Ubuntu Networking :: Connection Timeout On Desktop

May 20, 2010

Something is wrong with the networking on this Ubuntu system. It has been assigned the LAN ip address From another Ubuntu desktop, I can: ssh myself@ ( from ) and I can login without any problems. I can ping ( from )


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Debian Configuration :: Run Remote Desktop Sessions - FreeNX Connection Timeout

Apr 19, 2010

I have a Debian VPS running Lenny and I'm trying to setup a way to run remote desktop sessions from it. I went with FreeNX, NX client for windows from nomachine, XDM and xfce4. All seems to have installed well, but I can't start an NX session on my box. I can connect to the server and authenticate, but the client hangs on "Downloading the session information," eventually timing out. The log output is below - I'm not even seeing an error message. Any ideas?


The only thing I noticed during install, which was about 400 packages since this was a barebones VPS, was that I should consider recompiling the kernel with CONFIG_SOFTWARE_SUSPEND=y. I don't know if this has any impact on session information, however, since this is a new session, not one I'm trying to resume.

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Networking :: Ssh Connection Timeout When Trying To Go Through Router

May 6, 2011

I am trying to set up an ssh server on my Debian squeeze box so that I can access it remotely when I'm not at home. I connect to the internet through an at&t 2wire modem/router. First off, I *can* ssh into the machine from inside the local network, e.g.


Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.12 seconds Playing around with Nmap, I also found that it only sees port 50001 as open.

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Ubuntu Networking :: PPTP Connection Failing With LCP Timeout

Mar 6, 2010

I'm using Kubuntu 9.10, my pppd version is 2.4.5 and pptp is 1.7.2 I'm trying to connect to the iPredator VPN service, but I keep running into problems with LCP. I've tried using knetworkmanager, nm-applet, kvpnc and plain old text-based configuration to no avail. Here's a snippet of pppd's output:


(I've got "defaultroute" in my /etc/ppp/peers/ipred config file.) Any ideas what could be causing this? Could it even be my router? It claims to support PPTP, but considering it claims a lot of other things which aren't true, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the culprit.

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Networking :: MacOSX To RHEL5 / 6 Ssh Connection Timeout

Apr 1, 2011

I have a user using Mac OSX and ssh-ing to a couple of Redhat servers, one running RHEL5 and the other RHEL6. The user's connection seems to be timing out after 60 minutes or so of inactivity. The user is on the same subnet as the servers. Both servers have the same sshd_config files with the following entries with regards to timeout:

TCPKeepAlive yes
ClientAliveInterval 30
ClientAliveCountMax 99999

In a nutshell, his office Mac keeps getting dropped off both machines. Other machines, including the Mac he logs in with from home doesn't get timed out and keep the connection open. The log files are unremarkable and the switch port shows no errors

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Networking :: Terminate The Ping Manually Using Ctrl+c - Connection Timeout

Feb 21, 2011

when i type the command ssh node2@ip the terminal hangs up a bit then an error message stating that connection timeout but here is a thing: i cant ping to node2 but i can terminate the ping manually using ctrl+c when i terminate the ping usual message appears stating 10 packets transmitted, 100% loss ps: when i go to node3 and ssh to node2 it works fine and also i can ping from node3 to node2 very fine. and the firewalls are down at all nodes

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OpenSUSE Network :: Error - Connection Timeout - All Wired Connection Over A Switch?

Feb 21, 2011

im on node1 when i type the command ssh node2@ip the terminal hangs up a bit then an error message stating that connection timeout but here is a thing: i cant ping to node2
but i can terminate the ping manually using ctrl+c when i terminate the ping usual message appears stating 10 packets transmitted, 100% loss

ps: when i go to node3 and ssh to node2 it works fine and also i can ping from node3 to node2 very fine. and the firewalls are down at all nodes -all wired connection over a switch

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Debian :: Connection Timeout Too Often In Jessie

Sep 6, 2015

I am running debian 8 stable version (which I starting to think not that "Stable") and when i surf web pages its ok except the fact that I am too often get connection timeouts then i need to press "enter" in the ur box to try again and then its maybe work if not I am going to press another "enter" on the url box until i have connection to the site its important to say its not a isp or hardware problem. I run the web with no problems in that other operating system which I am not getting back to.....

