Ubuntu Networking :: VNC Screen Freezes On Connect But Can Control

May 10, 2010

I have 2 computers with Ubuntu 10.04, when I VNC to the computer I want to control I get the first frame but no subsequent frames. However I can still control the computers mouse and action on anything I want to but I need to be in the same room to see the screen I am VNC'ing to, this sort of defeats the point of VNC as I would like to be able to control the computer from any room in the house.

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Ubuntu :: VNC Freezes On Connect But Can Still Control

May 11, 2010

OK, so I have 2 computers with Ubuntu 10.04, when I VNC to the computer I want to control I get the first frame but no subsequent frames. However I can still control the computers mouse and action on anything I want to but I need to be in the same room to see the screen I am VNC'ing to, this sort of defeats the point of VNC as I would like to be able to control the computer from any room in the house.

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Debian :: Computer Screen Freezes - Cannot Connect To Webserver

Feb 28, 2010

I installed debian server on a custom built intel computer, with a 2.5 ghz dual core processor, 3 Gb of ram and a 500 GB sata hdd, I had originally installed debian server to use it as a web server, but for some reason after a few hours it completely freezes, mouse wont move I cannot connect to the webserver or ftp server, I restarted it and it will do it again, it isnt a specific amount of time it just does it randomly sometimes it will take 2 hours another time it will take 2 days, anyone know what could be wrong, I am quite new to linux and am not sure exactly how to view logs and such.

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Fedora Networking :: Screen Goes Black / Mouse Freezes / Caps-lock Blinks

Dec 14, 2009

I keep starting up the computer and I'm not able to get far (although it's not always at the same time) before my screen will go black, except it shows the mouse/cursor - but it's frozen, and then the caps-lock light starts blinking and I can't do anything or get it to recover. It ONLY occurs after I log in to wireless network. Using a wired connection, this problem never occurs.How do I stop this and diagnose this?I've tried, in the boot-startup to choose an older kernel version, but the same thing occurs! And this was working for months and now is not.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Tvtime Freezes, No Picture, No Mouse Control?

Feb 11, 2011

I have been using Tvtime for several years and never had trouble with the video until now. Now it opens, but it's frozen. There is no picture and no sound, just a black screen that I can't control in any way. Even to close it, I have to go through the terminal.I can still get channels using Mplayer, so the tuner should not be the problem. However, t is an Hauppauge 950.I was using Lucid on both partitions. Initially, one quit,but not the other. About a month later the other quit while I was watching which makes me think it may be something I have simply hit on the keyboard. I have since upgraded to Maverick on one and reinstalled Tvtime to no avail

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Fedora Networking :: Getting Netzero Login Screen / Can't Connect To ISP?

Apr 29, 2009

I have a usr5637 usb modem. It was detected correctly and dials out, but I can' connect to my ISP.
Using wvdial i get this:

--> Modem initialized.
--> Sending: ATDT2015103241
--> Waiting for carrier.
--> Carrier detected. Waiting for prompt.
UQKT2 **Welcome to nyc3-dial1.popsite.net**

So I also tried converting the netzero.deb to a tar file and put the files in the proper laces. running the client, I get the familiar netzero login screen, it starts out ok, but no connecting.

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Ubuntu :: VNC Server BUG - Can Connect But Can't Control My Desktop

May 5, 2010

Ubuntu has a bug on VNC / desktop environment.

See the movies that I've made:



I set up the remote desktop on ubuntu and I connect to my current ubuntu's desktop with the VNC viewer. It is working, I see the mouse cursor, but I cannot see the files while I'm dragging them.

Another friend of mine has THE SAME problem.

I have installed and configurated NX server, and the problem is the same.

If I connect with the nx client, using a different session, I can control my desktop, I can drag windows and files, but if I'm using the shadow option from the nx client program, then I cannot drag windows and files.

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Ubuntu :: Control What Apps Can And Cannot Connect To Internet?

Jul 2, 2011

Using lsof I noticed that everytime I open some apps (like Rhythmbox or Banshee) it connects to the internet over ports 80 and 443. All I'm doing though is surveying my music collection. Why is it connecting to the internet for this? I don't have podcasts or album covers or any of that stuff set. In fact I turned all that stuff off.

the problem is that I only get so much bandwidth on my mobile broadband plan. I don't want apps connecting when I don't need them to. I played around with the UFW but it appears to only allow port configuration. I can't see how to control the connections of applications. I can't block ports 80 and 443 because then I'd shut down the web browser. How do Linux users control the internet connections of installed applications?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Connect And Control Server 10.10 From An IMac?

