Ubuntu :: Cannot See Capthas In Natty

May 24, 2011

I love Ubuntu and Linux in general but Java wears me out. When I want to register for a newsgroup or what ever and it asks to type in the letters they are not there. Having to switch distros every time I need to do that is getting old.

Sometimes I think webmasters are self centered. If they considered the fact that not everybody can see these capthas they would just ask a math question or whatever to fool the spam bots.

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Ubuntu :: Able To NOT Run Compiz Under Natty?

Mar 22, 2011

I read that Natty will use Unity as the preferred desktop environment, together with Compiz. I found that on my system Compiz - while very neat - will cause instability so I'd rather not use it. How would the desktop stack look for a user not wanting to run Compiz under Natty? Can I use Mutter with Unity? Or maybe I should replace Unity with Gnome? Will my Ubuntu like this (replacing Unity with Gnome)? Will Ubuntu make it easy for users to dump Compiz if they want to do so?

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Ubuntu :: Maverick Or Natty?

Apr 3, 2011

I use Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat.I've heard of a newer version:Ubuntu 11.04(AKA,the Natty Narwhal).My question is:shall I upgrade to Natty?Any recommendations? When was the Maverick Meerkat released?

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Ubuntu :: Natty - Upgrade To 11.04 From 10.10 On CD

Apr 30, 2011

I'm on Natty since yesterday but I started the day before. My first impression was great. I now had an option top upgrade from 10.10 and not loose my data! So I did. It all went fine until the point where The Upgrade tries to restore my applications. It failed and returned the message:
unbalanced group option, expect badness.

And that was it! And I would have been waiting a very long time if I wasn't looking the details of what's going on because from here and after a 3rd try, I went to sleep online to find out I was still expecting badness the next day. I did a hard reboot and tried login in. I reached the login screen with success but could never login. I was using the encryption options which it seems comes after the restoration of application.

The symptoms are those of a wrong password. I finally did a clean install and restored my data from my backups (wouldn't try something new without a backup). Otherwise, I like Unity. I see a few things that needs polishing here and there but I don't mind using it. I think that voices from people liking it need to be heard as well because they usually don't have a reason to complain and it then looks like every body think Unity is not good.

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Ubuntu :: Natty - How To Use The <SUPER> Key

May 2, 2011

I would like that the shortcut <super>+<space> open gnome-do. I set all this in gnome-do already, but everytime I hit the <super> key, the unity menu shows up. I'm using 11.04, 32bit on a lenovo 3000 V200.

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Ubuntu :: No PulseAudio In Natty?

May 3, 2011

after struggling for a couple days with Pulse not working in Natty, I found a solution, and it's easy: Delete the ~/.pulse folder in your home folder. I keep a separate home partition, and apparently some of the old settings conflicted with the new setup.

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Ubuntu :: Dvd Not Readable In Natty?

May 14, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and am unable to read any DVD from my DVD writer. I'm sure its some Software issues as CD's seem to work fine with this distribution. Can someone tell me how to get my DVD Writer working again. DVD's (all) are not detected at all by the system. They must atleast be mounted or something but nothing. I even check the Disk utility to see if the system can see the DVD but not able to mount it. No luck. The DVD is not Detected. btw All the DVD's i tested work fine in windows

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Ubuntu :: Why Is Natty Restricting SSD To 1.5 Gb/s

May 17, 2011

I have a SSD that is a SATA-IF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME. and can run at 3.0 Gb/s - in the error log it is being restricted to 1.5.... I have no propritary drivers, (apparently) that need updating - is there anything else I can do to get the full speed?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Natty To Load Right / What To Do?

May 26, 2011

I upgraded to Natty Narwhal about a week after it was released and haven't had any problems until last night. The screen froze so I had to use the power button to turn my laptop off and now I cant get it to load. I have tried the safe mode and regular startup. Please forgive my terminology mistakes. I put a hard drive with Windows 7 loaded in my laptop so I could start this thread and feel it could crash at any time. It says failure is imminent, so I'm on borrowed time. Natty is installed on my hard drive that is sitting beside me right now. So any troubleshooting will require me to switch hard drives around.

Anyway, when I tried to get Natty to load the hard drive light basically stays on, Unity desktop won't load, and the Gnome desktop sorta loads. I wish I had the error messages written down so this may be a waste of time. I'm getting messages that different applets cant load, such as the workplace switcher, clock applet, and a couple more that I can't remember right off. The home screen doesn't show the trash can, workplace windows, time, or the button to shut down, restart, etc. Nothing will load. The hard drive light runs constantly

Also, on two occasions when I tried to load, the ubuntu screen with the four little dots below the word that scroll left to right, said the hard drive couldnt be found or was not ready. it gave me the option to continue manually, continue, or skip.

