Ubuntu :: New Software Not Showing Up In Menu?

Jan 2, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 when I install new software it does not show up in the menu. I have to manually add it by editing the menu. Is there something that I have done that would keep it from adding things to the menu? I am new and not really sure if this is normal.

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Ubuntu :: Xdvi Not Showing Menu?

Nov 27, 2010

i am writing in Latex and tend to view my document in xdvik out of the vim editor. for some strange reason i suddenly dont have a menubar or scrollbar in xdvi anymore. i looked at the manpage which mentioned +expertmode 16 but this doesnt work somehow. in .xdvirc the expertmode is swiched off as well, but it doesnt make a difference if i change it there either. i tried reinstalling, which didnt work. I am able to get normal behaviour back from the commandline via the -q option. however i'd rather just have things back to normal

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Ubuntu :: Boot Menu Not Showing Up?

Feb 5, 2011

I am using 10.04 and when I start my system I don't get any boot menu to choose from. I am the only user of this computer and don't have to log in on start up but I would think that the boot menu screen would show up so I could use the recovery tool or change kernel if I wanted to. I have two other computers, and that is the first think that shows up on the screen when I boot them on. I am sure there is an adjustment that need to be made but not sure what to change.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Menu Showing Every Boot Up

Apr 28, 2010

I am working with a acer netbook that I originally had WinXP installed on. I downloaded Ubuntu 9.10, transferred the iso contents to a bootable USB drive and installed Ubuntu. I remember during the setup process that I made sure I chose the option to install on one partition. There is only one partition on my netbook with a small second partition as a swap.

After the installation process and reboot I noticed the grub menu would pop up every boot up giving the list of operating systems of which XP was included. I then ran the update manager and updated 9.10 with all updates. After rebooting the grub menu again showed but the option to choose XP was now gone.

Now everytime I boot up the grub menu shows. How can I modify grub so it will automatically just boot to the OS.

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Ubuntu :: Menu Icons Not Showing In Cairo

Jun 12, 2010

I just installed cairo (may i say is the greatest ever?) but there is a gmenu there that when i click on it the icons for the menu wont work, there is a setting for configuring ths applet that lets me enable and disable the icons for it and i have it on enable..

I have also notice that i got no icons for the system menu i the gnome panel, is this related?

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Ubuntu :: New Kernel Not Showing In Grub Menu

Sep 2, 2010

Every time I update my kernel (today with 2.6.32-25-generic), I always have to manually run "sudo update-grub" or ells the new kernel does not show up on reboot??? Is there a config some place to get it back to automatic?

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Menu Is Showing Two OS's ?

Sep 12, 2010

I have dual-booted Windows XP and Ubuntu. Because Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't have the required proprietary drivers for my system, I chose Ubuntu 8.04. The installation procedure went well, the drivers are there, everything's perfect but... there's a problem with the GRUB menu that appears just after launching my laptop.

When I first installed Ubuntu it showed Ubuntu (and some letters and numbers), another instance for recovery mode, some memory test lines (I guess there are two of them) and Windows XP.

But after I used the software updater in Ubuntu (to make it up-to-date), the grub bootloader shows two more lines - and those are the same as the first two - Ubuntu (with some letters and symbols) and Ubuntu recovery mode.

Why are those duplicates there? I've never installed another Ubuntu OS on my PC. Because at the moment I have two Ubuntu and two Ubuntu recovery mode lines .

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Menu Showing Sometimes With GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0

Nov 16, 2010

I'm experiencing an unusual problem. I have my grub2 configuration set to show no menu. However, sometimes it still shows and waits for input for no apparent reason. On a regular PC this wouldn't be much of a problem but on this particular machine I must make sure grub2 always loads Ubuntu without hanging.

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and the Grub2 installed package is 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu3.

My grub configuration is as follows (and I have ran update-grub after changing it):


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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Boot Menu Not Showing

Nov 24, 2010

After upgrading to 10.10 the grub boot menu stopped showing up. I made a custom menu in grub.d and update grub finds everything, but when I restart my system the boot menu never shows. I should have two kernels. How do I get the boot menu to show every time I restart my system?

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Ubuntu :: Fedora Not Showing A Grub Menu

Jan 12, 2011

I have a computer that only runs ubuntu and have decided to put fedora on. I put fedora on the computer and made a new partition for it. When I turn the computer on, it logs straight into fedora not even showing me a grub menu. Is there some way that I can update grub so that it knows that ubuntu is also installed

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Ubuntu :: Kernel 2.6.38-1 Showing Up In 10.10 Grub Menu?

Mar 3, 2011

Last week i decided to give the 11.04 alpha 2 a go on my laptop but compiz is currently too unstable for the OS to be of any use so I reinstalled 10.10. In doing this I deleted all partitions and started completely afresh. Strangely since then I have kernel image 2.6.38-1 at the top of my grub menu but if i try to boot it i get either a single blinking cursor or a kernel freeze. I cant find any reason why 2.6.38-1 should be in grub on 10.10.

removing it from the config files as im not used to Grub2 and have been told i cant just directly remove it from /boot/grub/grub.cfg.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not Showing In Boot Menu ?

