Ubuntu :: Play Script In Terminal?

Jun 16, 2010

i have made a simple script to play music:#! /bin/bashcd ~/rollingstonesplay track??*wavBut when i execute it, it only plays the music in the background, and not in a terminal. How can i make it run in a terminal, so i can stop it without using the kill command, and go to next song by pressing ctrl+c?

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Ubuntu :: Play Nethack In The Regular Terminal?

Jan 1, 2011

I could've sworn this website used to have a games section, but I guess I'll just post this here. Is there any way to play Nethack in the regular terminal? I've tried the normal install, but it says that xterm is an unknown terminal type. I don't really want to play in xterm anyway; I like the regular terminal much better.

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Ubuntu :: Close The Terminal Window The Music Still Play?

Feb 21, 2010

I have done a minimal install of Ubuntu and installed MOCP.

I can run it okay but when i close the terminal window the music still plays. How can i set it so that when i close the terminal window that it stops the music aswell.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Terminal Command To Shuffle Or Randomly Play A Song On Banshee Media Player?

Jun 2, 2011

What is the terminal command to shuffle, or randomly play a song on banshee media player? I have already checked 'banshee.

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Ubuntu :: Play In Terminal Get The Error " No Handler For File Extension 'mp3' "?

Mar 3, 2011

I have just installed the play command in my terminal and when I try to play an mp3 i get the error " no handler for file extension 'mp3' ".Am I required to create a default action that happens when an mp3 file is called, like opening and audio player, or do I just need to install some specific drivers?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Dvd Drive Doesn't Play Store Bought But Does Play My Copies Of Them

Mar 10, 2010

After many days of trying to tweak Ubuntu 9.10 desktop i386. This subject will focus on my dvd drive. ...Here is what I have done, but I'm not sure what I did or still need to do, or to do different. ...

Basically the problem is, I can't play store bought DVDs, but I can play my copies of them.

When using MDPlayer that I added to Ubuntu, I can play the copies of my store bought DVDs, but not the originals. However, when using Ubuntu 9.10's movie player, it wont do anything and I'll have to do a force quit to close it.

I learned that this may because there is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution, as I'm sure you already knew.
...Yet, Most people have worked around these issues.

I came across the Medibuntu site: [url]

Running the Terminal, I added the bash command that adds Medibuntu's repositiry to Ubuntu. It also adds Medibuntu's GPG key to the keyring.
(The sudo wget - etc etc etc --quiet update)

Then I jumped down to the... "This command should be run in the Terminal, after adding the repository:" ...And did that. (sudo sed -e 's/ etc etc etc /medibuntu.list)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Media Player Won't Play Real Dvds But Will Play Burned?

Oct 15, 2010

i just installed 10.10 on my girls laptop (Acer Aspire 5735z) hoping it would fix the old problem i had with playing real dvd's. it didnt. it keeps saying "Could not read from Resource". when i try with VLC is say "Could not read from file". but if i put in a burned movie, it plays fine. i checked and it has libdvdcss2, libdvdnav4, and libdvdread4 installed. i get the same problems with my laptop (toshiba portege m400 tablet) which runs fedora 13.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Play Iplayer Video - Clicking The Play Button Does Nothing

Feb 28, 2010

Anyone else struggling to play iplayer video? I've got the proprietary Flash plugin, which means it's probably not this "SWF Authentication" thing that there's been so much talk about.

I've rebooted, tried all sorts of tinkering, it loads the applet (I can see that Flash is loading OK because other things work, and right clicking on the applet gives the Flash menu)

However, clicking the play button does nothing.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Configure Midi Play Back On Windows 7 To Play That One Of The 2?

May 2, 2010

is it possible to configure my midi play back on windows 7 to play that one of the 2:[URL]..

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Play Music On Amarok It Just Won't Play?

