Ubuntu :: No Video From Lucid Live CD?

May 8, 2010

I have no video at all booting to Lucid from Live CD. When the CD first boots, I see what appears to be Plymouth, then the monitor goes into standby. The booting process appears to continue, but without a screen to look at, its not much use.

Asus M2N-X MB
Sapphire Radeon 3450 PCI-E 512MB
LG 19' LCD model L1933TR (Connected through DVI)

I want to boot to a Live session and then create a Bootable flash drive to carry my Ubuntu installation around.

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Ubuntu :: Video Plays But No Video In Lucid Lynx?

Apr 24, 2010

I just installed Lucid Lynx RC 1 on my MSI Wind U100 netbook. When I tried to play a video on it I was informed of a lack of codecs, so I downloaded my video player of choice: VLC media player. When I tried to play the video, there was audio but the screen was black. The same thing happened when I downloaded to codecs and used the stock video application.

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Ubuntu :: Live CD Lucid Final?

May 2, 2010

When i insert the Live CD, whether I choose memory test, try without installing or install Ubuntu, the computer seems to continue to load without a signal going to the monitor, as if a frequency or resolution unsupported by the card or monitor was chosen.

I had a similar issue with 9.10, but this only happened after the system was installed when you got to the login screen. I can't find a 'safe graphics' option on this live CD as I could on Karmic. Are there any cheat codes I can use to enable some sort of safe graphics mode?

I am downloading the alternate installer now and going to try installing using this method. I've never done this before, do I have to setup a desktop myself using the command line with this? My computer is an Asus M2N-SLI Deluxe motherboard with 2GB RAM, a GeForce 9600GT graphics card, and a DGM 23" 1920x1080 widescreen monitor connected via DVI. Also I am installing the 64 bit version, although I don't reckon this is a 64 bit only issue.

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Lucid Using Live CD?

May 31, 2010

How do i reinstall Lucid using Live CD? i mean i've already made a 20gb partition for Ubuntu before (Karmic) and if i want to clean install Lucid do i have to make new partition or just overwrite the old one? if so how?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid 10.04 Won't Even Boot To Live CD

May 17, 2010

I have 2 laptops a Dell & a Toshiba. Both have NVidia GeForce FX Go 5200 cards. I first did an upgrade on the Dell and that ended in a BSOD. I used the Alt CD for that. I just received the Live CD in the mail. I put it in the Dell and ended with a BSOD. I figured as much. What got me is that I couldn't get 9.1 to boot after that. It kept trying and would shut done. After the 4th time it booted. I hope it continues.

I thought I'd try it in the Toshiba and it went fine LIVE. I can't install it on that machine as it's my recording only lappy. 10.04 is pretty but can't tell much else.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Live CD For AMD64 Lucid (10.04)?

Jun 4, 2010

First, the official download page is 32k download. I've NEVER had that slow of a speed before. I've downloaded and used Ubuntu since Drake. The only desktop iso for AMD64 is 698k (Official download).

I've downloaded that image for AMD64 10.04 from two download locations and burned the CD. When I boot, I only get the install option in a non-graphical environment. No LiveCD button.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid Won't Boot From HDD Without Live CD?

Sep 19, 2010

I have managed to install Ubuntu 10.40 LTS over the weekend and I have got it working... sort of.

My only remaining issue is that I am unable to boot into the Hard Drive where Ubuntu is installed unless I boot from the Live CD and select 'Boot from first hard disk'.

I have checked to make sure my boot priority sequence is correct, and it is, but without the Live CD, if I try to boot I get to the 'load operating system' screen and nothing would happen from there, just a blinking cursor.

I am not dual booting, but I do have 3 internal drives. I have made sure that the drive I am trying to boot to is in fact the drive that Ubuntu has been installed on. I also checked to see if Grub was installed which it didn't appear to be, but has since been installed.

My basic cpecs are:
Processor: AMD Phenom II 550 DualCore 3
Video Card: Gigabyte ATI HD5450 512MB
MOBO: Gigabyte GA-770T-USB3

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Ubuntu / Apple :: The Default Option Is "live" Bla Bla Bla But In Case Of Problems Use "Live Video=ofonly"?

