Ubuntu Networking :: Lan Works But No Wan?

Dec 14, 2010

I run a website called [URL], about a week ago I setup Ubuntu at my job (system's admin) to allow my staff to access our servers from there homes (we live in Iowa and its winter so kind of need it with the snow and all), anyways I have it setup with a static static ip address and it does talk to the local network drives


But I can't get it to access wan, I have looked over and over to figure out why its not working? Is this enough information?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Networking - Connection Works But No Internet

Jun 1, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 desktop on my desktop in dual boot with Windows 7.

Heres my problem, I am unable to connect to the Internet even though my wired Ethernet connection says it is connected normally. The wierd thing about this is that I also have a wireless card in my desktop and when I connect through that I am able to connect to the Internet. I am connecting to a router that is functioning as a repeater to my main router/cable modem. I have tried to solve this myself but am having no luck. Ironically, earlier today suddenly my ethernet connection worked for a few minutes without me modifying anything.

The output of some terminal commands are below.




However a pint to that ip address (my router) is successful.


Hosts.allow and hosts.deny are both fine (not blank but no entries)

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Ubuntu Networking :: How Networking Works In Lucid

Aug 6, 2010

I am a little confused with the way that networking works in Ubuntu (Lucid in particular). I switch my PC on and my network magically works (ie I dont understand what is configuring everything). I do have a DHCP server, but im not sure which process/file is configuring the interface.There is no entry for my wired interface (eth0) in /etc/network/interfaces.$ cat /etc/network/interfacesauto loface lo inet loopbackDoes this means that Network Manager is then responsible for configuring this interface? How does Network Manager configure this interface (are there config files somewhere that specify settings such as static IP and duplex)?

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Ubuntu Security :: Anti Malware Filtering Works In Open Dns Works?

Jan 13, 2010

using ubuntu and the corporate edition of open dns? >Im curious to find out how the anti malware filtering works in open dns works.

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Ubuntu :: Copy CD That Only Works In Windows To Blank CD That Works?

Aug 29, 2010

I just want to be able to copy the files from a cd that is only compatible with windows to and new cd that is compatible with ubuntu

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Works OK For 9.04 And 9.10 But Not In 8.04?

Jan 4, 2010

i am always using the latest version of ubuntu,but my main board of my acer5520g broke down under 9.10 last month,the acer company changed my main board and i installed 8.04-i386 LST for safety. but i find the wireless card does not work, i search the google for help,it seems i should install madwifi,but i found no valid download,after a lot of attempts i surrender. SO i put up this question i need a driver for my wireless card (notebook type acer5520g ,wireless card AR 5B91(detected under windows (though i am a big fan of linux and a supporter,i am using two systems and waiting for the 10.04 LST to save me from virus braced windows)
i even can not detect the wireless card under ubuntu 8.04 but it works ok in 9.04 and 9.10 after the installation.

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Ubuntu Networking :: WICD No Longer Works?

Jan 8, 2010

I just updated my system to a new kernel with the update manager and now my WICD no longer obtains an IP address. Everytime I try it says "Connection Failed: Unable to get IP address".It was working fine before and even when I reboot into an older kernel it still doesn't work.I'm using a Belking Wireless G adapter.I would have tried downloading another network manager but since I can't even access the internet I'm stuck with changing current settings and nothing seems to work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Only Works When Unsecured?

Feb 1, 2010

I am having an issue with a newly installed 9.10 version of Unbuntu. After a bit of fiddling about, I have found that the only way I can connect to my wireless network is if I unsecure the network. Is there any explaination for why it will not work with either WEP or WPA?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - Broadcom Wireless Never Works

Apr 30, 2010

I've got a Dell Inspiron mini 10 that has the Broadcom 4322 wireless chipset in it. I have NEVER got this thing to work satisfactorily despite the numerous tutorials online about getting this damned card to work. I thought everything would finally be fixed with 10.04 but no luck at all. I've tried the b43 diver (which isn't supposed to support the 4322) with no luck.

I also tried the restricted STA driver, which seems like it will work as it identifies networks and even connects to them! However, the speed is excruciatingly slow and connections drop like flies. This netbook is actually a friends that I convinced to let me put Ubuntu on and have them try it out, but they are most surely not going to be impressed if the wireless never works.

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Ubuntu Networking :: WiFi Only Works Manually

May 20, 2010

When in XUBUNTU i click the picture of the 2 pcs indicating a network and choose "connect to hidden wireless network", put in the information.All this works nicely. When i reboot it's saved my config so i choose it to connect again but the "connect" button is disabled so i have to config it all over again and then it works. How do i get it to just connect to the network on login?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Works But Can't Log Online?