May 6, 2011

I just installed ubuntu 11.04 via wubi. the installation appears to have gone well but ubuntu doesnt appear as an OS choice when i boot up.

Its not a timeout issue as it is set to 30sec and i can see my other options (windows and a recovery option). the only thing i can think of is that my computer has a separate partition set up for recovery and i think that is screwing things up.

Here is my boot.ini:

My only guess is that since the recovery partition is the first partition that its causing problems.

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Ubuntu :: Not Showing Up On Boot Menu - Can't Uninstall Either

Jun 22, 2011

I was messing with my msconfig trying to free up some memory then I realize when I restarted my PC it just boot directly to Windows 7 without prompting anything, although it should because of Ubuntu.

Then, I tried uninstalling Ubuntu and installing it again (hoping to fix the problem). It's alright for me to just reinstall Ubuntu anytime, I was just exploring it. This error pop up when uninstalling Ubuntu


For more information, please see the log file:

I searched the "file that was not specified" and it was there!

So, I can't boot to Ubuntu and I can't uninstall it either. What should I do?

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General :: Filezilla Menu Not Showing Up In Ubuntu Lucid 10.0.4?

Jul 4, 2010

All my other apps and Nautilus when I open a folder can display the menu perfectly, except for Filezilla. I need to use Alt + E to use the inner menu items. but the main menu is always invisible to me.

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Menu Keeps Showing Nonexistent OS Entries / Get Rid Of These?

Jan 24, 2010

When I originally installed Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit, I had the following operating systems already installed:

Kubuntu 9.04
Windows 7
Windows XP

Ubuntu automagically created a GRUB2 menu that offered all of these, plus of course itself, which was fine for a while.

Later on, I deleted and reformatted the partitions that had been dedicated to Kubuntu 9.04. GRUB2 has failed to keep up. Despite running "sudo update-grub" multiple times, the GRUB2 menu continues to show entries for Kubuntu 9.04.

How do I get rid of these obsolete entries? The partitions it was on simply do not exist any longer, so I don't know how GRUB2 is picking it up.

I had already edited my fstab file to reflect the new partitioning scheme, so I don't know where GRUB2 is getting the idea that I still have Kubuntu 9.04 installed.

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Ubuntu :: After Installing 10.10 Grub Loader Menu Not Showing

Oct 31, 2010

After installing Ubuntu 10.10 dual boot with Windows 7(not inside Windows 7) and restarting I come to a blank screen with a blinking underscore.I assume the GRUB boot loader is missing or i installed Grub in some other partitions. Now i unable to enter in to Windows 7 OS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Menu Items Showing Twice

May 26, 2011

I reinstalled Natty yesterday and then installed Fedora on a separate partition.

I now havedouble the menu items in GRUB2 for both of these.

I ran the update grub command in the terminal and it goes smoothly, but the extra menu items still don't go away.

Puzzingly the menu items point to the same partition on the drive as their clone. Both of the Fedora menu items point to sda8

For example.

How can I remove menu entries in GRUB? I searched but could not find a reliable answer other than re-running update-grub.

How could I remove GRUB and replace it with Plymouth? Ubuntu Software Centre actually shows Plymouth as "Installed" even though it does not run on startup.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Menu Not Showing Up / Alarm At Startup

Sep 1, 2011

I have a National Instruments gpib interface PCI card on my machine. It has been working up till now.The computer was moved when I was gone, and now at start up I get two alarm beeps from the motherboard speaker, no grub menu (hidden line is commented out and time out is gtr than 0).In the past I had to lock the kernel to 2.6.32-28.55.newer kernels broke the interface...although prolly foolioshly, I did allow other system updates.

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Ubuntu :: System Didn't Showing The Grub Menu

Apr 24, 2009

Today when i browsing the net suddenly the system going HANG.....i will try to get the system monitor menu but in the menu list there is no icons. it is not displayed. then i will going to a warm restart.......
after that the system didn't showing the grub menu.....it load the WinXP.......i will try two three times but the grub menu is not showing.....i am using the UBUNTU 8.10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.0 Not Showing In Dual Boot Option Menu

Jun 27, 2010

I have install ubuntu and windows in the same computer in their own partition. I think that I have remove something while I was reinstalling some wireless stuff using synaptic. When I launch the computer I get the dual booting but only with memory test and windows. I have the ubuntu installation cd. What can I do to get back the dual booting with the facility to launch ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Not Showing Boot Menu After Installing 10.4?

Aug 27, 2010

I am not able to see the existing windows OS already installed when the machine is booting.When the machine boots up I see a blank screen and it boot directly into Ubuntu.Here is the results file I have collected by running the tool:Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================

=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #1 for /boot/grub.
sda1: __________________________________________________ _______________________


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Menu Not Showing New Entry For FreeBSD

Jan 11, 2011

I've just installed FreeBSD 8.1 on /dev/sda4 (FreeBSD slice), without installing the boot loader from FreeBSD (I've selected None when prompted for boot loader in sysinstall). Now I want to use my existing Grub2 from already installed Ubuntu 10.10 to boot FreeBSD also.

