Ubuntu :: No New Interface After Upgrading To Natty?

Apr 28, 2011

I've upgraded from beta to stable release of Ubuntu 11.04, but I can't see this interface:

I still have this:

Why? How to "upgrade" it?

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General :: Upgrading To Ubuntu 11.04 Natty

Apr 28, 2011

If I upgrade from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 will any and or all of my preferences/programs have to be re-configured/re-installed or will it just upgrade and leave everything how it is??

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Ubuntu :: Boot Fails After Upgrading To Natty?

May 2, 2011

I was using Maverick, I performed upgrade to Natty today morning and rebooted and it was working fine. Then I turned off my PC and left home.

Now in the evening when I'm trying to boot nothing happens, just black screen. Nothing happens after that.

Though I can boot by selecting "Previous Version" but can't boot normally. Though I was surprised that even after selecting "previous version" I was booted in to Natty(I guess so, as the UI is Unity not GNOME).

But can't boot using the Kernel that's listed first in my Menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading From Feisty To Natty?

May 6, 2011

My Live CD for Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) isn't working on my old computer for some reason. However, I have an old live CD for 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) lying around. Is it possible to install Feisty and upgrade from that to Natty?

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Ubuntu :: Couple Of Bugs Since Upgrading To Natty / What To Do?

May 30, 2011

First of all I'd like to say me and my family and friends who ive converted to Ubuntu users have had trouble with natty from the start (needing to mount the drive manually from the terminal after the upgrade being one of the problems) but there are two problems I was curious if anyone else had and fixed. The first problem is an app called "DeVeDe" which is used to convert video files into isos, it appears to work fine until the end when it errors and says I may be out of disk space. My work around is to take the MPG file it converted (which didn't seem to be affected by the error) and convert it using bombono into the ISO. Bombono gives me a similar error if I try to use it from the beginning, so devede does the first half without retiring and bombono does the second half, both program's world perfectly before upgrading to natty and I've tried changing settings and reinistalling but nothing helps. My second problem is with my nvidia drivers, they seem to work fine when I'm using my monitor but when I try to use my 47" LED vision as a monitor it says its detecting it as a CRT and only lets m do 1024x768 as my Max resolution. I know some people will say I should be posting in recede and nvidias forums but thee bugs aren't there fault, as both things world perfect before I upgraded to natty

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading 10.10 To Natty - Format Entire PC?

Jan 8, 2011

The last time I attempted to install an alpha release, my entire hard drive was wiped out (it was backed up) because of my ignorance to the installation warnings. Would it be possible upgrade Maverick Meerkat to Natty without editing any partitions?

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Ubuntu :: No 3d Effects, No Unity, No Compiz After Upgrading To Natty?

Apr 28, 2011

After rebooting, the first message i've been shown was: "Your hardware doesn't support Unity". First strange thing: Unity was working perfectly on all the Beta live versions I've tried before the upgrade.

Well, not a big problem, I didn't really like Unity. Let's stay with Gnome + Compiz, I said.. but Compiz effects don't work anymore. When I try to do System --> Preferences --> Appearance, the "effects" tab doesn't show anymore. The file named "screenshot1.png" will show you this problem, even if it's in Italian: there are only the Theme (tema), Background (sfondo) and Fonts (Tipo di carattere) tabs. Also look to the strange, fuzzy right corner of the themes previews. This didn't happen on 10.10. 3d rendering should be working, since I get

glxinfo | grep rendering
direct rendering: Yes
But nothing works.

System->Administration->Hardware is empty, but it has always been empty, even on 10.10 (but Compiz effects were working). When I try to set Compiz as windows manager in Compiz Fusion Icon, sometimes the title of the windows disappear, along with the minimize, maximize and close buttons. Do you think there's something I can do to fix all these things?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading To Latest Alpha Release Of Natty

Feb 13, 2011

and type
update-manager -d

This should show the option to upgrade to the latest alpha release of natty. Through the terminal this can be done using the same command but you need use.

sudo -s
to do this.

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General :: Flash Player Not Upgrading On FF 3.5 With Natty Narwhal?

May 23, 2011

After the upgrade to Natty from v9.04, though, my flash player won't update past version; the latest version is This is rather annoying in its own right, the more so when I watch quite a bit of hulu. I have so far tried uninstalling and reinstalling flash through the software center and by manually installing the .tar.gz file available from this site: [URL]Perhaps most distressing is that the site advertises that you're downloading v10.3.181.4, when I can't get past

Interestingly, when I tried the 'download via APT' option specifically for Ubuntu, there were issues. It would get to the 'open with' box, but when I tried to click on software center, nothing would happen (software center would dehighlight, and no further action would take place) including when I specifically searched and selected software center.As of a few minutes ago, the apt server was having issues (or firefox is) and firefox reports it is unable to find the file.

