Ubuntu :: Splash Screen Freezes / Stopit To Do So?

Mar 5, 2010

I am running Ubuntu karmic with Gnome desktop

I rebooted it as a package (GRASS GIS) wouldn't open properly, the splash screeen appeared but it appears to freeze and does not get to the login screen. I have tried to boot in safe mode but pressing ESC at grub doesn't work and Ctrl+Alt+F1 also fails to invoke anything. I can connect remotely via ssh. I have tried to remove Gnome desktop so I can just go straight to commandline but it still brings up the splash screen, I removed desktop using sudo apt-get remove gnome-desktop it said it did.

So why did this happen, last night I logged in via ssh and x-win server started a screen and did some work, the x-win server I lost my internet connection so putty aborted, this morning I couldn't connect to the screen so I did screen -wipe then rebooted as another package kept exiting.

any help much appreciated, this has happened at a vital time during my PhD and I need ubuntu back asap! In the meanwhile I am working via ssh with a slow Internet connection so not ideal!

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Ubuntu :: 10 Freezes On Splash Screen When Restarted

May 19, 2010

I have finally successfully triple-booted Snow Leopard, Windows XP, and Ubuntu 10 on an iMac but I have 1 problem: Whenever I am in Ubuntu and select "Restart," it goes to the splash screen and loads 2 of the dots and then freezes and hangs there forever. If I do "Shutdown," it works properly. Note: I am using rEFIt as the triple boot loader. GRUB installed on sda3 with Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Freezes At Splash Screen?

Jun 14, 2010

I upgraded a week or so ago to 10.04, and everything was working fine. Then suddenly a few days ago the computer froze at the splash screen on startup. Thinking it was just some sort of neurotic, temporary issue, I restart again, but no luck -- same problem.

In terms of what I changed before the problem happened, I don't recall changing any system settings. On possibility is my changing things to skip the login screen and go strait to my account, but I believe I had done that a few shutdown/restarts before.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Freezes At Splash Screen Upon Loading?

Dec 21, 2010

I was not able to install any version of Ubuntu. Everytime when the splash screen would appear, the computer would freeze and no hard drive activity would be present. The only way was to use the alternate install version of Ubuntu 10.10. Though, the splash screen problem persists. After the Ubuntu boot screen disappears, the splash screen appears with the coursor. About 3 seconds later it becomes unresponsive and the hard drive light stops showing activity. After reading a lot, I think it's my video card driver. I'm a complete newbie, so any commands need to be written out so I can just type in and cross my fingers. I can boot into the GRUB recovery mode. I log in and have a text based setup at this point.You know, I can type sudo commands and all that jazz. How can I fix my video? The graphics is not integrated. It's a 32mb nvidia TNT2 PRO.

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Freezes On Boot Up During Splash Screen?

Feb 14, 2010

I set up a dual boot on my laptop a few days ago, between Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10 (installed from Live CD). All the hardware is working fine.

Anyway, SOMEtimes, during the splash screen , the screen turns off (physically turns off) and the hard disk seems to stop. I cant do anything appart from force it to power down.

Yet sometimes, it boots up fine.

I want Ubuntu to work first time EVERY time.

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Fedora :: Amarok Freezes During Splash Screen FC12/Gnome?

Jan 3, 2010

Just installed Fedora 12 stable release without checking office/productivity, server, or developer "package options". Running Gnome.Used yum to get Amarok on here, and it freezes almost immediately every time I try to open it. The splash shows, a program shows up on the window-manager panel labeled "KDED Glob..." and the system freezes. Mouse, keyboard, all unresponsive. I had FC12 Beta on this exact system and Amarok worked fine. Noting that KDED Glob is probably part of KDE, and that I did not install KDE, I thought maybe Amarok depends on a KDE component that the repo did not pick up as a dependency. Tried to install as much of the mainstream KDE components as I could, with no change.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Freezes After GRUB (Normal Or Failsafe) Boot Splash Screen

Apr 17, 2011

I noticed that after making my build in suse studio my system freezes immediately after GRUB ( Normal or Failsafe) boot splash screen. I also noticed that this happens only with the specified kernel below. I'm not sure when using Kernel 2.6.37, one had the same problem. I never used it. The original kernel 2.6.34 had no problems such as the one I have described. My systems has no further problems only that it takes several restarts to go past the "Freeze". Below is a list of my system specs:

openSUSE 11.3
Kernel-pae from Kernel Stable.
GRUB 0.97-174.1 from openSUSE 11.4
Upstart 0.6.5-33.1
xorg-x11-server 7.6_1.9.3-142.1 from X11:xorg 11.3 repo.

