Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading From Feisty To Natty?

May 6, 2011

My Live CD for Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) isn't working on my old computer for some reason. However, I have an old live CD for 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) lying around. Is it possible to install Feisty and upgrade from that to Natty?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading 10.10 To Natty - Format Entire PC?

Jan 8, 2011

The last time I attempted to install an alpha release, my entire hard drive was wiped out (it was backed up) because of my ignorance to the installation warnings. Would it be possible upgrade Maverick Meerkat to Natty without editing any partitions?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading To Latest Alpha Release Of Natty

Feb 13, 2011

and type
update-manager -d

This should show the option to upgrade to the latest alpha release of natty. Through the terminal this can be done using the same command but you need use.

sudo -s
to do this.

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Ubuntu :: No New Interface After Upgrading To Natty?

Apr 28, 2011

I've upgraded from beta to stable release of Ubuntu 11.04, but I can't see this interface:

I still have this:

Why? How to "upgrade" it?

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General :: Upgrading To Ubuntu 11.04 Natty

Apr 28, 2011

If I upgrade from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 will any and or all of my preferences/programs have to be re-configured/re-installed or will it just upgrade and leave everything how it is??

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Ubuntu :: Boot Fails After Upgrading To Natty?

May 2, 2011

I was using Maverick, I performed upgrade to Natty today morning and rebooted and it was working fine. Then I turned off my PC and left home.

Now in the evening when I'm trying to boot nothing happens, just black screen. Nothing happens after that.

Though I can boot by selecting "Previous Version" but can't boot normally. Though I was surprised that even after selecting "previous version" I was booted in to Natty(I guess so, as the UI is Unity not GNOME).

But can't boot using the Kernel that's listed first in my Menu.

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Ubuntu :: Couple Of Bugs Since Upgrading To Natty / What To Do?

May 30, 2011

First of all I'd like to say me and my family and friends who ive converted to Ubuntu users have had trouble with natty from the start (needing to mount the drive manually from the terminal after the upgrade being one of the problems) but there are two problems I was curious if anyone else had and fixed. The first problem is an app called "DeVeDe" which is used to convert video files into isos, it appears to work fine until the end when it errors and says I may be out of disk space. My work around is to take the MPG file it converted (which didn't seem to be affected by the error) and convert it using bombono into the ISO. Bombono gives me a similar error if I try to use it from the beginning, so devede does the first half without retiring and bombono does the second half, both program's world perfectly before upgrading to natty and I've tried changing settings and reinistalling but nothing helps. My second problem is with my nvidia drivers, they seem to work fine when I'm using my monitor but when I try to use my 47" LED vision as a monitor it says its detecting it as a CRT and only lets m do 1024x768 as my Max resolution. I know some people will say I should be posting in recede and nvidias forums but thee bugs aren't there fault, as both things world perfect before I upgraded to natty

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Ubuntu :: No 3d Effects, No Unity, No Compiz After Upgrading To Natty?

Apr 28, 2011

After rebooting, the first message i've been shown was: "Your hardware doesn't support Unity". First strange thing: Unity was working perfectly on all the Beta live versions I've tried before the upgrade.

Well, not a big problem, I didn't really like Unity. Let's stay with Gnome + Compiz, I said.. but Compiz effects don't work anymore. When I try to do System --> Preferences --> Appearance, the "effects" tab doesn't show anymore. The file named "screenshot1.png" will show you this problem, even if it's in Italian: there are only the Theme (tema), Background (sfondo) and Fonts (Tipo di carattere) tabs. Also look to the strange, fuzzy right corner of the themes previews. This didn't happen on 10.10. 3d rendering should be working, since I get

glxinfo | grep rendering
direct rendering: Yes
But nothing works.

System->Administration->Hardware is empty, but it has always been empty, even on 10.10 (but Compiz effects were working). When I try to set Compiz as windows manager in Compiz Fusion Icon, sometimes the title of the windows disappear, along with the minimize, maximize and close buttons. Do you think there's something I can do to fix all these things?

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General :: Flash Player Not Upgrading On FF 3.5 With Natty Narwhal?

May 23, 2011

After the upgrade to Natty from v9.04, though, my flash player won't update past version; the latest version is This is rather annoying in its own right, the more so when I watch quite a bit of hulu. I have so far tried uninstalling and reinstalling flash through the software center and by manually installing the .tar.gz file available from this site: [URL]Perhaps most distressing is that the site advertises that you're downloading v10.3.181.4, when I can't get past

Interestingly, when I tried the 'download via APT' option specifically for Ubuntu, there were issues. It would get to the 'open with' box, but when I tried to click on software center, nothing would happen (software center would dehighlight, and no further action would take place) including when I specifically searched and selected software center.As of a few minutes ago, the apt server was having issues (or firefox is) and firefox reports it is unable to find the file.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Warning When Upgrading To 10.04 \ "Upgrading May Reduce Desktop Effects, And Performance In Games And Other Graphically Intensive Programs?