I apologize for my idiotic ramble without proper terminology and hope some of this makes sense. Is my hard drive shot? Any way to check that?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Natty - No /var/log/messages ?

Jun 2, 2011

Just started up my Log Viewer on a fresh install of Natty, and it complains there are a bunch of log files missing:


HOWEVER, this raises a number of questions.

1) Why are these files not here any more? I don't know of a single Linux distribution which doesn't have a /var/log/messages file.

2) Is the lack of these files to do with changes in Natty, or is there something badly wrong with my machine?

3) If these have been removed on purpose, where should I be looking for this information now?

4) Howcome this information wasn't broadcast to the community? One simple solution would be to retain the file /var/log/messages and fill it with the message "This file isn't used any more, please look in xxxx"

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Rip Vcd To Hd Natty?

Jul 3, 2011

Have tried to rip vcd to hd. I'm using 11.04. I want to put various home vcd files onto a dvd. I am aware of the quality issue.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Best Antivirus For Natty?

Jul 29, 2011

I am loving 11.04 and I was wondering what is the best Anti Virus and how to install it.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: How To Natty On A MacBook Pro 5,2

Dec 29, 2010

Introduction: I wrote a very extensive and quantified tutorial and informational guide aiming to upgrade the latent information from the wiki's on MacBook Pro 5,2. An accidental toe tap ended with me bumping my head and pressing the X button on firefox. What happen had to be 1 out of a billionth of a chance. So this version will be simple and to the point, until I can muster enough patience to detail it all out again. Please correct any errors.

sudo apt-get install pommed - To get backlight keyboard working.
sudo apt-get install cheese - To get iSight working.
sudo apt-get install lirc - to get remote working (tested in XBMC)
sudo apt-get install bluemon - Pairs Mighty Mouse and Wireless Keyboard (optional)


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Ubuntu :: Vuze Not Launching In Natty?

Mar 7, 2011

i was using ubuntu 10.10 and vuze as the default bit-torrent client. I upgraded to natty alpha 3 a couple of days ago and after that vuze doesn't even launch...i don't see any errors, when you click on the icon absolutely nothing happens. I tried removing vuze and then installing it again,

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Ubuntu :: No 3D Graphics In Natty Beta 1?

Apr 5, 2011

I wanted to try out the Natty beta 1, but apparently it fails to load the graphics drivers. When I run the "Additional drivers" app, no drivers are listed. I installed the nvidia-current package and rebooted, but nothing happened. This problem occurs with an install in a VirtualBox machine, as well as with the live CD. Running Maverick with Compiz and the proprierary Nvidia drivers on a Lenovo T61 with Nvidia Quadro NVS 140, built in 2008. I hope this machine is not too old already to upgrade to Natty?! What can I do to see the fully graphics-enabled Natty/Unity desktop on my laptop?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Upgrade To Natty From 10.10

Apr 5, 2011

When i upgraded the whole process went all right then when I logged in, i mostly saw black and no unity bar could barley get around.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Set Background After Natty Upgrade

Apr 19, 2011

Since upgrading my former Karmic/Lucid/Maverick laptop to the Natty beta recently, I've been unable to change anything about my desktop background. Each time I reboot, the background is a different solid color, but I can't change the color nor set a wallpaper image. Here's what I've tried;

- "Appearance Preferences" -> "Background"
- the compiz wallpaper plugin
- gconftool-2/gconf-editor
- xsetroot

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Ubuntu :: No New Interface After Upgrading To Natty?

Apr 28, 2011

I've upgraded from beta to stable release of Ubuntu 11.04, but I can't see this interface:

I still have this:

Why? How to "upgrade" it?

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Ubuntu :: Natty Keeps Crashing At Random?

Apr 28, 2011

today i upgraded to ubuntu 11.04. it was a somewhat successful install (see here, another thread i made about the install itself:

http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.p...5#post10731595). now, however, unity (or ubuntu itself?) is crashing and going to a blank screen for seemingly no reason. the screen will freeze for about 3 seconds, and then it all goes black, no error text/message or anything. it seems though, that ubuntu is still running, because i was able hit ctrl-alt-f1 and it worked.