Jun 30, 2010

when I try to play music on amarok it just won't play, it just loads lyrics and then, nothing. on rytmbox everthing works fine but amarok don't work.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Play MIDI / Play Or Preferably Convert (MP3) Old SNG Files?

Aug 11, 2010

I need to play or preferably convert (i.e. to MP3) old SNG files, which contain voice records. From what I could find, it's basically a MIDI created by synthetiser. I think it was recorded by some ancient VLC player. I failed so far to play it on anything I could download.

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Software :: Flash Games Run Fine On First Play But Slow Down With Repeated Play

May 1, 2011

I've had this problem on a few flash games (a couple of EA's sports management games on Facebook, and the Pokemon Dream World.) When I first use them everything's fine, but as I continue coming back to them, they seem to run a little slower each time. Ultimately in the case of the former two it got so bad that they were unusual.

Why is this happening? If they were slow from the start I could understood, but what could be making them go wrong on repeated plays?

I'm on 32 bit Kubuntu Lucid, firefox is my browser, and it's the official flash plugin.

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Software :: Play Videos In Redhat 5.0 - Unable To Play Video And Still Giving Error Message

Feb 2, 2010

when i try to play a video, from internet it is showing the message 'Either javascript turned off or download and install latest adobe flash player'. But eventhough I downloaded and installed adobe flash player I am unable to play any video and still it is giving the above message. what is the reason?

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Fedora :: Unable To Use The NFL Game Center On Nfl.com To Watch The Play-by-play?

Nov 26, 2009

I used to be able to use the NFL game center on nfl.com to watch the play-by-play when I was using Fedora 10.Now that I am on Fedora 12 it no longer works. I am able to click into a game and see all the info but the play-by-play drive chart no longer displays anything. Does anyone out there know how to get this working?

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Play MP3 Files With Play (sox)

Mar 10, 2015

I have tried to play mp3 files with sox play.

The result I get is:

play FAIL formats: no handler for file extension `mp3'

I have installed all libsox packages I could find, including libsox-fmt-mp3 and libmad0.

sox -h though, gives me:

AUDIO FILE FORMATS: 8svx aif aifc aiff aiffc al amb amr-nb amr-wb anb au avi avr awb cdda cdr cvs cvsd cvu dat dvms f32 f4 f64 f8 ffmpeg flac fssd gsm gsrt hcom htk ima ircam la lpc lpc10 lu m4a m4b maud mp4 mpg nist ogg prc raw s1 s16 s2 s24 s3 s32 s4 s8 sb sds sf sl sln smp snd sndfile sndr sndt sou sox sph sw txw u1 u16 u2 u24 u3 u32 u4 u8 ub ul uw vms voc vorbis vox wav wavpcm wmv wv wve xa
AUDIO DEVICE DRIVERS: alsa ao oss ossdsp pulseaudio

(no mp3 mentioned there).

The reason I try to play mp3 files with sox is that I wanted to play a playlist with different formats and feed it to ices2 through a pipe, ie :

sox Musik/storlista.pls -t raw - | ices2 ices-pcm.xml sox

FAIL formats: no handler for file extension `mp3'

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Fedora :: Play A Music With Canberra-gtk-play?

Dec 18, 2009

how i can play a music with Canberra-gtk-play?because i had writedanberra-gtk-play -f musicfile but it does not play a music or maybe no sound is outed.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Play Dvd With Gstreamer - Can't Play .avi With Xine

Jan 21, 2010

I changed the backend of phonon from xine to gstreamer because I wasn't able to play .avi files with xine. I installed libxine1, and libxine1-codecs, but Kaffeine, Dragon Player and Gwenview crashed when trying to play an avi file. After changing the backend I was able to play .avi files, but now I can't play DVD's, which I'm able to do switching back to the xine backend.

how to play dvd's with the gstreamer backend

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox - When Doubleclick On A Song To Play, It Doesn't Play And Rhythmbox Quits?