Apr 22, 2011

I've got an old iMac g3 on which I'd like to install Ubuntu Dapper Drake.Here's the problem:I insert the disk in the computer.Keep pressing "C" till this comes out:Quote:"The default option is "live" bla bla bla but in case of problems use "Live video=ofonly"I write "Live".The orange progress bar appears, but the the screen becomes black.I still can hear sounds: the classic ubuntu log-in music, but I can not see anything: I guess the live has started, but the screen is just black.By pressing CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE I'm able to come back to shell.

Once rebooted, I try "Live video=ofonly".Again the orange progress bar, but then this message comes outQuote:"Failed to start the X Server, It is likely that is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the server output to diagnose the problem?"Even if I dont select anything, some random words appear in the screen, too fast for me to read them.Then I'm back to shell.I read here (that the problem is caused by Xorg and that the solution can but editing his configuration by using Quote:sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.confBut I just don't know when to do that: Ubuntu is not installed yet and there is only MacOS 9.2 on that machine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: MousePad Not Working With Lucid Live CD?

Apr 29, 2010

I recently downloaded the Lucid ISO from the ubuntu torrents and installed it toa usb drive using Unetbootin. I restart my computer, use the bios setup to boot from usb, I boot, but when the system starts, I can't use the touchpad. the model is a synaptic touchpad

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Start Live CD 10.04 Lucid?

May 3, 2010

I have downloaded 64bit desktop CD Iso installer form ubuntu site. when i boot the live CD, i get the first black screen of keyboard and man symbols at the bottom. then the ubuntu splash screen and it is stuck there for ever. also my HDD activity is over since no CD derive blinks and HDD led blinks. if i press CTRL+ALT+backspace i get a text screen with several error messes most of them input output error and errors like unable to create /tmp. I will attach a pic shortly..

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Lynx 10.04 Live CD -- No Boot Menus

May 6, 2010

I just downloaded the Lucid Lynx 10.04 LTS Install CD for the desktop. I am concerned that I have downloaded the wrong ISO or that the CD that I burned is not behaving properly. Unlike all of the other Ubuntu "Live CDs", this one doesn't offer you a choice of what Ubuntu does at Boot-up. There's no menu that asks what you'd like to do. This CD doesn't give you choices like:

- Test Drive Ubuntu without making any changes to your computer
- Install Ubuntu
- Test CD for Errors
- Test Memory
- Boot from Hard Disk

Instead, this CD just boots right to a Gnome desktop. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but it turns out the the CD is performing some actions behind my back that I don't like. All that I wanted to do was to check the CD for errors to make sure that it burned properly. I didn't want it installing on the system where I was doing the burning. Instead of giving me options at boot, the CD automatically loaded Gnome, and then proceeded to mount all of the drives on my system, and then attempted to establish connection to IP address I didn't like that. Luckily my firewall is secure enough that it stopped this unauthorized outbound data traffic dead in its tracks. I used reverse DNS to look up the owner if IP address Here's what I found:


IP Information for


Is this a Live CD, where you have some options about what to do at boot-up, or is this only an install CD? This information isn't clearly spelled out on the download page. this LiveCD taking control of my computer, mounting my drives, and then establishing contact with Canonical Ltd., without even giving me a menu option before doing so.

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Ubuntu :: Live Lucid Doesn't Detect Wireless Card ?

Sep 10, 2010

I own an EeePC 701; right now I'm giving 10.04.1 a test run on it, using a live usb.

The EeePC has an Atheros wireless card, but live Lucid doesn't detect it. Here's the output from a ifconfig command:


Will the card be detected by a properly-installed Lucid? Is there some package I need to install so I can use wireless? Or should I steer clear of installing Lucid on my EeePC?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lucid Wifi - Persistance Or Carry Over From Live Cd Session?

