Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Reach Guest OS In VirtualBox From OSX Host

May 18, 2011

Recently I've been unable to load web pages, hosted on my Ubuntu Guest in Apache, from my OSX Host. In fact, I can no longer even ping the Guest OS from the Host. In the past, when I did ifconfig on the Guest, I got an IP of 10.0.1.n. Now I'm getting default NAT Address. The thing is, I didn't change any settings recently. What I did do is run software update for OSX, Ubuntu, and updated VirtBox.

Current Versions:

VirtBox 4.0.8 r71778
Host: OSX 10.6.7
Guest: Ubuntu 11.04

why I can no longer access my Guest OS from my Host? I spent hours on this last night, to no avail. What would cause the Guest IP to change from 10.0.1.n to As I say, I manually made no config changes.

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OpenSUSE :: Virtualbox Where Host Can See Webserver From Guest And Reach Internet?

Sep 21, 2010

I have set up my guest OS in VirtualBox so that it has a static ip and is using a bridged adapter. As a result, I can see the webserver that's hosted in guest from my host OS's web browser. However, for some reason my current setup does not allow my guest to reach the internet. What settings do I need to enable both?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Server + KVM. Guest Os Can Reach Wan But Host Machine Cannot?

Oct 13, 2010

I've set up ubuntu server 10.04 x64 with kvm and bridged networking and installed win server 2008 as a guest os. The guest os has full access to the network including lan/wan but the host os can only reach my lan and not the wan. This is true even when the guest machine is powered off?I have to admit that my knowledge of networking, particularly with respect to linux is very flakey but surely if the guest has internet access this should also apply to the host? My only suggestion is an issue with mac addresses but i don't know where to start. Has anybody ran into this problem before?

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Ubuntu :: Virtualbox Guest Machine Can't Reach Internet?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a Windows XP virtual machine under Virtualbox PUEL 3.1.2. I have always been able to browse the Web or do anything else I wanted over the network.

Suddenly, the guest XP machine can't reach the Internet any more. There is no indication of any problem with the network connection. I checked my router, and the virtual machine is indeed getting assigned an IP address. So why can't it reach the internet?

Yes, the virtual network adapter is in bridged mode. It always worked that way before. I can see local network shares from the virtual XP machine, and even reach the Apache server running on the host OS (Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit).

Also possibly significant: Even though the virtual XP machine is detected by the router & assigned an IP address, the printer attached to the virtual XP machine cannot be seen by another Windows machine (a real one, not virtual) on the network. I never had a problem sharing the printer before. I have to share it from a virtual Windows XP machine when I'm running Ubuntu because there are no Linux drivers available (it's a Winprinter).

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Debian Configuration :: VirtualBox: Host-only Networking: Static IP Guest Addresses?

Jun 6, 2011

Debian Testing host, Winduhs XP guest. Winduhs is not allowed to directly access The Internets, and I am not setting up bridging as that makes it possible for the guest to mount layer 2 attacks on the LAN. I need for the guest to tunnel through the host without being able to see anything on the host, so it can then get access to The Internets, while being protected by iptables (Shorewall).

Used to be with VMware I had host-only set and the guest in a different class c ( from the host ( I turned on ipforwarding, set Shorewall rules, and it all worked. Now I have everything set with VirtualBox, and it does not work. Guest can ping its interface but not host. Host can ping vboxnet0. Host is supposed to masquerade guest's through to the default out at, but it's not. I think a clue is in routing, but I don't know what's wrong.


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Ubuntu :: Virtualbox Host To Guest Connection?

Sep 9, 2010


I'm working in php / mssql project and I'm working on php side. I try VirtualBox to access to mssql from linux. I'm using VirtualBox 3.2.8(Downloaded from VirtualBox website) Hosted On Ubuntu 10.04, and my Guest OS is Windows 7. I followed some tutorials on how to connect from host to guest, but all failed... how to connect from ubuntu (host) to windows 7 (guest)

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Debian :: Virtualbox - Guest Has The Same IP As Host

Oct 6, 2015

im new to virtualbox and i run linux arch as guest os. now my question is how it can be that the vm has the same ip as my host os.

this is suppose to be diffrent machine isnt it? and how to configure my guest vm to be completely unrelated to my host

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Fedora :: VirtualBox Ping From Guest To Host?

