Ubuntu :: 11.04 Natty - No /var/log/messages ?

Jun 2, 2011

Just started up my Log Viewer on a fresh install of Natty, and it complains there are a bunch of log files missing:


HOWEVER, this raises a number of questions.

1) Why are these files not here any more? I don't know of a single Linux distribution which doesn't have a /var/log/messages file.

2) Is the lack of these files to do with changes in Natty, or is there something badly wrong with my machine?

3) If these have been removed on purpose, where should I be looking for this information now?

4) Howcome this information wasn't broadcast to the community? One simple solution would be to retain the file /var/log/messages and fill it with the message "This file isn't used any more, please look in xxxx"

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Programming :: Logging Messages From Program Doesn't Reach /var/log/messages?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a syslog-ng running and kernel build of I use a syslog API in my program with facility LOG_LOCAL5 and and levels debug err and crit and info. when I ran on the older syslog facility I had everything logged fine as I intended. now I have written these rules into the syslog-ng.conf:

options {
flush_lines (0);
time_reopen (10);
log_fifo_size (1000);


the last two rules show my program gnssapp. the result is all debug levels or crit or err levels I don't see any of them !

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Security :: Stop Particular Messages In /var/log/messages?

May 30, 2009

More than 7 G bytes were logged to the messages file last three weeks I got this message in /var/log/messages I want to stop this messaging cause it takes to much space


Apr 30 20:25:18 TEST-NODE kernel: IPT: IN_NOMATCH IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:17:a4:a7:3d:a2:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=104 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=10100 DPT=10100 LEN=84


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Ubuntu :: Messages Are Not Sent On MSN By Empathy?

Apr 22, 2010

You can find this bug here: [URL]and here: [URL]

Sometimes Empathy is not sending my messages to my contacts on MSN. There are no warning messages of this, so it's really annoying. I have to disconnect and reconnect to MSN to resolve the issue. After the bug occurs no message is sent to that contact, but I can communicate with others.

In my case I see no correlation between the length of the message and the bug occurring, it seems to appear randomly.

I am using Empathy on Ubunutu 10.04 RC

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Ubuntu :: Get Rid Of Ads In Email Messages?

Jul 9, 2010

How do I get rid of unwanted ads (lots of it in CNET's newsletter, etc.) when reading messages in Evolution?

PS- Thunderbird at the moment seems the only eMailer capable of adding some kind of adblock... I hope to see some kind of equivalent alternative towards Evolution!!?

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Ubuntu :: Hide Messages In Empathy IRC?

May 9, 2010

how can I hide the joining leaving messages of the IRC client of empathy ?

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Ubuntu :: Any Option To Pop Up New Empathy Messages?

May 14, 2010

I don't like having to click twice to do what I had happen automatically in Pidgin - that is, open up my new messages in Empathy. It's just cumbersome - is there any hack or option for this, or should I merely go back to Pidgin for now? I really like Empathy, but this is just annoying.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Send Log Messages To Console.

May 16, 2011

after upgrading to 11.04, natty, I have a problem with rsyslogd.

In previous releases I went to:


and uncommented the lines under comment:

# I like to have messages displayed on the console, but only on a virtual
# console I usually leave idle.

This was redirecting the log messages to a console I could get to via Ctrl-Alt-Fwhatever.

In natty, this no longer works. When I switch to the relevant console I get a blank screen with a blinking cursor.

The file /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf still exists. A new arrival is also 50-default.conf.ucf-dist which, as far as I can tell is a clone and which I have also modified like 50-default.conf.

The file /etc/rsyslog.conf (configuration file for rsyslogd) exists and its last line reads:

$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf

which presumably should force rsyslogd to read 50-default.conf at startup.

Looking at the running processes I can see that rsyslogd runs.

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Ubuntu :: Direct Syslog Messages To Particular Tty?

Aug 24, 2009

I wrote a script which will run in ubuntu box and will display in tty1, without loading the gdm. The problem is when I plugged in a usb drive it will cause some messages to be printed into the current tty user logged in.

Like : [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through

This is really disturbing when a user is running the script. Is there anyway that I can direct all the messages to some other tty which I don't use.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Not Showing All New Messages?

Feb 9, 2010

Amongst many other annoyances and problems with my setup, the most major one is as follows:I use evolution on my home computer to manage my email...when i was at my friends house today, i logged in to my mail via godaddys webmail service....after checking my mail and returning home, i notices that some of my new messages that i viewed on the webmail were showing as they should (unread) in evolution...however, a few of the messages were completely absent...i then returned to my account through webmail and sifted through all the emails that were in my inbox(all unread as I havent used the service much as i have always had my computer with me)...i noticed more than a few messages that were there that i didnt receive in my evolution inbox....is that a problem with my email provider through godaddy, or a problem with evolution?evolution often locks up on me and crashes, so i am thinking it might be something to do with it....thinking about switching to thunderbird and hoping for better results, but i am so used to evolution now

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Ubuntu :: Kile With Log And Messages Pane?

