Ubuntu :: PHP 5 Works Only On /var/www?

Jun 5, 2010

i am having a problem while configuring my web server.

PHP 5 works on /var/www but apache is sending me my source codes if uploaded in home directories. /home/user1/public_html/test.php /home/user2/public_html/test.php

I have a working phpmyadmin (http://server/phpmyadmin)

Things that i have done:

1) apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli php5-common php5-cgi

2) sudo a2enmod ssl, sudo a2enmod rewrite, sudo a2enmod suexec, sudo a2enmod include

3) ~# whereis php ---> /usr/bin/php

4) a2enmod php5, a2enmod userdir

5) Added php on mime.conf ( application/x-httpd-php .php )

6) Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf, Include /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.load, Include /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.conf, Include /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

7) httpd.conf file

<VirtualHost MY.WAN.IP.ADDRESS:80>
DocumentRoot /home/user1/public_html/
ServerName site1.com
ServerAlias www.site1.com


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Ubuntu Security :: Anti Malware Filtering Works In Open Dns Works?

Jan 13, 2010

using ubuntu and the corporate edition of open dns? >Im curious to find out how the anti malware filtering works in open dns works.

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Ubuntu :: Copy CD That Only Works In Windows To Blank CD That Works?

Aug 29, 2010

I just want to be able to copy the files from a cd that is only compatible with windows to and new cd that is compatible with ubuntu

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Slackware :: Sudo: Umount Works, Mount Not Works?

Jul 8, 2010

I've got a problem in doing sudo working for mounting things (e.g. usb pen or optic discs). Details:The OS: Slackware 13.0The response to sudo -l command:

User user1 may run the following commands on this host:
root) /sbin/shutdown -h now, /sbin/shutdown -r now


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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.04 Works But 9.10+ Not Works

Jan 23, 2011

well I'll start by SPECS.

Processor: amd phenom II 965 BE
Motherboard: M4N78 PRO (Asus) newest bios
Memory: Corsair 2gb DDR2 800mhz X2 (4GB)
Video Card: Radeon 5750 1GB
Power: 620W Corsair.
HD: 320GB

I use the TV + HDMI cable. Versions tested 32BITS/64BITS (stay with x64) has no disk error. already downloaded several times. MD5 is correct well ... I'll start here with my concerns ... version 9.04 onwards does not work gives blackscreen. I think "forgotten" by the generic drivers for ATI or something that influences the video. it does not show. 9.10,10.04,10.10 none of those versions worked ... on other computers functioned normally. I found researching how to dribble and go to live. and thus unable to install. but does not work after the pc restarts. Linux does not. shows nothing ... goes to black screen with the (- FLASHING) but nothing else happens.

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Ubuntu :: Iso Works On Cd But Not Usb

Jul 19, 2011

burning the ubuntu iso's on cd works fine, but burning the same to usb does not work.

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Ubuntu :: VLC Works In XP But Not System / Get That?

Feb 4, 2010

I have an external CD drive. When I run put a CD in and close the drive in XP, VLC loads the movie.

In Ubuntu when I close the drive the CD icon with the name of the movie appears on the Desktop, the file information appears in the file browser, and "encouraging" noises are made by the CD player. VLC however will not load the CD whether through this way or through loading it then selecting the CD. After 30 seconds the CD stops running and nothing is loaded.

Any ideas?

What is irritating is that this works perfectly in XP but not in Ubuntu which is always touted as being better than XP.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Seems To Be OK But Nothing WORKS

Oct 10, 2010

I'm installing 10.10 netbook on an older Pavilion ze5500, and the install process finishes, asks me to reboot, ect. After reboot, everything goes swimmingly until I try to move the mouse over the sidebar or toolbar at the top, where the screen flashes to black, then just the wallpaper, then the full GUI loads again as if I had just logged in. This repeats over and over until I tapped the power button, then I worked my way to the restart button on-screen, and the system restarted just fine.

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Ubuntu :: Sound Works Sometimes ?

Nov 22, 2010

i have a problem: my sound works sometimes. i've tried fedora 13 and 14, tiny core, dsl, slitaz, (and now) ubuntu, etc., and i have the same problem.

the sound doesn't work in, for example, videos videos. nevertheless, when i start up ubuntu, the short "sounds" work. and sound also works on random situations, i.e in an advertisement.

i've changed the speakphones various times, tried not using any, etc., but it still doesn't work.

i've tried changing most of the settings in the "sound preferences", and it doesn't work aswell.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lan Works But No Wan?

Dec 14, 2010

I run a website called [URL], about a week ago I setup Ubuntu at my job (system's admin) to allow my staff to access our servers from there homes (we live in Iowa and its winter so kind of need it with the snow and all), anyways I have it setup with a static static ip address and it does talk to the local network drives


But I can't get it to access wan, I have looked over and over to figure out why its not working? Is this enough information?