Dec 9, 2009

I have VirtualBox v3.1.0 r55467 running on f12 The guest is Windows XP SP3. I need to enable bridged mode for the virtual network interface on the guest. Everytime I enable bridge mode the following error occurs.


Failed to start the virtual machine Windows XP. Failed to open/create the internal network 'HostInterfaceNetworking-wlan0' (VERR_SUPDRV_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND). One of the kernel modules was not successfully loaded. Make sure that no kernel modules from an older version of VirtualBox exist. Then try to recompile and reload the kernel modules by executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root (VERR_SUPDRV_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND). When I run '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' i get the following compilation error:


Stopping VirtualBox kernel module [ OK ]
Removing old VirtualBox netadp kernel module [ OK ]
Removing old VirtualBox netflt kernel module [ OK ]


dmesg gives me nothing. I have scoured the web .. and even asked on #vbox and #fedora cant get.

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Fedora Installation :: F12 As A Guest On XP Pro Host Using VirtualBox?

Jan 3, 2010

I have tried a few times already the following procedures: start a new installation (each time, I create a new VBox VM) with the Fedora 12 DVD iso attached to the DVD drive of the VM. I select the default setting, like US english, US keyboard, local time (GMT +8), standard installation ... etc). The installation process had been smooth to the screen the system asking for a reboot after installing something like 1100+ packages. Then I click the reboot button offered. The VM restarted but each and every time, it came up with the following error message:

Booting from local disk...

There was no other error message durint the installation process. It would be very much appreciated if some one can tell me what went wrong and how to solve it. I believe even I try again the same way, it will end up with same result. Is it a software or hardware problem? In case software problem, is it Fedora or VirtualBox?

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Slackware :: 13 Guest Additions For Virtualbox On Xp Host?

Jan 26, 2010

pretty comfortable at the command line and in kde. found 2 'supplementary kernel drivers' for virtualbox at slackbuild (thank you heinz!). followed the how-to at slackbuild and built and installed both packages, but additions weren't working. (i thought they were standalone) noticed the 'supplemental' in their description, and so installed the guest additions for linux from vbox site. additions still not working. at this point i start restarting my slackware vm, and redoing everything in various sequences. finally, additions work! but i'm not sure why! critical pieces and sequence for getting guest additions working once i have slackware installed?

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OpenSUSE :: Access Web Server On VirtualBox Guest From Host OS

Sep 4, 2010

I used to be able to access the web server I had running on my guest OS in Virtual Box from my host OS. I also had it set to the network settings of "Host Only Adapter". Then I needed to access the internet directly on the gues OS, so I changed my settings on the guest OS to "NAT" (in virtual box), and in /etc/network/interfaces, I removed the loopback stuff and the static IP I'd put in. Now no matter what I do, I cannot get it back to being accessible from the host os! I even did a completely NEW install of Ubuntu guest OS in Virtual box Guest OS: Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Host OS: OpenSUSE 11.3 VirtualBox: 3.2.6

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General :: Accessing A Guest OS's Directory From The Host OS In VirtualBox?

Jun 5, 2010

With VirtualBox you can share a directory on the host machine with the guest machine. Can you share a directory on the guest machine with the host machine? In my setup the host is Windows 7 and the guest is Ubuntu. Can I have a directory on the Ubuntu file system accesible from Windows?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Guest In VirtualBox On Win7 Broken Host-only Adapter?

Jun 5, 2011


1. Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Professional HOST Operating System
2. Oracle VirtualBox 4.0.6r71416 on top of Windows 7
3. Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx 32-bit GUEST Operating System in VirtualBox

I successfully installed the above configuration on May 15, 2011. I had some difficulty getting the Host-Only VirtualBox Adapter to work. I was forced to make a subtle change to the Windows Registry in order to get the Adapter to work correctly. I was successful. I used the Debian Update Manager to update my installation of Ubuntu. Nothing changed on the Windows 7 side. Now, Windows 7 says that the Host-only adapter is enabled, but I don't have a connection to the Ubuntu OS. I can't use PuTTY or WinSCP. When I invoke ipconfig on the Windows side, is the IPv4 address. When I invoke ifconfig on the Ubuntu side, there isn't anything.

