Ubuntu :: Permissions For Rsync And BackinTime - Setup 2nd HD With Correct Permissions?

May 31, 2011

Problem: permissions for rsync and BackinTime. Setup: Ubuntu 11.04, Two internal HD, #1=main, single boot, #2=backup drive. Question: How do I set up my 2nd HD with correct permissions? Background: I had previously a dual boot XP+10.04 with a 2nd HD formatted as NTFS. With this I was able to use my rsync and backintime to my 2nd HD with no issue. My new set up is EXT4 on both HD.

(I even tried to reformat my 2nd HD as NTFS, but that didnt fix the issue) I followed [URL] to mount the 2nd HD and get permissions. But now when I run backintime i get this error: [E] Error: rsync: opendir "/home/myhome/.ssh" failed: Permission denied (13) I did my requisite reading for a newbie, and am stuck. I ran backintime as root, and it backed up ok. How do I run my user version of backintime? (i.e. How do I fix the permission issue?)

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Ubuntu :: Permissions With Rsync On Backup

Jun 18, 2010

I'm trying to learn how rsync works to backup my system. I tried:
rsync -azvv /home /media/Elements
I get a folder called home on my external hard drive but when I use ls -l to see the permissions they are all wrong.
On my /home folder the permissions for /nathan are
drwxr-xr-x 48 nathan nathan
The permissions on the backup /nathan folder are
drwx------ 1 nathan nathan

I also tried using the long version of -a which is -rlptgoD and that didn't work either. What do the 48 and 1 mean when I used ls -l? When I look in the /nathan folder the permissions are all screwed up too. A lot of the files are backed up as executable and the permissions are all screwed up. I also ran it with sudo, and that didn't work either. The permissions were still screwed up and ownership is messed up too.

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General :: Run Scp S Copying To Ubuntu System With Correct Permissions?

Feb 4, 2010

I ssh into a ubuntu box with username "ubuntu" and I can become root without entering a password via "sudo su". How can I scp files onto this box using the ubuntu@ username? It does not allow me to do so using root@. The error is:scp: /etc/: Permission denied.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Setting Permissions Not Correct

Jun 28, 2011

I am experiencing strange difficulties with Samba. The permissions aren't set correctly, when creating a file or a folder on the mounted samba share.

My smb.conf looks as follows:
path = /home/shareOffice
writable = yes
browseable = yes
create mode = 0777
directory mask = 0777
force create mode = 0777
force directory mode = 0777

Now if I create a regular file on the folder:
touch testFile; ls -l
The permissions turn out to be:
-rwxr-xrwx 1 simon share 0 2011-06-28 21:42 testFile

Why the w bit on the group is missing? If I play around with the create mode / force create mode, I get every other possible permission output --- except the write access for group members.

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Software :: Rsync -a Does Not Seem To Preserve Permissions

Jun 12, 2011

I know rsync generates a lot of questions, but I have not found an answer to this one about whether the archive option (rsync -a) ever misbehaves. I am transferring data from field instruments running Debian etch to a central server running Debian lenny. My command is below:
rsync -av --remove-source-files --log-file=rsync_20110612_0656Z.log ./20100616/ archive@bigserver:/mnt/ZAP_DATA/20100616/zap2/

After rsync runs, the directories it touches on bigserver have very strange permissions
as follows:
d-wxrw--wt 2 root root 4.0K 2010-10-26 04:31 20101026

This says that directory 20100226 can be written by anybody, but can't even be read by its owner! I thought rsync was messing things up, but in the process of writing this question I discovered that the original files that I am trying to sync have these crazy permissions. So I no longer have a question, but if future LQers think that rsync -a is messing up their permissions, this post may confirm that it is merely copying their messed up permissions from somewhere else, as it is supposed to do!

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Ubuntu :: Rsync Creating Wrong Permissions For Directories?

May 1, 2010

I try to use rsync for backing up some directories and I have to following problem: some files have permissions that prevent me from running rsync under my own user id. So I run it under root using the option "-a" which according to the man page should preserve the permissions, owner and group information:

However, when I run this under root, the directories created in the backup location get user root and group root while ordinary files keep the original user and group. What am I missing here? How can I get rsync to preserve the user and groups for all files, including directories?