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Ubuntu :: DNS Works Only Locally

Jan 3, 2011

I have tried to host a website at home (consider it a good option and learning experience). After using some Linux distros finally decided to stick with UBUNTU (10.10). Sadly everything was ok until the configuration of BIND9 finally failed.

I am nearly blind with most concepts of networking, my understanding is really basic and am guessing my problem is on that direction but really can not figure it out.

My set up is based on a guide found at [url] and have just changed the domain name so my configuration files are:

And for the reverse zone:

My resolv.conf file looks as follows:

With the last three lines being the IP of my ISP DNSs and declared in /etc/bind/named.conf.options as formwarders.

The output of named-checkzone arquibailleres.com is:


When my BIND service is restarted its output log clearly states that the zones are added and indicates "sending notifies" yet by using dig and ping everything works nicely but when I try to connect to the site from an external computer my site simply is not recognised.

Ping output:

Dig output:

I have rented a static IP address, but still when looking for my global address I see:

To me it looks like it is working, but I already mentioned that my understanding of that stuff is really poor, I have finally ran the "port scan tool" under System -> Administration -> Network Tools and it indicates that my port 53 is assigned to "domain" and open, also port 80 is open for www.

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Ubuntu Servers :: PHP Only Works With WWW?

Mar 1, 2011

I just installed Apache2 for the first time, on Mint 10 (Ubuntu 10.10) and put PHProxy in /var/www/x

The php page works fine if I access it via www.domain.com/x, and it works both with and without the www when I access it via https.

But if I go to just http://domain.com/x, then it tries to download the php file.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: CD ROM Works But Sometimes Does Not

May 10, 2011

Im running the upgrade to natty 64. My cd rom drive works when it wants to. when i put the disk in the system wont recognize it. so i just leave the disk in when i go to work. when i turn the comp back on 8-16 hrs later it will show up as ready to burn. i flashed back to windows and the drive wouldn't work at all, but on 10.04 it worked all the time. do you think that the drive is just being temperamental and is on its way out? or a kernel issue? If I shut the comp off and turn it right back on with the medium left in it, it will recognize the disk. this will not work on a restart.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Works OK For 9.04 And 9.10 But Not In 8.04?

Jan 4, 2010

i am always using the latest version of ubuntu,but my main board of my acer5520g broke down under 9.10 last month,the acer company changed my main board and i installed 8.04-i386 LST for safety. but i find the wireless card does not work, i search the google for help,it seems i should install madwifi,but i found no valid download,after a lot of attempts i surrender. SO i put up this question i need a driver for my wireless card (notebook type acer5520g ,wireless card AR 5B91(detected under windows (though i am a big fan of linux and a supporter,i am using two systems and waiting for the 10.04 LST to save me from virus braced windows)
i even can not detect the wireless card under ubuntu 8.04 but it works ok in 9.04 and 9.10 after the installation.

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Ubuntu :: Nothing Works On Flash Anymore?

Feb 8, 2010

Flash videos on ..... and hulu play fine, but none of the buttons like play/stop, full screen, etc dont work. Shgould I reinstall flash?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Make A DVD That Works?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm trying to make a DVD that'll play on my stand alone DVD player. I import and edit the video using Kino and then export in an MPEG format. Fool that I am....I then waste hours and hours of time trying to create a DVD using Qdvdauthor. Then I click Create DVD and what does it do? It creates a bunch of useless files that when burned into a DVD produce a piece of junk.

Does anyone know exactly how to make a working video DVD on Ubuntu? unless you know exactly how to solve this problem don't send a bunch of links. I'm tired of reading the same regurgatated "how tos" that don't work.

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Ubuntu :: CMD Line Works But Launcher Does Not?

Mar 6, 2010

I want the gnome screenshot program to open after a 3 sec wait in select area mode.command line $ sleep 3s; gnome-screenshot --areaworksWhen I create a launcher for panel with the same commands it does nothing.I know there are many other ways to do this, GIMP, ImageMagick ....(excellent tutorial)[URL]But, I need to understand why this will not work, and why I must use a script (which I can easily create)instead

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Works In Windows But Not In It

Mar 25, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 beta 1 in vmware on Windows 7, and when I installed the latest updates, everything was working allright except for my keyboard. When I click outside the keyboard works in Windows, but not in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Avast No Longer Works?

Apr 7, 2010

Running ubuntu 8.10 on a toshiba equium l20.

I have avast anti virus installed and it has been fine, but yesterday i downloaded updates for it and since then whenever i try to run the program i get an error and it refuses to run.

