Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use Wireless On 10.4

Nov 1, 2010

I have a wireless connection through my laptop's BCM4312. But I cannot get it to work at all not sure if i dont have the drivers and it grays out enable wireless... Do i have to get a different card? The card is installed now its saying that the wireless is disabled? How to get around that?

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Networks And Unable To Configure Network

Jul 27, 2010

I just switched from Ubuntu to Fedora 13 because I was unable to get Ubuntu to connect to wireless networks. I tried everything suggested in help and forums, and kept getting "Bad Password" with WICD and Network Manager. Now, with Fedora...I still can't connect.

Problem #1: The guide says to "...make sure that the relevant wireless interface (usually eth0 or eth1) is controlled by NetworkManager," and that I do this via: System>Administration>Network

However, there is no Network option under System>Administration.

Problem #2: I open Network Manager, which displays a list of networks. I click on mine, configure it with WPA and the right password, and it fails to connect: "The network connection has been disconnected."

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use The Wireless

Jul 28, 2011

I have had several version of Ubuntu on this Gateway laptop (old). I have had netbook and now I think I have the latest...Natty(something) I have no wireless.I went to the Software center Installed Jockey-gtk, broadcom 802.11 linex sta wireless driver, installer package for firmware for bc3 driver source for broadcom sta wireless driver and installer package for the Bc43.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - Unable To Use The Wireless Connection

Jan 15, 2010

Everything else works fine on Ubuntu 9.10 except when I try to connect to the internet. I have wireless. It just keeps connecting nonstop and never connects. I don't know what to do. Please help me. What should I do? I'm using Acer Aspire 5534 with Windows 7.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use The Wireless Connection

May 5, 2010

Recently I have encountered Problems with my Wireless that I have not had before and I cannot fix. So I am asking for help.

6 month old Dell Insperion 1730 Laptop
Dual boot Karmic/Win 7
WUBI install.

No problems till about a week ago.A week ago I upgraded to Lucid and could not get the DVD drive to mount no matter what. The OS saw it but would not mount it...... uninstall and re -install Karmic.As soon as the patches are installed from the update manager, I lose my wireless completely. Wired connection still works.

I have tried different things from here and other sites. Basically I need to know how to enable my wireless card. There is no switch and key combinations (ALT+ F2) don't do anything. Connectivity in Win 7 is fine.

The Applet says wireless is disabled and so does the output from $sudo lshw -C network.It sees the interface but the network is disabled. lsmod shows the driver. iw list scan says does not support scanning. Newtwork is down.I know there is something in the updates that is messing the Intel WiFi Link 5100 up. On a fresh install all works till updated.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use Studio And Wireless

Jun 13, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu Studio on my old Acer Aspire 3003 and all is going well except that I can't get the wireless to switch on (it was working fine under XP). After searching the forums and with much help I have got the drivers installed for the Broadcom b43, but I still can't seem to get the wireless adapter to switch on. Many of the posts on this refer to System > Preferences > Network Connections, but I don't seem to have that option, just Network Tools and Network. Output of some commands that may help below.


sudo ifconfig -a
[sudo] password for geoff:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:16:36:0d:1e:d2
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless / Why Is So?

Aug 14, 2010

I just dual-booted my Acer Aspire 3810TZ laptop with Ubuntu 10.04. When I first tried to connect to my home wireless network, it connected fine. However, now whenever I start the laptop, it will not connect. The network appears in the available networks list, but it fails to connect. I know the network is ok, because I can still connect to it fine from Windows.

My network adapter is Intel Wifi 1000 BGN. Apparently (from [URL]) the drivers for this card should be part of the distribution.

I can't understand why it connected once, but (without any changes to the system at all) it won't work now.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.4 - Unable To Use The Wireless Connection

Aug 17, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.4 AMD64 on a HP Pavilion dv4Z-1200 laptop which I had manually assigned a temporary static IP through the DHCP server to the wireless connection, say 92. The server assigns the IP based on MAC.I later reassigned my standard IP to it, 80, but whenever I connect to the network with the Ubuntu wireless connection set to Automatic, it is still picking up 92 (which is outside the range of the DHCP assigning authority, which is 100-120).

I can force 80 manually, but I would rather the DHCP server issue the correct address, rather than tell it which one I want (kind of the whole purpose behind assigning static IPs, no?)I don't know... there is something wrong with this OS installation, because my internet connection is painfully intermittent, to the point of unusability, where other computers on the network are working fine. If I boot the same machine with 9.10 64AMD, the wireless assigned IP is correct and the internet seems to be working fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm a first time Ubuntu user and I just installled it more out of curiosity than anything else so I don't know jack abiut linux just that people say it's better.

Anyway I have a Dell Inspiron 1526 laptop and I'm unable to connect to the wireless network. The router that we use is an Apple Airport Express device to connect.

