Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use 11.04 With DWA-125

Jul 23, 2011

Tired of ongoing Win 7 issues so I decided to try Ubuntu 11.04 as live-CD. The PC is a 2 year old machine with reasonably fast CPU, plenty of RAM etc. In Win 7 I had successful connection through my Dlink DWA-125 USB adapter. In Ubuntu 11.04 I can see the access point (also a Dlink unit) so it appears that the DWA-125 is working but I am unable to connect. I am using WPA security and I have double checked the password for the router.

Ubuntu appears to try and connect but after about 15 seconds I get a dialog box that says: "unable to connect". I have two MacBooks running off the the same access point at the same time so clearly the access point works.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Networks And Unable To Configure Network

Jul 27, 2010

I just switched from Ubuntu to Fedora 13 because I was unable to get Ubuntu to connect to wireless networks. I tried everything suggested in help and forums, and kept getting "Bad Password" with WICD and Network Manager. Now, with Fedora...I still can't connect.

Problem #1: The guide says to "...make sure that the relevant wireless interface (usually eth0 or eth1) is controlled by NetworkManager," and that I do this via: System>Administration>Network

However, there is no Network option under System>Administration.

Problem #2: I open Network Manager, which displays a list of networks. I click on mine, configure it with WPA and the right password, and it fails to connect: "The network connection has been disconnected."

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To A Small Number Of Random Websites: Otherwise Networking Is Fine

Dec 29, 2010

I was having no problems (that I knew of) browsing the web since installing Ubuntu 10.10 a week or so ago. I was previously trialling Win7 as my customers will likely be using that in the future. Then I wanted to go to internode.on.net. Got the following: Quote: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at internode.on.net. or Quote: Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to internode.on.net

As it was just after Christmas I thought it must be down, for upgrades or maintenance etc. I later tried to go to Freebsd.org; same error. I've been having a small number of other websites give the same error. I thought nothing of this until I tried it on my wife's macpro. I could log onto all the websites I wanted to and none gave any indication of having been down. Both boxes are on the same adsl connection. I still can't access internode or freebsd on 10.10 yet have been able to access every website on OSX. Now, I was only looking at them for info but am worried I won't be able to access something important. (so far everything I 'need' is working)

ping just drops out. edit: weirdest thing! I just retried and now can not emulate the problem for internode. freebsd still won't show. that is less than five minutes between problems and resolution! I hadn't even posted! But I still would like to have an idea of what is going on. Here is the ping error for freebsd: Quote:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use SSH Through The Web?

Sep 1, 2011

I've been using SSH for a while, but only to connect to machines on my network. The problems start when I try to connect from somewhere else!I have set up port forwarding on my router.

I have ssh connections on port 22 set to forward to That machine is a Mac, and the user is stephanie. On my network, I connect with stephanie@, that's the easy part).

NOW, I'm trying to connect from a different network like so: stephanie@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX<- This of course being my IP. What should (I think?) happen, is the connection is recognized as SSH, therefore forwarded to the machine I specified.

One of two things happens here:

1. I get a timed-out error or

2. It asks me for a password. I have keys on the two machines, so I usually have a password-free connection. If it asks for the password, I enter what the password would be, and it tells me access denied.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To See Windows Pc On 9.1

Mar 13, 2010

I have installed ubuntu 9.1 on my pc.I am unable to see other windows pc on our network.

Earlier i was able to ( ubuntu 8.04 LTS) I have vista also installed (dual boot). From vista i can see the windows machines.All these are connected by a switch

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use The Wifi On 9.10

Mar 27, 2010

I have tried installing the original CD os 8.04 (Dell system restore) again hoping that everything was on there in order to get me connected to wifi again. Connecting to wifi seems to be the main issue that people have trouble with.I feel that I have 3 options now:

1. Sell the laptop (it is a month old!)
2. Pay for support
3. Put windows on it

It is a shame as I liked Ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use DWA-125 Wifi In 10.04 LTS

Apr 29, 2010

unable to use DWA-125 Wifi in 10.04 LTS

lo no Wireless extensions
eth0 no Wireless extensions

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use The Internet With 10.04 LTS

Jun 29, 2010

It is a wired connection through Time Warner and worked flawless with XP. It will not load any page except for google.com homepage and I cannot access any of the links in the search results of google. I know the internet works since google will load and I have done all that I can think of (ping and manually enter my connection) and nothing works. I am running the OS on a Acer Aspire M1610 desktop.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To A Certain W-LAN

Jul 14, 2010

I have Karmic Koala and together with my neighbours we have a W-LAN which I was always using without problems. Now, a couple of weeks ago, my neighbour has changed the password to this W-LAN and since then ubuntu is unable to connect. The network is being recognized, but after the request to unlock a key for the network manager (besides, how can I unlock it once for all?) there comes the window with the request for the network-password, after typing it (correctly), nothing happens. The request for the password comes two more times and then ubuntu states that it is unable to connect.

