Ubuntu :: Partition Doesn't Mount Correctly At Startup?

Aug 1, 2011

my "places menu" references folders on a second partion, where I store all my personal files (ntfs, as I use it also from Windows). After boot those folders wouldn't show in Thunar. Some other programs, as Fontmatrix, wouldn't find databases stored there, what messes them up. Thunderbird has problems to recognize profiles etc.What is strange, the partition seems to be mounted at startup as I can see and select it from Thunar. Also, it appears on Desktop. After selecting the partition, closing and reopening Thunar everything works fine, places would show correctly and Fontmatrix database is ok

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Ubuntu Networking :: NFS Doesn't Mount Correctly - Network Manager And Upstart

Sep 25, 2010

I have the following problem: There are three NFS mounts in /etc/fstab, which are automatically mounted. The network connection runs over NetworkManager. Since NWM brings up the network asynchronously, NFS doesn't mount correctly on the first try, but is loaded soon enough since mount automatically retries until it works.

I can live with the fact that I have an error in my boot messages, since everything is up in time for the user. But, I need a (selfmade) upstart script which depends on the NFS mount being up. Even using "remote-filesystems" as the trigger doesn't help, because the trigger is apparently sent after the first failed try (I checked with cat /proc/mounts in my script, the nfs mounts are clearly not up.) Can I somehow force the remote mounts to wait until NWM is up, or make the NFS mount emit an event when the mounts really get mounted?

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Ubuntu :: Windows Partition Won't Mount Automatically At Startup?

Jun 2, 2010

I had to re-install Windows XP because the install was running slow.So, I created another partition using GParted for my personal data and moved my files there and re-installed Windows XP.Now, the Windows partition won't mount automatically.NTFS Configuration Tool shows 0.0GB. So, I have to open up a Terminal window, and issue sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/Windows and everything is fine.

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Debian :: Mount NTFS Partition At Startup?

Nov 25, 2015

I just installed Debian 8.2 (Jessie). I couldn't find the way to mount the Windows 7 partition, at installation time.

¿Could you tell me how can I mount NTFS partitions in order that they be mounted at boot time and can be accessed (read and write) by any user?

I know, I should edit "/etc/fstab" file. But I don´t know very well how to modify it.

And... ¿Should I create the mount point directory, also?

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General :: Mount A Partition At The Time Of Startup?

Jan 18, 2010

i want to boot one of my partition mounted at start-up !! i don't want to do such thinks with typing password and all

there is no option called remember authentication in helena! but it is there in gloria (is it my problem or helena's?)

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OpenSUSE Install :: /Home Partition Will Not Mount During Startup

Dec 28, 2009

This is strange. I moved OS 11.1 from an old 150 GB PATA drive over to a 500 GB SATA using Parted Magic. The old and new partitions were

/dev/sda1 - 19.99 GB, mounted as / (root partition)
/dev/sda2 - 97.82 GB, mounted as /home
/dev/sdb1 - 29.52 GB, Windows XP
/dev/sda1 - 29.30 GB, mounted as /
/dev/sda2 -292.97 GB, mounted as /home
/dev/sda3 - 45.82 GB, Windows XP

I used the "Clonezilla" tool on the Parted Magic live CD to move and resize the partitions. To my delight, everything appeared to transfer just fine. I can boot into OpenSUSE 11.1 (though not into Windows, but that's not really important; I'll figure that out later), but my /home partition won't mount. I'm set to autologin, and I get the expected error: "can't access /home/stephen" (or something like that). Here's the weird thing. I can ALT-F3, get a terminal and manually "mount /dev/sda2 /home", go back to ATL-F7 and log right in, so I know the disk is fine. (I've already 'fsck'd everything, by the way, and they're clean.)

I've used Yast's partitioner about a dozen times, trying "device by ID" and other settings. I always get the same thing when I reboot. On this last reboot, when it refused to log into /home, I ALT-F3'd, logged in as root, did a "cat" on "/etc/fstab" and entered the device-by-id line exactly as I saw it there and it mounted the /home directory just fine! ALT-F7, logged into KDE. I'm typing this in KDE now. Works fine. I so rarely need to reboot this machine that I can manually mount the /home partition, if need be, but (obviously) I'd like it to be mounted automatically during the boot.