Here is a command to illustrate my problem
sudo rsync -a /home/youruser /tmp

If you try that and terminate with Ctrl-C after a few seconds, there will be a directory /tmp/youruser where the directories contained within are owned by root group root.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Permissions With CIFS Share And Rsync

Jan 28, 2011

am trying to sync data from Server A to Server B. The destination on Server B is a CIFS share and I need to preserve timestamps, permissions, etc. on all the data that I transfer. During the rsync process, I receive thousands of errors like the one below:
rsync: chown "/LBDCASAN001/JasonHarper/files/1259810304676/2010-12-22-01-00-03/0x22/0xc8/0x43/0x0a" failed: Permission denied (13)

I'm not sure if it's related at all, but my mount point on Server B has the permissions set as: drwxr-xr-x 2 root root when it is unmounted. When I mount the CIFS share, the mount point permissions change to: drwxrws---+ 3 root root

Also, here is the line from my /etc/fstab that mounts the share:
//X.X.X.X/LBXXXXX001 /LBXXXXX001 cifs username=LBXXXXX001,password=XXXXXXX!,uid=0,gid=0 0 0
When I perform the rsync, I'm authenticating to Server B from Server A as root.

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General :: What Is Rsync Flag To Ignore Permissions

Apr 8, 2010

I am using Rsync to backup files to a another machine, the users on my fileserver do not exist on the backup server so Rsync throws errors about the permissions. It copies the files fine but I want to get rid of the errors and have Rsync ignore the permissions when backing up.
/backup is a mounted ftp directory

Below is the current command and output:
root@Fileserver:~# rsync -av --delete /shared/fileshare/ /backup/backup
building file list ... done
created directory /backup/backup
manager/ .....
rsync: chown "/backup/backup/manager/.chironfs.txt.c6MbJ7" failed: Operation not permitted (1)
rsync: chown "/backup/backup/manager/.cronman.txt.hdBG4P" failed: Operation not permitted (1) .....
sent 211115 bytes received 274 bytes 7686.87 bytes/sec
total size is 210263 speedup is 0.99
rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at main.c(977) [sender=2.6.9]

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Software :: Transferring File Permissions Using Rsync

Feb 3, 2010

I am using rsync to backup data from a file server to a external device, the data is accessed from windows boxes via samba with their own usernames, user1, user2 etc... Rsync is failing to copy the file permissions when sending to the external device, I have tested sending to a ftp server and a usb hard drive and received the same error, see below:

root@Fileserver:~# rsync -avz --delete-after /shared/fileshare/ /backup/backup
building file list ... done
rsync: chown "/backup/backup/manager/cronman.txt" failed: Operation not permitted (1)
public/ .....
sent 339 bytes received 104 bytes 886.00 bytes/sec
total size is 4593 speedup is 10.37
rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at main.c(977) [sender=2.6.9]
When I backup to a local directory the permissions are copied correctly.

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Software :: RHEL 5.5 - Rsync Not Retaining Permissions

Jan 28, 2011

I've got an older RHEL 5.5 server that we're using for our company email server. We're going to retire this server and I've created a new Debian Linux server as it's replacement. Now I'm trying to rsync all the users /home/ directories to the new server however when I tested this, I noticed a problem. In the old source server where I'm running the actual rsync command from, everyone's home directory is owned by their unique UID and a generic GID (100 = users). So when I execute this command on the old RHEL 5.5 server:

rsync -e ssh -avz /home/* root@

Why are all the users home directories being owned by root:root on the target server? It's not owned by root:root on RHEL 5.5 and the only thing I can think of is my rsync command is wrong. According to the man page, I can see that using the -a switch should preserve all file ownership and much more. It's not doing this on the target Debian server. If it tries to copy over /home/bob and it's owned by bob:users, if Debian didn't know or have a UID for Bob, wouldn't it just assign a UID from RHEL 5.5 to the Debian server? So like /hone/bob would be owned by 1009:users?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Rsync Backup - Transfer Files With Appropriate Permissions

Dec 4, 2010

I wrote a script to wake up my windows machine and do an rsync backup of some of my files. I wanted to make this command a accessible through local bin so I made it executable. However the problem is that when I copies files is copies them with root permissions and i can edit or delete them. How can I set the files so they transfer with the proper permissions for my Ubuntu user?

# Description: This script first wakes up the client machine and syncs the appropriate folders.
# Finally the script shuts down the client if it was off to begin with.
if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then
echo "Permission Denied"
exit 1
fi .....

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Fedora Hardware :: Setting Correct Default Permissions On /dev/parport*

Jun 23, 2011

I know - who uses parallel ports any more? People like me with an excellent, but old, HP OfficeJetPro 1150C. This is an old problem marked [SOLVED] in the following link to nowhere:


I'm at Fedora 13 -

1. /dev/parport0 is not found by sane unless you reset permissions after each boot
2. hplip udev rules only seem to support usb devices.
3. there are no/dev/parport[0-9] rules in udev/rules.d anymore
4. Did I read something about these ports being handled by HAL ACLs? If so, how do you do it?

ls -laF /dev/parport0
crw-rw---- 1 root lp 99, 0 Jun 23 07:48 /dev/parport0

must do at each boot: sudo chmod 666 /dev/parport0

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Setting Correct Permissions On HAL Mntd Encrypt. Ext HDD?

