Ubuntu Networking :: Postix And DNS Installation / Configuration

Feb 9, 2010

I've tried to install and configuring postfix and courier-imap on my virtual server. It can send e-mail (because I do it by gmail ) and it can receive the mail from itself to. I've set a thunderbird account and it can read all mails in my mailbox. The problem occurred when I try to send an e-mail from an external domain to my domain. For example if i try to send an e-mail from example@gmail.com to example@mydomain.com, after few seconds in gmail account compare the mail where it says:
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected example@mydomain.com (state 14). I can connect to my server by telnet on 25 and 143 ports. On 143 login successful. The mail log file has no changes when I try to sent an external email to my mail server so I don't know if it's a server/postfix problem or DNS problem or what else.

This is my main.cf postfix configuration file:
# See /usr/share/postfix/main.cf.dist for a commented, more complete version
# Debian specific: Specifying a file name will cause the first line of that file to be used as the name. The Debian default is /etc/mailname.
#myorigin = /etc/mailname .....

MX record contains mail.mydomain.com and I have inserted a A record on my DNS manager that link mail.mydomain.com to my IP addres. In fact I can connect myself to mail.mydomain.com on 25 and 143 ports. So i think that configuration file is right.

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CentOS 5 :: Switching From Sendmail To Postix?

Oct 14, 2010

I'm contemplating to switch from sendmail to postfix. My current setup is very simple: a minimal CentOS 5.5 64bits install with Selinux enabled on ports 25, 80, secret sshd, 53 and 953. I also use Google Apps for my domain to manage the email accounts. Basically, I use sendmail only to email the daily logwatch, as well the email sent from my forum software. The issue that I'm facing is the forum is starting to hammer sendmail with a lot of emails.

My goal is to use Postfix only to send those forum emails. I don't need a SMTP setup, that is handled by Google Apps. Can I do that with Postfix? Will Postfix perform better than sendmail? All guides I saw on internet pair Postfix with Dovecot and the setup is a little complex, not to mention that I will never have email accounts created on server.

I was wondering if you have any handy guide who will basically replace sendmail with Postfix. Personally, I tried myself using the CentOS HowTo. I yum'ed postfix and system-switch-mail, then I disabled sendmail and switched the agent to Postfix. I left the main.cf config unchanged and tried to start Postfix (service postfix start), but I got a "master is stopped" message when I checked the daemon status.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Postix With Amavis Error Centos 5?

May 13, 2010

I setup postfix and got that accepting emails without any problem. I tried to setup amavis to use ClamAV and spammAssasin and now i am not receiving emails. Mail log has multiple lines like the one bellow.

May 11 06:23:34 secure postfix/qmgr[21522]: warning: connect to transport amavis: Connection refused

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Networking :: Bind 9.3.6 - P1 Installation And Configuration On OEL 5?

Feb 20, 2010

I am trying to install Bind 9.3.6 - P1 on OEL 5 Update 4 which is running on Oracle VM Server as Oracle Template OVM_EL5U4_X86_PVM_4GB

Requirement :

We have two different domains

1. abc.com
2. abc.co.in
Some of the Servers are in :
xyz.abc.com def.abc.com
... and more

When I tried creating DNS Server : Dig worked on the server but when i am giving the IP of the DNS Server on another machine it cannot resolve any IP or Internet Address

Giving the following Messege on nslookup

DNS request time out
timeout was 2 seconds
***'Cant find server name for the address 192.168.1.x : Time Out
***Default Servers are not available
Default Server - Unkwoun
Address : 192.168.1.x

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Networking :: REL5.5 NIS Installation/configuration Fails?

Jul 29, 2010

I followed the nis tutorial listed below to install a nis server and a single nis client for now:


Everything went well, except when I was setting up the nis server, the following step failed:

# /usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m
-bash: /usr/lib/yp/ypinit: No such file or directory

Everything else was OK on the nis server side.