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Networking :: ATT Uverse DHCP Not Assigning To Red Interface Interface On Smoothwall?

Feb 14, 2010

I just had an ATT Uverse RG installed. However my Smoothwall router that previously worked fine with the ADSL SpeedStream is no longer accepting an address assignment DHCP ip address from this new gateway. (3800HGV-B)Any thoughts ideas or experience working with this hardware? ATT only supports Windows and Mac

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Networking :: Prevent Auto Up An Interface At /etc/network/interface File ?

Jul 18, 2011

I have a ppp0 entry with post-up options like this

mapping ppp0
map none photon-plus motorola
map timeout: 12


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Ubuntu Installation :: Warning When Upgrading To 10.04 \ "Upgrading May Reduce Desktop Effects, And Performance In Games And Other Graphically Intensive Programs?

Sep 29, 2010

i am trying to upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 from 8.04, and am getting this warning:"Upgrading may reduce desktop effects, and performance in games and other graphically intensive programs.This computer is currently using the AMD 'fglrx' graphics driver. No version of this driver is available that works with your hardware in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.Do you want to continue?"should i continue? i have no idea what a 'fglrx graphics driver' is

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General :: Unable To Use GUI Interface Meant Graphics Interface?

Apr 11, 2011

i am using windows 7 in my laptop and linux is installed on virtualBox but my problem is the screen is showing small in virtualbox is there any way to enalarge the screen to show like windows screen? i did before by using VGA setting but it made problem me i was not able to use GUI interface i meant graphics interface
it was just showing me Command Prompt.

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Security :: Iptables -L Does Not Show In-interface Or Out-interface?

Feb 26, 2011

When I do...# iptables -L...I see rules in my INPUT and OUTPUT chains that look scary:ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere...but these rules only apply to the loopback interface. I tested it and the server cannot be reached on open ports from the outside world. How can I make iptables show the interfaces that the rules apply to?Otherwise, every time I do iptables -L it will scare the crap out of me.

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Red Hat :: Add IPs To A Network Interface As Virtual Interface Like Eth0:0?

Apr 14, 2011

I found multiple sites explaining how to add IPs to a network interface as virtual interface like eth0:0. However I can add IPs to an interface as well using the ip command: ip a a dev eth0 What I want to know is how I can make this persistent on rhel/centos.

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Programming :: Interface "eth0" Which Is Down - Wasn't Displayed But Loopback Interface Has Been Displayed

Jan 6, 2011

The following are the output of command "ifconfig -a":


The interface "eth0", which is down, was not displayed, but loopback interface has been displayed. So, how can I make my application display all interfaces, including the interfaces which are down, but excluding the loopback interface?

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Ubuntu :: Able To NOT Run Compiz Under Natty?

Mar 22, 2011

I read that Natty will use Unity as the preferred desktop environment, together with Compiz. I found that on my system Compiz - while very neat - will cause instability so I'd rather not use it. How would the desktop stack look for a user not wanting to run Compiz under Natty? Can I use Mutter with Unity? Or maybe I should replace Unity with Gnome? Will my Ubuntu like this (replacing Unity with Gnome)? Will Ubuntu make it easy for users to dump Compiz if they want to do so?

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Ubuntu :: Maverick Or Natty?

Apr 3, 2011

I use Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat.I've heard of a newer version:Ubuntu 11.04(AKA,the Natty Narwhal).My question is:shall I upgrade to Natty?Any recommendations? When was the Maverick Meerkat released?

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Ubuntu :: Natty - Upgrade To 11.04 From 10.10 On CD

Apr 30, 2011

I'm on Natty since yesterday but I started the day before. My first impression was great. I now had an option top upgrade from 10.10 and not loose my data! So I did. It all went fine until the point where The Upgrade tries to restore my applications. It failed and returned the message:
unbalanced group option, expect badness.

And that was it! And I would have been waiting a very long time if I wasn't looking the details of what's going on because from here and after a 3rd try, I went to sleep online to find out I was still expecting badness the next day. I did a hard reboot and tried login in. I reached the login screen with success but could never login. I was using the encryption options which it seems comes after the restoration of application.

The symptoms are those of a wrong password. I finally did a clean install and restored my data from my backups (wouldn't try something new without a backup). Otherwise, I like Unity. I see a few things that needs polishing here and there but I don't mind using it. I think that voices from people liking it need to be heard as well because they usually don't have a reason to complain and it then looks like every body think Unity is not good.

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Ubuntu :: Natty - How To Use The <SUPER> Key

May 2, 2011

I would like that the shortcut <super>+<space> open gnome-do. I set all this in gnome-do already, but everytime I hit the <super> key, the unity menu shows up. I'm using 11.04, 32bit on a lenovo 3000 V200.