After some reading, I've added to the end of /etc/grub.d/40_custom:

After running sudo update-grub, grup.cfg file shows my new entry. The problem is that after restart, I don't see the new entry in the grub menu.

Another question, If i used chainloader +1, that means I need to have the FreeBSD bootloader installed also on /dev/sda4 right? For chainloading booloaders?

I didn't get to that step, I first want to see the entry in the menu.

Any idea what I might be missing/misdoing? (I also checked for blank spaces in the menuentry like the wiki for grub2 says)

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Weird Panel On The Desktop Towards The Left - Showing The Application Menu

Feb 20, 2010

I got Ubuntu 9.10 running very well. ever since this morning when i booted i have that weird Panel on the desktop towards the left. It is showing basically the Application menu. I dont know why? I know i did not change anything. Also since this morning my right klick on the desktop nothing happen either? i dont want that on the Desktop!

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Is Not Showing In Boot Menu Even After Editing 40_custom File

Oct 9, 2010

I am very new user to ubuntu and new to this community,first of all if i make anything wrong in this post please forgive and guide me,

My friend have a laptop which was running in windows 7.Last week he installed Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx.But after that boot menu is not showing and it is automatically booting to ubuntu.

So i pressed Shift key during boot and checked boot menu list,which is showing only linux OS ,Linux OS recovery mode and memtest86,No windows 7 option.

So I did following things.

Step1: Tried to find out the partitions using fdisk -l

2.So i tried to add a manual entry by editing the /etc/grub.d/40_custom file like below ,and changed the permission using chmod +x update-grub command

3.Run the update-grub command

But it is not updating the manual entry,The above update-grub command output showing the update-grub command not even entering into the /etc/grub.d/40_custom file because i put echo in that file in that ,and that also not coming.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Boot Menu Not Showing After Natty Update?

Apr 28, 2011

When I first boot up. I get the GRUB command line. What happened to the boot menu? And I can boot up into my Windows partition just fine. But when I try the other partitions i get "Unknown file system" or when I try to boot into the other ntfs drive, I get "BOOTMBR missing", but yet it does not mean Windows, because i can boot that just fine. I can't find my Ubuntu partition. How can I get the GRUB boot menu back?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Applet Menu Not Showing (Unity)

Aug 20, 2011

I seem to have a little problem with the Network Manager applet - it works vaguely OK, even if it takes a bit long to find my connection, but when I click on the icon, the menu doesn't show.I have also installed the applet through the Ubuntu Software Centre.Just to clarify, the icon appears fine in my panel, and the notifications appear when I am connected, it's just that the menu doesn't appear at all.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Unity Dash Menu Not Showing Search Results / Buttons Not Working

Apr 29, 2011

I've just upgraded to 11.04 and really like it so far, everything seems to be running smoothly and I had no issues apart from a broken Emerald which I removed (and installed compiz-gnome and then made gtk-window-decorator the default, which fixed Unity segfaulting on Emerald).

My problem now is that when I use the Unity dash to search for something, it takes a while to search and then finds nothing. I'm pretty sure I should have things like "text editor", "gimp", "update manager", so I would think this is some manner of bug.

In addition to that, the following buttons don't do anything if I click on them:

- Media Apps
- Internet Apps
- More Apps
- Find Files

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Debian :: Grub Menu No Boot Option Showing To Window

Mar 1, 2016

After installation of windows 7 installed debian 8.3. But in grub menu no boot option showing to windows.There ar only two option 1.)to boot in debian and 2.)advanc option for debian ONLY!!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Install - Or Any Other Based Distro - Just Hangs - Still Showing The Menu Of Boot Options

Mar 11, 2011

I bought a new NVidia Asus EN210 for my HTPC, but I can't get Ubuntu to install.

First I made a live USB disk of 10.10 with Unetbootin and when I choose the option of "try Ubuntu" it starts loading and then just hangs, still showing the menu of boot options. After this I tried Xubuntu on a USB disk. This one also starts loading but then just fails. I also tried XBMC Live. This one does show the Ubuntu 10.04 screen but then just shows a black screen.

After this I found a CD with Ubuntu 10.04, I think or it is 10.10, laying around in my room. I booted it and once I select an option from the install menu it starts to load, but then just gives a black screen with a flashing "-" sign.

The strange thing is, once I pop in the old video card, which is an ATI HD4350, my Ubuntu 10.10 Live CD on USB disk does work and it does get past the menu of boot options (in my second paragraph I describe how this isn't the case with Ubuntu 10.10 combined with my NVidia card).

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Ubuntu :: Select Font Characteristics For The So-called MS Fonts (Arial) Instead Of The Menu Showing Bold And Italic

Mar 12, 2010

This is an interaction between OOo and the font package on Ubuntu, so I have searched both sets of forums fruitlessly. In Open Office when I go to select font characteristics for the so-called MS fonts (Arial for example) instead of the menu showing Bold and Italic, it shows "Negreta" and "Cursiva".

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