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Ubuntu :: Scanning Tool That Works?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a Brother MFC-7440N which has Linux drivers, but I can't get useful scans yet. It prints fine, but the only scanning software I've found so far, XSane and a utility just called "Scanner Utility" are both useless.

XSane is no good because it crashes every time I try to scan something.

Scanner Utility has a few problems. Unless I set the paper size to "Legal," it keeps cutting off the bottom few inches of my (US letter-size) document. It's the same, regardless of whether I scan from the auto document feeder, or with the original on the glass. Also the orientation is screwed up. When I select "Portrait," the scan comes out rotated 90 degrees, exactly the opposite of what I'd expect.

I also don't like that there's no way to go back and change the scan settings. If I want to scan another document or at a different resolution, I have to quit Scan Utility and run it again.

Neither utility will scan to a .pdf. XSane gives the option, but like I said, it crashes every time I try to scan something.

Is there a scanning program available for Ubuntu that actually works, & will scan to a .pdf? Brother doesn't supply any scanning software for Linux, just drivers, so I have to find some 3rd-party utility.

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Ubuntu :: Muting Before Shutting Down And That Works 40%?

Apr 14, 2010

What is the best way to disable start up sounds? I hate being in a quiet place and having the start up sound go off on my computer. I've tried muting before shutting down and that works 40% of the time when i start up again. I do dual boot os, so will changing something in Ubuntu mess with mint or vice versa?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: What OS Actually Works Out The Box With A G4 PPC - Any Recommendations

Apr 19, 2010

having no luck with 9.10 i am wondering what linux is recommended that actually works? ie no internet problems with videos etc. ie recognising cd and dvd and playing them back. ie a cd/dvd drawer that opens and waits until it's told to close instead of chomping discs. ie no colour issues. ie better than 800+600 resolution without having to stick a new graphics card in place of the stock card? etc etc, ie something that works and means i don't have to buy a new apple os. this is the machine i have running, apple power macintosh g4 450 dp (gigabit) [url]

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Ubuntu :: Get Medical Dictionary Works On 9.10?

Apr 22, 2010

get medical dictionary works on ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu :: How Does The Anon-proxy Works

May 10, 2010

I have installed a tool from ubuntu software center 10.04.If you want to see it search for"surf the web anonymously"But I don''t know how doest work

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: DVD Ripper That Works With 10.04

May 11, 2010

I'm on 10.04. Every dvd ripper I've tried so far has failed in one or another. I have all restricted extras and medibuntu codecs installed.
DVD::Rip either throws an error message or stops ripping somewhere through the process
Handbrake only finds some of the dvd titles
OGM rip gives an "Unknown error"
Acidrip says "mencoder interrupted by user"

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Ubuntu :: OpenOffice Works Miserably In 10.04

May 26, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 and many applications have changed, including the OpenOffice suite. Unfortunately, the new OpenOffice Wordprocessor is almost unusable. ODT files open slowly (DOC files are almost better!), and the laptop (T5470 Core2Duo!) seems overwhelmed by this application. I cannot format the text, I cannot zoom, it is real madness. I dont understand why. The previous version was OK. Is there any advice? Could I uninstall this version of OpenOffice (3.2) and return to the older one I used in Ubuntu 8.04?

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Ubuntu :: Naming Workspaces Works In 9.10 But Not In 10.04

May 26, 2010

How can I make workspaces have names under 10.04? Under 9.10 I can given different workspaces different names, under 10.04 I can't. Workspace-switcher-preferences has less options.

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Ubuntu :: Smart Webcam Works On 10.04?

Jul 31, 2010

From time to time I have seen messages asking if their new device works on Ubuntu. This is to advise that I recently purchased a "Smart Webcam" brand inexpensive webcam at a local U.S. building products chain. Strange place to find such a thing but it was very low priced so I thought "why not give it a try". As it turned out, it works with my 10.04 install. Shows up ok on Ekiga and in gstreamer-properties in terminal. The video image quality is not as good as some but is suitable for casual use.

The microphone is brought out via a "Y" off the USB cable and ends in a 1/8" audio plug that will plug into a sound input port. I have not tried the mic but it should work. There is almost no documentation provided. Lastly, I have no connection with either the manufacture or the store. Just thought someone might be considering one of these and wondering it would work in Ubuntu. It does for me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How Apt-get Command Works

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to understanding package tools in ubuntu. After I read some documents on internet. I did some exercise myself. And I got some questions. I installed fex package.

# aptitude install fex
Reading package lists... Done


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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Anything In The Repositories That Actually Works?

Aug 16, 2010

I recently saw a ..... vid where a guy had a very cool dockbar on some linux distro, he didn't say which. It was much like windows 7's dockbar (lower taskbar on the desktop) and it looked really freakin cool. He called it a dockbar, but I can't find anything in the ubuntu repositories that actually works. Do yall know where I can find one?

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