Ubuntu Networking :: Ksoftirqd Consumes 100% CPU For Several Minutes?

Jul 12, 2010

I've had this problem recently. Whenever I open an open office.org document from a cifs/SAMBA share as I navigate through it my laptop will lock up, and by lock up I mean so bad that I can't even move the mouse. If I let it sit for anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes it will come out of it. Trying to navigate through the document again will trigger a similar episode.

I finally got fed up and opened a terminal with top and set it to always on top, then I opened my samba share, opened my spreadsheet. and proceeded to trigger my problem. When the lockup happened it was so bad and so quick that top stopped updating and I wasn't even able to see something creep up in CPU usage. As it came out of it top started updating in bursts, first ksoftirqd/0 was at 100%, then that dropped to near nothing, then xorg spiked to 100%, then the system returned to normal.

I googled around an found lots of speculation, and bug reports that were way above my head. Some of the speculation suggested it was a kernel issue, but that has supposedly been fixed. Another forum post said that it was a multi-processor issue. (the guy was running it in a vm so he just removed the vCPU) And yet another suggested a network issue/attack. I am running a Dell Latitude D620 with a dual core Intel proc and a Broadcomm network card (wired) and an Intel wireless card. I have all the latest updates. The shares I experience this issue with (only shares I really use) are on a Netapp and are active directory integrated (my laptop is not joined to the domain)

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Ubuntu :: Ksoftirqd/1 Uses 100% Of CPU?

Feb 6, 2010

the ksoftirqd/1 thread has insanely high usage of cpu. The kernel was just upgraded to 2.6.31-19-generic, but the problem is still there.

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Ubuntu :: Ksoftirqd At 100% CPU On Hyper-V?

May 27, 2010

I installed 10.04 on a Hyper-V virtual machine and a few hours later discovered that the server was unusually sluggish. Top revealed that ksoftirqd was sucking up around 97% CPU. Reading up on the issue focused on earlier kernel issues, which I knew didn't apply to 10.04. I eventually discovered that I set two CPU cores in Hyper-V. Decreasing this to just one CPU solved the issue.

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Fedora Hardware :: Ksoftirqd Starts Using 100% Cpu ?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm not even sure where to start trouble shooting this. All I can tell you is that ksoftirqd starts using 100% cpu. It either happens immediately after a resume (about a 50 % chance), or at some random interval (anywhere from 5 minutes to 3 hours after a fresh boot).

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Fedora :: Multiple Instances Of Watchdog / Migration And Ksoftirqd?

Mar 15, 2011

I recently completed a scratch install of Fedora Core 14 64-bit onto a system, and while everything appears to be running properly, I noticed there are almost 300 processes running at a given time on the server. The top command indicated there were ten-plus instances of the watchdog, migration, and ksoftirqd daemons running on the system. I am not familiar with these services, so I wanted to know what they are, and is there a need to have this many instances of each running on the system?

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General :: `mencoder` Captures 10 Minutes Of Audio In Less Than 10 Minutes?

Mar 15, 2011

I'm using mencoder to capture audio from a Encore ENLTV-FM3 video capture device. I have recently noticed that, since one week ago, when the machine was forcibly restarted due to a power outage, all recordings are slightly pitched, they play back slower than they should.

I narrowed down the problem to the following command line:

$ time mencoder -really-quiet -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video1:chanlist=us-cable:audiorate=32000:alsa:adevice=hw.1:input=0:amode=1:normid=11 -endpos 00:10:00 -ovc copy -oac pcm -of rawaudio -o test-32000.wav tv://69
real 9m54.886s
user 0m5.536s
sys 0m1.740s
$ ls -l test-32000.wav
-rw-r--r--@ 1 martin martin 76800000 Mar 15 17:20 test-32000.wav

Somehow, mencode managed to gather precisely 10 minutes worth of raw audio in 9m 55s. That's not physically possible, unless the capture device's A/D converters are "overclocked". I can't think of any other explanation besides hardware failure. Can that be? Could it be that something got burnt during the power outage and now the capture device's internal clock went nuts?

Since the machine's restart, I've also noticed dmesg is flooded with entries like this:

CE: hpet increased min_delta_ns to XXX nsec

Which seem to indicate that the computer's high precision event timer is somehow out of sync. Does this have to do with the audio issue? Can it be that the audio converter's sample rate is linked to the HPET? I'm totally lost here. Has anyone bumped into something similar?

