Ubuntu Networking :: Samba: False "There Is Not Enough Space..." Error?

Oct 16, 2010

I have set up Samba on an Ubuntu 10.04 and am attempting to back up files from a Windows 7 machine. The entire Windows 7 drive is under 300GB and the is a single 1TB drive in the Ubuntu machine with over 500GB free as can be see below.

jon@Timeh:/etc/samba$ df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 937824152 326054016 564131352 37% /


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Samba - Error: There Is Not Enough Free Disk Space

Apr 22, 2010

I have recently upgraded to 10.04 alpha2. I have an external ntfs hard drive that I use for media storage. In Jaunty, I had this drive mounted with ntfs-3g and could read and write to it from my Windows laptop.

Now, I have mounted this drive in 10.04 and have rw access to it from within the machine itself i.e. I can move files around from the console etc... but when I try to write something to the share from my windows laptop, I get the following error:

Cannot copy [filename]: There is not enough free disk space. Delete one or more files to free disk space and then try again.

Here is df showing I have enough disk space. Also, I can copy the same file to my home directory which is also shared and them mv it through the console to the storage ntfs drive with no problem.

/dev/sdc1 488384000 416883568 71500432 86% /media/storage
Here is a copy of my smb.conf file.
## Browsing/Identification ###
# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of workgroup = HOME
# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)


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Ubuntu Installation :: False - Error Indicates A Disk Full When Run Apt-get Upgrade

Jul 26, 2010

I run apt-get upgrade and get

Preconfiguring packages ...
(Reading database ... 78720 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace apt (using .../apt_0.7.25.3ubuntu9.1_i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement apt ...
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/apt_0.7.25.3ubuntu9.1_i386.deb (--unpack):
unable to create `/usr/share/locale/dz/LC_MESSAGES/apt.mo.dpkg-new' (while processing `./usr/share/locale/dz/LC_MESSAGES/apt.mo'): No space left on device
No apport report written because the error message indicates a disk full error

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.4 - Cannot False Authenticate With AP

May 13, 2010

I'm on ubuntu 10.4 and Cant seem to falsely authenticate myself with my AP. I am trying to break a wep key on one of my older linksys routers; It continues to say this:

root@kevin-laptop:/home/kevin# aireplay-ng -1 1 -a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx mon1
No source MAC (-h) specified. Using the device MAC (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
11:39:16 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) on channel 6
11:39:16 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:18 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:20 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]

11:39:22 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:24 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:26 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:28 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:30 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:32 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]

11:39:34 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:36 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:38 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:40 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:42 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:44 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
11:39:46 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]

Attack was unsuccessful. Possible reasons:
* Perhaps MAC address filtering is enabled.
* Check that the BSSID (-a option) is correct.
* Try to change the number of packets (-o option).
* The driver/card doesn't support injection.
* This attack sometimes fails against some APs.
* The card is not on the same channel as the AP.
* You're too far from the AP. Get closer, or lower the transmit rate.

I'm using an eeepc 701 it has an Atheros card and does injection. I have also tried it with backrack 4 and it works perfectly (it falsely authenticates with the ap and decrypts the wep key) I just cant seem to get it to work on ubuntu 10.4. Could it be a kernel issue? I found out that there is a bug in the new(er) kernel(s). If you use an older kernel (I used 2.6.31-14 which can be found here) and it magically works.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Error In Nautilus Ver 9.10

Aug 19, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10. I am trying to make a folder shareable so a windows XP computer can have both read and write access to the folder. I am using Nautilus to configure access and I get the error:


This is the screen before selecting read/write access Prop1.png

This is the screen after unsuccessfully selecting read/write access. Prop2.png

I have attempted this before using this facility and I do have read access to the folder using the windows computer. But I need read/write access.

I've tried to RTFM and look through the forums. The samba service is running:


At the command line Samba's testparm command kicked out many errors. This is puzzling because I did not edit the smb.conf file, Nautilus did. The parameters that testparm complains about appear to have correct syntax according to the Samba Team Website .

I also went into the Synaptic package manager and tried to re-install Samba with no effect. I would install the 10.04 LTS version but I've heard that has problems too.

Is this a permissions issue? The user I am logged onto has "permission to configure the system" checked under system-->administration-->users and groups.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Error When Try To Share A Folder Through Samba

Jan 12, 2011

I am getting this error when I try to share a folder through samba.

Error 255 cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID

I do not have a file /etc/init.d/samba Has this been replaced by /etc/init.d/smbd ?