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Slackware :: VirtualBox Guest On Win7 Host - Folder Sharing?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a Win7 laptop with the latest version of VirtualBox installed. It's a dual core proc with ram to spare. So, I installed Slack64-13.1 and it rocks! I'm really impressed that Slack is running at what appears to be native speed, but in virtual machine. Hardware response is normal, WIFI and LAN are both working great for my normal tasks.So, I downloaded a few much needed patches, and new ISO image for one of my old desktop PCs. Now, my problem is I can't connect my USB cdwriter to my virtual slackware or share folders in the Win7 install with the virtual slackware. I read a few of tutorials on the Oracle VBox website, and several of the ones here on LQ, and none of them seem to solve my problems.

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General :: Using Samba To Share A Folder From A Guest With A Windows Host In VirtualBox

Mar 15, 2011

I would like to share a folder from a Linux Guest with a Windows host (with read and write access if possible) in VirtualBox. I read in these two links: here and here that it's possible to do this using Samba, but I am a little bit lost and need more information on how to proceed.

So far, I managed to set up two network adapters (one NAT and one host-only) and to install Samba on the Linux guest, but I have the following questions now: What do I need to type in samba.conf to share a folder from the Linux guest? (the tutorial provided in one of the links above only explains how to share home directories) Are there any Samba commands that I need to run on the guest to enable sharing? How do I make sure that these folders are only available to the host OS and not on the Internet? Once the Linux guest is setup, how do I access each of the individual shared folders from the Windows host? I read that I need to mount a drive on Windows to do this, but do I use Samba logins, or Linux logins, also do I use localhost? or do I need to set up an IP for this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Reach Any Host With Either Interface

Mar 30, 2010

I am running a server that needs both a wired and wireless connection with static IPs, with wireless as the default link. I'm using the SMCWUSB-G for wireless. I was running Debian for a while and had some routing tables set up as in [URL].... Everything worked until I recently switched to Ubuntu Server 9.10. After the switch a weird behavior showed up: if wlan0 is down, eth0 works fine. But if wlan0 is up, I can't reach any host with either interface (even nameservers or the gateway I am supposedly connected to). ifconfig indicates that nothing is wrong. It's really not clear what is causing this problem. It seems like something has to be wrong with both the wireless hardware/drivers and the routing tables in order for turning wireless on to interfere with "ping -Ieth0".


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Ubuntu :: VirtualBox Guest Faster Than Ubuntu Host?

Dec 19, 2010

I've recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit (say host H). I also installed Ubuntu inside VirtualBox on H using the same image (say Guest G). I'm working on a fairly large java project. I've installed the same version of jdk (sun-java-6) on both H & G. To compile my project - it takes ~3 mins 10 secs (consistently) on H, whereas it only takes ~1 min 5 seconds on G . The full build (compile + tests) takes ~29 mins on H, whereas it takes only ~7 mins on G. Tests do a lot of writes to mongodb. This is very puzzling. I think it has something to do with fsync disk io etc. But I'm not proficient enough to dig further. Maybe it has something to do with partition sizes of H, G?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To FTP Between Guest And Windows XP Host

Jun 28, 2010

I am using virtualbox 3.2.4 (virtualbox host only network (NAT)) on Windows XP Host and an ubuntu 10.04 guest. Recently installed vsFTPd on ubuntu guest and I am able to FTP from ubuntu to localhost. But when I try from the windows host I got an unknown connect error. I try with anonymous users enabled too.

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Fedora :: Unable To Install Virtualbox Guest Addons?