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Ubuntu :: Fontconfig Consumes Too Much Memory

Mar 30, 2011

My Ubuntu consumes too much memory. I have checked it with memstat and have found a lot of lines like these:


There are more than 480 lines like this! What are these fontconfigs for? Where do they come from?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Flash Plugin Consumes 70% Of Processor?

Jan 29, 2010

Recently I am getting problems to open a couple of sites, example: [URL]...Firefox process consumes 70% of the processor when it is open.My flash plugin is sun-java6-jre, ubuntu repositories.Somebody what do know happen? is the flash the responsible ?

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Ubuntu :: Python Consumes Extremely Lot Of Ram Usage?

Apr 6, 2010

i noticed few times that my ram usage in gnome increases high. So i found that python is using more than 500 MB Ram. Normally i didn�t notice this python. What does it do?

I am not sure, but i think that these increasing has something to do with skype/empathy (i think it grows after using this programs...

So, i killed the process and ram usage is normal.

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Debian :: Bash Consumes 100% Cpu

Sep 21, 2015

I have a virtual server with debian and since last Friday a problem. The server is running normally. All sites hosted show no problems. But If I logon via ssh is the CPU usage of all cores goes to 100%. A simple cd (change dir) then takes about 90 seconds. using top or htop bash is the top scorer. Unfortunately I have absolutely no approach what I have to change here or where the misconduct comes from.

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Ubuntu :: Rhythmbox Stalls System - Consumes All Memory

Sep 1, 2010

Rhythmbox stalls my computer. I start it and within 10-20 seconds it starts to search something (i.e. in the right bottom there appears a box with a red box sliding left and right). It consumes all my memory (1 giga) and the only thing it does is identify text files in a general directory, NOT in Music. I have completely removed the install, installed it again, the same text files earlier IDed are still there? Is there an alternative?
Computer details: Intel dual core, Nvidia, 64 bit Lucid. The flaw is that it runs on single memory.

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Ubuntu :: Program Convert Consumes Most Of The Computer's Memory

Oct 5, 2010

I am using ubuntu 10.10 with gnome desktop on a desktop computer (pentium 4 cpu with 1 Gb memory), and when I use OpenOffice Impress, convert opens up and uses most of my cpu power. Even worse, after closing OpenOffice and all instances of nautilus, convert stays in memory and keeps using most of my cpu power (between 30 and 75 %, acccording to system monitor.Is it normal ? How could I set up my computer to limit convert cpu usage, and to unload from memory after being used.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: HD Video Consumes 100% Cpu But Not In XP?

Oct 6, 2010

I am using the rather old openSUSE 11.0 with no plans of upgrading to 11.3 as of now. My system is also 5+ years with a P4 2.66GHz but with 2.5Gb ram. HD videos are utilizing 100% cpu and the video also keeps shaking. Neither does any other app work during this time. I cannot even stop the player. I've tried mplayer, smplayer, vlc, totem, gnome-player --- all with the same result.

But windows XP utilizes about 60% cpu and so no such problems. I also have ubuntu 7.10 installed and even mplayer here uses 100% cpu. Also not a troublesome issue but XP has higher volume.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Video Consumes All CPU Resources On X220?

Jun 5, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 (64bit) on my Thinkpad X220. When I watch flash videos I see that Xorg consumes a lot of resources (CPU time). Flash videos in full screen are extremely choppy. Playing videos with Mplayer, for example, is no problem at all. Any ideas how this can be fixed? I found lots of posts by other people with similar problems but they had different graphics cards so their solutions were not applicable in my case.

Linux montana 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:24 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo | uniq:


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: XEN Kernel Consumes Memory - How To Fix It

May 20, 2010

My computer has 4GB installed but for some reason I could only see the 2 of the 4. At first I thought that this was because the XEN virtual operating system manager was running but even after I turned it off the problem exists. I could only see and use the 2GB of memory.


free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 1914 1874 39 0 9 295
-/+ buffers/cache: 1570 343
Swap: 2062 1934 128

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Disconnecting Every Few Minutes?

Jan 16, 2010

I have a Toshiba Satellite M55-S325 (as it came from the factory, no mods), a Linksys WRT54G router, and Ubuntu 9.10/Karmic with all updates. I've had issues since I upgraded from 9.04/Jaunty to 9.10/Karmic. It did work for awhile (I think a few days), but then it suddenly just couldn't find our wireless network. I reformatted (with 9.10) thinking it had just been a bad install - now I can connect to our network, but it throws me off every two minutes. My roommate (Dell laptop, Vista) has no problems with the internet, and I've visited a friend (in another state) and used her wireless internet without issues (though I couldn't tell you which router they were using). I've gone into our router's settings (with both my laptop and my roommate's) to reset the router or change the security settings, but with no real progress.