- We have changed the password again - didn't help
- On Windows I and my neighbours get the connection
- My Ubuntu is able to connect to all other W-LANs

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use Wireless On 10.4

Nov 1, 2010

I have a wireless connection through my laptop's BCM4312. But I cannot get it to work at all not sure if i dont have the drivers and it grays out enable wireless... Do i have to get a different card? The card is installed now its saying that the wireless is disabled? How to get around that?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To A VPN

Nov 16, 2010

I have an Ubuntu server dedicated to running an openVPN server on my VMware ESX 4 host. On my Windows clients I am able to connect to the VPN; however, on my Ubuntu 10.10 workstation I am unable to connect. Here is what I have done. I have network-manager-openvpn and dependices installed as well as the openvpn package. When I hit the add button in the network manager for VPNs, I fill out all the needed information, but am unable to hi the apply button. I have also tried using the openVPN method for connecting. I download the client.ovpn file from the VPN server, and issue the following command:


openvpn --config client.ovpn

It asks me for the authentication user and its password and produces this:


Mon Nov 15 21:37:20 2010 NOTE: OpenVPN 2.1 requires '--script-security 2' or higher to call user-defined scripts or executables
Mon Nov 15 21:37:20 2010 Control Channel Authentication: tls-auth using INLINE static key file
Mon Nov 15 21:37:20 2010 Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use TL-WN821N?

Mar 3, 2011

I got a TP-LINK USB wireless module - TL-WN821N, using Ubuntu 10.4 (same problems were also seen in 10.10).

From everything I've read online, the usb should work just fine, since the Atheros ar9170 is built into the kernel. However, when I plug it in, it is detected as a USB device, but there is no wlan associated with it, and basically - nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong? what should I do so that the Atheros driver is associated with this device?

btw, on Windows it works fine (with the drivers).
Some logs:
$ uname -mr
2.6.32-28-generic i686
$ lsb_release -d
Description:Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Ssh After Upgrading To 10.10?

Mar 24, 2011

After upgrading ubuntu 10.10 I realized that I am not able to ssh into our university server, I have to add that, there is not any problem from outsite ...

Here is my iptables,


sudo iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use The Wireless

Jul 28, 2011

I have had several version of Ubuntu on this Gateway laptop (old). I have had netbook and now I think I have the latest...Natty(something) I have no wireless.I went to the Software center Installed Jockey-gtk, broadcom 802.11 linex sta wireless driver, installer package for firmware for bc3 driver source for broadcom sta wireless driver and installer package for the Bc43.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Ssh To Server?

Sep 1, 2011

I can't ssh to a pc on the same lan segment until after I do an arping to the server.

This is the ssh version running on the Ubuntu server OpenSSH_5.8p1 Debian-1ubuntu3, OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010

This is the ssh version on the Arch client OpenSSH_5.8p2, OpenSSL 1.0.0d 8 Feb 2011

I've tried these options in the server /etc/ssh/sshd_config, but they haven't helped

GSSAPIAuthentication no
UseDNS no

Reverse dns look up from the server using dig -x ip address of client ip always seems to come back immediately.

I don't know why I tried arping to the server but it seems to do the trick everytime. Then I can log out of the server and ssh back in immediately

root@desktop-linux-pc:~# uname -a
Linux desktop-linux-pc 2.6.38-11-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 29 19:05:14 UTC 2011 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
Last login: Thu Aug 25 12:46:37 2011 from
[chadr@pogo ~]$ ssh


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Load Web Pages?

Jan 5, 2010

I can't seem to fire up any web pages but I can do everything else on my ubuntu box. This seems to have started within the past day or so. My /etc/reslov.conf file looks solid.Again, I can ssh, vnc and ping to the outside but just can't load any web pages.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Ping To Windows?

Jan 8, 2010

I have am having some network troubles. I can't access my samba share. Trying to resolve this I realized I couldn't ping from ubuntu to windows. (default ubuntu.jaunty.server.x64)

Windows IP..
Ubuntu IP...
Laptop IP...
Router IP...


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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - Unable To Use The Wireless Connection

Jan 15, 2010

Everything else works fine on Ubuntu 9.10 except when I try to connect to the internet. I have wireless. It just keeps connecting nonstop and never connects. I don't know what to do. Please help me. What should I do? I'm using Acer Aspire 5534 with Windows 7.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 Unable To Share Folder?

Jan 21, 2010

I am unable to share a folder on my Ubuntu 9.10 desktop machine. Networking is working, I can see and be seen by windows machines and also my Ubuntu 9.10 laptop. The laptop is able to share folders with no problem. The error message I get when I try to set sharing on a folder is "'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Memory allocation error."

I know there has been a thread relating to this in the past, but the solution there did not work for me, and I have been beating my head against the wall for a couple of weeks on this problem, and have spent a bit of time with smb.conf. I would hate to have to do a new install to fix this, after all this is not MS windows!Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use The Huawei E122

Feb 16, 2010

I've used Ubuntu for almost 3 years now and now I'm forced back in the arms of windows. Unfortunantly the only internet connection thats available here is a 3G modem connection. When I bought the connection a Huawei E122 modem was delivered to me.