Apr 10, 2010

I just installed Fedora 12 VM using Virtualbox. The next thing I want to do is install the guest addons.So I mount the drive and go the the folder and I use the command:

su (my username) VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run After that I give my password. The message I get is that This program must be run with administrator privileges. Aborting What Have I done wrong? I used su and gave my password, but it still is refusing to install.I am sure I am missing something very simple.

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Networking :: RHEL 5.4 Can't Reach Any External Host Or Even Ping Localhost

May 27, 2010

This is a RHEL 5.4 install. I did a fairly routine install setting up a static IP address of, a subnet mask of, and a gateway of with the standard DNS setup for this network. These are all standard network setting for this network and otherwise work fine on other systems. The IP, gateway, and subnetmask all appear correctly on all relevant configuration files. This server can not ping any other system on the network and can not ping its default gateway. No other systems can ping this one either. Also this system can not ping "localhost" or its own hostname. The hosts file contains the line:


I can ping and and it works fine. Also the firewall is disabled. I know I probably can't get a straight forward fix with the information I have on hand right now, I'm more of a Debian guy, so there might be some Red Hat intricacies I'm not familiar with. I think I had a CentOS install some months back that had this issue and I don't remember how I fixed it, or if I even did. I might have just replaced it with Debian. That's unfortunately not an option this time around since it's not my box.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Drag Files From Host To Guest XP In VMware

Feb 11, 2010

I can no longer drag files from my ubuntu host into my XP guest. I have vmware tools installed in XP and up until recently I could simply drag whatever I wanted back and forth between the systems. When I try to drag a file across into XP the cursor has the plus sign like it would normally to drop a file in, but now it also makes a selection box on the XP desktop. Same problem in Workstation and Player. I haven't posted on the vmware forums yet, I figured someone here probably has had the same problem. I don't think it was a kernel update. I restarted ubuntu with which was fully functional before, still with the same problem.

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Fedora Servers :: Unable A Virtualbox Guest To Start At Boot?

Mar 27, 2010

Can anyone help me with how to create an init.d script that will startup a vm machine in virtualbox at boot? I found this script:[URL]..But it is for ubuntu. I am running fedora 12 x386 and using it as an Amahi server. Very cool, but it would be extra cool if I had a virtual windows machine startup when I booted up this server. Then I could just rdp into it when I needed something in windows.

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Fedora Networking :: Set IP In 15 On Virtualbox As Guest OS?

Jun 3, 2011

I've installed fedora 15 on virtualbox as my guest OS.I've configured bridged networking and I've set my router to assign an IP to it.when it boots up,I have 2 devices shown via "ifconfig" which is "lo" and "p2p1" and none has the ip assigned to it.I'm unable to access the Internet. How can I configure it to do so?I've tried following this tutorial: [URL] but the file "ifcfg-ethX" doesn't exist...it only has ifcfg-lo..... I've installed fedora 15 spin edition which doesn't have a GUI for me to edit network settings...

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OpenSUSE :: Virtualbox Guest Additions: Set A Shared Folder In 11.2 Guest

Mar 4, 2010

OpenSUSE installed in a Virtualbox Virtual Machine and I want to set a shared folder.

1 - Set up a Virtual Machine and install OpenSUSE 11.2

2 - Create a shared folder on host (HostFolder)

3 - Setup the shared folder in Virtualbox Via the Virtual Machine details or via Devices > Shared Folders...

4 - Install dependencies for running the Virtualbox installer You need to install the right development kernelpackage for your machinetype (use 'zypper search -i kernel' to see what's installed) sudo zypper make gcc kernel-source kernel-hosttype/default-devel

5 - Run the Virtual Machine and go to Devices > Guest Additions This mounts an iso image in your OpenSUSE guest.

6 - Open a root terminal and run

cd /usr/src/linux
make oldconfig && make prepare && make scripts && make dep
cp ../linux-obj/$HOSTTYPE/default/Module.symvers .
make prepare

* A commenter on previously mentioned thread says this step is unnecessary but it doesn't work without on my system. I suggest trying step 7 first and returning to step 6 if that fails. *

7 - Run ./VirtualboxLinux yourhosttype .run from the mounted iso image.