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Ubuntu :: No PulseAudio In Natty?

May 3, 2011

after struggling for a couple days with Pulse not working in Natty, I found a solution, and it's easy: Delete the ~/.pulse folder in your home folder. I keep a separate home partition, and apparently some of the old settings conflicted with the new setup.

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Ubuntu :: Dvd Not Readable In Natty?

May 14, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and am unable to read any DVD from my DVD writer. I'm sure its some Software issues as CD's seem to work fine with this distribution. Can someone tell me how to get my DVD Writer working again. DVD's (all) are not detected at all by the system. They must atleast be mounted or something but nothing. I even check the Disk utility to see if the system can see the DVD but not able to mount it. No luck. The DVD is not Detected. btw All the DVD's i tested work fine in windows

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Ubuntu :: Why Is Natty Restricting SSD To 1.5 Gb/s

May 17, 2011

I have a SSD that is a SATA-IF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME. and can run at 3.0 Gb/s - in the error log it is being restricted to 1.5.... I have no propritary drivers, (apparently) that need updating - is there anything else I can do to get the full speed?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot See Capthas In Natty

May 24, 2011

I love Ubuntu and Linux in general but Java wears me out. When I want to register for a newsgroup or what ever and it asks to type in the letters they are not there. Having to switch distros every time I need to do that is getting old.

Sometimes I think webmasters are self centered. If they considered the fact that not everybody can see these capthas they would just ask a math question or whatever to fool the spam bots.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Natty To Load Right / What To Do?

May 26, 2011

I upgraded to Natty Narwhal about a week after it was released and haven't had any problems until last night. The screen froze so I had to use the power button to turn my laptop off and now I cant get it to load. I have tried the safe mode and regular startup. Please forgive my terminology mistakes. I put a hard drive with Windows 7 loaded in my laptop so I could start this thread and feel it could crash at any time. It says failure is imminent, so I'm on borrowed time. Natty is installed on my hard drive that is sitting beside me right now. So any troubleshooting will require me to switch hard drives around.

Anyway, when I tried to get Natty to load the hard drive light basically stays on, Unity desktop won't load, and the Gnome desktop sorta loads. I wish I had the error messages written down so this may be a waste of time. I'm getting messages that different applets cant load, such as the workplace switcher, clock applet, and a couple more that I can't remember right off. The home screen doesn't show the trash can, workplace windows, time, or the button to shut down, restart, etc. Nothing will load. The hard drive light runs constantly

Also, on two occasions when I tried to load, the ubuntu screen with the four little dots below the word that scroll left to right, said the hard drive couldnt be found or was not ready. it gave me the option to continue manually, continue, or skip.

I apologize for my idiotic ramble without proper terminology and hope some of this makes sense. Is my hard drive shot? Any way to check that?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Natty - No /var/log/messages ?

Jun 2, 2011

Just started up my Log Viewer on a fresh install of Natty, and it complains there are a bunch of log files missing:


HOWEVER, this raises a number of questions.

1) Why are these files not here any more? I don't know of a single Linux distribution which doesn't have a /var/log/messages file.

2) Is the lack of these files to do with changes in Natty, or is there something badly wrong with my machine?

3) If these have been removed on purpose, where should I be looking for this information now?

4) Howcome this information wasn't broadcast to the community? One simple solution would be to retain the file /var/log/messages and fill it with the message "This file isn't used any more, please look in xxxx"

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Rip Vcd To Hd Natty?

Jul 3, 2011

Have tried to rip vcd to hd. I'm using 11.04. I want to put various home vcd files onto a dvd. I am aware of the quality issue.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Best Antivirus For Natty?

Jul 29, 2011

I am loving 11.04 and I was wondering what is the best Anti Virus and how to install it.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: How To Natty On A MacBook Pro 5,2

Dec 29, 2010

Introduction: I wrote a very extensive and quantified tutorial and informational guide aiming to upgrade the latent information from the wiki's on MacBook Pro 5,2. An accidental toe tap ended with me bumping my head and pressing the X button on firefox. What happen had to be 1 out of a billionth of a chance. So this version will be simple and to the point, until I can muster enough patience to detail it all out again. Please correct any errors.

sudo apt-get install pommed - To get backlight keyboard working.
sudo apt-get install cheese - To get iSight working.
sudo apt-get install lirc - to get remote working (tested in XBMC)
sudo apt-get install bluemon - Pairs Mighty Mouse and Wireless Keyboard (optional)


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Ubuntu :: Vuze Not Launching In Natty?

Mar 7, 2011

i was using ubuntu 10.10 and vuze as the default bit-torrent client. I upgraded to natty alpha 3 a couple of days ago and after that vuze doesn't even launch...i don't see any errors, when you click on the icon absolutely nothing happens. I tried removing vuze and then installing it again,

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