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Ubuntu :: Natty & FGLRX Not Working

Apr 29, 2011

Looking at other threads i'm not the only one with this problem. after installing the proprietary driver, graphics are slow & 3D appears not to be working. fglrxinfo gives this:

display: :0.0 screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO
OpenGL version string: 3.3.10666 Compatibility Profile Context

No mention of "glx" or "direct rendering" as in previous versions. sudo aticonfig --initial -f gives this: Uninitialised file found, configuring. Fail to link to fglrx-libglx.so, please check whether driver is installed correctly Using /etc/X11/xorg.conf Saving back-up to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.fglrx Apparently driver not installed correctly. Also there's no fglrx-modialases (or something) in synaptic thats been needed before.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Move Windows In Natty

Apr 29, 2011

Having an issue with the new distro. I can't stand the new default UI (too cluttered) and don't currently have the time to learn how to customize it the way I want it, so I've reverted back to Ubuntu Classic.

I've now noticed that I cannot move or resize windows. If I try to click and drag on the title bar of a window, nothing happens. If I try to resize a window using the mouse, the mouse cursor will change to the resize cursor, but beyond that nothing will happen.

I've also noticed that some windows, like terminals or the "Shut down the computer" window are completely missing the title bar.

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Ubuntu :: Unison Hangs In The Natty?

Apr 29, 2011

Unison-gtk on a new 11.04 machine talking to a 10.10 machine hangs. It never connects to the rsync over ssh to the destination 10.10 machine.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No ManDVD For Natty?

Apr 30, 2011

Having finally got comfortable with ManDVD, but only having used it for a couple of weeks, I've had to get my head around something new, AGAIN, after finding that ManDVD is not yet available for Natty.

From what I have googled, there are one or two ways around it, but it means building a version, and quite honestly, I'm over that crap now, and all I want is to install and use.

Thankfully, I still have a pc with Shrink, Fab and Nero still installed.

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Ubuntu :: Impressive Not Working On Natty?

Apr 30, 2011

when I try tu run impressive I get the following output:

Welcome to Impressive version 0.10.3-WIP Oops! Cannot load necessary modules: ('Unable to load OpenGL library', 'GL: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory', 'GL', None) To use Impressive, you need to install the following Python modules:


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install Natty On Dev/sdb*?

Apr 30, 2011

I was unable to install Natty on my slave disk, dev/sdb*. Only option in installer are dev/sda*.On the other hand, Gparted recognize all my Hard disks, sda/sdb whatever, and live disk is capable to mount them all.

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Ubuntu :: Differences Between Natty And Maverick?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm just wondering if there's a page out there that lists the improvements and other changes to Ubuntu from Maverick to Natty.

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Ubuntu :: Natty 11.04 | Bluetooth Not Detected?

May 1, 2011

My laptop (eMachines D730) has bluetooth but Natty does not detect it. Is there any way to enable bluetooth in Natty? Should I download drivers for it?

how to install my bluetooth's driver? This is the model name of my laptop's bluetooth: FOXCONN BCM92056

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Ubuntu :: After Upgrade To Natty About To Reinstall 10.10?

May 1, 2011

obviously natty is flawed. I upgraded as an option in ubuntu studio's update manager. not sure if studio was ment to be upgraded to natty but it was in the manager, as studio is still 10.10 maverick. regardless the results have been disastrous. i am running into problem after problem as apparently many users are.

i had recently done a fresh install of ubuntu studio maverick which seemed perfect. as i was still setting up and restoring until i noticed the option for natty. so while i'm still at it i think i'm going to reinstall 10.10 this is the first imperfect ubuntu upgrade i've experienced but linux still rules.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install GDM2 In Natty?

May 2, 2011

Sorry if this is in the wrong spot. I tried to install GDM2 Setup to change my login screen theme on my fresh Natty x64 install. Through the terminal, I get this message:


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Ubuntu :: Get Awn With The Most Recent Applets In Natty?

May 2, 2011

I am a big fan of avant window navigator, but I'm having trouble getting it set up all the way in natty.avant-window-navigator is in the natty repos, but there are a couple of shortcomings in the applets. - the digital clock applet is not included - the weather applet has an annoying bug (constantly announcing that there may be connectivity issues) that was fixed a long time ago. That's fine, I'll just I just install from the PPA I thought. The problem is that the applets package (awn-extras) is not in their natty repo. Does anyone know how to get awn with the most recent applets in natty?

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