And for the client, all the steps were performed, except for:

# service ypbind start
Binding to the NIS domain: [ OK ]
Listening for an NIS domain server.................... [FAILED]

Any NIS guru out there that knows what's going on and how to fix this?

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Networking :: DNS Installation And Configuration: A To Z / Register The Name Servers / Resolve Different Domains?

Apr 9, 2010

Anyone can point me to a document, page, or something that will tell me exactly how to implement DNS step by step. I don't mean just the concept, i.e. you'll need two name servers, and to download BIND, etc. NO, I mean command line commands and all. Step 1, step 2, how to register the name servers, how to resolve different domains, etc.

I'd really appreciate it, as I need to implement internal DNS and external DNS for my company soon. Our set up is pretty standard: Firewall, DMZ, Solaris/Linux/Windows servers, and Windows clients, etc.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Broken Networking After OpenVPN Configuration Attempt?

Jul 13, 2011

I have been trying to set up openVPN on a Virtual Machine running Ubuntu 10.04 with the eventual intention of having a closed VPN in the workspace I'm at, and a bridged internet connection out through the server.My initial process/instinct was to go through Webmin. After a fair bit of tooling around making eys/certificates, I was able to get a response (and that's all it was, really) from my windows machine accessing the VPN server. However, in my attempt to bridge the network, I have lost all internet/networking capabilities from the server.Fortunately I am able to access the server directly from the hardware underneath (i.e. I don't need to SSH in or anything), and so I've been attempting to restore the server's networking back to default. I have returned the /etc/network/interfaces file to it's original state (just the loop, and an eth0 on dhcp) and restarted the networking. A check with ifconfig returns what seems to be a working eth0, and the loop (noting else) however I am unable to ping any outside server. When I do, I am given the message:From XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable(where of course XXX is my IP address).nother VM on the server is able to access the internet just fine, so it's not the overall server hardware...I guess at this point I'm just trying to take steps back,

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hangs At Verifying The Installation Configuration?

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on a Dell Latitude 1001 laptop which has XP installed. I have selected the option for Ubuntu to run alongside Windows but, on selecting the Ubuntu option at boot up, the installation stalls at "Verifying the Installation Configuration". Before this window came up, a very brief text message flashed on the screen - something like "getpwuid failed" (it was on the screen for only a second or less, so I didn't have chance to note it down. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what may be wrong (I have never used Ubuntu so please make any suggestions very simple).

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Ubuntu Networking :: DNS IP Address Configuration

Jan 30, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.04 (x86-64). My internet connection is not working, i've tried to fix it and the issue seems to be with DNS. I can ping google's IP, but i can ping it URL.I have used the GUI network manager(from Gnome's equivalent of the Windows system tray), to add the DNS IP addresses to the IPv4 wired connection - that hasn't helped.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Iptables Two Nic Configuration?

Jul 27, 2010

i have a question regarding iptables.i have a server running ubuntu server 10.04 with 2 nic's, i want to use it to filter the internet trafic of the people in my network ussing dansguardian and squid. they both work fine.the only problem is how to get iptables to deal with this the right way.

eth0 = LAN
eth1 = internet

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Get The Samba Configuration

Feb 10, 2011

My smb.conf is given below


workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = PIRATEBAY
wins support = yes
server string = %h server (Samba %v)


Though others could easily access my shares in a passwordless way, I am being aksed for password when I try to access their shares. They are running windows machines. I could easily access their shres without password from my windows setup.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Specify The WINS Server In The Lan Configuration?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm trying to configure my ubuntu 9.10 to access a lan. In the gnome network manager I can find all the blanks to fill with the ip, subnet mask, gateway and dns, but I can't understand how I can specify the wins server ip.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up A Static IP In A LAN And DNS Configuration?