When I plug it in it recognizes the modem as it should and it even lets me set it up. But then when I connect, it fails.I have googled around for a couple of days and I've come up empty handed.I really want ubuntu back, and still be able to use the internet.I have a Asus EEE 1008ha laptop and use ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Get New Net Card To Work

Feb 23, 2010

My onboard lan card was cutting out during samba file transfers so I put in a PCI lan card and disabled the integrated one. Now I'm having trouble getting it to work. I appologize in advance, I'm completely ignorant as to how to change net cards in Ubuntu and am quite new to Linux in general.I'd copy and paste my lspci, but I can't connect to that computer nor the internet with it now.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Restore VPN Connection

Mar 4, 2010

I am trying to keep a VPN connection open between two Ubuntu 8.04 LTS servers, one in Holland and one in China. Unfortunately, because the connection in China is not great, about 1 time a day the connection drops. I have therefore devised a script, to be started by crontab once every 5 minutes, that checks the connection and if necessary restores it.


ping -c 2 -W 10 &> /dev/null;
PING = $?;


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Ubuntu Networking :: Use Shorewall On My Servers - Unable To Get Tos?

Apr 5, 2010

I always use Shorewall on my Ubuntu Servers and it works great, one things I have never been able to get right is the TOS.Let say for example I would like:

HTTP traffic (80, but all traffic get routed to 3128 [Squid]) to get highest priority
SMTP (25) second highest
POP (110) third highest
The rest forth

How would I get that right?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Configure Internet On 9.10?

Apr 14, 2010

I have install ubuntu 9.10 on my Dell studio, I have local broadband connection with its user name and password which i use to connect internet everytime i need along with its IP Address, subnet mask, Default gateway, Preferred DNS server. Where should i put all this details to connect internet, i have already tried with Network connection in System -> Preference . It all work well in window

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect With Network?

Apr 16, 2010

I see the network applet in the panel which shows that I am connected but I cannot access the net. I found out that I had to do this in firefox

about:config --> IPv6 --> disable.IPv6 true

With this tweak I was able to connect to the net. But when I use the Update Manager or Synaptic I am not getting connected, even if I use the cli and do

apt-get update: I cannot connect. When I do

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To WPA Home

Apr 20, 2010

First off, I should state that I am still using Hardy. I realize that it is many versions from the current release, but my schedule is full and provides little time to ring out a new distro and considering the nature of my problem I don't see much need.

The problem is that I cannot connect to my WPA home network. The wireless card is working because I can connect to any WEP network and before upgrading to Hardy I could connect, although not at first.

Have recently installed WICD which has not helped. WICD tries to connect but reports that it cannot obtain and IP address. Network Manager did not report anything but did seem to translate the password into an encrypted key (saw posts relating to this before but no obvious fix) Since switching to WICD I have not had the opportunity to test connection to a WEP network.

I do not wish to change the security of my home network to accommodate the operating system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use The Wireless Connection

May 5, 2010

Recently I have encountered Problems with my Wireless that I have not had before and I cannot fix. So I am asking for help.

6 month old Dell Insperion 1730 Laptop
Dual boot Karmic/Win 7
WUBI install.

No problems till about a week ago.A week ago I upgraded to Lucid and could not get the DVD drive to mount no matter what. The OS saw it but would not mount it...... uninstall and re -install Karmic.As soon as the patches are installed from the update manager, I lose my wireless completely. Wired connection still works.

I have tried different things from here and other sites. Basically I need to know how to enable my wireless card. There is no switch and key combinations (ALT+ F2) don't do anything. Connectivity in Win 7 is fine.

The Applet says wireless is disabled and so does the output from $sudo lshw -C network.It sees the interface but the network is disabled. lsmod shows the driver. iw list scan says does not support scanning. Newtwork is down.I know there is something in the updates that is messing the Intel WiFi Link 5100 up. On a fresh install all works till updated.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Share Files?

May 17, 2010

I cannot, in any way, share files between my Windows 7 and Ubuntu PCs. I have tried everything out there and nothing seems to work. I don't get why! I have samba installed, I have installed the apache2.2 packages and I have checked the network file sharing.

I can create shares with folders and I can see all the windows computers on the network (but can't access any of them).

I cannot view my Ubuntu computer from the Windows computer either.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Internet

Jun 10, 2010

Currently I have an Acer Aspire One netbook with Windows XP on it. I want to switch to Ubuntu, so I have the OS on a flash drive and I can run it fine. The only problem is,I cant see any wireless networks in range. I know the router is working because I can connect with Windows fine. A notification also pops up telling me i have to install missing drivers. But when i click on install, the progress gets to 99% and fails. It says i need the Broadcom B43 driver, but i don't know how to get it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use Studio And Wireless

Jun 13, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu Studio on my old Acer Aspire 3003 and all is going well except that I can't get the wireless to switch on (it was working fine under XP). After searching the forums and with much help I have got the drivers installed for the Broadcom b43, but I still can't seem to get the wireless adapter to switch on. Many of the posts on this refer to System > Preferences > Network Connections, but I don't seem to have that option, just Network Tools and Network. Output of some commands that may help below.


sudo ifconfig -a
[sudo] password for geoff:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:16:36:0d:1e:d2
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


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