I checked using the troubleshooting guide and this is what I got in the Terminal:

moofknock@moofknock-laptop:~$ sudo lshw -C network
[sudo] password for moofknock:
description: Network controller


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use Wireless After 8.10 To 10.04 Upgrade

Nov 28, 2010

I have an out-of-the-box Belkin G wireless router. I also have a Linksys USB adapter on a particular box. When I run the Ubuntu 8.10 live CD on that box I can see the router's SSID, I supply the password, and all is fine. I think that rules out any problems with the router or the ISP.

When I run the Ubuntu 10.04 on that same box I can still see the SSID but when I try to connect to it the DHCP fails. Checking the system logs I see the DHCPDISCOVER entries but no corresponding DHCPOFFER responses. So this seems on the surface to be a DHCP problem. To get around this I tried to edit the connection to use manually supplied settings. On the 8.10 system I supplied:



and again all worked just fine. But when I supply the same values to the 10.04 system it does not work. Even attempts to ping the router ( fail. So if this fails then perhaps the problem is more fundamental than DHCP? I have tried searching the net for quite a while and found a number of similar problems, but clear solutions seem to be lacking (or I haven't come across them). One common suggestion is to blacklist the ipv6 module. I tried that and it seemed to have no effect. Since this worked so well in 8.10 and doesn't work in 10.04.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Enable Wireless Connection?

Jan 22, 2010

I am using a Linksys WMP11 V27 pci card that supposed to be talking to a Linksys BEFW11S4 wireless router (802.11B) ...I am able to connect directly to internet (ethernet cable hooked to this wireless router) ... but for indepedence I need to go wireless.I defined the configuration using the Network Connections ... also through ndisgtk .. can't seem to get this two to consolidate.On /var/log syslog I see ....

an 22 14:27:10 ubucomputer NetworkManager: <info> Sleeping...
Jan 22 14:27:10 ubucomputer NetworkManager: <info> (wlan0): now unmanaged
Jan 22 14:27:10 ubucomputer NetworkManager: <info> (wlan0): device state change: 2 -> 1


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Recognize The Wireless Network

Feb 5, 2010

I installed Kubuntu 9.10 using wubi (dualboot with Windows 7). There were no network connections available, even though I have two that can be used when I switch to Windows. After two hours I got tired of trying to fix the problem and rebooting to no avail, so i uninstalled and installed Ubuntu instead. I've still got the same problem, and after hitting a hole in my wall and shaving my head, I have no idea how to fix the problem. How do i get Ubuntu to recognize my wireless network?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Obtain DHCP Through Wireless

Feb 17, 2010

Linksys router and an acer aspire one. I have updated to the 9.10 netbook remix and the laptop associates with the router but will not pickup dhcp. If I specify an address then the machine looks like its connected but will not go to a website. I manually inserted dns but still nothing. So I updated to
Still will not use DHCP , I to am using ethernet at the moment. It was working before the update.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Connection

Mar 3, 2010

I am unable to connect to my wireless connection! i have put in all the correct details and password but the connect button is greyed out so I am unable to click on it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Unable To Connect / Why Is So?

Mar 6, 2010

I am using Belkin router and i connect with MAC ID only. When i connect with my Vista it works properly but when i reboot and try to connect with Ubuntu it's not connecting.

I looked for my Ubuntu mac id and i added that also but no use. It says it's connected and when i try to google it, the page not found

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Network / Fix This?

Mar 31, 2010

This is baffling me but I am easily baffled/baffeld? I carefully followed these instructions to install a a working driver http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=760568. It all went fine, my wireless light came on and it detected my wireless network. I know my WPA2 code (I can connect on the same computer in windows 7) and my keyring code. but I still can't connect it whirs away for quite a while before giving up and saying not connected.[Code]....

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Detect The Wireless Network

Apr 6, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on a Dell M6400, using Wubi for Windows 7 x64. My ISP sets my router password at source, meaning I'm unable to disable wireless encryption (which is WPA 2 Personal). That being said, I don't seem to be able to detect *any* wireless networks (I can still connect via ethernet, which does not require the password).

I'm not certain where the problem is, so I'll outline my steps and what the results were:
Under "System > Administration > Hardware Drivers" I have the "Broadcom STA proprietary wireless driver" installed (for BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4321-, and BCM4322- based hardware)
The driver is activated and currently in use. When I type

"nm-tool", I get NetworkManager disconnected
- Device: eth2 -----------------------------------------------------------------
Type: 802.11 WiFi
Driver: wl


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To To Access Wireless Adaptor

Apr 16, 2010

I set up an older computer with Ubuntu 9.10 and tried to get my Linksys AE1000 Wireless N adapter to work. My first mistake was not checking in advance to see if this adapter would work, but I have taken the leap and I am intent on making it work. I ran lsusb and it gives me a device number (13b1:002f) so I know it can be seen and I have also installed indisgtk the GUI for Wirless drivers. I have tried some suggestions from other posts to no avail.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Wireless Connect With Router?