Feb 13, 2010

how to set up a static IP from Ubuntu... Secondly, on some of the tutorials I read, there was something about changing the DNS server IP adresses. I do know what a DNS server is (Courtesy of www.howstuffworks.com ) but I don't understand why the DNS servers must be changed simply because I chose to use a static IP address.. (My PC connects to the internet via a router.. )

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wi-fi Network Ceases To Be Available Upon Configuration

Sep 3, 2010

I have my new router all set up, and everything is working fine, but I'm having problems adding a password to the network.The network from the wireless router is called "auto dlink" by default, and I've tried through the Gnome interface to add a WEP 40/128-bit key that I generated through a website. As soon as I apply the change to the network, the connection drops, so I click on the "auto dlink" network again to connect, and it successfully does, but it never asks me for the key that I configured it to ask for. After checking the network connections history, it shows me as having connected to two different "auto dlink" networks at different times - the one that I added the key to, which is no longer available, and a new one that I am currently connected to, that does not have a key. Every time I try to make a change to "auto dlink," be it a change to the security or to the network name, the change registers and applies, but the network ceases to be available and is instead replaced by a new, default configuration of "auto dlink."

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Ubuntu Networking :: Messed Up Network Configuration

Jan 29, 2011

I`m relatively new to Linux and Ubuntu.Now I have been playing around, editing the settings files for the networks cards, and now I have messed things a bit up.Any way to delete all settings, and make Ubuntu autodetect my hardware again?

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Networking :: Where To Start Configuration Of Ubuntu Sever?

Feb 14, 2011

I want to use thin client with ubuntu but i don't where to start

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 - Xbox 360 And UShare Configuration

Mar 14, 2011

I want to play my videos on my xbox off of my pc [ubuntu10.10]. I have Ushare configured as follows:

USHARE_IFACE=xbox (I created a new wired connection in the network manager (IPV4 set to shared to other computers and that's what I named it).
USHARE_PORT=49200 (not sure if that's correct or how I'd go about finding the port)


On my xbox I go to test PC connection. It connects to the network but not the PC and goes to PC Not Listed.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Usb Driver Configuration?

Jul 12, 2011

Having difficulties configuring a driver for an Edimax wireless usb [URL]... I have downloaded the driver, and after make clean I am running into problems.When I enter make I get the following.

make ARCH=i386 CROSS_COMPILE= -C /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-686/build M=/home/conor/rtl8192CU_linux_v2.0.939.20100726 modules
make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-686/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [modules] Error 2

This worked ok on my Ubuntu 10.04 install on my desktop but it does not seems to be working on my Crunchbang 10 latest release on my laptop.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Configuration Modem Zte Ac682 In 10.10?

Jul 14, 2011

i have problem with my modem zte ac682, i used ubuntu 10.10 and when i configuration my modem with wvdial my modem was not detected, this is my configuration

1. lsusb

2. sudo eject /dev/sr1

3. sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x19d2 product=0xffdd

4. sudo wvdialconf( in this step my modem was not detected)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Infiniband Configuration On 11.04 Server?

Aug 11, 2011

I work at an IT firm and was tasked with setting up an Infiniband network. As of now this consists of 2 Servers, each with a Mellanox Technologies MT25204 card, connected by a cableI installed the userspace drivers and the ofed drivers, added the following to my /etc/modules:



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Ubuntu Networking :: E1550 Huawei Modem Configuration?

Mar 17, 2010

how configure E1550 Huawei modem in Ubuntu9.10.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Bluetooth PAN Configuration Doesnt Work

Mar 19, 2010

I'm trying to set up a PAN between two laptops to use as a transport for layer 3 communication..my problem is that it just doesnt work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Configuration And Setting Permissions

Nov 16, 2010

First let me say that Lubuntu is a lightweight version of Ubuntu, so there is not much point in loading it up with unnecessary packages. If you just want to share printers on a Linux network, you don't need Samba. And if you just want a way that users can "push" files to others on a network, use Giver (+ Avahi) as this is a better option. Especially as it sorts out file permissions for you.