Sep 29, 2010

i am trying to upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 from 8.04, and am getting this warning:"Upgrading may reduce desktop effects, and performance in games and other graphically intensive programs.This computer is currently using the AMD 'fglrx' graphics driver. No version of this driver is available that works with your hardware in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.Do you want to continue?"should i continue? i have no idea what a 'fglrx graphics driver' is

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cups Will Not Start On New Installation Of Natty?

May 17, 2011

I am unable to print on a new installation of Natty.The print configuration utility reports that no printing service is available. I have comfirmed that cups is installed and get a positive response to "whereis cupsd" When I attempt to start cups from the cl (service cups start) I receive the following response: start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.63" (uid=1000 pid=5577 comm="start cups ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))

There are no errors produced in the logs - either cups or syslog and if I turn apparmour to complain mode nothing improves: sudo aa-complain cupsd

I am aware of this post: [URL]... but since the workaround has no effect and in the absence of error messages I am not sure that it applies and cannot implement - and note that no print drivers are in play since I can't get cups to start.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Vista Installation Won't Start After Upgrading From Karmic To Lucid

Apr 30, 2010

My Windows Vista installation won't start after upgrading from Karmic to Lucid. If I select it on GRUB2, it leaves a blinking cursor on screen. And I tried doing the whole test disk thing and the boot info script. This is what my Results.txt file says


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading Kernel In A Karmic Persistent USB Installation

Jan 30, 2010

I've upgraded the generic kernel of my Xubuntu Karmic AMD64 persistent USB installation with the ubuntustudio realtime kernel ( The thing is that the generic kernel is still loading as default and I don't have the option on the boot menu to choose the new one. I don't know how to edit this Grub2 version (grub-pc 1.97 beta 4).I haven't found a GUI package for this either.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Upgrade To Natty From 10.10

Apr 5, 2011

When i upgraded the whole process went all right then when I logged in, i mostly saw black and no unity bar could barley get around.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Upgrade To Natty?

May 4, 2011

When I try to upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04 I always get this error:

Code: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.
If I run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, I get:

~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando rbol de dependencias


Apparently there's nothing wrong in apt.log, but i cannot upgrade and i don't know how to fix it. Any clue?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Get GUI With Natty

May 5, 2011

I recently installed Natty (64 bit version) and I have been enthusing about it on the testimonials page. Everything worked perfectly until tonight! I've been using the Unity interface with the Nouveau/Gallium 3D experimental driver and it has worked perfectly - but tonight the computer informed me that I do not have the required 3D support and defaulted to the Gnome interface with no Compiz available. I don't know what has happened but I can't get anything else to load.

I've tried re-installing the driver but it makes no difference. I don't want to install the "blob" and I don't see why I should have to when it worked before.Iv'e tried installing an openGL game (Chromium BSU) and it runs perfectly so the 3D acceleration is working - unity should run!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting The OpenOffice On Natty?

May 6, 2011

I have done a fresh installation of Natty and as expected it installed LibreOffice. What I would like is to install OpenOffice but it doesn't seem to be in the repositories. I know LibreOffice is a complete replacement for OpenOffice. However, the LibreOffice Base component is buggy [URL]. Hence I cannot use it at the moment. I did think about downloading the debs from the OpenOffice website, but the OpenOffice Base component doesn't seem to be included in the packages (?)What I would like is to have OpenOffice and LibreOffice installed side by side.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Not Starting / What To Do?

Jun 3, 2011

Today I've upgraded my Maverick installation to Natty using the "do-release-upgrade" command. The upgrade completed successfully according to the tool, but after I rebooted my system and chose "Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-8-generic" in GRUB my screen went black showing an blinking underscore and rebooted after approx. five seconds.
When I entered the Safe Boot environment the last thing my system did before rebooting was attaching the SCSI devices but didn't show any error message.
Same with (successful) clean installation from Desktop-CD and Alternate-CD on a clean HDD.
After I upgraded I still had access to the "Previous Linux Versions" option in Grub, but when I started the Maverick kernel my system displayed a blinking underscore for about 30 minutes - until I shut it off. In the Safe Boot environment of the old kernel the "Failsafe X" option resulted in the blinking underscore again.
This happens with the final version, but also happened with the alpha and beta versions.
Ubuntu is the only OS on my PC.
I only tried this with the GNOME version of Ubuntu, but will try to use Xubuntu now.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty PHP Downgrade

Jul 11, 2011

The version of PHP installed on my Natty box is as follows :