Jan 10, 2010

I formatted a external 160 GB HDD (Lacie) with EXT3 and encrypted. The formatting went perfect. When I stick it into the USB slot, it is recognized and mounted by HAL. Hal asks me the password and then everything seems ok. But I have no write access. Only root has. I would like to use it to store my user data, externally, but encrypted. How can I set the write permission to make this possible? Why does HAL attribute the write permissions to root, even if I have given the password as user?

Filesystem EXT3
Opensuse 11.1
KDE 3.5

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: USB Flash Drives Not Mounted With Correct Permissions

Feb 11, 2011

had trouble writing to a flash drive. checked the permissions, the correct user it there, but the id is root.when logged in as root and attempt to change permissions i get Could not modify the ownership of file /media/disk-3. You have insufficient access to the file to perform the change.

now how as root can not have enough permission? i've been up and down the forums and google to no avail. poked around in the fstab and even mtab as there are two files, one a lock, that seems to come from mtab.

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Server :: Rsync To Windows / File Permissions & Owners?

Feb 7, 2010

Don't ask me why, but I need to back up a website with complete structure to a windows machine (so no tar/gzip - just an identical copy). I'm experienced with rsync, so I thought to do it that way. However, in the process I'm bound to lose my ownership/permission settings for each file and that will give problems when placing back certain files. Is there a way to either:

1. save those settings on a windows machine?
2. have an easy way to save the filetree with relevant information and a shell script to attach the info back when uploading files again?

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Ubuntu :: Samba - Get The Correct Default Permissions When Users Create Directories Through Windows?

Apr 1, 2010

I've got a small issue that when a Windows user creates a new folder through Windows Explorer (from the menu or by right clicking) the new folder is only accessible to that particular user. Example: user SABKAR (member of the HR group) creates a new folder called MarcTestMenu in a shared Samba directory through Windows Explorer:


At this point user MORAMY cannot copy a file or open the directory MarcTestMenu. MORAMY gets a 'not accessible' error message in Windows. If I su to the Samba box and issue this command:


how I can get the correct default permissions when users create directories through Windows?

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Ubuntu :: Change Permissions For File / Add These Lines Without Changing Permissions?

Oct 16, 2010

Finally I managed to install my printer/scanner drivers.The last thing I need to do is to add the following two lines to 40-libsane.rules (which is a read only file):# Brother scanners ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes".How can I change permissions for this file or add these lines without changing permissions?

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General :: RW Permissions On External HDD - Chmod: Changing Permissions Of `whatever': Read-only Filesystem

Mar 15, 2010

I have a problem with my external hdd, I mounted it manually and in the mount table it says ive got rw permissions. But when i try to change permissions it says:

chmod: changing permissions of `whatever': read-only filesystem.

This is my mount table:

[root@localhost ExtHDD]# mount
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 on / type ext3 (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
none on /sys type sysfs (rw)


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Ubuntu :: Reset Apache 2 Permissions To Default Permissions?

Mar 16, 2010

Is it possible to reset apache 2 permissions to default permissions I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 command line server, would webmin give me this access ?

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Ubuntu :: Setup Permissions For Some Files

Jan 4, 2010

I need to setup permissions for some files.The users on this Ubuntu system should be able to read/view the files.They cannot write/edit the files.Most importantly, they should NOT be able to copy the files anywhere. They should NOT be able to copy these files to another folder, USB device, etc.

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Debian :: Users / Groups Setup And Permissions

Jul 13, 2010

I am used to setting up users and groups on my daughters computers with Ubuntu installed.
user: magz (daughter)
user: nigel (me)
group: nima

We each have our own folder for files i.e. magz and nige. This has always worked well and it didn't matter which user is logged in we could create and access files in the other users folder with full permissions.
root@nbsq: /media/2xfi/files# ls -l
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 9 nigel nima 4096 Jul 13 09:45 magz
drwxrwxr-x 3 nigel nima 4096 Jul 13 09:45 nige

I have finally got around to getting her to try Debian which I always use, however I have never had to set up users, groups etc in Debian (squeeze) so I just did what I'm used to with Ubuntu. What I've found is that if I create a folder while I am logged in then that folder cannot be accessed by my daughter when she is logged in and the same applies if she creates a folder then I cannot access it when I am logged in, unless of course I use terminal to change the owners. In each case with the new folder the owner will be: root and the group will be: root. I would have thought what works for Ubuntu would work for Debian, however there must be differences.

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Server :: Setup Permissions For SSH Access To Apache?