Jan 31, 2011

Whenever I plug my Zune in, Rhythmbox recognizes all the songs on it but when I doubleclick on a song to play it, the song doesn't play and Rhythmbox quits. Any suggestions on how to fix it? I'm running a Dell XPS 410 with 4GB RAM and a 1.75 GHz processor.Also, I imported a CD and it plays fine.

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Ubuntu :: Play MP3 And WAV File Plugins - Required Software To Play File Not Installed

May 6, 2010

I'm trying out 10.04 LTS 64-bit from the live CD and when I try to play a MP3 or WAV file it gets the usual Search for suitable plugin? "The required software to play this file is not installed. You need to install suitable plugins to play media files. Do you want to search for a plugin that supports the selected file? The search will also include software which is not officially supported." Error message so I click Search and it comes up with the error No packages with the requested plugins found.

Is this because it is in Live Mode and installing 10.04 to my hard drive will fix it or does Ubuntu no longer support audio files other then ogg and other open source audio / video file formats due to copyright problems?

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Fedora :: 11 Multimedia - Video Players Doesn't Play Video - Show Only Black Window And Play Audio

Aug 23, 2009

To get multimedia working, or explain what I'm doing wrong.

The problem is that none of the video players doesn't play video, they show only black window and play audio.

I have Fedora 11 Leonidas, fully up-to-date.

I have installed rpmfusion and livna repository.

I have installed following packages:

When I try to play video with totem, it doesn't output any error, but just doesn't play video.
with mplayer:

xine and kaffeine just say:


I tried several different files, which works perfectly in windows and ubuntu.

I installed windows binary codecs for mplayer to /usr/lib/codec/

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Ubuntu Networking :: Edit Proxy Settings Using Terminal / Cronjob Using The Terminal?

Jan 25, 2010

How can I edit the system proxy setting using the terminal? Which file contains this settings? I want to edit this automatically using cronjobs, cause from 8-5 I need to use a proxy, but at home I don't need the proxy. How do I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Command For "Open A Terminal Window And Run Application In This Terminal ?

Aug 8, 2010

What is the command for "Open a terminal window and run application in this terminal

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Ubuntu :: Bash Broken, Lost Functionality In Terminal (gnome-terminal)?

Dec 10, 2010

Linux-goers. I did some research on this, but I am still fairly new to Linux. In Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick), I accidentally overwrote my "/bin/bash" file. Dude, using "sudo" with a small typo can work disasters. Bash is now broken in the Terminal (gnome-terminal). Terminal itself still works fine, technically, but bash is still hosed/broken. Here is what I did to try to fix it: Booted from Ubuntu 10.10 live CD. Mounted my Ubuntu partition and manually copied the good/fresh "bash" file onto my hard drive. Verified copy was successful. Didn't help, as you see. Reinstalled "gnome-terminal" using synaptic package manager. Tried to reinstall bash via synaptic, it failed with error, "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/bash_4.1-2ubuntu4_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 2"

In Terminal, all basic commands work as far as I can tell. ("ls", "pwd", navigation, etc.) Here are some problems:My "username@computername" does not display in the prompt; only the $ sign. Bash keyboard shortcuts such as uparrow and tab do not work. Instead, each inserts a key code. I can't even move the cursor left/right. Aliases (a function of bash and .bashrc) are broken, of course. My sanity level decreases when I use Terminal now. For what it's worth, even with "sudo" I get a "permission denied" error when trying to run Google Chrome! I read something about a ".bashrc" file being a possible problem, but I don't know how to make it work, or the file's proper locations in Ubuntu 10.10. Is there something I can do with a "make" or "apt-get install" command or something?? Could this simply be a permissions problem? Is the link to "/bin/bash", "/bin/sh", or a ".bashrc" file broken? Guide me, oh Linux gurus.

P.S. I always wondered what exactly bash was and how it was different from the basic terminal. LoL, this is an excellent way to demonstrate the difference, and I WANT IT BACK!

