Ubuntu Installation :: Hangs At Verifying The Installation Configuration?

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on a Dell Latitude 1001 laptop which has XP installed. I have selected the option for Ubuntu to run alongside Windows but, on selecting the Ubuntu option at boot up, the installation stalls at "Verifying the Installation Configuration". Before this window came up, a very brief text message flashed on the screen - something like "getpwuid failed" (it was on the screen for only a second or less, so I didn't have chance to note it down. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what may be wrong (I have never used Ubuntu so please make any suggestions very simple).

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Fedora Installation :: Fc11 First Boot Hangs On "Verifying DMI Pool Data"

Oct 18, 2009

I had Fedora11 (default layout) running on a separate hard drive (winXP on the other drive). After the FC drive failure I replaced the drive and did a fresh install again. This time I tried a custom layout to keep the /home on a separate partition. The installation went without a hitch, but on first boot the system hangs with "Verifying DMI Pool Data......"

XP boots fine though. Looks like grub doesn't get loaded. I can boot with the installation cd and get into recovery mode, everything seems fine on the fedora disk. Fdisk result:


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Debian Multimedia :: Desktop Hangs Up At "Verifying DNS Setting?

May 24, 2010

My used OS:

Linux version
(gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21))
After executing


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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck In BIOS -Verifying DMI Pool Data

May 20, 2011

I was dual-booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 till recently. Then I had to reinstall Windows. After re-installation of Windows I did not try to restore Grub and deleted Ubuntu partitions on disk thinking that I'll install newer Natty version. But now when I try to install Ubuntu 11.04 using pen drive it gets stuck in bios showing message "Verifying DMI pool data ....". I also tried to boot GParted, memtest and Windows 7 with the same pen drive. Same thing occurred with GParted and memtest but Windows 7 installation did not stuck and went as usual. So I guess it's not hardware.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Verifying DMI Pool Data - Windows 7 Dual Boot

Dec 24, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.10 on a machine that had windows 7 x64. itts installed on a seperate HD, but now when I boot to the harddrive with windows 7 all i get is "verifying DMI pool data" how do I fix this so I can get back to windows 7 as well?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Hangs After Keyboard Selection?

Aug 16, 2010

I have an AMD Athlon 3200+ 64 and I want to install a dual boot Win7/Xubuntu system. When I try to install Xubuntu 64 bit, but the also the 32 bit version and both Kubuntu versions, the installation stops after the keyboard layout screen. The install completely hangs (no cd or other noticeable activity on the computer) and I have to do a hard reboot to get out of it. I've been looking for a solution and found that the options noapic and/or nolapic in the installer F6 menu might solve this problem,unfortunately they didn't work for me. I've done the CD integrety and memory checks, but no errors were found. I'm pretty lost from here.

I also read installing from the alternative CD might work, but I'm not sure what to expect from this textual installation. If it's only a command-line installer I don't think I will be able to do much with it as I haven't yet been able to find a tutorial on how to use it. Does anyone konw where I can find instructions?

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Installation Hangs @ "Preparing Transaction From Installation Source"

Apr 30, 2010

Trying to get Fedora 12 installed normally on a laptop, but it's hanging at the aforementioned point during installation. The mouse cursor is movable and the system appears to be fully working. The progress bar isn't moving and there is nowhere to either shut down the PC or access the terminal?? I cannot check any progress or see any log of what the installation program is trying to do.

It's a P4 laptop with ~700mb of ram. This is a fresh install from the i386 DVD distro. Why is it so hard to get a running system in linux when Windows or Mac is ready to go in about an hour? I've spent a good 3 hours trying to find my way around this latest problem and I am SO close to giving up. What a waste of my time linux has been so far.

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Hangs And System Don't Loading After Installation?

Feb 6, 2010

I installing Fedora 12. I did ALL the same as in the installation guide, GRUB installed into MBR. And after installation and rebooting - nothing happens, after BIOS messages there is nothing - computer hangs. GRUB seems to be not installedI have 2 hard disks. At first I tried to install on the 2-nd drive(it is slave). Afterward I detach one disk and try with only one hard disk(it is master). Nothing changes - computer hangs.

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Fedora Installation :: Live Installation Hangs Up At Initial Login?

Dec 2, 2010

I downloaded the .ISO for Fedora Core 14 Live, with the intention of installing it to my HDD.

I burn the .ISO with no reported problems.

I boot to the installation CD and can get to the point where it asks me to Login (a timer is also going down for Automated Login).

Once I click "Login", nothing else ever happens.

I can hear the disc spinning in the drive and it's trying to load something, but it never does.

I thought that maybe my older (2003) laptop might just be slow, so I allowed it to do whatever it seemed to be doing overnight while I slept.

Well, I woke up this morning and it was still doing the same exact thing with no results.