Feb 23, 2010

I am looking for the best way to set up permissions in the following situation. I have a web server set up on debian. I have different web sites in /var/www. Each web has a group of developers who each have system users and ssh access to the server. For example i have a web site in /var/www/example.com and a group of developers in group exampledev. I need all the users in exampledev plus the apache user (www-data) to have read write and execute permissions on all the content of the web site. I can give the group exampledev these permissions without a problem. The problem is that when they modify or create new files (they either connect via ssh o sftp which is the same right?) they are created with their user and group rather than exampledev. Am i going down the wrong path? This must be a common situation but i haven't found the solution.

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Ubuntu :: SSHFS Setup On Desktop To Mount HDD (Write Permissions)

Oct 17, 2010

I'm trying to set up sshfs on a desktop/fileserver so that I can mount its HDD's I use for storage on my laptops. My issue seems to be getting permission to write to the mounted drives. I just keep getting permission denied. here is what I think are some relevant tidbits.
mount point on server,

joe@joe-desktop:~$ ls -ld ~/sda2
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 16384 1969-12-31 19:00 /home/joe/sda2

HDD I'm trying to mount
joe@joe-desktop:~$ ls -ld /dev/sda2
brwxrwxrwx 1 joe disk 8, 2 2010-10-17 15:22 /dev/sda2

Mount point on client
joe@joe-laptop:~$ ls -ld ~/sda2
drwxrwxrwx 2 joe joe 4096 2010-10-17 19:58 /home/joe/sda2

This is the command I'm trying to use to mount
sshfs joe@ ~/sda2

I can chmod the mount on the server to 777 but as soon as I mount the HDD to the server all write permission just goes *poof* and its back to "drwxr-xr-x".Chown seems either, it just wont stick.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Samba Share And Group Permissions?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a couple of user accounts where each member belongs to a group i have created: Each user access the share using their own user account credentials.
How can I configure Samba in a way so that each modification done on the share gets the owner of the user and my group instead of the user and the users own group? I would also like the access rights to be 770 to each modification.

In other words, today each modification by "userA" get the owner "userA.userA" and I would like it to be "userA.MyGroup" with "rwxrwx---" permissions.

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Server :: Unifying Permissions Between Two Servers - CentOS - Webmin/CentOs - Cpanel - And Rsync

Jan 1, 2010

I have two servers, both running CentOS, but one running Cpanel as the control panel and the other running Webmin.

I would like to sync the web folders using rsync. However, when I sync the files from the Cpanel host the permissions look as follows:


But that doesn't work on the Webmin server which needs the following:


It seems the Cpanel install has the group as 'nobody' whilst webmin has it the same as the file owner. I can fix this by running:


But as the file transfers will be frequent, I don't want the files to be inaccessible until chown is run.

So, what I really want to know is - how can I change things on the 'webmin' server so that files with ownership owner:nobody will run?

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Server :: Benefit Of S-permissions And T-permissions?

Nov 9, 2010

i want to know what is use or benefit of using s and t permission?i have used them but could not understand its uses.please explain me with suitable example.Also tell me about umask command to flag on s and t.

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Security :: Setup File Permissions For Multiple Groups/users That Use Windows?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a remote directory shared over NFS called tech with perms set as 0750 and owner set to root:tech. I have 2 groups: tech, and techAdmin. tech can read and execute within tech/. techAdmin can read, write, execute. I have 4 users: user1, user2, user3, user4. user1 and user2 is a member of techAdmin, user3 and user4 are members of tech. simple so far...but wait here's the problem. If user1 creates a file inside tech, user2 cant read or modify it because user1 owns it. Here's a few sites that reference this problem:


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General :: Change Folder Permissions Without Changing The Permissions Of The Files Within The Folder?

Aug 11, 2010

How do I change folder permissions without changing the permissions of the files within the folder?

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General :: Setup Fstab To Automatically Mount NTFS Partitions - GUI To Set The Mount Permissions?

Feb 10, 2010

I am trying to setup fstab to automatically mount my NTFS partitions. I have used various Mount managers to create the entries in fstab. The fstab seems fine, but when mounting at boot or even via Nautilus I get the error message that I do not have permission to mount the disk.

1) Can this permission be set in the fstab file? If so what is the syntax of the fstab entry?

2) If not, is there a tool i.e. GUI to set the mount permissions?

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Ubuntu :: FTP With More Permissions

Dec 3, 2010

I have been reading online help all afternoon, and it has really helped me on setting up virtual hosts but this one confuses me.I appreciate that 'root' is not enabled for login and the recommendation is that it should not be. I also understand sudo to elevate myself to root equivalent to do admin tasks.However, I would like to use an FTP client to edit some of the files on the server but sudo obviously does not work.

At the moment I have to use sudo vi <filename> I would really like to FTP onto the server, download the file, edit it and re-upload it. However as an FTP user I do not have write permission to the files.

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