Jul 6, 2010

I just installed the 10.04 on my laptop a compaq 6510b that was was running xp. Ubuntu cant seem to connect to the internet unless i have it hooked up via ethernet cable but the wifi recognizes my network. in windows i use to log in via the wirless network to my boardband connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ad-Hoc Works With GUI But Not Command Line

Jul 17, 2010

I have two Roboards that need to communicate with one another. I have sucessfully installed Ubuntu 9.04 using the 386 kernel based on instructions found online.I can use the GUI to set up an Ad-Hoc network using one Roboard ("Create New Wireless Network"), call it Manet, and connect to "Manet" using the GUI on the other Roboard and ping/ssh between the boards. However, when I try to create the same wireless network using the command line using:

ifconfig wlan2 down
iwconfig wlan2 key off essid 'Manet' channel 5 ap any
ifconfig wlan2 up

I don't see any entry in iwconfig under "Cell". It keeps giving me "Not Associated"When I try to enter the same information on the other Roboard to try to connect to the network, it doesn't connect and under iwconfig, I don't even see any entry for ESSID. Could somebody please tell me why it works when I use the GUI and not the command line.

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Ubuntu Networking :: OpenVPN Works, But No Traffic?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm facing a problem when I establish VPN connections using OpenVPN to Your Freedom Server. " you can see their documentation here ", I've installed OpenVPN from synaptic and I used the client to connect through VPN and it works !! but there is no traffic in FF or any application !!I tired to insert some HTTP proxy also belongs to the same server and it works. What really wonders me is that OpenVPN seems to work only when I'm connecting to streams sites "e.g. ustream, justin.tv" Is there anyway to force the whole traffic to use OpenVPN " I'm using Mobile modem and it works fine with OpenVPN in win7

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Ubuntu Networking :: GRE 47 Not Received While It Works Fine On Xp?

Oct 5, 2010

This has been bugging me for quite a long time. I need to have a pptp connection to my university. I have tried to locate the error, but this has been a real trouble.

A little bit of history: My girlfriend had a laptop with M$ vista on it with a working PPTP connection. I had a laptop with Ubuntu, with which I couldn't get the PPTP working.

When my laptop crashed, I bought a new one on which I run a dual boot XP SP3 and Ubuntu. I also own a desktop (Dual M$ Win 7 / Ubuntu standard Karmic) and my girfriend also upgraded to Win 7.

Currently, the XP version is the only one on which I can get a connection. Both Ubuntu and the Win 7's give me a GRE proc 47 not received error. I know our router (a DAVOLINK DV2020) is notorious for not sending through GRE proc 47, but this either shouldn't be the case or it shouldn't matter, since I can make a perfect connection through the XP OS.

This is quite a handicap, since we both study at the university for which we require working VPN PPTP connections.

Gateway: vpn-eur-pptp.eur.nl
Username: 123456ab@eur.nl
Password: password
Authentication: MSCHAP / MSCHAPv2


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Only Works On Certain Networks

Oct 11, 2010

I have a pretty beat-up laptop, on which the inbuilt wireless doesn't work, and so I now have an ASUS WL-167g, which is acting up!It almost always connects to the required networks without an issue, but then once I'm connected it's REALLY slow on some of them! For example, while I'm at school, it works flawlessly! And at a couple of friends' houses, it works too! however, at home, and at a couple of other places, despite the fact that it connects, its so slow, that google takes like 5 mins to load and searching for anything on google leads it to time out!! This happens whether I'm right next to the router (full signal strength) or 2 floors up (at like 3 bars strength)!

It's getting pretty frustrating to have to swap my lan cable between my desktop and laptop constantly, and also to not be able to use my laptop away from my desk!Does anyone know what might be going on??Also, while i have you guys here! I have another problem -- with the inbuilt card.. Initially, it wouldn't work at all.. but more recently, it has started to function (it connects and works on my home network fine) the only problem is that about 10 mins after I turn the wireless switch on on my laptop, it hangs! (EVERYTIME) (if it's relevant, my laptop is a SONY VAIO VGN-S46GP). Again, any input would be appreciated!!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless No Longer Works?

Oct 16, 2010

Ubuntu, been using windows for years and now use Mac. I have Ubuntu running on a netbook at work and all of a sudden my wireless connection not only doesn't work, it doesn't seem to exist! Wired still works fine, but the wireless option has vanished. How do I reset or restore or whatever it takes to get my wireless working again?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Works In GNOME But Not KDE?