Feb 19, 2011

Yesterday, I did a clean install of Lucid on a T42 thinkpad, with wireless card as identified by lshw below. I did the installation from within a live CD session, with wifi enabled.

description: Wireless interface
product: PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter
vendor: Intel Corporation

On reboot into the fresh system and update I had the issues that others have seen with network manager not connecting, repeatedly asking for password and so on. Oddly enough, using a Netgear usb wifi dongle worked perfectly, so I thought there might be a driver issue. Updates did not help. The network manager icon would not appear in the notification area at all when attempting to connect to wifi in a cafe locally. Today, I did a fresh re-install from the same CD with the home wifi switched off and no internet connection on the laptop. No issues. Wifi is working perfectly at present. I had to make the home connection available to all users to stop the keyring password request (I use autologin). I'll be trying to connect at local cafes tomorrow (one has no security, one uses an ascii wep password, and a third has a WPA encryption)

Is it possible that the settings from the live session are carried over in some way and interfering with network manager in some way? (This all started because my minimal install (see signature) reached a state where it would not show the network manager icon when attempting to connect to wifis in cafes and colleges, which I need to do. I decided to reinstall to return to a known state. I may try a minimal installation and manual wifi connection from the command line next...)

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Ubuntu :: S-Video Out On Lucid With Xrandr?

May 15, 2010

I used to have older version of ubuntu (previous to Lucid,10.4 LTS), and I have a Sony WEGA TV connected to my unbutu laptop w S-Video card connected for Video out...and I used to run following command to activate S-Video out to my TV and it worked perfect...

here's the command that worked :
~$ xrandr --output S-video --set load_detection 1
Now after updating to Lucid/10.4 LTS, this command started getting an error :
~$ xrandr --output S-video --set load_detection 1


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Ubuntu :: Video Thumbnails Won't Load In Lucid?

May 2, 2010

I'm currently using Lucid Lynx and my video thumbnails won't load. I already modified my preferences that thumbnails would always load, and set that files smaller 4GB will load. Only the generic video thumbnails load. I already tried deleting the files in ~/.thumbnails/fail/gnome-thumbnail-factory/ but still problem exists.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How Do I Capture Video In 10.04 Lucid

May 4, 2010

How do I capture video from my JVC GR-DF470 MiniDV camera into 10.04 Lucid.PiViTi looks good for an editing app, and I've installed OpenShot as well, but neither have a way of capturing the video from a camera. I used Kino previously in 8.04 Hardy, but it was buggy at best in 9.10 Karmic; I've just installed it in 10.04, but capture keeps stopping after 2 or 3 seconds. I also tried kdenlive, but the audio capture has a lot of 'noise' that is louder than the voices on the tape, and once it finishes capturing video, it doesn't display a 'Save' dialogue as it is supposed to - so that wasn't very successful either.So what can I use to capture video from a MiniDV Camera via Firewire.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid 10.04 - Bad Video Graphics Display

May 17, 2010

I just installed 10.04 Lucid Lynx and have a serious graphics problem. I've attached a picture to show the problem.
Some Background:
Pentium 4 3.06GHz
ATI Radeon 9600

I installed via liveUSB but had to choose the "nomodeset" option by pressing F6. Otherwise after the Ubuntu boot screen the graphics went like that in the attached image. The installation went fine (took less than 15 minutes!) but after the reboot the graphics problem returned. I can't see anything and the system is useless this way. I can't post up any logs (I'm typing this from the liveUSB).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Various Video Bugs In Lucid?

Jun 27, 2010

I did a clean install of Lucid, and almost everything video related is a little sluggish. First of all, Compiz is really slow compared to how it was in Karmic.
I don't even use window animations, just the Scale and a couple other effects, like desktop cube. Scale is really slow, and sometimes it doesn't work. I have to start compiz again to get it working. Desktop cube actually froze a couple of times half way through a rotation. Rotating the cube is much slower as well.

Also, I've been having a lot of trouble with HD video playback. It's not just the 100% CPU load that's bugging me, but every 3-4 minutes the playback skips frames, and the image becomes all glitchy.