The GRUB from openSUSE 11.4 has been very stable and non-problematic. I will be buying an Intel core i5-2500K in a few months that's why I need the latest kernel and XOrg-X11-server. What could be causing the freezing?

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Slackware :: Slackware Current Freezes At Splash Screen / Fix It?

Mar 16, 2011

I have been using slackware since version 10.1 and really like it. I have never had a problem until lately, version 13.1 has been stable as a rock for me. The first 2 or 3 updates to current ran well but then the problem started. After installation Slackware would get to the splash screen and bring up the first picture of a disk drive then just hang and never go any further. I do have a good burn on the dvd, have checked the md5 and burned at 4x. then slack 13.37 does the same thing. this is on 4 different computers with several different video boards.

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Ubuntu :: Reset All Personalization Such As Splash Screen And Colors In Grub Splash To Default?

Apr 25, 2010

If I re-install Grub 2 from the live CD should that reset all the personalisations such as as splash screen and colours in the Grub splash to default? In my case they are not resetting. I would expect them to revert to the default black/white you get when initially installing the OS. the Grub timeout to be a lot less than its supposed to be? e.g. the default timeout setting of 5 seconds is more like 2 or 3 in reality, and when I set my prefered value to 2 seconds it results in being about 1/4 sec or so.

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Ubuntu :: Splash Screen Messed Up - Get Random Command Lines Mixed In With The Usual Splash

Jan 26, 2011

Since updating my graphics driver on ubuntu 10.10, My splash screen has been inconsistant and messed up. Sometimes ill get random command lines mixed in with the usual splash, sometimes the splash wont show and it will just be black till the desktop appears, sometimes it flashes on and off. I originally tried fixing the resolution and just made the problem worse. Then I tried installing a new splash via gnome-look.org, but it just made my shut-down splash blank and didnt effect my splash at startup. I just want the original splash that ubuntu is supposed to have.

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Ubuntu :: Splash Screen Startup - Goes Blank For A Minute Then Briefly Shows The Splash For 5-10 Seconds

Mar 26, 2011

I'm running 64 bit Ubuntu, and on the start-up after I pass the GRUB it goes blank for a minute then briefly shows the splash for 5-10 secs and then jumps to the login screen. Also the screen is offset by about 10-15 pixels but from the login screen onwards it is centred. (It's also like this for if I'm in recovery mode)
How do I fix this and Im wondering if it is a hardware problem?

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Ubuntu :: Getting A Blue Kbuntu Splash Screen Instead Of The Studio Splash

Oct 25, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu Studio and after an update the standard Plymouth splash screen began to show. I tried changing it back via the "sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth" method but I am getting a blue kbuntu splash screen instead of the ubuntu studio splash.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freezes On Splash 10.04?

Aug 25, 2010

I'm trying to install 10.04 Ubuntu using a USB drive. I restart the machine and I get the Ubuntu start up screen. I select to install Ubuntu on my hard drive. It does its loading process and brings up the splash screen. The red lights blink for about 10 seconds then stop. Everything freezes: the keyboard, mouse, screen, lights, everything. I can still perform a reboot, but this situation happens everytime I try to load.

Here are some system specs for my computer (edit: these are the correct settings. The settings I have in my sig are not correct. I will change them soon. Sorry about the discrepancy)

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.40Ghz
Nvidea GeForce 8600 GTS graphics card
Trying to create a Windows 7 dual boot
8GB Memory

I tried a few things with sending noapic and nolapic as parameters to boot and that didn't work as well.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Now Freezes On Boot Splash After A Few Reboots?

Apr 30, 2010

Since I know there's a lot of support threads going, I wouldn't ask unless I was really stumped and couldn't google. I'll get right to it.

10.04 fresh installed fine, working, few reboots, all good. Installed Nvidia 195 drivers. Not so good, still works fine, but framerates not as good as the 190 drivers I'd been using with karmic. So I installed nvidia-glx-190 and nvidia-190-modaliases with the nvidia PPA for jaunty. They didn't appear on the restricted drivers list, I rebooted in the hope they would, and now my boot process is as follows.

Boot, met with a blinking _
Goes blank
Another blinking _

Green static appears momentarily, then very fast the Ubuntu splash appears, the white orbs all turn orange, and there it hangs. The splash itself is in the wrong resolution.