Here is my ifconfig results:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0f:b0:87:b3:80
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Dropped Every 3-4 Minutes

Jul 11, 2010

I've been using my current laptop since Ubuntu Edgy Eft and, since then, I never had any problem with wireless ( Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02) ) Since I upgraded to Lucid, my connection is dropped approximately every 3-4 minutes for 10s. Network-manager doesn't show anything but it is well visible with the netspeed applet that shows a warning sign "No connection" instead of the speed.This is very annoying and frustrating. I recall having seen the same issue in an blog article where the author was talking about his upgrade to lucid. It was just one line and I didn't care a lot at the time and cannot find the article back.

Is there anyone having heard about a possible issue ? (I've upgraded from Karmic when Lucid was still in Beta, so it might be the cause).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connects After 5-10 Minutes?

Feb 1, 2011

My wireless connection always worked. When I log in, I already have internet access.I went on holiday and connected to several other networks.Now the laptop will not connect anymore. Sometimes after 5-10 minutes.When I forse to connect ("Connect to hidden wireless network), the laptop connects after several seconds. But not automatically.My wireless modem uses WPA2, MAC filtering and has a hidden access point.I use Ubuntu 10.4 on a HP Probook laptop. In "Network connections", under "Wireless", the "Connect Automaticly" and "Available to all users" are selected. When connected, the signal strenght is very good.

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General :: Script That Names The Process In The System That Consumes The Most Memory?

Dec 31, 2010

I am writing a script that tells me which process consumes the most memory in the system this is what I have but I keep getting an error:

#! /bin/bash
# Autor: Jose miguel Colella
# Descripcion: Que proceso consume mas memoria

ps -e -o %mem -o args | sort -k 1 | tail -n2 | head -n1 | cut -d -f 3

I keep getting this message: cut: delimiter mist be a single character

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lose Wireless Connection After 10 Minutes?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a Acer Aspire 7535-5020 laptop with a Atheros AR5B91 wireless adapter & lose my connection after about 10 minutes.The only way to reconnect is by rebooting.I read in another thread that installing the linux-backports-modules-karmic would solve the problem.However when I try to install it I get the message, Error Dependency is notsatisfiable:Linux-backports-Modules-2.6.31-22 generic.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection Drops Out After 15 Minutes?

Jun 13, 2011

Having struggled to get the wireless connection at least working I find it drops out after 15 minutes or so. When I check for wireless connections I can see none at all and the "Disable/Enable wireless conncection" has disappeared, the Network one is still there. I get an auto reconnection if I reboot and all is well for another 15 minutes. Is there any way i can recover the situation without a reboot? I am trying to install the hplip-3.11.5 driver for my new wireless printer,the program take a while to install and by the time it has started looking for the printer the connection has dropped out. I can't be sure but I don't think it was dropping out before I connected the printer using my wired pc. All good fun but I'd like to get it sorted so I can get the engine back in my motorbike, the sort of technology I prefer!

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General :: Linux Shell Script .sh File Consumes High Memory?

Sep 8, 2010

I am having a php script which is used for bulk mailing. I run the script every minute through cron job. I have mentioned the path of the php script in a .sh file and execute the .sh file through cron job. Every time i run the script it utilizes high memory which results to server crash. how to restrict memory usage for that process to be a minimum one or how to set priority to be low for that process so that it is executed when there is no high priority jobs, so that the server runs normally without going down when the script runs

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Interfaces Stop Working After 5 Minutes

Feb 3, 2010

My network interaces stop working after 5-10 minutes of operation. I have 2 network cards, one static IP and the other dhcp. Sometimes I can ping my router, other times I can't.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Neighborhood Takes 5 To 10 Minutes To Show Computers?

Sep 29, 2010

Is that normal for Ubuntu Linux to take 5 to 10 minutes for computers to show up in the Windows Network Neighborhood in Nautilus after startup. It also takes 5 to 10 minutes to show Samba shares on my windows computer using NetBios (not however by entering ip). Is there a lag because of a set time of netbios network broadcasts to exchange netbios information to resolve by WINS. Is there any way this can be sped up so I can use my network immediately? Is there any way to force these broadcasts?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Netgear Adapter - Slow & Disconnects - After 5 Minutes

Nov 30, 2010

Just installed yesterday - and I love it so far except my wireless turns on for about 5 minutes, then disconnects.

