Ubuntu :: Permission With Netatalk 2.2~beta4-0~ppa1 And Apple Lion OS 10.7

Sep 1, 2011

With Apple OS 10.6.* I was using samba for a network time machine with my natty box (mythbuntu) when 10.7 came out I had to change over to AFP. I am able to get the machine to do back ups, however when I try to enter the Star Wars screen, the network drive mounts, and nothing happens. I don't get any errors. I can go into my Time Machine folder, and I can see Backups.backupdb, I go in there and I see <mymachinesnetworkname>, but when I try to go into that folder I get permission errors. In terminal on the mac as sudo su - I see...


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OpenSUSE Network :: Netatalk 2.2 And Mac OS X 10.7 LION - Cannot Connect To 11.4 Box

Jul 30, 2011

I blindly upgraded my Mac OS X machine to Apple's newest OS version: 10.7 Lion. Unfortunately they upgraded their AFP implementation in such a way that now I cannot connect to my opensuse 11.4 box. However, that is quite essential for my TimeMachine backup to run over the network. Also, I can't quite go back to using samba for this because then timemachine will corrupt its own backup after a while. I tried NFS once, but that went a little over my head.

After a some googling, I came accross this blog that suggested a solution. I followed those steps, and behold I was even able to get the whole netatalk 2.2-beta4 thing to build correctly. However I couldn't get the afpd to run properly, since

Code: /etc/init.d/netatalk start did not seem to start the daemon in such a way that it actually opened a port (well, the latter is just a guess - os x told me it couldn't connect to the specified server, rather than that the server version was incorrect) Log-files didn't provide anything useful, and essentially I'd prefer it if I could install v2.2 via yast, rather than leaving traces of improperly configurated software all over my system.

The default OSS repository contains Netatalk 2.0.3. I need version 2.2. I've also been looking around the buildservice, but all i could find was a bunch of failed projects...

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mac Won't Boot Lion Or It

Aug 2, 2011

I tried installing ubunutu on my macbook pro (7,1 I believe, with lion 7.2 installed) today and ended with result of a nonbooting computer, the ubuntu partition won't boot either! I'll try to explain all the steps.

1. I first installed rEFit.
2. Next I booted from a burned copy of the latest release of ubuntu on a dvd.
3. I created a partition of 5120 mb from the freespace on my harddrive, I made sure to leave the mac partition intact.
4. I finished the install, it said to ejct disc and hit enter, I did, the computer froze. I ended up having to hold the power button.
5. The computer just showed a white screen. It wouldn't boot to the rEFit screen or anything. It just resulted in falling back to lions recovery partion. Disc utility couln't verify ubuntu's or lion's partitions.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: NetATalk Not Working In Lucid?

Jul 19, 2010

I have been using netatalk to use my old LaserWriter PS 4/600 with Kubuntu.verything was fine until I upgraded to Lucid.Now, when I go to restart netatalk, I get

user@machine:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/netatalk restart
Restarting Netatalk Daemons (this will take a while)Stopping Netatalk Daemons: afpd cnid_metad papd timelord


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Ubuntu :: Grub 1.97 Beta4 Editing

Jan 26, 2010

I have grub 1.97 on carmic , with too many items in it. Start up manager , great for hardy and jaunty , is not working. What is the best way to remove unneeded items and change wait time for grub ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gnu Grub Version 1.97 Beta4?

Feb 4, 2010

I am using the latest version of Ubuntu Linux. I've been using it for about a month. One day, as i booted up my computer, something didn't go as planed. It started to boot up, but it went to some screen that said: "Gnu Grub version 1.97 beta 4 Minimal BASH-like editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device, file completions. Sh:grub> (it wants me to type something here)" How to i get rid of that screen. How to i get onto my Ubuntu Linux.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Change Mac User Files Read Permission?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm a new Ubuntu user, I just installed Ubuntu today and I'm loving it. But this issue has been driving me nuts all day, I've searched for hours for something like this and all posts were about external hard drives. I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my MBP 13" then dual booted into Ubuntu. I can mount and access my MBP hard drive, but when it comes to the Mac home user files, I don't have permission to even READ.

How can I change that? I tried doing so by dual booting into Mac and changing the folder permissions and also making them shared folders but nothing worked.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get On OS X Lion

Jul 30, 2011

I really want to use ubuntu, however, I can't get it to install at all. I've tried installing it in VMware, then I tried to run a dual boot via bootcamp. The final error it has come down to was "unable to find a medium containing a live file system" To clarify, I have a Macbook Pro 15"/2GHz Intel Core i7 / version 10.7 (OS X Lion) I've tried EVERYTHING!!! Even using redit to boot from the live CD. I don't even get pass the command screen. I'm starting to believe that this is a bug in Ubuntu 11.04 that causing problems with OS X Lion. I've researched researched and researched to no avail.