To enable file sharing on a Lubuntu 10.10 machine, go to Preferences > Synaptic Package Manager and add the following:-
* samba
* system-config-samba
* gvfs-bin
* gvfs-backends
...accepting any dependancies, 11 packages in total.

I suggest you re-boot now. As an initial test, go to file manager (pcmanfm) and enter:-
You should see the local print$ folder listed.

To access folder shares remotely
* open file manager (pcmanfm)
* enter the IP address or computer name of the machine you wish to access
e.g. smb:// or smb://print-server

To share a folder:-
Go to: Preferences > Samba (enter password when requested)
In the Samba Configuration screen:-
* File > Add Share
* use Browse... to select folder to be shared
* Tick "Visible" and (if required} "Writable"
* In the "Access" select "Allow access to everyone"
Set the Linux permissions:-
* locate the folder to share in file manager
* right click on the folder and select Properties > Permissions
* set the required permissions, e.g. Other: Read & Write (to allow anyone full access)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Access Modem Configuration Page

Dec 29, 2010

When I type my modem configuration page IP in browser instead of showing configuration page it shows default web page for apache.What's wrong?Is there any IP conflict?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Configuration - How To Share USB External HDD

Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to share a USB external Hdrive from my ubuntu install to my windows systems (win 7 and 1 win xp) Everything seams to be working.. as in I can see the computer in "network" from windows explorer.... The problem is no matter what I do I can not seam to browse onto it or even type in direct share locations....

EG: //Zbox/HDMedia

or just browse through the Zbox computer icon that appears in my "Network" window in explorer. I have "sudo chmod 0777 /media/HDMovies"I can see it in the win7 Network window.. I assume it is some setting for security...I am on a home network and not very security conscious. I just want it to work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Manual Wireless Interface Configuration?

Mar 30, 2011

I am trying to manually configure my wireless interface similar to how I manually configure my wired interfaces on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat). I have two wired interfaces that use static IP addresses. I set up these interfaces using /etc/network/interface file. I disabled network manager (it was never working correctly to start with). Now, I want to connect my wireless interface (wlan0) to an unsecured wireless private network. I know/can find out all the information about the wireless network (ssid, etc). Also, I need to do this without disconnecting either of my wired interfaces.

I have looked all over the internet/forums for information about how to set up this interface, but nothing I found meets my need. Is there any way I can use iwconfig or the interface file to connect to this wireless connection? Or is there any other tool that will allow me to manually do this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: IPv6 - Automatic Configuration Not Working?

Apr 19, 2011

I just purchased a router that supports IPv6 and configured my eth0 to use IPv6. I have tried automatic and automatic, address only with no results. My Windows 7 and OS X 10.6 boxes both work w/o issue of need to change settings. I have done a bit of Google searching, but not found much in the way of useful advice. Can someone point me to a good article or let me know that the product is broken at this point.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Exporting Network Connections Configuration?

Jul 4, 2011

i'm currently using ubuntu 10.04 and wanted to update to 11.04 and that means backing up all sorts of data and configuration.Regarding the wireless configuration list, i have a few with password and auto connect, i wanted to know if there is a way of saving that listconfiguration other then manually.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Restart All Configuration

Oct 4, 2010

I need to restart all the configuration of my ubuntu, that's because I ruine something in the configuration of Audio/Video, that's nobody can help me: URL...Then seems that I need to restart all the configuration, but I don't want to reinstall Ubuntu, because that I don't have a ISO of Lucid Lynx, only the ISO of Karmic Koala.

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Networking :: What Is Wrong With IP Configuration

Dec 24, 2009

acl accounts src
acl accounts src
acl full src

http_access allow accounts
http_access allow full
http_access deny all

delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 1 9000000/9000000 25000/25000
delay_access 1 allow accounts
delay_access 1 deny full
delay_access 1 deny all

Well why all my ips are getting the speed I mentioned in delay pool, even, as I have excluded it in delay pool. what is wrong with the configuration. I want to get maximum speed available, while rest of the network goes with the mentioned speed.

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