Apr 23, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu Server 10.10 on a PC which is connected to my home network. I want to be able to connect to this PC from my iMac (OS X 10.6) and run things remotely like I can do with software such as VNC between Windows systems.

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General :: Ubuntu VNC Server BUG - Can Connect But Can't Control My Desktop ?

Apr 22, 2010

I upgraded from 8.04 to 9.04, or something like that. I had the VNC server started, the one from synaptic manager, but after I completed the upgrade, did reboot to the server, and now when I connect (from my windows machine) with the VNC Viewer, and after I login with the password, I can ONLY view the linux, and I can't drag items, windows, etc. I can't do anything. One friend of mine had THE SAME problem, and I'm sure it's a bug. I have removed the VNC server from synaptic package manager, reinstalled it, and I got the same problem. I have downloaded the 9.04 Ubuntu linux, installed it on a temporary desktop PC, and it had THE SAME problem. Now (after 2 months) I have downloaded again the 9.04 version, from exact place, and the VNC server is working fine.

Now, my question is, how do I fix this problem on my current Ubuntu 9.04 linux server ? 'Cause if I reinstall the VNC server from synaptic manager, it will not change at all, I will still have this problem. Ofc, on the remote desktop preferences, it is selected "Allow other users to control your desktop". I dezactivated it, activated it again, still can't control the desktop, I can only view it.

Or, is there any other remote desktop program tht I can install to control my X on the linux server from my windows machine ? I don't need X to configure my server, but I need X 'cause I have YM and programs with GUI, torrents, etc.

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Ubuntu :: Control 2 Computers With One Screen, Keyboard And Mouse?

May 29, 2010

I have 2 computers running Ubuntu 10.04, One of them have a screen, keyboard and mouse connected (all wired)I want to control the other computer in some way, like a virtual PC in a window, via my network or a cable.

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Ubuntu :: Don't Show User On Login Screen / Control It?

May 18, 2011

How do I control which users are seen from the login screen?

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Ubuntu :: Resized Screen After Driver Upload / Can't Get Control

Oct 4, 2010

Well for those following my other thread dealing with net access, I'm now connected...Well that party lasted a minute as my first task was to take advantage of "System>Preferences>Driver Hardware", and fetch me some drivers for my newly built mobo (with on board Nivadia Graphics) & friends...aka; hardware.After uploading the new graphics driver(s) I rebooted to activate....now the screen is sooo BIGGGG that I can't reach any of the normally accessible buttons (like System) to control what occurred.I'm a Linux newbie, having only a few hours on this OS, as yet I don't know how to work around a problem without access to the controlling mechanism. If this were windows I'd just go to START>SETTINGS>CONTROL PANEL>DISPLAY and fix it. Right now? I can't even see the start button or anything similar let alone use it!!

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Ubuntu :: Freezes Sometimes After Screen Lock?

Mar 31, 2010

Sometimes after I enter my password after the screensaver has locked the screen, it will not take my password (even though entered correctly). It seems to lock up. After about 2 mins it says something about a time-out (wish I could do screencaps). Then it will reset and have a gray window the same size as the password input window but on the upper portion of the screen, and a password entry window as normal, but in the lower part of the screen. This time, it accepts the password and logs me in.This is a 2-part post.First, how to bypass having to wait for the timeout (for whatever is timing out).The second is to see if anyone knows an answer to the problem and a fix.After it freezes, hold CTRL-ALT and tap F1.This will taking you to a virtual terminal. Log in with your username and password. Then type:

$ pkill screensa
This will match gnome-screensaver and kill the program that is frozen. You then need to type


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Ubuntu :: Screen Freezes When Gaming?

May 8, 2010

I got a problem with ubuntu and it is when I try to play games everything works alright but suddenly I get a random freeze, my entire screen freezes and I have to reboot in most cases, sometimes it turns to normal after a while. I had this problem in 9.10 and I got nvidia GTX 275. I dualboot with windows.