Also, I have a /var/lib/samba/usershares folder but it is empty. Is there supposed to be something inside?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Error While Copying, Invalid Argument?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm running ubuntu 9.04 and trying to pull over some files via the GUI from a XP box over locally. I'm getting this error:"error while copying file into /volcano/tunes invalid argument" (under show more details)If I just copy over a mp3 file it works fine but the when I copy the entire directory I get this error.

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Networking :: Samba Server Configuration - Error

Jul 19, 2010

I am trying to configure samba server on my linux RHEL 5 box to windows 2000 NT boxes but getting the following error

Global parameter guest account found in service section!
[2010/07/16 16:01:13, 0] lib/util_sock.c826)
bind failed on port 139 socket_addr =
Error = Address already in use

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Setup Error - Failed To Add Entry For User

Jun 20, 2010

I am trying to set up my Ubuntu 10.04 netbook to see my WinXP desktop's files and vice a versa. I followed the steps in this tutorial thread: HOWTO: Setup Samba peer-to-peer with Windows. I got as far as "Time to add yourself as an samba user." at this point I keep getting the following error:

sudo smbpasswd -L -a WinXP_User_Name
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Failed to add entry for user WinXP_User_Name.
My WinXP machine has no password.

My conf file is here:
; General server settings
; netbios name = WinXP_Computer_Name
server string =
; workgroup = WinXP_WorkStation_Name
announce version = 5.0
passdb backend = tdbsam
security = user .....

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba - Error - Get After Right Clicking And Going To Sharing - Share The Folder

Sep 4, 2010

I can't share my /var/www folder on this machine - it worked fine on my Desktop, it just asked me to install the samba windows something.

What's going wrong with this.

Here is the error I get after right clicking and going to sharing and trying to share the folder...


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Networking :: ERROR: Lock Directory /var/run/samba Does Not Exist

Jan 20, 2010

When i try to share a folder from linux ubuntu desktop i am facing a problem a error reported are as follow:

loaded services file OK.
ERROR: lock directory /var/run/samba does not exist
ERROR: pid directory /var/run/samba does not exist

or i have no permission to open samba

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Networking :: Samba Error Message On Connection Between Server And Windows XP?

Apr 5, 2010

I have a Samba server conecting to a windows XP machine that is in workgroup named CLOUDLESS. I have a share folder that resides in the server that can be accessed no problem by the XP client, but I got the following error message from the syslog:

Apr 5 18:15:44 firefly nmbd[5656]: find_domain_master_name_query_fail:
Apr 5 18:15:44 firefly nmbd[5656]: Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name CLOUDLESS<1b> for the workgroup CLOUDLESS.
Apr 5 18:15:44 firefly nmbd[5656]: Unable to sync browse lists in this workgroup.


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Ubuntu Networking :: System-config-samba Crashes - NameError: Global Name 'Error' Is Not Defined

May 27, 2010

When I run from the command line, I get this output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/system-config-samba", line 45, in <module>
File "/usr/share/system-config-samba/mainWindow.py", line 82, in __init__


I have removed and re-installed and get the same crash.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Lost Space After Cloning (Samba / Windows XP)

May 16, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu Server 10.04.2 and configured it to be used as a network storage device. I installed it on an 80GB HDD initially. Everything was fine -- I could read and write to the drive and I could set permissions from my Windows XP machine.I decided I wanted a bigger HDD. It had taken a few hours of configuration to get it to work the first time, so I didn't want to go through that again. I instead created a clone with Clonezilla and then slapped the image onto a 1.5TB drive. I then used gparted to resize the partitions.

Everything seems fine from the server side of things (I'm fairly new to it, so I could be missing something, but it all looks good). The server correctly sees that I am using 2-3GB of the 1.5TB drive. It sees the rest of the space as free and part of the primary partition.Here comes the problem -- Windows isn't reading the drive space correctly. It sees that 80GB of the space is taken (the size of the original HDD) instead of 2-3GB. I'm not sure if it will actually let me write to the space or not. But whether the reading is simply cosmetic or if Windows really thinks it's taken, I would like to fix it either way.

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General :: Add / Of 3000mb In The Remaining 20380mb Free Space It Showing An Error Message That No Free Space Is Available

Jul 25, 2010

I have 160gb laptop. i installed vista in c primary partition which is 25gb and installed ubuntu in d primary partition which is 20gb. A remainig for my data. Now i tried to install CENT OS by formatting ubuntu. I inserted CENT OS DVD and restarted and i selected to delete my /dev/sda2 which is showing 20480mb and it shown me free space. but i tried to add partion /boot of 100mb it got added. but, when i am trying to add / of 3000mb in the remaining 20380mb free space it showing an error message that no free space is available.