Everything is the same as when it was working except it didn't totally freeze at the end. It responds to nothing except the power button (and sometimes not), I can't access a shell or the grub menu at any stage during the boot process like I usually would, and nothing in the boot log seems out of the ordinary.

What should I do? I'm on a LiveCD desktop, got the harddrive mounted.

Macbook pro 4,1, 2GB ram, Core2duo with Nvidia Geforce 8600GT

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Ubuntu :: Failure To Boot - Freezes During The Splash Sequence

Nov 1, 2010

So I turn on my pc today, select ubuntu studio from GRUB and it freezes during the splash sequence - I hard shut down and the power back on and. nothing. Hard drive light illuminates once then stays off. External HDD powers on. Processor light comes on but no graphics - no manufacturer stuff, no bios entry - nothing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freeze Screen After Reboot And Get Past The Splash Screen?

May 12, 2011

When I install Ubuntu 11.04 with Wubi, I get this freeze screen after I reboot and get past the Ubuntu splash screen: url

As you can see, it's a scrambled picture of my Windows desktop. This happens with every other version of Ubuntu also.

I'm running a 64-bit PC and I don't wanna waste another CD or use a USB to install, because I actually progress further in my efforts whenever I use Wubi.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting - Screen Froze After The Splash Screen

Jul 21, 2010

I received the Ubuntu CD by mail the other day and tried to install a dual boot with it. I first tried it out by running from the CD and the first problem I had was the screen froze after the splash screen. So I lurked around for a bit and found out that I can press any key on the screen with the keyboard and person to get to a different screen. At this screen I entered "F6" and then entered "nomodeset", this allowed me to pass the splash screen.

Next, I got into Unbuntu but I found out that the keyboard and mouse weren't working, so I lurked again and found out that I have to enter "noacpi" (sorry if I got that wrong, I forgot the name ). I ran by CD once more and everything worked, so I decided to finally install it next to my Vista. However, after installing it goes straight to the splash screen, and the freezing happens again. The screen where the keyboard and the person are not showing up so I have no idea how add the "nomodeset" and "noacpi". So my question is, how do I get to the screen where I can add both those things? Also, is there a way to add it permanently so I don't have to keep pressing F6?

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Ubuntu :: Will Not Load GUI -- Screen Flashes At Splash Screen

May 21, 2010

Out of nowhere Ubuntu (intrepid, I believe) has stopped loading for me. When it attempts to load gdm the screen starts flashing at the splash screen and then eventually dumps me to the terminal. From there I can login without any problems but can not get the GUI to load.

When I run sudo gdm-binary it does the flashing splash screen again and then spits out the error message: WARNING: Unable to find users: no seat-id found. Then a few warnings about longest graphic displayed 2.5xxx seconds
I tried running sudo dpkg-recondifigure gdm and relaunch gdm as above and it did the same thing.

I was not able to successfully connect to my wireless network through the terminal to try to update in the hopes of that fixing the problem. Perhaps someone can give me instructions on how? (I have tried but can not figure out how to initialize wlan0).

Or, is there something I can do from my installation CD?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get The 10.10 Splash Screen For A Second Then A Blank Screen?

Dec 22, 2010

I have been running 10.04 quite successfully, when I upgraded to 10.10, I have a problem with the newer kernels. If I let it boot into the latest one 2.6.35-23, I get the Ubuntu 10.10 splash screen for a second then a blank screen, same with 2.6.35-22. I have to run with 32-25 to get it to load the gui.

I have an AMD Sempron 2800, 1.6GHz pc, but I'm not sure if it's running 64bit.

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Ubuntu :: Splash Screen In 9.10?

Feb 10, 2010

The screen that with the background pic at below is it call splash screen?

How to change the screen at above to text based that shows what services have been started, and if the service has been started, it will show ok at the right side.

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Ubuntu :: No Splash Screen / Why Is So?

Jun 1, 2010

I installed 10.04 on my Toshiba laptop, but for some reason there is no violet splash screen with the "Ubuntu" word when the system is loading. Instead there is a bald dash in the upper left corner that keeps blinking and then it is changed by regular font dash, then there are some letters (like system is checking something?) and that's it, one second after my desktop welcomes me. What could be the problem? I feel like I haven't had such a problem when I was installing it on another computer. Though it might be because I am installing from USB drive, but not, installed from CD with the image recorded and still the same problem.