However I require the use of PHP 5.1.6 for a certain environment scenario, the below link shows how to downgrade to PHP 5.2 from 5.3 by switching the lucid with karmic repos & using apt-get update [url]

A question: go from PHP 5.3 to 5.1, can I apply the same procedure as mentioned in the above link with the Ubuntu repos for PHP 5.1?? & if so which Ubuntu version repos do I need to replace with?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 'Software Sources' In Natty

Jan 6, 2011

<Resolved>I am trying Natty in Virtualbox in my Maverick host and I want to install a repository. Can someone remind me how to reinstall the, now missing, Software Sources back into "System Administration"?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To Natty And Don't Have Unity

Apr 26, 2011

today i upgraded to natty and it went well (except for mistake of not removing ati driver before upgrading what caused 2 hours of me fixing..).. now i have weird problem - there no unity. my desktop looks the same as before - docky and 1 gnome panel, no matter what session i choose (unity or classic).. this is good news for unity haters, but i did upgrade because i wanted unity.i guess i have to run something to set defaults on system...

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Unity 3D On New Natty Install

Apr 29, 2011

I've just installed Natty Narwhal onto my laptop, but I cannot find Unity 3D, only 2D. I've installed the propriety NVIDIA drivers, but there still is no 3D option.I've also seen no one who likes Unity, but I do.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting BusyBox When Trying To Install Natty From USB?

Apr 30, 2011

I've tried both the DVD and CD, the CD with both usb-creator-kde and unetbootin. The results are the same always, the USB boots, into the splash screen, I select Start Kubuntu, it goes to the loading screen. After some seconds it starts scrolling a wall of text, gives some error about not being able to write or read /root/var/* because they don't exists and end up on a BusyBox with (initramfs) prompt.

I need to install the system on a new disk (2tb) instead of upgrading because I have to send the current one (1tb) to replacement. Could the large 2tb disk be a problem? I tried unplugging all disks and leaving just the disk I want to install to, but no deal... (both are SATA).(Checked the md5sum and they both match for DVD and CD...)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Natty From USB Stick

May 1, 2011

Having a problem in installing Natty onto my ASUS EEEPC. Ive already changed the boot menu to install from USB, however, it will not mount the USB in order for it to boot. I created the image using the Ubuntu startup disk creator and also downloaded the image from the ubuntu website (ive already read about the faults with using some torrents). I know the USB stick works and is bootable as ive installed Natty onto a Acer aspire netbook using it. how i could get the USB to mount so i am able to install Natty.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To Natty : OS Does Not Load?

May 4, 2011

I have successfully upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, computer was rebooted and I got working Ubuntu Natty. I did not altered any settings and switched computer off. When I tried to boot computer today I got Ubuntu load screen, but OS does not load properly (only load screent, startup sound and that's all).I am able to load terminal as root. How can I troubleshot my problem?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Upgrade To Natty 11.04

May 9, 2011

I tried to upgrade to 11.04 from 10.10 but I get this error every time.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty 64bit With Memory Over 4gb?

May 9, 2011

I have a clean install of 11.04 64bit on a Asus EEE 1201N netbook with 8gb of BIOS seen memory.

OS only see's 4gb of memory


EEE-PC:~$ free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 3269 1916 1352 0 118 550
-/+ buffers/cache: 1246 2022


Did some more research and find that PAE Kernel is available in 32 bit for Natty but not 64bit. Source Link Here Is there anything that I can do or should I just go back to 32 bit?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Flash Work In Natty 64 Bit?

May 13, 2011

During the past days, I've tried "everything" to get flash working in my fresh Natty 64 Bits install to my Acer Aspire 5745G -laptop. I've read countless of hours through the forums, but none of the tips have helped in my case. Using the latest Firefox and Chromium.

For example, I've downloaded the 64 Bits "libflashplayer.so" from Adobe:[URL].. and put it into: sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins and restarted the browsers, even the entire PC, but still flash doesn't work. What an I doing wrong?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Xorg CPU Hog After Upgrade To Natty?

May 17, 2011

I've just upgraded my Mythbuntu box to Natty. Now I have a completely unusable system due to Xorg taking 70% of CPU. Mouse movement is possible and I can just type but that is about it. Using MythTv is impossible.I'm running a standard mythtv build with the xfce desktop how to fix this one as it has rendered my PVR system impotent.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Updating The Repositories To Natty (11.04)

Aug 14, 2011

After my system was updated to Natty, even though Software Sources is set for LTS updates only, none of the repositories in Software Sources or /etc/apt/sources.list.d were updated. I have manually updated the Software Sources repositories, and removed the outdated repositories from /etc/apt/sources.list.d, but when I do apt-get update I still see references to previous Ubuntu versions. How do I update ALL the repositories?

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