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Server :: Samba Connection Timeout

Sep 2, 2010

I am using samba 3.0 on rhel-4, it works fine i am getting the share folder in linux and windows xp as well with username and password for first time only then for next time it will not ask me the username and password for samba user. Actually i want to fix idle-timeout and password authentication for user every time the user want to access the samba share folder.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Periodic Ssh Connection And Login Timeout/failures

Jul 20, 2010

A few weeks ago, I upgraded one of our machines to the 64-bit server edition of 10.04. All went reasonably well (after some hoops to get it to properly recognize/mount the RAID + LVM partitions), but one of the things that confounded the installation process was login timeouts. From doing some research, I thought I'd gotten it solved by removing the checks for updated packages on login, but I either didn't get it done, or there's something else going on here.The issue is that the machine is headless and is actually a file & application server, but I do need to connect to it via ssh on a regular basis. However, the issue isn't related to SSH, as it also happens when I try and log in through the physical console too.

What happens is that every so often, login attempts will time out for a period of minutes, then they will suddenly start working again, instantly giving me my expected shell. Again, I suspect it is something with the way the motd junk is being generated, but having a server that prevents you from logging in is totally unacceptable. I've no idea how to go about debugging what happens because I don't see anything useful in any of the logs, and I don't have a way to trace the login process from outside. I'd love to hear what the problem actually is and how to prevent this from happening.

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Fedora :: VNC Server - Get Timeout Or Connection Refused

Jan 30, 2011

I have a box running Fedora 14 upstairs and I've been trying to get it to run VNC server, unsuccessfully. I've RTFM, and followed the instructions step-by-step, but it still won't run. I'm getting no error messages. But when I try to connect from either a Window or Mac client, it either get a timeout or connection refused. I've read and tried all the troubleshooting; been working on this for about 12 hours now. Is there something major that I could be overlooking?

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Server :: Ssh Malfunctioning - Error - Connection Timeout

Feb 21, 2011

type the command ssh node2@ip the terminal hangs up a bit then an error message stating that connection timeout but here is a thing: i cant ping to node2 but i can terminate the ping manually using ctrl+c when i terminate the ping usual message appears stating 10 packets transmitted, 100% loss ps: when i go to node3 and ssh to node2 it works fine and also i can ping from node3 to node2 very fine. and the firewalls are down at all nodes

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Server :: UShare 1.1a With Fedora 12 - Connection Timeout

Jan 21, 2010

I am trying to stream video from my Fedora 12 server to my XBox 360 via uShare 1.1a. I have opened the port I have specified in the ushare.conf file and in verbose mode, uShare sees every video I want to share. The XBox sees the uShare under "Computer", but I get a connection timeout when trying to connect to it. /var/log/messages shows no errors with uShare. I can connect to the uShare web interface without any problems. Most people seem to be using uShare with Ubuntu,

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Fedora :: Nm-applet Timeout - Restore The Connection Indefinitely

Sep 15, 2010

nm-applet timeout. I connect to the internet via wifi access. I have this problem that whenever there is a powercut, my wifi router switches off and then nm-applet tries to connect and then after sometime times out i.e. nm-applet gives up on trying to restore the connection.

I want nm-applet to keep trying to restore the connection indefinitely because if the electricity is back lets say after an hour then it should immediately connect without manual intervention.

I did google around trying to search for the configuration parameters but was not able to do so.

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CentOS 5 :: NOMACHINE: NX Client Error: 'connection Timeout'?

Dec 4, 2008

i was able to connect the first time following the instructions here: [URL]

1. first time i was able to connect i used the nx client for Mac OS X. I logged off.

2. then i decided to test this using Windows nx client and i got:

NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 604
NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command
NX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files


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Debian Configuration :: Remote Connection Timeout Error After 10 15 Second Hang

Jan 18, 2011

I have a windows 7 box and a debian 5.0 box connected to a linksys wrt300n router. I can access the linux box from windows 7 through ssh. I used to be able to access the linux box from outside the LAN, but when I was messing with the ssh port configuration (at least I think this was what happened), i lost my ability to connect. I tried writing a new sshd_config file so that it is much simpler:

Protocol 2
PasswordAuthentication no
UsePAM yes

I tried directly connecting the linux box to the internet to rule out a router firewall issue that i was missing. iptables -L yields nothing, as I have since rebooted the machine since messing with iptables rules. But still, when I try to ssh in from outside the LAN, I get a connection timeout error after a 10-15 second hang.