Sep 20, 2010

In Kile I got the log and messages pane it is just gone in the latex main page. What do I have to do to get it back?

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General :: Get Log Messages From The LAMP Server On Ubuntu 10.04?

Jun 2, 2010

How can I get log messages from the LAMP server on Ubuntu 10.04?Should I install some good program on Ubuntu for that purpose?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Running In Low Graphics Mode - EE Messages

Mar 2, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10. I tried a solution for a wifi problem (wasn't always connecting) and now when I reboot I get "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode" along with a bunch of EE messages. When I click OK it gives me "Run Ubuntu in low-graphics mode for just one session." Which gets me back to the desktop.

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Ubuntu :: Continous Output Last Log Messages Like A Ticker?

Mar 6, 2010

I want to have a live-output of e.g. /var/log/syslog but with a filter (grep) so that all new messages are shown live as they are written into the logfile.Normally I use sth. like:
cat /var/log/syslog | grep cron | tailBut this will only show the last new messages. I'd like the last messages continously showing up.

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Ubuntu :: When Try To Use Messenger Program / Messages Keep Dropping Out

Apr 4, 2010

when I try to use a messenger program on ubuntu, the messages keep dropping out, I have an old-ish netgear router, what I have done is setup a virtual-box with windows xp and i'm having no problems with msn messenger under virtual-box at all, does ubuntu not like old-ish netgear routers?

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Ubuntu :: Pop Messages Were Getting Downloaded On Evolution Mail?

Apr 16, 2010

I always use ubuntu and have lots of important files in there..What happened before?I was working on the comp...pop messages were getting downloaded on evolution mail...pidgin was running...google chrome was running..My version: 9.10Found this somewhere:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu...uestion/107653https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+s...4?comments=allWhen i select ubuntu from dual boot screen..It dosen't do the usual thing of asking me some options second one would be recovery mode..It takes me to some Grub loader beta4 (don't remember name)I get to type something as..sh:grub> (type here)something like that.

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Ubuntu :: Empathy Sometimes Doesn't Show Messages?

May 8, 2010

when I am having a conversation in empathy, I find that some messages people have sent me, don't arrive. Also the other way around: people don't receive messages I have sent them. I use ubuntu 10.04 now, but this also occurred to me in 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Error Messages About Applets / Won't Appear After Startup

May 29, 2010

Can someone please help me? I'm a noob and I've never had a problem like this before.Ever since I installed on this system every time I start up I get a bunch of error windows.I tried pressing the "Don't Delete" or "Reload" buttons as appropriate. Then the applets sometimes reappear and sometimes they don't. Please help a noob!

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Ubuntu :: Win98, WinXP, Send Messages To Each Other?

Jun 7, 2010

Can someone explain to me, or if it's even possible, for a Windoz computer to send a message to Linux (or vice versa) and have the receiver act on that message? For example. I have a DOS program running on a win computer that monitors some hardware connected to the parallel port, and heyu home automation running on the Linux. I would like heyu to turn on a light triggered by an event on win.

Can I send a message, via the OS, from win and run a script on Linux? Can I do that from Linux to Win? Once upon a time there was a messaging system called WinPop (circa Win3.1, and Win95) I assume the functionality still exists even if those archaic programs don't. Currently, I make Windoz create a file on Linux, then the Linux box checks for that file once a minute using cron. This works, but I would prefer a cleaner solution.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution - Hotmail: Getting Messages Every Time?

Jun 7, 2010

I just synchronized my hotmail account with evolution and it works flawlessly, however every time I click send-receive it stars to download mail by mail (more than 10,000, so it takes a while) and it won't check if I got new messages until it is done. The first time it happened I thought it was a normal thing, and that evo won't scan ever again from my hotmail account. Does anyone know how to stop doing that?

I have another brief question, I would like to know if there's a way that when I read a message on evolution it will also mark as read the same message on my hotmail account.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Mail Won't Send Messages With 10.04

Jun 17, 2010

I had been using Evolution with no issues though until I installed Ubuntu 10.04 after which I could no longer send outgoing messages. I use a hotmail live account with Evolution. I have also just installed Evolution 2.30 from 2.28 to see if that would solve the issue, but it did not.

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Ubuntu :: Error Messages At Boot-time?

Jul 1, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 through the Update Manager. During the updated however I got an error telling me that it was unable to install something. Sorry, I can't remember what it was; it didn't stop the updated so I assumed it wasn't that important. Anyways, I don't know if this is because of that error, but during the boot process and when shutting the computer I get console messages. When I boot it tells me that "mounting none on /dev failed No such device" and when I shut down I get these messages.I see this was asked before and that it isn't a big issue, but I'd still like to solve it. The problem is that I'm pretty new to Ubuntu and Linux in general I don't know how to follow the very general instructions given in that thread.

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Ubuntu :: Send Text Messages Using Skype ?

Aug 25, 2010

Is there anyway to send txt messages using skype on ubuntu.or is it still in progress.