Apr 23, 2010

I have had a router die on me and have bought another (maybe a bad buy!) The new router is Linksys WAG120n. Ethernet is fine. Laptop wireless adapter is Atheros AR5009 802 11a/g/n. I have setup a wireless connection but it is not connecting to it. I have checked the router settings and these seem to be OK! I'll try to give any details required.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use Wireless Brodcom B34 Drivers?

May 2, 2010

I have just completed a clean install of 10.04 and my wireless is not working.It detected my hardware and installed the drivers. It is activated in the hardware Drivers section and the wireless button light is lit.When I click the connection icon in the panel the wireless has nothing to connect too and says disconnected. The Ethernet connection is working fine.BTW the wireless worked just fine in 9.10.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Internet Through Wireless?

May 21, 2010

I am unable to connect to internet using my wifi network. Though I can share folders on network. Here are the details:

HP Pavalion laptop - DV6149us
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS, 943/940GML and 945GT Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect Netbook With The Wireless

Jun 12, 2010

Sometimes I meet problems conntecting my netbook with the wireless. It just tries too long to connect and even refuses my own network. Where to seek the problem? There is no error message...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Install A Wireless USB Adapter?

Aug 9, 2010

Im currently unable to install a wireless USB network adapter because it requires an installation which can only be done with a cd and im not sure how to install the software to run the wireless adapter.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Browse Internet On Wireless?

Sep 20, 2010

Running Ubuntu 9.10.

I'm connecting to a network via a Belkin F7D1101. The adapter appears to be working fine, as I can see various wireless networks available and I am able to connect to my personal wireless network. The problem is that even though I am connected and have a valid IP, I am unable to browse the Internet. I can't even ping the router!

I initially thought it may be an issue with WPA, but I have installed wpa-supplicant and as a means of testing, I turned off WPA on the router, and the issue still stands.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Connection?

Oct 30, 2010

I ve just install ubuntu 10.10 and am unable to connect to wireless connect. I was able to connect on the try ubuntu before install option. I have dual booted Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10. I have tried connecting without the WEP key and still no luck. Just found it strange that connect on try it but not after full install.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Get Wireless Adapter Working

Mar 9, 2011

I have just installed Ubuntu 10.10. It is great and all but I am not able to get my wireless adapter working...it is a cheapo one and I have found different tutorials around the internet trying to get it to work...to no avail!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use The Netbook Wireless Hotspot

May 6, 2011

setting up a netbook's wireless access point (to allow remote connection to a network drive connected to the netbook). I know this sounds daft but there is a reason.I just switched workplace and have all my projects on one drive.However my new workplace's network only assigns ip to certain Mac addresses. So I can't just plug in the network drive.My new work desktop is MS loaded, warranty sticker sealed and shared so I can't change this.Well I will, but not in the first week.

The simplest solution I thought of was to bring in my ubuntu netbook connect this to the network drive and wirelessly connect the netbook to the new desktop this via a wireless USB dongle.I connected the netbook to the network drive with no problem using the wired card. I done this by adding


auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static


For the wireless bit, on the netbook, I right clicked on the network indicator icon and selected "Create New Wireless network" then entered a network name and WEP passphase.Over to the desktop (XP). I plugged in a wireless dongle, get it load the driver then selected my new network and entered the passphrase. It came up connected and sure enough I check and it got assigned a sensible IP.

All seemed well and I even connected my android phone with no issues. The phone and desktop can ping each other. However for some reason I can't actually ping or ssh to or from the netbook.So whilst it's happily providing the wireless network it can't use it itself.

p.s. Incidentally I am allowed to plug in USB drives so this isn't an access issue or me trying to sneakily circumvent rules. I even told my IT department about the wireless dongle plan.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use Wireless With Certain Access Points

May 11, 2011

I am having trouble connecting to 1 particular wireless hotspot. It used to work in Ubuntu 10.10, but after upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04 it sees the Access Point, tries to connect but never succeeds. I can however still connect to my home router. Both use WPA2, both have a good signal. I have an ASUS UL30a laptop with a (output from lspci): Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01) NIC I was thinking of installing the linux-modules-backport-net package?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Broadcom Wireless - Unable To Connect

May 13, 2011

At the very begging of my ubuntu experience (2 days ago) I was able to check the "Enable Wireless" bar up in the top right corner, but I was unable to connect any wireless networks, cause none would show on the list.
Using nm-tool i get this info:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Internet?

May 31, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 and am unable to connect to wireless internet. I looked under additional drivers and there doesn't seem to be anything listed there.

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