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Programming :: OpenGL (non-GLUT) On OSX Lion Using C++

Jul 25, 2011

I'm looking for some sample C++ code that uses OpenGL on XCode 4.1 for OSX Lion. All I have found so far are GLUT and/or Objective-C samples. Has anyone come across something similar to what I'm after? I really just need something simple that allows me to open a window, or start in fullscreen.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Upgraded To Netatalk 2.2 And PAM ?

Aug 9, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 x64

I upgraded to Netatalk 2.2 and I've hit a wall.

I'm authenticating netatalk with an external LDAP server but for some reason pam is confused.

Here's my output when I authenticate with the server:


I went searching for system-auth but it doesn't exist.

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Server :: Can't See From A Mac Workstation Using Netatalk

Feb 7, 2011

I am upgrading my linux server to Mandriva MES 5 server. Although its working fine (I can copy/delete/execute files from/to linux server), at mac workstation, at chooser, when I click on appletalk icon nothing happens. I have to click on Server IP address button and type my server IP, which is Its is annoying and time consuming. I have to do this every time I want to access my server. At previously version, after I click on appletalk icon (at chooser), the server name comes up right away.

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Ubuntu :: Meerkat - Upgrade Netatalk To Latest Version

Feb 24, 2011

I'm trying to upgrade netatalk to the latest version because my Time Machine gets corrupted when the volume reaches its max capacity. How do I do it? I uninstalled netatalk, downloaded the latest package, made configure, make, make install (without any errors, just some warnings), but netatalk doesn't seem to run. I can't connect to the shares. If I install netatalk 2.1.2 via synaptic everything starts to work again. How to upgrade netatalk to the latest version on ubuntu 10.10?

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Create A RPM From Netatalk 2.0.5

Jan 24, 2010

Is there someone who knows how to create a RPM from netatalk 2.0.5. Or better has a URL to a RPM? I aske this because so fare I know there are no RPM's for opensuse 11.2 (or suse). I want to use this RPM in the susestudio this is because the version in the repositories don't work with snow leopard.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Compiled Netatalk Over Ssh Under SuSE?

Jan 6, 2010

I would like to use my SuSE 11.2 1TB RAID server to backup my mac using time machine. I found several tutorials on the web for using netatalk over ssh, but all these tutorials are for Ubuntu and require the debian package. Has anybody compiled netatalk over ssh under SuSE? I cannot verify if the netatalk package installed by the SuSE installer has been compiled with this option. Alternatively could somebody point me to any documentation to help me compile netatalk? I tried reading the netatalk manual from sourceforge, but that asks for installation of a Berkley DB that is not required under Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Netatalk And Avahi-daemon Problems - Services Not Advertising?

May 13, 2010

I have recently installed netatalk and avahi-daemon on my lucid server but, much to my chagrin, I have to run

restart avahi-daemon every time I boot to get the service to advertise.

both avahi-daemon and netatalk have been added to the appropriate runlevels.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading Netatalk Past The Official Meerkat Release Version?

Jan 8, 2011

Shortly after upgrading to Meerkat I discovered that my macbook timemachine backups became unreliable to the point of uselessness. After a bit of googling it appears that Meerkat's version of Netatalk (2.1.2) has some issues that bust timemachine. These issues are supposedly fixed in version 2.1.3. So... what is the best way for me to go about upgrading Netatalk past the official Meerkat release version?

The Netatalk project is at version 2.1.5. I could uninstall the Meerkat packages and just try to build Netatalk directly from source. However I'm a little leary about losing all of my existing AFPD filesystem meta-data. The Natty Narwhal repository appears to have version 2.1.4 which I've read should solve my problem. Is there any way to install the binaries from the Natty repositories? Can I download the source package from the Natty repositories and rebuild the package with Meerkat libraries/dependencies?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Netatalk After Rolling Out 11.4 On Home Server?

Mar 17, 2011

I am having trouble with netatalk after rolling out 11.4 on my home server. I am using the same conf files from my previous 11.3 setup. I use netatalk for my macs as it tends to work better than samba.

I can access the afp volumes if I enter the full unc in finder (afp://server/data). The problem is that if I try to browse to the server via finder (click on the server icon) I get a connection fail. With 11.3 this would simply list out all available volumes.

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General :: Accessing Netatalk/AFP Shares From OS X Snow Leopard?

Jun 27, 2011

Recently upgraded Ubuntu home server from 8.04 client to 10.04 server and reinstalled all services therein. One of them is a Netatalk daemon that I configured in a fashion similar to this website:[URL]inder recognizes my server and the afp service, yet when I attempt to log in (using valid credentials), Finder indicates its the wrong username and password. I've tried altering some of the config files and my Google-fu to look for solutions

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General :: Command ./configure Netatalk With Mandriva MES5?

Dec 21, 2010

I am a user of version 2006 of Mandriva server and now I am upgrading to MES5. According to support, netatalk is no longer support by this version (at least in Brasil), and I still have some old Macs running System 9.2 and it is very important to have netatalk running at server. I download netatalk and followed the intructions showed at:[URl]...

