Ubuntu :: Randomly Locked Out Of Permissions / Abilities
Sep 11, 2010
I was just using my computer today, and upon restarting, my sound has been disabled, I cannot change my power settings (via CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor on the panel) and cannot mount drives.
Link to a screen shot: [URL]
I've gone to terminal, "sudo users-admin" and enabled all for my account, but nothing.
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Mar 19, 2010
Recently updated the kernel in Ubuntu 9.10 and for some reason now, a folder which was not read-only now is. I can't delete anything from it. Have tried using the GUI for changing permissions, however, it has a mind of it's own and won't unlock the folder.
Anyone had this happen where a folder locked when you didn't want it to be?
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Nov 16, 2010
I just converted to Fedora from Ubuntu and I have some questions:
1. How can I install nvidia driver? There is no 'jockey-gtk' in my fedora :3 (video card is nvidia 7200GS)
2. whats the equivalent for 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' in fedora? (ubuntu-restricted-extras is a package for A/V codecs, Java, microsoft fonts and Flash plugin)
3. I just move data from other hard disk to the fedora ones and now all the folders are locked (lock icon).
I try with:
chown -R fedora:fedora /home/fedora
but the permissions are denied for gvfs.
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Jul 4, 2011
I'm pretty new to Linux. Though I've used it for a little bit, I barely know any shell commands. I recently migrated from Mint to Fedora. Installation went fine and I thought I was doing great until I tried to copy something onto one of my ntfs partitions (I got them automounted through changing fstab). Now I can't change the permissions with sudo chmod... it says I can, but nothing changes. And, while the folders are listed as allowing rw for the user group I set up, I can't actually change anything. I'm guessing I've done something wrong with my fstab file.
My fstab file is:
I should probably note that I'm using NVIDIA fake RAID 0, which is why my device locations are all /dev/mapper/nvidia_fcficeibp#
The command I have tried to change permissions is:
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Mar 11, 2011
I have just installed the 10.10 version which includes the netbook version - now when I login to the netbook version I get the error about unity - in the desktop version my wifi card is no where to be seen and found. When I boot into the live cd version both of these options are there without fail - any ideas why the difference occurs??
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Jan 7, 2011
I want t desktop cube, so I followed the ..... guide here.
When I enter simple compiz config and start to change the Ultimate profile, then I lose the ability to do key commands like alt+tab and consequently I cannot use things like the switcher, or cube. The only desktop hotkeys that I can currently do (that I know of) is ctrl+alt+left/right to move to next desktop. How do I enable hotkeys to work again?
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Jul 26, 2010
I'm looking to possibly need to make use of snort and its packet filtering/inspection abilities to help cover for PCI. I've searched Amazon, but nothing really stand out, there is a new one (2007 - Snort Intrusion Detection and Prevention Toolkit), or slightly older ones... Managing Security with Snort & IDS Tools - 2004, Snort Cookbook - 2005, Snort for Dummies - 2004.
Now i'm tempted in just going for the latest one, but i'm completely new to snort so perhaps it needs another book like snort for dummies to get started ;-P
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Oct 16, 2010
Finally I managed to install my printer/scanner drivers.The last thing I need to do is to add the following two lines to 40-libsane.rules (which is a read only file):# Brother scanners ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes".How can I change permissions for this file or add these lines without changing permissions?
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May 31, 2011
Problem: permissions for rsync and BackinTime. Setup: Ubuntu 11.04, Two internal HD, #1=main, single boot, #2=backup drive. Question: How do I set up my 2nd HD with correct permissions? Background: I had previously a dual boot XP+10.04 with a 2nd HD formatted as NTFS. With this I was able to use my rsync and backintime to my 2nd HD with no issue. My new set up is EXT4 on both HD.
(I even tried to reformat my 2nd HD as NTFS, but that didnt fix the issue) I followed [URL] to mount the 2nd HD and get permissions. But now when I run backintime i get this error: [E] Error: rsync: opendir "/home/myhome/.ssh" failed: Permission denied (13) I did my requisite reading for a newbie, and am stuck. I ran backintime as root, and it backed up ok. How do I run my user version of backintime? (i.e. How do I fix the permission issue?)
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Mar 16, 2010
Is it possible to reset apache 2 permissions to default permissions I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 command line server, would webmin give me this access ?
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Mar 15, 2010
I have a problem with my external hdd, I mounted it manually and in the mount table it says ive got rw permissions. But when i try to change permissions it says:
chmod: changing permissions of `whatever': read-only filesystem.
This is my mount table:
[root@localhost ExtHDD]# mount
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 on / type ext3 (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
none on /sys type sysfs (rw)
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Nov 9, 2010
i want to know what is use or benefit of using s and t permission?i have used them but could not understand its uses.please explain me with suitable example.Also tell me about umask command to flag on s and t.