In order to get internet back I have to either restart or uncheck "Enable Networking" and then recheck it.

I will try to provide as much information, but like I said I am new to Ubuntu and there is some things that are completely different from what I'm used to on Windows:

Wireless Adapter: Netgear RangeMax Next Wireless PCI Adapter WN311B

Additional Driver its Using: Broadcom STA wireless driver

Router: Netgear RangeMax

Information From "sudo iwconfig":


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Ubuntu Networking :: Java Socket Connection Created In More Than 3 Minutes

Mar 7, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10. I have a problem with any client side network communication from any java based program/application. I've tried to run the following code:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Socket s = new Socket("ubuntuforums.org", 80);
System.out.println("1. connection created in "+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)/1000.0 +" s");
s.close(); start = System.currentTimeMillis();
s = new Socket("ubuntuforums.org", 80);
System.out.println("2. connection created in "+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)/1000.0 +" s");
s.close(); }

The result is the following:
1. connection created in 189.31 s
2. connection created in 0.085 s

I've tried both java-1.6.0-openjdk and java-6-sun- with almost the same results. During the extremely long 189 seconds, the processor is doing almost nothing (java thread has 0 %). I've tried also a wireshark to check what is going on, but the first packet was released after those 189 seconds. There is nothing in log files, I have no exceptions or errors, and the connections work (after the first long delay) just fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: USB Wifi Adaptor Loses Connection Every Few Minutes

Apr 22, 2011

I just installed the Natty Beta and plugged in a Netgear WG111v3 USB wifi adapter. It is using the RTL8187B driver and worked out of the box. The problem it loses my connection every few minutes. Sometimes not for 10 or 15, sometimes like a minute or less. After it loses the connection, I have to uncheck "enable wireless" (which I assume is the equivalent of bringing down my wireless interface) and then check it again before it will let me reconnect. I don't want to try ndiswrapper because the card works great when it works, including monitor mode and packet injection!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection Lost After 10 Minutes Surfing

Apr 23, 2011

I do have a problem with my internet connection at home, I've a Huawei router and ubuntu 10. When I connect to the internet whether wireless or wired I become able to surf the internet for less than 10 min then it cuts off! and to be able to surf it again I need to restart the whole system!

I used this command to restart the networking but in vain
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

On windows I do not face this problem with the same internet connection. I do not face it either when I'm using my campus wireless connections using ubuntu/windows!, so the problem is related to my home connection+ my OS.

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Fedora Networking :: 14 - Connection To Wlan Is Cut After About 5 Minutes?

Jan 10, 2011

I installed Fedora 14 yesterday via the installation DVD with 3,3 GB. Everything worked fine and when I connected to my wlan and entered the WEP key I got access to the internet. But after about 5 minutes, to connection just got cut and I was again asked for the WEP passkey. But when I entered it this time, the connection failed and I was just asked again (with the same key entered, it even got it saved from last time). As you can think, this is quite annoying, since the time I have internet is not even enough to get some updates done.

Ah, and by the way: The time I have internet it just is unbelievably slow. On my Windows partation, I don't have this problem. I do have a small hint what might be the problem: When I was using Ubuntu, I always had a similar problem, but it did not even connect to my wlan once. The solution was to blacklist some driver, but since I don't know if this might be the problem on Fedora too and if the drivers are the same as on Ubuntu and since I really have no idea about the syntax of the terminal here, I was not daring to try this out.

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Networking :: OpenSwan VPN Drops Connection After 5 To 15 Minutes

Feb 18, 2011

Hello, I've installed OpenSwan with xl2tpd on my server, and set it up for roadwarriors connecting using certificates.

My server is Debian 5.0.8, I am running xl2tpd 1.2.0, and Openswan IPsec 2.4.12, my clients are all Windows, and I am testing my setup on a Windows 7 client.

I have no problem connecting to the server, but after some time the connection drops. I removed the idle option from the ppp config but it does not make any difference.

Even when I create constant traffic with ping -t the connection drops also.

I have no problems reconnecting right away.

I have been hacking at this for a couple of days, reading every post I can find, but I have not found a solution to my problem.

Here are my configs and logs:


asyncmap 0


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