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Networking :: Ubuntu 9.04 SAMBA Not Connecting To Windows 98 Error Saying Inspiron 510m Is Not Accessible, The Computer Or Sharename Could Not Be Found?

Jul 15, 2009

My network comprises three PC's .... Windows XP, Windows 98SE and Ubuntu 9.04 running SAMBA. All PC's are configured WORKGROUP=WORKGROUP. The network connection To/From XP/UBUNTU via SAMBA Shares works perfectly OK. However, despite scouring all forum information regarding changes to Win98 ENCRYPTION, (Registry change re: DWORD "EnablePlainTextPasswords"), the Win98 PC refuses to connect to UBUNTU. The UBUNTU PC can conect to all the Win98 shared folders OK. I have disabled my Linux Firewall (Firestarter), I have run SMBCLIENT to check the user password for Win98 and it is validated OK. The Win98 error message is ....

"\Inspiron 510m is not accessible. The computer or sharename could not be found. Make Sure you typed it correctly and try again."

My samba.conf file is as follows ..... Any help or assistance PLEASE !

#======================= Global Settings =======================


## Browsing/Identification ###
# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
workgroup = workgroup
# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba File - Access Shared Folder - Error: Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Sep 24, 2010

I have been having off and on issues with my samba file shares. I am sharing a NTFS formated hard drive where the mount point is in my home directory, as well as a printer connected via USB. I am to the point where printing works (using it as an ipp print share, samba is configured for it, but I don't know if it works or not), and I can access the shared folder from Windows, but I can't access the shared folder from any Ubuntu machine. I get the error:


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General :: "No Space Left On Device" Error On /tmp. Increase Space On /tmp?

Jan 20, 2011

cp: writing `/tmp/tmpX2KZDc/system.image': No space left on device However, when I right-click on properties, I see it has 51 items, totalling only 130.5 KB!this is a dual boot system with Win XP and Ubuntu 10.10 (~58Gb partition)Quote:

anil@anil-HP-EliteBook-8440p:/tmp$ mount
/dev/sda5 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro,commit=0)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)


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Server :: Samba Share Reporting Root Free Space?

Nov 20, 2010

Wierd problem, when I map a Windows Drive to my Ubuntu HTPC Samba share, Windows reports the free space as the free space on my root partition?!!?

HTPC Ubuntu server:

df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 12G 6.5G 4.0G 62% /udev 1.6G 308K 1.6G 1% /dev


So my root partition has 4gb free, and my samba share (/mnt/data) has 97gb free.

From Windows machine:

net use
Status Local Remote Network
OK Z: \xbmcfiles MS Windows Network


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Fedora Networking :: Samba Can't Mount Shares - Error Message 'Failed To Receive Shared List From Server'

Oct 4, 2009

It's been awhile since I posted anything which is a good sign my install has been working well and I have been able to handle most everything. However, I'm not able to handle this issue. I recently installed F11 and everything went well. But, when trying to see my other computers on the local network, I cannot. I receive this error message: Unable to mount location Failed to receive shared list from server. I understand the message as it is obvious, but do not know how to fix it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Space - Failes On A "E: Write Error - Write (28 No Space Left On Device)"

Jan 4, 2011

df -h [URL] I did the following command to find everything is in /usr or /var, then tracked it down to /usr/lib and /usr/share as the main offenders, but out of all the directories none are more than 1mb or so.

du -sh /* | sort -gr | head -n 5

I tried to uninstall firefox, which is what got me in this mess in the first place, the log claims it will remove ~240 mb but failes on a "E: Write error - write (28 No space left on device)" [URL] If I could juggle something onto an external hard drive so I can uninstall firefox I would be out of the wood. Failing that I believe a new install is in order.

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Networking :: When Logon On Samba Domain The Windows XP Does Not Load Profiles From Samba?

Jan 3, 2011

I have update my linux server from mandriva 9 to mandriva 2010

I was working using samba 2.2.8 and now I have samba 3.5.3.I have transfer all passwd and smbpasswd to new linux.I have convert smbpasswd to tdbsam

when i am using win xp to logon on samba domain the windows XP does not load profiles from samba. I think that the problem is NTUSER.DAT storing in /home/user/profile

The same profile is working using samba 2.2.8 but not working in samba 3.5.3..

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Ubuntu Security :: Hiding Their IP Or Displaying A False IP

May 10, 2011

Just wondering how can one go about hiding their IP or displaying a false IP in Linux. Is this possible? Its not that I have anything to hide or any such things, I just like my privacy and don't like the idea that some one can track my actions and my location.