Nov 3, 2010

I know my pass phrase, I know my encryption type, I put that info into the wireless utility for GNOME and it works. I Just recently installed the Kubuntu desktop from the repos and tried to connect to my internet wirelessly and for some reason it can't establish a connection. Is there some option I don't know about that was being set for me automatically before?

Here is my wireless info:

description:Wireless interface
product:RTL8187SE Wireless LAN Controller
vendor:Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Which Mobile Broadband Works Best With 10.10 Out Of Box

Dec 26, 2010

In a separate thread I discuss my issues with getting my Blackberry 9650 tethering with Verizon and Ubuntu 10.10 with bluetooth. I'm still hoping to get that working, but in the mean time, I've actually started to think about perhaps getting a mobile broadband card from a US provider separate from my blackberry anyway - preferably one that works right out of box with Ubuntu.

Does anyone here have any recommendations? I know there's a lot of compatible devices, but maybe someone here can recommend a provider (I don't have to stick with Verizon - willing to go AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, etc.) and a USB mobile broadband device that'll work pretty smoothly?

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Ubuntu Networking :: WiFi Only Works Intermittantly

Dec 29, 2010

After upgrading to Ubuntu 10.10, I've had difficulties with my wireless connection. It will work for a few hours just fine, then suddenly disconnect and try to ask for my password several times before giving up. It's not the network--another computer on a different OS is having no such problems. Also, my wired ethernet connection works with absolutely no problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Adapter That Works Out Of The Box?

Mar 22, 2011

I bought the Asus n13 and am ready to pull my hair out. I've followed the posts and cannot get it going so I'm taking it back. I need something that will just work. HP s5747 computer.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Works Everywhere But At Home?

Mar 29, 2011

I have a aspire one zg5 with 10.10 running on it. it connects to wireless everywhere but at home where i have a netgear rangemax wpn824 v3 i tried with and without password encription and downloaded wicd still nothing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Tor Executed From Terminal Works But Not From GUI

Apr 1, 2011

I am using Tor with Polipo and Vidalia 0.1.15, Ubuntu 10.04. Running tor on terminal works fine, but vidalia gets stuck at 85% The message log, as I understand it, shows it getting stuck at finding the right bridges, but the terminal tor is able to connect fine... ##This is what the vidalia log looks like. The log shows me trying it two times. Apr 02 01:32:56.698 [Notice] Tor v0.2.1.30. This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Linux i686)

Apr 02 01:32:56.699 [Notice] Initialized libevent version 1.4.13-stable using method epoll. Good.
Apr 02 01:32:56.699 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on
Apr 02 01:32:56.699 [Notice] Opening Control listener on
Apr 02 01:32:56.699 [Notice] Parsing GEOIP file.
Apr 02 01:53:08.204 [Notice] Have tried resolving or connecting to address '[scrubbed]' at 3 different places. Giving up.

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Ubuntu Networking :: RPC Works For Some Things And Fails On Others

Apr 13, 2011

I'm trying to use a remote procedure call. When I call my server, my server should activate gammu and send an sms with it. I've used the code in the following tutorial: [URL]. The command for the uptime, and the command for the greeting work perfectly. But when I write my own method on my server, it fails ..

function uptime_func($method_name, $params, $app_data) { return `uptime`; } function greeting_func($method_name, $params, $app_data) { $name = $params[0]; return "Hello, $name. How are you today?"; }
function gammu_func($method_name, $params, $app_data) {
$text = $params[0];
$number = $params[1];
$result = "echo '$text' | gammu sendsms TEXT $number";
return $result; }
On my Client (the one that calls the server) I see the output of $result. So my gammu_func is definitely working... He just doesn't execute

I know that syntax is right cause I tried it in a different php file. I think it has something to do with the user rights. I don't think I have the privileges to run that command ...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Says Disconnected But Works?

Apr 18, 2011

Im using Ubuntu netbook remix on my wife's hp mini. Ever since I switched my router out this netbook will connect to my wireless network, then show a disconnected icon, yet the internet still seems to work. I've searched around and seen that other people have had this issue but I haven't seen anything on how to resolve it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: WLAN-Printer Works A Little?

May 1, 2011

anybody out there with an idea for a command to make the WLAN-Printer (HP-Officejet)work again when it stops after 30 Min - 2 h.Simple stopping the print job and print again does not help. The only way for me is to stop the print job and RESTART. Then it works again 30 Min- 2 h. I use updatet lucid lynx 32.

And I need a command like "killall pulseaudio" that I need when I return from logged-on as the second user to get sound again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Only Works Once After Install?