It could be my fans that are not working as the computer temperature gets up to 43 C or something when I game, however I've not seen how hot it is when it freezes.

Oh and I use 10.04, had the same bug in 9.10

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Freezes On Startup Screen?

Jul 20, 2010

I've been using 10.04 for a while now with no problems but for some reason it started freezing on the splash screen, 2 of my keyboards lights start blinking and thats it, I've tried with recovery mode and no luck either. The thing is I don't remember doing anything wrong.

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Ubuntu :: Freezes At The Login Screen

Mar 22, 2011

I've had Ubuntu for months but now it freezes at the login screen. I've written what I did when I last used Ubuntu in a post below. (like undo the xorg upgrades?)

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Ubuntu :: PC Freezes Up / Screen Greys Out

Sep 5, 2010

My Specs:
!0.04 Lucid running on:
Compaq Presario M2000 Notebook
Processor: AMD Turion 64
Graphics: ATI Radeon Xpress 200M
1GB Ram

I have had this happen only while using Firefox 3.6.8. This never happened with previous releases but they were using older versions of Firefox. That said I can't be 100% sure it's a FF issue but I think it is. I'll be online and suddenly the display will grey out, the CPU and will ramp up and I will loose control of the PC. Often it will return after a few seconds but not always. If control doesn't return I am usually screwed and can't even shut the system down. Initially I was thinking it was a Flash problem and both FF plugin Container and FF bin would be consuming vast ammounts of the CPU.

Now though I'm not so sure. I've tried deleting the FF profiles and starting again but this doesn't help either. A week ago I took the radical approach and completely deleted the partition and reinstalled a new version of 10.04.1 All was fine until a couple of days ago. But it started again. The screen greys out, everything freezes and I have no mouse/keyboard control. I tried to open terminal and no response. I try to shut down and my desktop icons dissapear, then the top/lower pane and I'm left with just the background and the cpu fan running full blast.

This last time I had terminal open with top running just in case. Problem stars again, greys out/freezes up etc and what I notice is Nautilus is using 99+% of the CPU. At the same time I loose my icons, panel toolbars etc. Now this is a fresh installation so what on earth's going on? It's happening on only one of my PC's The only other thing thats popped up is I've got an error message of "input/output error" a few times both in the Shell or again today struggling to get Terminal open or the pull down menu to restart the system. Hardware issue?

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Ubuntu :: Screen Freezes On Suspend And Hdd Slows?

Jan 13, 2010

When ever I choose suspend to shutdown the hard drive slows and the picture on the screen freezes. The mouse and kb are disabled and the cpu fan keeps running. My hardware in in my sig below I have turned off automaitic updates straight after installing from disc as the last time I had it switched on after a few updates I got repeated ata drive read errors and the pc would freeze for a while being unable to read from the hdd. I have run wd diagnostics on the drive and it works fine. To fix this problem I did a clean install after messing round for 3 days and achieving nothing. I have an arch partition that works fine as well although I have not attempted to get suspend working with it. ( hal error) I have read a few thread on the net and tried entering the swap disks uuid into grub.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Install Freezes On Welcome Screen

Jan 20, 2010

I tried to install ubuntu 9.10 with the live cd, but my computer freezes on the welcome screen, where you select the language (for the second time).After that the ubuntu logo starts pulsing and after a while the welcome screen appears. At this point, my mouse and keyboard are frozen (though the laser is still working) and the only way is to turn my computer off. I can't even eject the cd rom.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Freezes When Upgraded To 9.10?

Feb 2, 2010

I recently upgraded to the 9.10 version of Ubuntu. Now my screen freezes from time to time and I cannot click on anything. I must do a hard reboot by holding the power button of the PC. Is there a fix for this? Is there a way for me to go back to 9.4?

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Ubuntu :: Splash Screen Freezes / Stopit To Do So?

Mar 5, 2010

I am running Ubuntu karmic with Gnome desktop

I rebooted it as a package (GRASS GIS) wouldn't open properly, the splash screeen appeared but it appears to freeze and does not get to the login screen. I have tried to boot in safe mode but pressing ESC at grub doesn't work and Ctrl+Alt+F1 also fails to invoke anything. I can connect remotely via ssh. I have tried to remove Gnome desktop so I can just go straight to commandline but it still brings up the splash screen, I removed desktop using sudo apt-get remove gnome-desktop it said it did.