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Ubuntu :: Can't Turn On Terminal Bell In Gnome-terminal Using Remote Screen Session With Irssi

Nov 6, 2010

I'm using 10.04, and gnome-terminal GNOME Terminal 2.30.2 . I have irssi running on screen session on remote host. And I've been struggling for quite many days to configure it to produce either visual feedback or ring terminal's bell when I receive a private message or one of those that are highlighted.

My compiz settings window in General tab has 'Audible bell' checked.

My GNOME terminal has 'Terminal bell' checked.

I also added 'set bell-style audible' to my ~/.inputrc

And I also tried to manually load pcspkr module into my kernel.

No of the above helped or at least I haven't been able to notice any difference.

I also used some commands for irssi to produce bell sign.

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Terminal App For Nautilus-open-terminal

Dec 1, 2010

I've fallen in love with Terminator as a replacement for the standard gnome-terminal app.

However, I'm also very much in the habit of using the nautilus-open-terminal extension for launching new terminal sessions.

I'd like nautilus-open-terminal to launch Terminator rather than gnome-terminal.

A quick search of my system and the web didn't reveal anything. i didn't find a gconf setting to control this. A quick look at the source code didn't help much either.

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Ubuntu :: Run Program In Terminal With A Terminal Specific Profile From GUI

Dec 12, 2010

I'd like to run a program [URL] from the GUI menu (yes, I know I can run it from the command line). I've gotten this to work by using a menu entry (see attached screenshot).The command is:


gksu chkrootkit

with the option for Type: was selected as Application in Terminal However, when chkrootkit is finished, the terminal immediately snaps shut according to the profile selection: When Commands Exits: Close terminal What I'd like to do is create another profile that causes the terminal to be held open (see screenshot) when the command exits and be able to choose that profile from the GUI Menu entry. I believe the command when using the CLI is:


gnome-terminal --profile=<profile_name>

how do I incorporate this within the Command entry line of the launcher?

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Commands / Getting Into Usb Pen Drive From The Terminal To Run A Program?

Feb 10, 2011

i started using computer when it was all dos driven so thought i was going to be fine using the terminal in ubuntu the problem i am facing is i can not quite get my head round why is it if i load the terminal. and the first this i type is dir or ls it gives me a list off directories. So why is it if i type cd /pictures i get no such file or directory ? Confused

This also bugging the jebus out off me is i am trying to get into my usb pen drive from the terminal to run a program i have on there.

so i type cd /media
then typed ls
is displayed New Volume <-- This being the name off my pen drive
i have tried every this to get into there but the commands i would use in dos are not playing ball.

Can some one please explain how to get into my usb pen then tell me were i can go read on this as i really can not get my head around this at moment.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Difference Between Byobu Terminal And Terminal?

May 18, 2011

what is the difference between Byobu Terminal and Terminal? i ask this because when i upgraded from ubuntu 10.10 to 11.4 i did not have Byobu Terminal

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Ubuntu :: Differences Between The Byobu Terminal And The Default Terminal?

Jul 20, 2011

When I upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal, the Byobu terminal was installed. What are the differences between the Byobu terminal and the default terminal(I mean the terminal that is default in 10.10)? Is it more advantageous to use Byobu?

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Ubuntu :: When Use Gui Terminal, And Try To Use Tab Completion, It Freezes Up The Terminal, And Can't Edit?

Mar 6, 2011

For some reason bash is acting really really weird. When I use my gui terminal, and I tryto use tab completion, it freezes up the terminal, and I can't edit the line at all unless I do a ctrl+c.and when I try to do tab completion in text only mode it prints out : "Error: Can't open display: (null)"again and again and again, and I have to do a ctrl+c, also in text only mode it will randomly log me out. I have tried checking for blown caps, but there weren't any, and all the other programs work fine except for the command line. I am using bash version: 4.1.5(1)-releaseand gnome-terminal version: 2.30.2

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