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird Messages Don't Display Correctly

Aug 28, 2010

I am having problems with Thunderbird in Ubuntu Lucid. I am not sure since when. It could have been since I upgraded to Lucid from Karmic. When I open Thunderbird, a message pops up that is supposed to ask me for the password. However, it is all blank inside and doesn't display the text. I found that after I click on ALT+TAB a few times, the message displays correctly. This is very strange. Is anyone else having (or had) the same problem? Does anyone have an idea for a fix?I tried uninstalling and then reinstalling but it didn't work out (I didn't "purge" though).

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Icon Not Alerting Of New Messages?

Oct 11, 2010

I'd like to have a notification icon popup when a new email message comes in. I find that I need to keep the Evolution window open to see the popup notifier, which kinda defeats the purpose of being notified when you've already opened the program and can see the message right there.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Getting Firefox / Thunderbird Error Messages

Nov 10, 2010

Problem-cannot mount 2 other samba computers on my ubuntu 10.04 via 'sudo mountall'. Additionally I now get Firefox/Thunderbird error messages as listed below. Had no problems with ubuntu UNTIL I attempted install of VirtualBox running WinXP client in my Ubuntu host. VirtualBox seemed to install ok but upon startup of WinXP client all I got was a black screen. To close it I had to do "Power Off" which VBox manual says is like a hard power off and is to be avoided. So I guess it's like I crashed XP within Ubuntu.

Now - ubuntu boots ok except will not auto mount other samba connected computers. Manually running 'sudo mountall' in terminal gives --
p { margin-bottom: 0.02in; page-break-before: auto; }p.cjk { font-size: 10pt; } swapon: /dev/disk/by-uuid/24c4c591-47ec-44f1-ac52-c0e2f5850c18: swapon failed: Device or resource busy
mountall: swapon /dev/disk/by-uuid/24c4c591-47ec-44f1-ac52-c0e2f5850c18 [2235] terminated with status 255
mountall: Problem activating swap: /dev/disk/by-uuid/24c4c591-47ec-44f1-ac52-c0e2f5850c18
retrying with upper case share name
mount error(6): No such device or address
Refer to the mount.cifs( manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
mountall: mount /media/samba_share [2239] terminated with status 32

Additionally I now get these warning messages when Firefox and Thunderbird start. (They do start and seem to work fine.)--
Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See [URL] for information. (Details - 1: Server ping error: IDLmg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0)
p { margin-bottom: 0.02in; page-break-before: auto; }p.cjk { font-size: 10pt; } What I've tried-

1) fstab UUID matches error UUID above and matches UUID from blkid command:
fstab =#Entry for /dev/sdc2 :
UUID=24c4c591-47ec-44f1-ac52-c0e2f5850c18 none swap sw 0 0
p { margin-bottom: 0.02in; page-break-before: auto; }p.cjk { font-size: 10pt; }
blkid = /dev/sdc2: UUID="24c4c591-47ec-44f1-ac52-c0e2f5850c18" TYPE="swap"

2) Reinstalled mountall from synaptic pkg manager; did not try to remove mountall and reinstall. To remove, removes LOTS of other packages from system - not brave enough to do that (yet).

3) Ran fsck on swap partition as below. Swap not found. (that confuses me.)p { margin-bottom: 0.02in; page-break-before: auto; }p.cjk { font-size: 10pt; } john@johndesk:~$ fsck /dev/sdc2
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
fsck: fsck.swap: not found
fsck: Error 2 while executing fsck.swap for /dev/sdc2
p { margin-bottom: 0.02in; page-break-before: auto; }p.cjk { font-size: 10pt; } 4) deleted all the files in ~/.dbus/session-bus. Ubuntu just rebuilds the same file back.

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Ubuntu :: Read MiFi's Text Messages?

Nov 16, 2010

Is there a way to read the text messages off my Three MiFi (Huawei E585) using Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Logout Messages Disappear Too Quickly?

Nov 26, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 - when I logout I get screenful (at least) of messages all with the same format. They disappear too quickly to see what they're about. I've looked at the logs but can't see anything like what I see on the screen. Is there any way I can find them?

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Ubuntu :: Error Messages When Attempting To Boot 9.10

Dec 29, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10. The batter drained several days ago, and now when I attempt to boot I simply get a string of indecipherable error messages which last for about 5 minutes, and the screen then goes completely black. I am not able to even get to the login screen. Windows 7 Starter boots fine, so it's definitely a software issue. Any solutions short of completely reinstalling? I really don't want to lose all of my data.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Email - Sent Messages Disappear?

Jan 1, 2011

My wife uses Evolution for emailing. I have just set up an new email account for her and the strangest thing is happening. When she sends mail, a copy was going to the old Sent folder for her old account. Fine. So I tried Edit->Preferences->Mail Accounts->Edit->Defaults and pointed the sent mail to the Sent folder in the new account.Now she sends a mail and there is no copy going anywhere! It is not being saved in the old Sent folder or the new.Compaq Presario 610, Maverick 10.04.

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