Here's my /etc/fstab:
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HDP725050GLA360_GEA534RV0DJ4LA-part1 / ext3
acl,user_xattr 1 1
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HDP725050GLA360_GEA534RV0DJ4LA-part2 /home ext3 acl,user_xattr user,acl,1 2
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HDP725050GLA360_GEA534RV0DJ4LA-part3 /windows/C
ntfs-3g users,gid=users,fmask=133,dmask=022,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0 .....

I don't see anything obviously wrong here. The fact that I can take that second line and do a manual "mount" shows me that the device ID is at least correct. Just to be clear, here's what I entered in virtual terminal 3 as root to get my home partition to mount:
mount /dev/disk/by-id/ata-Hitachi_HDP725050GLA360_GEA534RV0DJ4LA-part2 /home
and it worked fine. Exact same line.

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Programming :: Startup Script Unable To Mount A Partition?

Apr 14, 2010

Is there a way I can run myProgram when desktop appears no matter if root , administrator, desktop user or an unprivileged user logs in? I actually developed a script which I set to run at startup i.e. when the Desktop appears. Script runs finely but can't mount a partition. In the script I mounted a partition using

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt &> result.txt
After executing script a file named result.txt was created which contained
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified

In other words the mounting failed. If I run the script myself from the terminal using sudo ./myProgram i don't face this problem and the drive gets mounted successfully.

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Fedora Hardware :: Software RAID1 /boot Volume Doesn't Mount Automatically At System Startup

Feb 7, 2010

My software RAID setup is as follows.

/dev/md0 (made from sda1 and sdb1) RAID1 /boot partition
/dev/md1 (made from sda2, sdb2, and sdc2) RAID5 / partition

Earlier on I had some trouble with my sda drive, it dropped itself from both arrays, screwing up the mirroring of my two raid partitions participating in the /boot partition. I eventually got everything sorted out and back in sync. (I also have grub installed to MBR on both sda and sdb). Things are working fine regarding that, but since then I've had this issue:

During boot up, I'll get an error message that it could not mount my /boot partition (when fstab is set to either /dev/md0 or the UUID). It claims c9ab814c-47ea-492d-a3be-1eaa88d53477 does not exist!

My fstab:


[mark@mark-box ~]$ cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Wed Jan 20 16:34:41 2010


As far as I know, it isn't neccessary for /boot to be mounted always, correct? Although, as I understand, I need to have it mounted whenever making kernel changes correct?

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Debian :: Mount Sshfs At Startup - Get Mount For UserA To Happen On Boot

Mar 18, 2011

I am struggling with getting an sshfs mount mounted on system boot. I have a script that mounts the sshfs for "userA". When userA runs the script all is well - user A can access the remote filesystem, root user can't see it as expected. The basic command is: sshfs userA@remote host:/home/userA /home/userA/mountdir -p 21212 -o password_stdin < passwordfile. I can prepend the sshfs command in the script with su - userA -c and when I run this script logged in as root all is well, userA has access and all is well. If I then put this script in /etc/init.d and reference it properly in the rc. directories the mount doesn't happen. If I prepend the sshfs command with sudo, same thing. Logged in as root I can run the script and UserA has access. Run the script in /etc/init.d during startup and the mount doesn't happen. Echoing text to a log file shows that the script is being executed but no mount happens.

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OpenSUSE :: Configuring USB SSD To Mount Correctly ?

Jun 16, 2011

Comp Specs:
Dell Laptop
OpenSuSE 11.4
GNOME #1 SMP PREEMPT 2011-04-25 21:48:33 +0200 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Drive Specs:
Kingston External SSD Drive 128GB

Ok, so for the last couple of weeks I have been playing with trying to configure auto-mounting my SSD drive. But it seems SO confusing trying to get this configured correctly. Between HAL, udev, autofs, automount, auto.master file, etc I feel like I am getting more confused the more I read about it.... Not really sure how these work or how they are interconnected if at all?

First: At first when I plug in my USB SSD Drive it automatically mounts to "/media/SSD" (but this is not where I want it mounted, for a few reasons). "SSD" --> is the volume label as well.

Second: Then I tried adding this line to fstab:


When I add that line I can see during the boot message/log that it is waiting for me to plug it in so that it can mount it. Which is nice but I don't always need it plugged in at that moment. Also, after adding that line, when I plug the SSD in, it no longer automatically mounts it anywhere.