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Server :: FreeRadius - PQexec Blocks Forever Due To Connection Timeout

Jan 5, 2010

I've configured the RADIUS to use a PostgreSQL DB for accounting. Everything works fine if the connection from the RAD to the SQL is OK. If the PostgreSQL service dead, the RAD will skip the failed connection and continue to work. That's OK, too. But if I shutdown the network interface of the SQL (simulating a connection lost - timeout problem), the RAD thread which processes accounting request will be hung up, remains as active and unresponsive forever. So the RAD will not return anything to accounting client (my NAS).

As more accounting requests come, spare threads for processing the requests will reduce and be used up eventually. I've debugged for a while and found it's the problem of PQexec() function. The function blocks the thread eternally till if the connection lost. I know the RAD version is a little outdated, but I cannot replace it right now. I wonder if there's a way to make the RAD reply to the NAS even when the connection between the RAD and the SQL lost.

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Ubuntu :: Set The Default Os To Boot As Windows 7 With A Timeout Of 1 Second - Reset The Timeout To 3 Seconds?

Aug 4, 2011

I set the default os to boot as windows 7 with a timeout of 1 second. I thought that this would be enough time to switch os ubuntu when i need to, but I am unable to. How can i reset the timeout to 3 seconds? I also cannot view the ubuntu partition within windows because of ubuntu's file system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Desktop Connection Closing After A While?

Jul 7, 2010

Does anyone know what could be causing a Remote Desktop connection to a 10.04 box to be closing after some period of time? I have three systems all running 10.04 with Remote Desktop enabled. I'm using UltraVNC on Windows 7 to connect to them. If I open a connection and leave it open for a long time (like overnight, for example), when I come back in the morning, I still see the VNC window but as soon as I click on it, it closes. I can immediately open a new connection to the box but it now shows two active connections. At first I was thinking maybe there's an idle timeout value but given that Ubuntu still seems to think that the original connection is active, maybe the problem isn't on the Ubuntu side but on the UltraVNC side?

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH / Telnet Connection To Desktop Within LAN Times Out

Dec 16, 2010

Wrong prefix, its Ubuntu not Lubuntu. Three devices:

Laptop 1:
---Can ssh to any device.
---Accepts any internal ssh.

Desktop 1:
---Can ssh to any device.
---Accepts any internal ssh.

Desktop 2:
---Can ssh to any device.
---Can ssh to itself through localhost or
---Any ssh(and telnet) aimed at this device times out.

All three devices recently had openssh-server installed yet only one seems deviant. I've been trying to ssh into desktop 2 to no avail, yes the machine is reachable, yes sshd is running, yes ufw is disabled, and no there is no external firewall that I know of. Anything else I can try? The router for the LAN being dd-wrt.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Xubuntu Desktop Pc To Windows 7 Laptop Connection?

May 15, 2011

i just got my xubuntu , and i'm pretty satisfied with it , i mean : it works ok for my very old system (512mb ram , integrated video card , pentium4 procesor 478 2.8 ghz) forced to use it , because i had to take my motherboard to warranty .... anyway , i just wanted to know how can i connect my pc ( xubuntu ) with another laptop ( i would like to have file transfer , and why not control over the desktop from my laptop , or control my laptop from my pc , i think it is called remote desktop ) . My network connection is through a modem , that is connected to a router from which goes a lan cable to my pc (xubuntu ) and my laptop is wireless connected to the router . My laptop is using windows 7.

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Networking :: VPN Active But No Remote Desktop Connection?

Feb 27, 2010

I am trying to connect to my Company network through VPN. I use a Lynksys router which is most likely not the problem, as I can get the VPN and Remote Desktop to work from a WinXP Pro laptop connected to the same router. I have tried several RDC clients, none of them establish a connection. The VPN connection is active, I can ping and Traceroute to it , but I cannot get the RDC to work. The RDC should connect to on the company network.

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Ubuntu Networking :: At Times Desktop Computer Can't Establish Wired Connection?