Flash playback also uses a lot of CPU, I can't even watch ..... videos in fullscreen most of the time. And I'm always opting for the lowest quality possible btw.

I have a dual core AMD CPU and 8600GT nvidia graphics card, so it's not a hardware issue.

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General :: Install Windows Live Essentials 2011 On Lucid Puppy 5.1

Nov 27, 2010

I just got this used computer with Lucid Puppy 5.1 on it, it is an old IBM desktop from way back. Anyway i want to install Windows Live Essentials or at least some kind of MSN on it for IM chat. Is this possible ? You may email me at [URL].. or write back to me here.

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General :: Installing Lucid Lynx Using Live Cd On Compaq Presario SR5010NX ?

May 7, 2010

I have been trying to install Ubuntu Lucid Lynx using Live CD on this machine, a compaq Presario SR5010NX, with Celeron D 3.46Ghz CPU. Bios Version American Megatrends, Inc. 5.18, 2007; 2 gigs of RAM with approx. 140 gigs of hard disk space total useable. Has Realtek High Definition audio, graphic chipset Intel 82945G family; Soft data fax modem with smart CP (internal modem). It is connected to my DSL modem/router, Netgear DGN2000, with ethernet cable (as are my other two computers).

I start the installation. Finally the desktop shows up. As soon as I start trying to navigate, my mouse freezes and that's as far as I can go.

Just out of curiosity, I also tried to use my Mint 8 CD. It did the same thing. Gets the desktop up, then freezes. I am so frustrated because I really want Ubuntu on this machine. I planned on wiping out Vista Home Basic and giving the whole thing to Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: [lucid] Logitech C250 Webcam No Video?

Apr 24, 2010

On Ubuntu 9.10 my Logitech C250 webcam just works. On Lucid the mic works but no video. In Cheese and Skype the webcam's LED is on but just a blank image. ls /dev/video* gives video0In Cheese and Skype the device is listed as UVC Camera (046d:0804) (/dev/video0)

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Will Not Boot After Changing Video Driver

Apr 28, 2010

I'm running Lucid (all updates) with an ATI Radeon 3100 video ini a Toshiba Laptop.

I was troubleshooting a problem with XBMC, and tried disableing the propriatary ATI driver. Now ubuntu will not boot. I've tried recovery mode, and it gets to:


And nothing else. I've tried CTRL-ALT-F1 and BACKSPACE, and nothing happens. I know that I just need to re-enable to ATI driver, or possible reconfigure X, but I can't figure out how at this point.

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Ubuntu :: Video Flicker On Lucid With Intel Card?

Apr 30, 2010

Lucid has been good to be so far, except for the fact that my screen flickers occasionally (I'd say once or twice every 30 minutes) I'm using an ASUS laptop with an INTEL GMA 4500MHD (It's this laptop. I read a bug report about the xserver-xorg-video-intel, but the issue was much more severe and marked as solved before Lucid was released.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Stopped Working In Lucid

May 3, 2010

i upgraded to lucid, but now my video has stopped working... videos and iplayer work fine. the problem is with any videos (mp4, flv) opened in vlc or mplayer. i can hear sound fine but the screen is black. the same happens in skype. i followed the comprehensive guide and did all the steps, but no joy.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Choppy After Upgrade To Lucid

Jun 14, 2010

I just upgraded from Karmic to Lucid. I've never had problems with playing video files before, but now that I've upgraded to Lucid, I am, regardless of Compiz and other visual effects being on. What I know of my hardware specs are in my sig. I have "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version current) [Recommended]" activated (and in fact, one of my reasons for upgrading was the supposedly improved NVIDIA drivers in Lucid). VLC, MPlayer and Totem are all choppy playing .avi's: they play smoothly for several seconds, then start skipping (audio and visual, separately), though VLC does so less violently than the others. Similar problems, though slightly less severe, with watching flash movies in chromium.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Log Into CNN Live Streaming Video / Fix It?

Aug 3, 2011

I'm not sure this is, strictly speaking, an Ubuntu problem (although it may be), but people around here seem to be more knowledgeable than they are anywhere else, so it's worth a try.