Third: Then I tried using the auto.master file to automount the drive (used this tutorial to do that --> Configuring Autofs). Added the following lines to auto.master (Not at the same time though, tried each separately):



After doing the above and then restarting autofs I saw the following as the last line of the mount command (which seems VERY strange):


Which also will not allow me to umount it? Tells me it's busy.

So basically I would just like to be able to plug in the USB SSD and have it automatically mount to "/mnt/SSD". Could anybody give me a hand with this?

Also, I would LOVE to know how these things work or how they work together (HAL, udev, autofs, etc...)

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Ubuntu :: CUPS Bug: A4 Doesn't Print Correctly?

Jan 26, 2010

my printer has a known CUPS bug; A4 is printed as letter size; i.e. printing only appears on the bottom half of the page. I downloaded a ppd file at [URL] but it improved nothing. Also installed the bug's patch (sorry I don't have the bug's number) and followed the instructions; zero results. Upgraded Ubuntu 9.04's CUPS-related repositories to 9.10 but no improvement. Every test page still comes out with just the top third sitting at the bottom.

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Ubuntu :: Shortcut In Applications Menu Doesn't Run Correctly?

Apr 28, 2010

I've added Warsow.i386 (0.5) to my Applications > Games menu as a shortcut, but whenever I try to run it, my screen goes black for a second and then returns to desktop. Running the same file from its folder in /home runs the game fine.Is this common problem with shortcuts or is it just me and the game?

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General :: Ensure Mount Point Is Mounted Correctly?

Jun 21, 2011

I need to know particular mount point mounted or not before send data to that mount point.Are there any commandsi used this command. mount -t nfs /root/shared_storage/pc50 -o rw,hard,intr but it take long time (when machine( is not available)

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Ubuntu :: Hibernation Doesn't Work Correctly After Upgrade To Lucid?

May 11, 2010

After the upgrade, I've noticed a problem I haven't had before - hibernating worked fine to the last. The problem is, although the system correctly hibernates, it makes no attempt to "wake" from hibernation when I power it up - it boots normally, and with fsck-ing like it was powered off without proper shutdown (understandably). I don't know why it happens, and I've skimmed the logs, but noticed nothing special. What could be the problem? What could I try? Which log should help someone find that out?

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Debian :: Dd Can't Copy /var Partition Correctly?

Jan 7, 2010

I am trying to mirror partitions from one harddisk to another.dd if=/dev/sda7 of=/dev/sdb7 bs=4k conv=noerror 2Strangely, it refuses to copy anything inside the www directory. I've tried many times with the same result - /var/www is empty in the target harddisk.I do this all the time without any problem on Etch. On this Lenny box, mirroring other partitions seems fine except for /var.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 - How To Partition Correctly

Dec 31, 2009

I want to intall openSuse 11.2 and I don't know how to do the partition correctly. My PC run with windows vista.
This is how I made the partition:
dev/sda1: windows
dev/sda2: linux /
dev/sda3: linux swap
After the installation openSuse don't boot!

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Ubuntu :: Fresh 9.10 Install Reboot Error No Device - Mount Partition Mount: Can't Fin?

Jun 24, 2010

what now trying to mount partition get this error this is the partition ubuntu 9.10 is installed on and upon reboot error no device with a long string. mount: can't find /dev/sda6/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

so now that I believe I've successfully mounted the partition how do I direct the bootloader to this partition /dev/sda6 on /media/11076e45-e27d-470b-bb6d-6894f7809a0c type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=devkit)

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Terminal/Boot Splash Doesn't Display Correctly?

Apr 19, 2010

I just upgraded my computer from Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 (beta2) restarted and the splash was screwed i thought meh i can live with it then went into my account switched to tty1(ctrl+alt+F1) and it was the same. got annoyed now asking had anyone else encountered/know how to fix this problem. pictures attached sorry for bad quality took on phone, but that is how it really looks.