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Jul 14, 2011
Now I find myself locked out of SSH! I have another SSH user and I logged in on him but he doesn't have permission to chown the file back! I also tried using su root -c but it is rejecting my root password as if it is invalid, but I know it is valid! I have 2 root accounts on the system and both return "invalid passwords" ever since I chowned the damn file..Does anyone know what I can do? I am very far from the server I must be able to do it remotely. Maybe a server reboot will help?
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Nov 8, 2010
I recently had CentOS installed, but felt that I didn't need the whole server thing, so I picked ubuntu as my OS as I have used it in the past and quite liked it. I formated my first hard drive and installed Ubuntu 10.10. My second drive is a ext3 data drive only. After installing Ubuntu, I can see the drive on the desktop, telling me that it is mounted...i think? But when I goto the drive all the folders are protected. I tried to chown with root to see the stuff but to no avail. I can't seem to change permissions on the drive either or the files.
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Feb 10, 2011
Was able to use a dual boot (Windows 7 and Ubuntu Maverick Desktop version) with only minor microphone couldn't be accessed issue. Had the system lockup completely, even power on and power off or Magic AltSysRq combinations does not help. This happened once before but after parking the laptop for a day, it restarted without issue.
Just prior to my shutting the laptop down, response went to a crawl, the system took much longer to shut down but did. Upon restart (and since) the machine just hangs. I do not see the machine on my network.
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Jun 2, 2011
2.After a year on Lucid 10.04 I installed all updates and did an online upgrade to 10.10 Great!3.Enthusiasm got the better of me and I clicked the upgrade to 11.04. Big mistake.4.I get the 11.04 desktop, but it has no response to mouse clicks. I'm locked out - can't click to log in to my private files.Is all lost? The cursor moves OK and the keyboard works (They are wireless and I guess I'll put on wired ones to eliminate any problem there as I fix stuff.)5.I have never done my own installation or partition work.6.There are a few things I did not back-up, and I'll miss them. Some bookmarks in Firefox may be impossible to ever find again.I really need the Evolution e-mailI dual boot with XP and am now booting up from an old 9.04 disk that I found.I thought I was doing a minor upgrade to Natty 11.04, but the screen tells me I have 2.6.32-32-generic kernel Is there any going back?
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Aug 1, 2010
I was using my laptop and mozilla only to read a few posts and the laptop just locked up. I looked i the /var/log/messages files and I dont see anything there. I was also looking at the /etc/log/kern.log and saw a few things. so my question is how can i tell if this is a hardware issue or a software issue?
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Aug 11, 2010
How do I change folder permissions without changing the permissions of the files within the folder?
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Jun 5, 2010
A few minutes ago I accepted a suggestion from update-manager for restarting my system, such that some security updates could be effective. After restarting and login in as usual, I discovered that I could not use my adminstrative rights as a sudoer. To recover them I booted again, as root, and added my username in the "admin" group. Rebooting, all seemed well again. As an extra check I installed and ran 'chkrootkit' and nothing suspect was found.What could have hapenned? Just a glitch in the system? Can a user disappear from a group for nothing?What further checks can I make to be sure that my system is safe?I'm using Ubuntu Jaunty Jakalope amd64, with kernell 2.6.28-15-generic.
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Sep 1, 2010
Dual boot sys with ubuntu lucid lynx 10.04 on Windows 7 host.I created a dot directory (.rams) yesterday and decided to do a chmod on it. Stupidly,(you can call me a moron) I used the asterisk as a shortcut notation and in effect chmod-ed all the dirs starting with a dot. So when I tried to login, this AM,an error mesg appeared that advised me to change the permissions but I could not get into a console or the desktop. After trying several things on Windows, I simply moved the exisitng ubuntu install into another folder, ran uninstall and re-installed. But is there any way that I can access the sys to undo my stupidity? I have a ton of docs on this install.
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Sep 22, 2010
I have a rather frustrating issue here that's been giving me hell since about 5:00AM this morning. I just got a new laptop (a Compaq CQ42-138TU) and was hoping to dual boot between Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit).So, I partitioned the HDD (leaving the HP/Compaq restore partition and other partitions alone) and resized the partition that held the bundled copy of Windows 7 (32-bit). I resized it into two parts, installed Windows 7 Ultimate on one, and Ubuntu on the other. That's where the problems began.Selecting "Windows 7 (loader)" in Grub presented me with the first few second of the bootscreen, then a BSOD for less than a second. After that, the machine immediately rebooted and got back to Grub. Ubuntu still booted fine, but I wanted to get access to Windows back, soI attempted to fix this by running:
bootec.exe /fixmbr
through CMD.exe on my Windows install disk. Now Grub is gone, and I'm stuck with Windows that still won't
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Nov 4, 2010
I can't log in from a locked screen anymore, such as when returning fromeep or hibernation. I can, however, work around the problem by clicking "switch user" and logging in from the GDM greeting screen. Logging in from a terminal also works.I recently had a problem where /etc/passwd, /etc/groups and some other files were deleted. But I have restored them - otherwise I couldn't log in at all.