8 - Create shared folder in OpenSUSE (GuestFolder)

9 - Test with sudo mount -t vboxsf HostFolder /home/user/GuestFolder It works? Great! Let's set up the system so it automounts for your regular useraccount instead of root-only access.

10 - Add this line to /etc/fstab HostFolder /home/user/GuestFolder vboxsf defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0

11 - It works for me but if it still doesn't automount after a reboot; sudo mount -a

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General :: Install VirtualBox Guest Additions On Fedora 14 Guest?

Apr 3, 2011

I installed a Fedora 14 guest on a Fedora 14 host with Virtualbox, then i run these commands on the guest:yum install kernel-devel kernel-headersbut if i try to install the virtualbox-guest additions on the guest, is still complains about that it's unable to find the kernel source directory?Ha anyone succeded installing the guest additions on a guest Fedora 14?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Virtio-net In VirtualBox Guest

Jan 15, 2010

I am running a Centos 5 x86_64 guest with VirtualBox 3.1.2.The virtio modules are loaded, but the virtual interface is not detected.Anyone else use the new virtio network drivers with virtual box and know how to get this to work?

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Fedora :: Installing Guest Additions Virtualbox 13 Guest?

Jun 3, 2010

I had a lot of trouble installing Guest Additions within the Fedora 13 Guest on a Linux host. I had to mount the vboxGuestadditions.iso from the Device --> CD/DVD Devices menu. Then I located the appropriate package for my system. In my case it was the AMD64 Linux version.I ran this as administrator in Terminal. I used the "bash" command followed by the package name. This was after CDing the the appropriate directory. The packaged installed, I then rebooted and it worked fine. (Something that would make this easier is to load a script into nautilus that would allow me to open a locatation as administartor at the open window. I'm sure there is something in Fedora to do this but I couldn't find it in a hurry so I used the command line way).

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - How To Access Network Drives On VirtualBox Guest OS

Feb 13, 2010

I currently have VirtualBox installed on my Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop. I have windows xp as a guest os and it has network shares on it. My question is, is there a way for another computer to access those network drives on the guest os in virtualbox? I don't want to search for hours on end on google, a simple no would be fine - however if it is possible let me know because when I am in windows on another computer that has windows as a host os it sees it in the windows network folder but it says "....network location not found" or something similar but it still shows a pc picture of the virtual os of the virtual box program running in ubuntu.

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Networking :: How To See Host Only Folder From Guest

Feb 2, 2009

My Windows guests see my VMware Host Only folders as \.hostShared Folders. But when I try to see them from a Linux guest, all I get is frustrated. No permutation of that seems to work. Because the Windows guests see the shared folders I know the host is doing its part in providing them. After two days of not finding an answer on the VMware Workstation forum I finally figured out that the problem really is how to look for them with Linux. With Linux I can turn off all NICs accept the Host Only NIC, put smb:// into the address bar and see all the shares on the host, but not the folder designated as the host only folder. How to look for the shares with Linux?

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Networking :: Interaction Between Host And Guest OS

Aug 28, 2010

I have installed Red Hat Eterprise Linux as a Guest OS using VirtualBox on the Host OS Windows XP SP 2 on my PC. I want to access my local / intranet web site from this Guest OS which is running on the top of on Windows XP, the Host OS. I am not sure as to what IP Settings I need to do. Though I am able to access Internet from both the OSes. The IP of this Guest OS is:

[root@localhost ~]# ifconfig eth0
Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:27:30:E9:72
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fe30:e972/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:1871 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1926 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:1427538 (1.3 MiB) TX bytes:415769 (406.0 KiB)
Interrupt:11 Base address:0xd020
[root@localhost ~]#

I have installed Microsoft Self Loop Adapter (Autoconfiguration IP Address: on the Host OS Windows XP. There is another adapter: VirtualBox Host-Only Network whose IP Address is: So, how can we access intranet web site from the Host OS to Guest OS and vice versa. I also want to access this virtual Red Hat machine /console from within windows XP using PUTTY application. From Windows XP the Red Hat machine is pinging. But when I use the IP to access the machine through PUTTY it doesn't work.

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