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Debian :: Dconf Write Doesn't Work Correctly

Oct 1, 2015

i installed debian 8.2 with gnome 3 desktop environment when i run this command

Code: Select alldconf write /org/gnome/nautilus/preferences/default-sort-order type i got this error

Code: Select allerror: 0-4:unknown keyword


  dconf write KEY VALUE

Write a new value to a key

  KEY         A key path (starting, but not ending with '/')
  VALUE       The value to write (in GVariant format)

what should i do ?

also when i use gsettings i get

Code: Select all(process:4333): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: The connection is closed

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Doesn't Display Correctly Since Installing F10 X86-64

May 1, 2009

I have a laptop that doesn't display correctly since installing F10 x86-64. Instead of using the i810 driver, I see the experimental intel driver. I am running on a Dell D630 laptop with the default intel integrated graphics.

Just to note: Running gnome. I tried KDE and I can actually get this to work and display in 1600x1200. I don't want, "well use kde then" to be the solution. Also, in gnome, if I go to the screen resolution option from the menu, the mirron screens is clicked. Even when I detect monitors and unselect the mirror screens and pick the correct resolution, when I click OK, the screen flickers, and I go back to the same screen with the original default values? Wierd.

I got the bright idea to install system-config-display (something like that), which installed fine. I then changed my default resolution to 800x640 just to try it (really want 1600x1200). Well, I decided to reboot. Not the laptop doesn't start, it stops right after loading anaconda, and just won't go any further.

So two questions:

1. What do I need to change to get the laptop to actually boot?

2. How to get the external monitor to display in 1600x1200.

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General :: Wine Doesn't Correctly Work / Resolve This?

Feb 15, 2011

I use Wine on Kubuntu 10.10.
Whenever some-application to open the Internet, wine browser is opened in loop untill I end process tree of wine server.
Also when I use it to execute .exe program I have error
e.g. I tried to run DriverGuide DriverScan:


Component 'Codejock.DockingPane.v10.4.0.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid

Does anyone know whats missing ?

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Software :: Evince Doesn't Embed Correctly With Mozplugger

Apr 2, 2010

I have installed Mozplugger and changed mozpluggerrc so it opens evince. However, it shows an embedded version in the tab that doesn't accept interactions and opens the version that can be interacted with in a new window. Does anyone know what may be causing this? I'm not very knowledgable with the specific commands in mozpluggerrc.

My current setup for PDF files is as follows:

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Programming :: Bash: Regexp In 'if' Doesn't Evaluate Correctly

Mar 1, 2011

I'm using an 'if' statement to check whether one of positional arguments is a word or a construction like "x-y", but something doesn't seem right.

Here is the relevant part of the code:

if [[ "$3" =~ [a-Z]-[a-Z] || "$3" =~ [a-Z] ]]; then
grepRange=$3; else grepRange=$4
And for the input like this:


but shouldn't the $grepRange variable be blank in this case?

Bash version is 4.1.7(1)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mount Or Not To Mount - Can't Create A Partition

Jan 2, 2010

I've just bought a HP mini compaq laptop. The laptop doesn't have any CD/DVD "reader". So i was forced to download the .iso file to install ubuntu in addition to Windows XP that was present when i bought it. To do so i used UNetbootin, and i used my only hard disk as a live CD. But when i wanted to install ubuntu, they told me to create a partition. The problem is that i can't. I have only one partition sda1(nfst) which covers the whole stockage memory, and an empty space(8Mo). I can't acceed to any of the resizing or modifying options to edit the nfst partition. The only options are manage flags and umount. When i click on this one, they tell me : # umount /cdrom : cdrom is busy.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Default Viewer For Dvi Files, Since Xdvi Doesn't Render Correctly?

May 6, 2010

I am using emacs+auctex for latex editing now, I want to change the default viewer for dvi files, since xdvi doesn't render correctly most of my documents; okular works perfectly, though I cannot make it the default viewer I went into the AUCTex manual, and there is a tex-view-program list that should contain the list of viewers, but I cannot find the way to customize that variable.

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General :: Flash Player Doesn't Display Correctly In Any Browser?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm running Kubuntu and have tested flash video sites with firefox, chromium and rekonq. I have installed all the available packages from Software Management but flash videos still don't display correctly. All get is a small rectangle of video on the bottom left hand side of the video box (which is otherwise grey).