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Nov 10, 2010
I have a few files on my desktop that have a lock on the top right corner of the Icon like this..
How do i delete it? it tells me that i do not have sufficient permission to delete this file..
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Jul 27, 2011
I have a small problem with my Acer netbook (ao521) on which I dual boot windows7/ubuntu. I am new to linux and I didn't know much about dual booting so I made some errors when pratitioning and installing ubuntu (originally I had windows 7 only) but that is another issue.
The problem is that I accidently wiped the /C partition of win7 thereby deleting windows (). I had made a backup since I knew something like this could happen and I saved it in /home so now it is in /home/backup. Here it gets interesting though..I tried recovering Windows (with the built-in Acer eRecovery) and apparently this messed up Grub so I couldn't boot ubuntu..Now, I don't have a problem installing windows from scratch and then installing ubuntu afterwards (I have learned my lesson and I think I would do it right this time), but there is one folder, which contains some valuable documents and I want to access it and save the documents on a USB drive.
So, I ran ubuntu from the live cd(usb) and I mouned the /home partition (of my previous installation) and I tried accessing the backup folder that I made earlier but it said that I do not have such permission. I did some searching arround and I found out that I should mount the partition as root and copy the contents of the folder from the terminal. So far so good, but when I wrote
sudo mount /dev/sda9
it said that no such mounting point is available in /etc/fstab.
It occured to me that I could use the data in the initial /etc/fstab (from the initial ubuntu installation) and insert what I need in the current fstab. I did that but when I write /home as mounting point it apparently confuses it with the current /home so that doesn't help.
Well my question is: how can I edit fstab so I would be able to mount the partition and use it or is there any other way to access the folder in question.
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Jan 5, 2010
I'm a software engineer that has recently tested our hard drive locking feature; I discovered an issue that prevents the user from removing the hard drive password and I used a lot of drives to narrow the issue down. Is there any Linux utility/command that can unlock drives?
There is a windows based utility here: [URL] but you need to pay to use it. I guess I'm looking for the free Linux equivalent, if there is any. FYI: The Locking is performed at the firmware level of the hard drive so a low format will not unlock it. This is a specific feature most drives have that not a lot of people know about.
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Feb 24, 2010
About a month ago, I had something go very wrong in my Karmic and my account (with an encrypted home dir) was essentially inaccessible. But I was eventually able to create a new account, and retrieve all my data, but now, for some reason, I cannot edit the 'Startup Applications'.
I open its window and make any changes (which the window seems to accept), but then when I hit close, and restart it, it has been reset to everything I had set from my other account. Which makes little sense.
After that problem, I did have some trouble with permissions of certain files, and am afraid that I inadvertently gave up permissions on my startup applications, but can't imagine what I'd have to do to fix it.some guidance?
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Mar 8, 2010
ubuntu-one is trying to access the keyring @ boot but it is locked. Under Password:default (in accessories-passwords and encryption) there is: UbuntuONE token for https://ubuntuone.com (key id 1) Which I assume it needs As well as 2 others Desktop Coach and one for gmail pop It is annoying I have to give it the keyring password @ boot. I also have Passwords: Login seperate from default This is annoying having to enter the keyring password @ boot time.
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Mar 12, 2010
How do I tar into tar.bz2 a locked backup directory from the simpleconfig backup program? The backup directory is located in /home/lukasz/Downloads/backup/
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Mar 27, 2010
Just installed latest ubuntu netbook remix (for my eeepc).I can't customise the desktop the way I like it. On Debian I used to drag/drop the top panel and place it to the right. With this install the top panel is locked on top, gconf 'locked' checkbox is unlocked.Is this a bug or a feature? can we work around.
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Apr 6, 2010
I just bumped into somewhat embarassing error, and i cannot find any way to get rid of it. I was installing postgresql-common from the ubuntu repos. The blue configuration box appeared in the terminal i was using (blue configuration tool with the red scrollbar on the right). The thing is, there is nothing i can do with this box (clicking <OK> on the bottom, keybord shortcuts, i tried everything). After a while i just rebooted the terminal and started all over again. I recieved an error "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." Running dpkg configure command results in resuming postgresql installation and the blue box of death.
Now the apt-get is useless for all the users on my machine, and 1st core of my CPU is used in 100% all the time. How can i reset the dpkg?
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