Jun 12, 2011

just joined the forum so I am a little lost. I am trying to get my wifi to work on an HP Pavilion tx 1115nr (tx1000 series). I am using Ubuntu 10.04 desktop, my network card is BCM4311 rev1.I have read many threads and tried about everything, but I am so close. I can load bcmwl-kernel-source from the software center, restart and my wifi works for that startup. If I restart my computer again, it no longer works. I can then remove bcmwl-kernel-source and reinstall it and it works just once again.I have blacklisted b43 and ssblsmod reveals that these modules are missing after restart when wifi doesn't work:



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Ubuntu Networking :: PPTPD - VPN Works Only Partly?

Jul 14, 2011

I configured a PPTP server on Ubuntu 10.10. It works fine! Sort of. My MacBook running OS X 10.6 connects fine. But my iPhone can't seem to connect! The iPhone settings seem to be correct.

Here is the output of the Ubuntu syslog when I try to connect with the iPhone:

Jul 14 20:17:04 Ubuntu-Backup-Server pptpd[2601]: CTRL: Client control connection started
Jul 14 20:17:04 Ubuntu-Backup-Server pptpd[2601]: CTRL: Starting call (launching pppd, opening GRE)
Jul 14 20:17:04 Ubuntu-Backup-Server pppd[2602]: Plugin /usr/lib/pptpd/pptpd-logwtmp.so loaded.
Jul 14 20:17:04 Ubuntu-Backup-Server pppd[2602]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0


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Ubuntu Networking :: Internetconnections Works Randomly?

Jul 31, 2011

3 of my computers have problems with the internet connection.Sometimes it works, but most of the times it simply doesnt.I can ping our router and the switches,the internet.Pinging a DNS like wont work either, so this might not be a DNS problem.Restarting the pc / network changes nothing.Here some output:

cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Connection Works But Only By Pppoeconf

Jan 3, 2010

It's been a while since i've been trying to deal with this problem but it was useless. I've found many related problems to this, most unsolved and those who had solution wouldn't work for me. I have few mates who have the same problem and still didn't find a solution as well. Here's the problem:

Both on my Desktop and Laptop, the network manager won't recognize that there is a cable pluged on the computer so that it would start my connection. The solution to make it work is pretty simple and its everywhere: use pppoeconf.

Altough that does the trick to make my internet work, i get another problem that i found out to be related to this one, which is: I can't use VPN. Which make me assume that one problem is related to the other, is that on my laptop, which has wireless internet, ubuntu will recognize it and then i can simple use vpn. My desktop, on the other hand, isn't that lucky and does not have wireless, so i can't just use vpn. So far, i've been using vpn on windows when needed, but switching systems is really a pain, not to say i'd rather do that on ubuntu.

Few other suggested solutions were to use 'wicd' and other network managers, altough for some people that did work accoding to what i saw on boards, that didn't really work out for me as well. Wicd coldn't recognize it either. Other suggestion was to check on some txt file on ubuntu, erase few information and let it 'fill up' automatic, it didn't work as well(sorry i don't remember all details on this one).

This problem happened on:
First, wubi for ubuntu 9.04
Ubuntu 9.04(normal install.)
Ubuntu 9.10
Happened both on my Desktop and my notebook, but the same version i installed on both of them were used on other computers and they did work on them so i strongly believe it has to do with the os itself.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ssh Public Key Authentication Only Works When Already Logged In?

Jan 6, 2010

I have an ssh (OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-6ubuntu2) client A and a server B set up for public key authentication as described in [URL]

The problem is the following: ssh asks for a password when connecting from A to B without any other ssh session going on between A and B; but if I connect from A to B whenever there is another ssh session between A and B, either I get prompted for the passphrase I used to encrypt the private key or I get logged automatically.

I already checked permissions on B: .ssh is 700 and authorized_keys is 600. I already tried "StrictModes no" in sshd_config. Printing debug information using DEBUG3 does not any useful insight. Moreover, there is no /var/log/secure (is it supposed to be there?)

Right now the computer is far far away from my reach, but when I configured the system I noted that whenever I was locally logged to B and then ssh'ed from A to B, I was logged in without any problem; whenever I was not logged in locally I was asked for a password. Note that at that time I was using a different public/private key pair whose private part had no passphrase.

how to know exactly what cipher is ssh/sshd using for a particular session? Is there a way to know any statistics for a given session (something like the ~s option in section 5 of [URL]

P.S. 2: does the following mean that ssh is using protocol 2.0 or something different than protocol 2.0?

(..........) sshd[2606]: debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0

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