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CentOS 5 :: Changing User Password Doesn't Work Correctly

Jan 20, 2011

My problem is that I cant "rewrite" older password to new. It looks like I do:

Changing password for user johny.
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

all looks OK but after set up new password I can log in using OLD and NEW password. It's very unsecure for me. So in fact I cant change password and it looks like centos create next password to one accout and one account have more then one password... how can I prevent it? pls help me couse its very unsecure in my case.user looks in file shadow /etc/shadow like this:


in etc/passwd looks like this:


how to delete all old passwords?

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Software :: Xclock Running From Start Script Doesn't Display Correctly?

Feb 21, 2011

I recently dist-upgraded from Debian 5 to 6 (squeeze). Since then, the xclock I run from my window manager's start script isn't displaying correctly (it displays only a "0"). The thing is, if I run the same command in my start script in my terminal, it works just fine, as it has always done...

I use this rather "old" X applications because I like my programs simple/not buggy/fast, and it's resulting a rather annoying problem (being that apparently nobody else has it...).
All other programs in my start script (gnome-terminal, emacs, xmodmap, etc) are working with no problems whatsoever.

My window manager: sawfish

Command to run xclock in my start script:

xclock -digital -brief -geometry -0+0
Attached picture:
Top: xclock initialized by start script
Bottom: xclock initialized by terminal

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Fedora Hardware :: HP Printer - HPLIP Driver In The Repo Doesn't Work Correctly

Apr 22, 2010

I recently had problems with my HP printer in Fedora 12, where as I never had a problem with it in any other distrubution.... For some reason, the HPLIP driver in the repo doesn't work correctly... I don't know why... but I kept getting errors with "error: Printer queue setup failed. Please restart CUPS and try again."

I tried every suggestion I found... which was installing extra dependencies, disabling firewall, disabling SELinux and a whole bunch of other stuff... but nothing worked... THEN finally I decided to use the HPLIP driver from the HP website... it was a .run file... and I executed it, and my printer has worked perfect eversince..... my question is.... has anybody successfully installed their hp printer from the hplip driver in the repo's..??? I don't know why it didn't work for me, and i've seen other fedora users complain of the same thing? maybe theres something wrong with the package? or its not pulling in a needed dependency? I don't know...

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Fedora :: NVidia And Compiz Installed And Working But Screen Doesn't Refresh Correctly?

Oct 30, 2010

What it does is, if you do something to change anything on the screen, for example, highlighting text, or switching from one tab/menu in an application to another. The screen doesn't show the change. The only way to SEE the change is to do something else to the screen, like grabbing and moving the application around, or scrolling the page of a website, etc. If you don't do that, you won't see what's really on the screen, but rather what WAS on the screen.

Another example:

*) say you have an application open with 3 tabs: tab1, tab2, and tab3.
*) Switch from tab1 to tab2 and you see no change on the screen.
*) Switch from tab2 to tab3 and you see tab 2 on the screen, NOT tab 3.
*) Switch from tab3 to tab 2 and you see tab3 on the screen, and NOT tab2.

Or, if you're typing in this box to make a post, and you hit ctrl+a to select all, you see no change. If you click in the box to deselect all, then it looks like you've selected all text still. The only way to see what's currently on the screen is to scroll the text box or page just a bit, or, if you're using an application, then you'd have to move it around on the screen a bit.

As i've said, the nVidia drivers are installed and working, as well as compiz, etc.

[=v=]$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RD890 Northbridge only single slot PCI-e GFX Hydra part (rev 02)
00:02.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RD890 PCI to PCI bridge (PCI express gpp port B)


Also, i did BOTH the dracut thing, and the extra kernel paramter in the grub.conf. So, nouveau is blacklisted. Oddly enough though, i do NOT have this problem when using the nouveau driver...

Also, fwiw, i think that i should mention that i'm not using the "Desktop Settings > Enable Desktop Effects" method, because i always seem to have problems with getting certain features to work, like the background for the cube skydome, etc. How i do it is that i install a package called compiz-manager, and i have it set to run at session start. This makes all of the compiz features work fine. One thing that i've noticed though, is that on my other workstation, i haven't set that up yet, and it seems that is is NOT having the same issue. While compiz-manager was running, i tried to use the "desktop settings" method, and it crapped out and reverted back to the old school desktop. I then tried it again, and it reloaded compiz, and there is no screen update issues now. So it seems that you have to have both of them running in order to get all of the compiz options to work, and not have the screen refresh issue?

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