CNN recently started offering its news station on live streaming video for those who get CNN from a participating cable provider. For better or worse, I get CNN on Comcast, so no problem there.

Except for lagging video because lack of processing speed, it all works fine on my netbook, on which I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed.

But on my desktop, where I'm using Ubuntu 11.04, no such luck. The problem is the same regardless of whether I'm using Opera, Firefox or Chrome.

I can go to http://cnn.com/video and get the standard video streams (not CNN live) just fine. When I click on the "Live" button and then the "Unlock Live TV" button, I get, as expected, the "Sign in to watch live TV" dialogue box. So I click on Comcast, log in correctly, and am returned to the main screen. The page appears to be loading correctly, and then I get the "Sign in to watch live TV" dialogue box again. No matter how many times I try, that's what I keep on getting.

If this didn't work on my netbook, I'd just assume that for some reason the setup is Linux-unfriendly, but now I'm determined to get this working.

I've checked my plugin settings on my browsers and nothing seems amiss. I've tried deleting all cookies, persistent storage, Flash cookies and all such things, but to no avail. Even though I had the most recent version, I even uninstalled and reinstalled Flash, but that didn't change anything.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Hardware Video Playback Acceleration In Lucid?

May 8, 2010

Today I installed the latest Ubuntu, added VLC and... the acceleration is not there. When I compiled VLC myself on 9.04 I had a checkbox to enable hardware acceleration in the FFMPEG codec settings but this checkbox is not present in the VLC that was downloaded to my 10.04 by default.am I doing something wrong or is the hardware acceleration simply not there? And what do I have to do to enable it? Is FFmpeg in 10.04 compiled with VAAPI support? Is VLC in 10.04 compiled with VAAPI support? Do I need to recompile both or just on of them? I have just updated my system and now I'm not able to watch the family movies from my HD camcorder.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Display / Video After Lucid Install - NVidia

May 10, 2010

Lucid installed without any errors that I can see of off the main i386 installation CD, but after booting I get no display. Even in recovery mode. The monitor doesn't go into sleep mode and I can tell that the OS is actually running the background because I can do a Ctrl-Alt-Del and do a proper shutdown. I'm running an nvidia GT 9500. Everything is working fine on Karmic.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: WMV Video Silent In Lucid 32-bit Plays Audibly In XP

Jun 4, 2010

I have a WMV video which plays in XP but fails in 32-bit Ubuntu Lucid (same machine, dual boot), kernel 2.6.32-22 on a Lenovo SL400 w/ 2GB RAM, 36GB HD free and an Intel Core 2 Duo T5870 2GHz CPU.

Media player and Banshee fails with the error message No packages with the requested plugins found The requested plugins are Windows Media Audio 9

Avidemux crashes when I try to open the 6.3GB file, which I can play with audio AOK in XP.

Assert failed :_offset<=pakSize
at line 352, file /build/buildd/avidemux-2.5.2/avidemux/ADM_inputs/ADM_asf/ADM_asfPacket.cppADM_backTrack
asfPacket:ushPacket(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Export A Video From Pitivi In A Format From Lucid 64-bit

Jun 5, 2010

i am trying to export a video from pitivi in a format that can be uploaded to videos. i found this thread which suggests using an flv muxer with the l.a.m.e. mp3 encoder. my problem is that my pitivi doesn't list lame as an option, and i haven't been able to get it in.

i have tried reinstalling lame from the repositories, and also building lame, ffmpeg, gstreamer, faac, x264 and pitivi from the latest source. i simply can't get a video format to export that works in videos. mp4 and other format exports don't seem to work at all, they get stuck on the first frame.

pitivi can export ogg video perfectly, however if i try to upload that to videos it comes out with bad video. i've tried converting the ogg video to avi with mencoder, but it drops a lot of frames and ends up with the audio badly out of sync. i've run out of ideas to try -- anyone been through this before, or know of something i may be doing wrong? i'm certainly no expert in building from source (or anything!), it just seemed like something to try...

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