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Ubuntu :: Set A Different Splash Screen Instead Of The One?

Jul 15, 2010

I want to set a different splash screen instead of the one that shows up just before and just after I log in (Ubuntu and the loading bar)

I installed gnome-splashschreen-manager and through that I set the splash screen to another jpg image but this doesnt seem to work. I dint see any difference after rebooting. Am I doing something wrong in GNOME Splash Screen Preferences? This method seemed really straight forward.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Rid Of Studio Splash Screen?

Apr 19, 2010

I installed the beta version of Ubuntu 10.4, and on top of that Ubuntu Studio (for the programs it brings with it); but don't like the splash screen.

How do I disable it? (I tried uninstalling the Ubuntu studio desktop, but it did not remove the splash screen).

*Edit, following Ubuntu studio apps are still installed on my system:

ubuntustudio-default-settings ubuntustudio-screensaver
ubuntustudio-icon-theme ubuntustudio-sounds
ubuntustudio-look ubuntustudio-theme
ubuntustudio-menu ubuntustudio-wallpapers

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Ubuntu :: Getting Rid Of KDE Cursors And KDE Splash Screen?

May 3, 2010

Some time ago I installed KDE on my machine, though I use gnome as the default. (I rarely login on KDE) .Since then, when I login in my default gnome I get those futuristic KDE cursors, which I hate by the way. I've been trying to go back to my default cursors but I've had no success. I go to System -> Appearance -> Customize -> Pointer and then I select Default Pointer or even DMZ (white) I click on close twice and nothing happens. I've even removed the "oxygen-cursor-theme" using the package manager. How can I get my default mouse cursors back?

On the same note, before I get the login screen and after clicking on logout/restart I get a Kubuntu blue (splash?) screen, I'd prefer not to get this screen. how to get rid of this, too? (Getting rid of the cursors would be most important, but if I can get rid of this screen it'd be nice, too)

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Ubuntu :: No Splash Screen In Lucid?

May 23, 2010

I recently installed from scratch the Lucid Lynx, and after changing the direction of the window buttons and a few things more (who was the idiot who thought on having a purple terminal?), I completely loved it.

I had one problem through, is that when I boot my computer, there is no splash shown. After the GRUB menu, all I see is a black terminal with no text for some time, and then a quick view of some colored text. Does anyone else have this problem? Here is the appropriate section of the grub.cfg file:

menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-21-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod ext2


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Ubuntu :: No Plymouth Splash Screen On 10.04?

Jul 1, 2010

I just installed Kubuntu 10.04 on my Desktop computer. Prior to KDM loading, all I get is a blank, black screen with no Plymouth splash screen. I'm confident that this issue is not related to KDE but would apply to all Ubuntu variants. Here are my computer specs:

Kubuntu 10.04 x64 running with all updates
Dell Studio Desktop
Intel Quad-Core Processor 2.66Ghz
8GB ram
Intel Integrated Graphics

I should note that I have full desktop effects running smoothly under KDE with compositing enabled, so my integrated graphics is not necessarily the problem unless Plymouth is not loading the graphics drivers successfully.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change Splash Screen / What To Do?

Jul 13, 2010

I have poured over many forums and countless posts on how to do this and i cant seem to get it,i have been trying for the past 8 hrs to change the splash screen in my ubuntu 10.04 lts lucid lynx,i have installed startup manager and splash screen and have tried using those to edit my splash screen to no avail i have no idea what im doing wrong

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Splash Screen

Jul 19, 2010

how do you change the splash screen? i.ve looked all over the internet but common sense tells me to just ask on here.

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Ubuntu :: Change 10.04 Splash Screen To 8.10's?

Jul 24, 2010

I finally broke down and upgraded to Lucid since Intrepid reached "end of life", but I liked Intrepid's Ubuntu startup splash screen much better. Is there any way to get that back in Lucid?

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Ubuntu :: Won't Get Past Splash Screen

Sep 3, 2010

I just used the update manager to update to the latest kernel. There were other updates there, but I can't remember what all they were.

Now the computer won't get beyond the splash screen. I waited about 15 minutes the first time for it to load. When I hit esc during the splash screen, I got this warning

GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid-r(): failed due to unknown user id (0

After that I think there is more, but my screen runs out of room, but I have this sense that there is more.

Anyway, that might have nothing to do with the problem. When I boot to recovery mode it finds all the stuff plugged in to the motherboard and USB drives then just stops.

Booting to the old kernel works just fine.

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