl+f) doesn't work - instead of the regular search field just a very small box appears. I've posted a screenshot for that as well.
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Jan 25, 2011
I am trying to format 4 GB sd memory using mkfs.vfat. I want to use the card both in linux and windows so I am formatting with Vfat filesystem. When I format the card from command line with "mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/mmcblk1" I am getting a warning message like
"unable to get drive geometry, using default 255/63" but the data in the card is erased.
But when I mount the card and checks for the size using df -h its showing 1 GB instead of 4 GB. how to format the SD memory card or any other alternate way to format the card.
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Apr 24, 2010
Since I've upgraded to Lucid RC1, when I insert my SD Card it mounts as read-only. The write-protected switched isn't on and my card isn't corrupt. I've tried chmod and chown to no avail.Does anyone know a work around so that I'm able to write to my SD Card?
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Jun 11, 2010
After 3 days and 2 gallons of sweat and 9 billion forums read I give up, I cannot figure out why Ubuntu 9.10 does not read my wireless card. I have a Lenovo G555, I followed most of the instructions the forums provided online such as ndiswrapper and finding the inf. file within windows, copying it to your usb and than putting it into ubuntu to later use windows wireless drivers to install the driver just to run into a bcmwl6 Invalid Driver! I tried to use terminal with no sucess. Can someone just please give the straight forward how to make this work answer.
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Jul 8, 2011
I am trying to read my SD car trough the external car reader but it does not work.A bit of maybe relevant info:it a SD adaptor with a micro SD memory of 1 G.It came from a nokia phone.what I know its working:the micro SD card is working came out my mobile phone the reader is working I have tested with other SD card
the only left is the adaptor but very unlikely.Could some one help to with the command from the terminal to find the SD car drive name, mount it, and formatted?
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Mar 16, 2011
I have an SD card and when I plug it in to my desktop (which is openSUSE 11.3), it shows up in Dolphin and shows all folders and files. however when i try to view or copy a file(either by double clicking or using "cp" command) it throws an error:
cp: reading `/media/disk/DCIM/100OLYMP/P1010202.JPG': Input/output error
how I can recover these files? Any tools I can use in OpenSUSE?
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Oct 7, 2010
With a Netbook that runs Kubuntu 10.04 i have always stored by regular files on a SD card. For ease I have used symbolic links to save and retrive data from the card such as a Documents folder. After a power crash my SD card which has always been read/write has changed to read only. The links do not work and if I try to make a new link "Read-only file system" is the error.
I have tried chmod with the same error message. Device is owned by me not root. Saving to the device also returns the same error message.
I have looked at a couple of similar streams but neither has any final resolution.
changing the SD card back to read/write?
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Dec 10, 2010
I am new to linux at driver level. I want to read/write at specified memory location in microSD card in linux. I do not want to used SD card with any file system. How to do that. My linux distribution is Fedora13.
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Apr 11, 2010
I have this card reader, it works perfectly on Win7, but when i try to put my xD card in it whilst on Linux, it wont read it, nothing shows up in nautilus nor on the desktop. If it's any use, it's an external, with a USB cable.
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Mar 4, 2011
The card in question is a PC Card (PCMCIA) 16Bit Intel Series 2 Flash Memory Card (2MB) and I want to be able to read from and write to the card. I've rebuilt latest stable kernel ( with all the PCMCIA options turned on or built as modules. I've got an SRAM card, a CompactFlash Card (in a CF to PC-Card adapter) and the Linear Flash card to try, the SRAM card I'm not expecting greatness from, but hoping to prove that the slot works (it registers, but doesn't get much reported from lspcmcia). The CF card in the adapter works. I'm expecting to see a block device in /dev but nothing appears lspci:
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