So why did this happen, last night I logged in via ssh and x-win server started a screen and did some work, the x-win server I lost my internet connection so putty aborted, this morning I couldn't connect to the screen so I did screen -wipe then rebooted as another package kept exiting.

any help much appreciated, this has happened at a vital time during my PhD and I need ubuntu back asap! In the meanwhile I am working via ssh with a slow Internet connection so not ideal!

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Ubuntu :: System Boots Then Screen Freezes / Fix It?

Mar 16, 2010

Don't know if this is a coincidence, but the other day we had a power cut and my laptop went off. When I tried to reboot it got to the ubuntu start up screen, but when it tries to get to the "desk top" screen it all goes blue and black flashes. I have XP and Vista on the same machine and these both start up ok

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Ubuntu :: 10 Freezes On Splash Screen When Restarted

May 19, 2010

I have finally successfully triple-booted Snow Leopard, Windows XP, and Ubuntu 10 on an iMac but I have 1 problem: Whenever I am in Ubuntu and select "Restart," it goes to the splash screen and loads 2 of the dots and then freezes and hangs there forever. If I do "Shutdown," it works properly. Note: I am using rEFIt as the triple boot loader. GRUB installed on sda3 with Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Screen Freezes After Upgrade To 10.04 LTS

May 28, 2010

Today I upgrade my Ubuntu 9.10 pc to the latest Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. The upgrade went perfectly with no errors. But when I login to my account Ubuntu loads but then the screen freezes and nohing happens. Then I am just left with a blank desktop with only the Ubuntu 10.04 background and no panels.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Freezes At Splash Screen?

Jun 14, 2010

I upgraded a week or so ago to 10.04, and everything was working fine. Then suddenly a few days ago the computer froze at the splash screen on startup. Thinking it was just some sort of neurotic, temporary issue, I restart again, but no luck -- same problem.

In terms of what I changed before the problem happened, I don't recall changing any system settings. On possibility is my changing things to skip the login screen and go strait to my account, but I believe I had done that a few shutdown/restarts before.

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Ubuntu :: Freezes As Soon As The Login Screen Pops Up

Jul 8, 2010

I just updated my netbook remix 9.10 to 10.04 and every time I boot up it freezes as soon as the login screen pops up. Before this said screen pops up I have the ability to move the cursor around freely, and if I mash the life out of enter I can get it to select my username, but freezes before the password entry bar has the chance to come up under it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 10.04 - Freezes On The Screen

Jul 19, 2010

Yesterday I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 (32 bit). Everything seemed to go well with no errors until the point where the system needed to restart at the end. After it restarted (and every power cycle since), it gets to the "ubuntu" screen with the moving cycle of square dots underneath, and stays there for ever. The screen resolution is absolutely goofed up, the word Ubuntu cannot be clearly read (looks like it is way overdriving the monitor). All letters seem to have like vertical bars on either side.

Below the Ubuntu and the dots, there appears to be two lines of completely illegible text (they just look like multicolored boxes about the size of characters.

I tried using the shift key to get to grub and try to boot into recovery mode--no luck. I tried using grub to boot to the previous kernel--no luck. It just sits there at the Ubuntu screen with this weird resolution/appearance.

I can boot from the Live CD and things work fine. I can see the file system, grub files etc. Any help debugging this would be most useful.

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Ubuntu :: Log In Screen - Blinks Off To The Purple - Freezes

Oct 7, 2010

I downloaded the latest LTS last evening , placed it along side my Win 7 , things went well seemingly until I got the install done and restarted the pc. From the initial purple log in area, the second I curse to the place to put my pw the screen blinks off to the purple screen, devoid of the login section and freezes, taking my mouse control away and then it just sticks. I have restarted quite a few times with the same issue. Is there a known issue about Win7 and the latest LTS concerning the log in screen?
if so, what would I need to do to correct, do I need to jump backwards to an earlier version and wait for the issues to be corrected? Is that even possible?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 Bug - Part Of Screen Freezes

Nov 19, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop Lenovo T410 and I found a strange behaviour: sometime a part of the screen (small rectangle) freezes and there is no way to unfreeze it. The only way is to shutdown. I cannot use it to work Other colleagues of mine that installed the same Ubuntu version on the same laptop do not have any problem.

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