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Fedora Networking :: Unknown Samba Password - Use Samba For File Sharing Like On A Windows Home Network

Jul 17, 2010

I want to use samba for file sharing like on a Windows home network. Actually they are all Linux machines but nfs is too complicated. On my host machine I installed samba and system-config-samba. I created a new share for /home, check marked writable and visible and put access to everybody. For preferences-->server settings--> security the "authentication mode" is set to user, encrypt passwords is no, and guest account is no guest account. Under preferences-->samba users I added myself as a user with the same windows user name as my Linux user name and the same password.

My client is a virtualbox fedora (used for testing purposes but actual clients will be real computers on my home network). I entered the address smb:// When asked for the user name and password I put my regular user name and password since that was what I set in samba users. However, the password dialog keeps coming up and won't let met into my own computer. If I quit it says something like access is denied. How can I get my home network back? I liked this feature when my home computers ran XP but I switched them to Fedora 12.

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Ubuntu Installation :: False Raid + Win 7 - Couldn't Load 9.10

Feb 18, 2010

I have a 4 disk Raid 10 with Windows 7 installed & working. (Win 7 sees this as 1 disk.)
I installed 9.10 onto a 5th disk, but I think that ubuntu saw the Raid 10 as 4 separate disks and wrote the boot loader to hd0- I had to rebuild my array & I couldn't load 9.10

For the second attempt, I disconnected my Raid 10 and 9.10 is now alive & well on the 5th disk, (presumably with the boot loader on the same disk). Both Win 7 & Ubuntu 9.10 now work but I have to steer to the required disk via the bios for loading.

I'm reluctant to play with the boot loader (GRUB?) from 9.10, because it doesn't seem to like my Windows disk array. Would something like EasyBCD (used from Win 7) be an option?

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Ubuntu Security :: False Links In Received Emails

Aug 1, 2010

Recently a friend received a couple of emails from someone she knows with web links that purported to be about health issues. She clicked through on two of them; one gave an error, and the other went to a ****** site, so she believes these are "virus" sites. And the person who "sent" the email has just confirmed that his account was "hacked" (I'm guessing actually a virus on his computer). So, two questions:

1) She's running ubuntu 10.04. Is there any reason she should have concerns about her system's security? rkhunter gives no warnings.

2) She is also concerned that it could have compromised her email account (on gmail). I don't see how this is possible, but can anyone confirm about that?

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Ubuntu :: False Hard Drive Full Notification

Jun 12, 2011

I have added no data to my hard drive in the last few days. I saw a notification saying I had only 1.8Gb left on my drive. Shortly after I dismissed it and ran: Code: sudo apt-get clean like the notification suggested. Then, another poped up. Now it said I have 0 bytes left.

So, I opened the disk usage analizer and the data seemed normal, and not my full drive size. It still was saying I have no space so I checked the properties widow for / . It said / contained 128TB of data and the file counter showed no signs of stopping after a few minutes. Obviously my drive is not 128TB in fact it's only 500GB. Also the disk manager program (system volume information?) Said it has 28 bad sectors.

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Networking :: Samba Configuration - Cannot Mount Samba Share

Apr 26, 2011

Start>Run>\ gives me "The specified network password is not correct." It lists my domain as "ANTEC" which is the name of my computer, though I've changed the workgroup to WELLS. I've run:

setsebool -P samba_domain_controller on

Trying to connect to samba locally gives me this:


[tedward@hp-firegate ~]$ smbclient // -Utedafur
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE


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General :: Division Of Logical Memory Space In To User Space And Kernel Space

Jan 4, 2010

Logical Memory Space of 4GB is divided in to 3GB User Space and 1GB Kernel Space. Always. Correct?

1. How can we change it? (just changing value of PAGE_OFFSET is okay?)

2. If system have only 256MB of memory (embedded system) and suppose Kernel Modules eat away all the memory during boot. User space will be left will no memory. Is this case possible?

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Security :: Possible False Positive With Rkhunter

Jan 5, 2010

I have just been checking one of my machines with rkhunter and got the following result:

[17:50:08] Warning: Checking for possible rootkit strings [ Warning ]
[17:50:09] Found string 'hdparm' in file '/etc/init.d/checkroot.sh'. Possible rootkit: Xzibit Rootkit
[17:50:09] Found string 'hdparm' in file '/etc/init.d/bootlogd'. Possible rootkit: Xzibit Rootkit

Using a well known search engine shows that others have come across this before: [URL] I have installed the current version of rkhunter from Debian's Unstable repo,but i still have the same result as above. I now check the rkhunter wiki,which mentions the same problem: [URL]

Quote: Here is an example on my system to remove a false positive for a certain rootkit that hit hdparm.


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