Aug 3, 2011

My desktop computer, running 11.04 (fresh install) sometimes can't establish a wired Ethernet connection. Sometimes when I boot, it keeps trying to establish, but with no luck. I keep trying to choose "Auto eth0" from the networking menu, but still, it doesn't succeed. If I reboot, it sometimes works. I can't establish a connection about half the times that I boot.

The computer is connected with a cable to a router ("Belkin Wireless Pre-N router"), and the router is connected with a cable to a cable modem.I've been using Ubuntu for a while, and I've had a problem for the past few versions (since around 10.04)? I thought that it might be some old issue that got resolved, so I did a fresh install of 11.04 today, and still have the same behaviorI'm willing to try things next time I can't get a connection, but don't know what.

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Fedora Networking :: Connection From WinXP To 11 Remote Desktop (behind Router)?

Aug 28, 2009

My home linux box is behind a Linksys WRT110 router. I have enabled the Remote Desktop from System-->Preferences-->Remote Desktop. I then run TightVNC from my WinXP box. As I wish to run a secure connection, my first obstacle comes from PuTTY.
In PuTTY, my settings are as follows:

Host Name(or IP address) Port
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 22


I recieve "Network error: Connection refused" I have gleened all of this information from other boards and tutorials. I know there is something critical that I am missing.

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Remote Desktop / Connection To Machine Name Was Closed

Nov 7, 2010

I have recently installed fedora 14 and configured vpn to access my work network. I need to access some windows machines which although I can ping I cannot remote desktop into. When I go to Applications>Internet> Remote Desktop Viewer and put in the machine name (either just the machine name or the FQDN including the domain name) I get an error "Connection to <machinename> was closed".

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Networking :: Sharing Internet Connection - Using My Desktop As A Wifi Hotspot

Dec 27, 2010

I have two computers:
- one is my desktop, running ubuntu. it has two NIC's one is wired (eth0), the other is wireless (wlan0).
- the other is my laptop, running archlinux. two NIC's as well (eth & wlan).

I would like to connect my desktop to my router via eth0 and connect my laptop to my desktop via wlan0, providing internet access to my laptop. i would like both computers to be able to use the internet simultaneously (not all packets would be forwarded).

Any manner of doing this would be ok, but if this is a simple enough task to do it by simply configuring some files (e.g. /etc files) rather than installing some unnecessarily big application, then that would be wonderful!

Also, not really as high a priority but if possible, i would like this to perhaps not be limited to my laptop. connecting any device (a psp or pda for example) to the internet this way (making it a hotspot in a sense) would be super! encrypting the connection (WEP for instance) would be ultra-mega!

Miscellaneous info:my desktop uses dhcp to connect to the router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting The Windows Desktop To The Internet Via Ubuntu Wireless Connection?

Mar 6, 2011

I have Ubuntu-laptop with wireless card wlan0 and wired ethernet card eth0 and windows7-desktop with wired ethernet card.I want my desktop PC to connect to the internet via ubuntu wireless card. Meaning that, I'm connected to a wireless internet network in my ubuntu pc and I want to share this connection to the desktop.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Crate A VPN Like Connection Between Ubuntu Desktop And Apple Laptop

Aug 31, 2010

i'm trying to crate a VPN like connection between my Ubuntu desktop and my apple laptop. i require a serves that allows me to reed and right to my home folders and media devises and get around local fire walls and network monitoring tools. i have already have a FTP server set up. i have looked into VPN a lot but i find it complex and a lil overkill for a single user. a good alternative to VPN for a single user system? i have just change to Ubuntu from PcLinuxOS so bare with me as i get use to the little changes

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Troubleshoot Network Timeout

Jun 2, 2010

My local area network is always time out for few seconds.I have check my memory with "free -m"There are still left 200+ mb left.I am hosting my own ubuntu server, and I share the same internet line with my server and pc. when I access to LAN, I need to type, at outside I can access to [URL]It is only the LAN access timeout, but when I access at outside, I didn't face this problem at all.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set The Wins Name Resolution Timeout?

Dec 18, 2010

I am experiencing horrible name resolution problems in Maverick. I believe this problem is related to having the following line in nsswitch.conf:hosts: files wins dnsI do use Samba and access windows shares in my network (that's why wins precedes dns. I was wondering if there is any way to setup a wins lookup timeout so it can fail quickly enough to try to perform the lookup using dns.

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