I was able to follow the instruciont until step 5, executing ./bootstrap. Next, I should execute the next command: ./configure, but I got the message No such file or directory. There is no REAME file at the directory and the only configure file it has is configure.in, a 40kb file, plain text document, its first line says dnl configure.in for netatalk.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Gettting Apple Keyboard Function Keys To Work

May 7, 2011

Neither Ubuntu's Unity or KDE respond to the function keys on a regular Apple USB keyboard. I can plug in a non-Apple keyboard and they work just fine. What needs to be changed or configure so that F1 and company on the Apple keyboard work as on other keyboards?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Auto-load Apple Wireless Keyboard?

Apr 22, 2010

This morning I bought an Apple wireless keyboard and I got it connected through Blueman. It works like a charm, but I have on problem;

When I log out I can log back in by typing in my password. However, when I restart the computer it seems that bluetooth is not loaded yet and I cannot enter my password. So I have to log in using my wired keyboard, and then disconnect & re-connect to my wireless keyboard using blueman before I am able to use the wireless keyboard.

Is there any way that I can already auto-load bluetooth and connect to my keyboard before I log in?

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General :: The Fileserver "foo" Has Closed Down - Netatalk

Jul 13, 2010

I had intermittent disconnects from my netatalk fileserver, especially under i/o load.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Fn Key On Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Not Working

Mar 24, 2010

I'm trying to use an Apple wireless keyboard with Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) but the fn key is not working at all. If I start up xev and hit the fn key it generates no event. What do I need to do for it to work. It seems as if it should work when viewing pages like


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Ibook Won't Boot

Dec 2, 2010

I have been given an Apple Ibook that wont boot

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Ipod Not Recognized By 10.04?

Dec 4, 2010

i connected my apple ipod in ubuntu 10.04..its showing msg that" do no disconnect" but there is no trace of ipod in the system,not even any icon in desktop too

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Keyboard On VirtualBox Ubuntu Guest OS?

Feb 1, 2010

I had a thread about installing on a Mac and decided to go the VirtualBox route and everything is running splendidly EXCEPT for the fnmode setting in /sys/module/hid_apple.

The problem is that the directory hid_apple does not exist for me to modify the settings for the apple keyboard. I'm assuming that when installing in VB, Ubu assumed it was a PC. Anyone know of a way to get the keyboard config directories in there so I don't have to hit Fn to do Alt-F2? Also, I tried to create the directory (sudo mkdir) and it returned "Cannot create directory...no such file or directory", but not in so many words.

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General :: Use Of S - Permission And T - Permission?

Nov 9, 2010

explain me s-permissions and t-permissions i am using rhel5 and i dont know what is the use of s-permission and t-permission.please explain with suitable example if possible.

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Ubuntu :: Share File Permission \ Some One Copy Their File In This Folder The Permission Is Marked As "no Group" "no Owner"?

May 18, 2011

I'm using ubuntu 11.04, I'm having some problem of ownership while sharing folder/files. to share i change the folder share option:1. Share this folder, then followed by 2.allow others to create and delete files in this folder3. guest access.Now if someone in my local network edit any file and save it, it gets locked. if some one copy their file in this folder the permission is marked as "no group" "no owner". and they get unaccessible to me. i tried doing chown <user> <folder> but it says Operation not permitted. Now how i can possibly share my folder on local network so that they can be edited by others without getting locked down , if they copy files i can able to modify them.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing OS Apple Powerbook G4 Ubuntu?

Mar 14, 2011

I've had a Apple Powerbook G4 for a while now, but being mostly a Windows user I've never used it. I remember when it ran it's native OSX (Which I can't for the life remember) Probably Tiger? Anyways... I tried installing Ubuntu on it about a year and a half ago, the installation was botched and I left it sitting there with no purpose in life. :O

So I've decided to dust the laptop and give it another go. I've progressed a little further with my Linux experience, having installed and tested a few distros and even switching over to Ubuntu 9.10 for about 4 months. Enough of my life story and more to the point.Has anyone installed Ubuntu, or any distro for that matter on the Apple Powerbook G4? I know there are different versions of the G4 and I'm not entirely sure what my version is, It's the 1.6Ghz version with The Nvidia card (Err I think) and extra Wireless card installed. I am not very capable with Mac - After checking Apples website I believe it's the 15inch.

I've read the FAQ thread and will begin trying to install Ubuntu tonight at home, I just wanted some suggestion and some pointers in the right direction. What distro would be most suitable for my hardware? and What is easiest to set up?

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Ubuntu :: No Permission To Do Anything?

Jan 3, 2010

if u need help with becomming the owner of the ubuntu stuff on ur cpu and have ownership of permissions then all u need to do is go to SYSTEM-ADMINISTRATION-HARDWARE DRIVERS AND ACTIVATE THE DRIVER/S IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY.

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