---------- Post added at 05:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

Oh, and I intend to dual-boot. I have already made a partition using Norton Partition Magic. It's NTFS filesystem for now, but I figured the Fedora Installation would give me an option to use that partition anyway - NTFS or not (meaning, it would wipe the NTFS file system and use whatever it is that Fedora Core uses). Am I mistaken in assuming this?

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Fedora Installation :: My Installation Hangs After First White Progress Bar

Jan 10, 2009

I'm trying to install Fedora Core 10 on a PC when I installed FC 3 two years ago.I selected "Memory Test" (100% ok) and then "Boot", I passed the first white progress bar (the one appearing at the bottom of the screen), but the installation hangs (The mouse pointer stops) and I cannot continue.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Hangs At 95%?

Jul 8, 2010

I have been trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 on a Dell Dimension 4100, Pentium III 800 Mhz with 512MB of memory. This was a clean install on a brand new hard drive with Ubuntu as the only OS using the entire disk. Using the desktop CD the install will go smoothly then hang at 95%. I also tried the alternate install with no luck. The system boots to Grub Rescue prompt and I am unable to do anything from there as the commands seem to be very limited, most are unrecognized.

I can run the live CD without problem , and I have included the results from the boot info script below.


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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.04 Hangs After Logging In

Feb 18, 2010

I've been using Jaunty since its launch. And i've installed Ubuntu 9.04 on dual boot with XP.Since the past week i am facing this problem,after i enter my username and password , Ubuntu proceeds to load the account.But hangs in midway...i.e the appln bar on the top and task bar at the bottom appear, and that's it..hangs up,the cursor also freezes.I've tried the recovery mode,by fixing broken packages and dpkg.Also The terminal appears with ctrl+alt+f2 at the login screen...I've also tried autoclean and configure -a during this...with no success.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Installer Hangs On 3 Of 6?

Feb 19, 2010

The Ubuntu installer hangs on step 3 0f 6, the stage in which you select the keyboard layout. The computer it is being installed on is a Toshiba Satellite.disk had previously worked to install on a macbook for dualbooting.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hangs During 10.04 LTS Bootup?

May 8, 2010

I downloaded the x86 10.04 LTS ISO and burned to a disc. I booted it on my old Fujitsu laptop but it just hangs at:

Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ...
init: ureadahead-other main process (1019) terminated with status 4
init: ureadahead-other main process (1020) terminated with status 4
* Setting sensors limits [ OK ]

I tried all the possibilities like noacpi but to no avail.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Hangs At 79% / Fix This?

Jun 14, 2010

I am a neophyte to linux so please cut me some slack. I'm installing the latest version of ubuntu on my old Dell Latitude C840 Laptop. (386 desktop install from CD). I cant seem to get past 79% completion. It just hangs there. I have to assume I'm not the first person to have this problem. I'm reasonably adept with computers but all of the threads/blogs that seemingly address this problem are lost to me. Can anyone provide a simple... or at least step by step process on how I can fix this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Hangs With USB & HDD Boot

Jul 3, 2010

I think I've got a graphics/sound compatibility issue--both are onboard, but have no idea what to do. 10.04 will run in recovery low-graphics mode but won't load otherwise.

I have an old Gateway MX6030 / MA2 from 2005, 1.4Ghz Celeron, 1024 MB RAM. It had 9.04 on it. I got it out, thinking I could use it to store and remotely access research files for Mendeley and backup other data from my primary machines. I was running into wireless connectivity programs, so rather than fix it I figured I'd upgrade to through to 10.04 and plugged it into the router. 9.10 was a little choppy with the sounds when booting up, but worked. 10.04 won't boot properly. It gets to the Ubuntu splash screen with the little dots, which all turn red, then goes straight to a grey screen. The hard disk stops thrashing, and that's it.

If I hit ESC to bring up the grub menu, I can enter recovery mode and use the low-graphics startup to get into 10.04. Sound is still choppy on startup, but wireless, video, etc. all work. I tried to use a USB bootdisks with both 10.04 and Xubuntu 10.04 and got the same issue. The Ubuntu live boot can get to the menu but freezes after I make a selection. Xubuntu just brings up a low-res "XUBUNTU" image and freezes right after that. Hard disk stops turning, and the machine stops accessing the USB disk. Nothing happens.

Is there a way I can access 10.04 low graphics as the default boot? Is this a driver issue? This is a beginner question, obviously, and really, my goal here is just to be able to access the machine remotely so I can keep files for Mendeley in a single place rather than across two machines and three OSes. I don't know if I have the time or patience to learn how set up another machine as an FTP server to try and install through that route.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Installation Hangs At Partition?

Sep 3, 2010

The 10.04 installation hangs at partition page...The live cd also works fine but when the partitions options come the whole desktop hangs the ctrl+alt+F1 also doesnt work..

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Live CD Hangs?

Oct 20, 2010

I had to reinstall Windows 7 on my machine (go figure) and I am trying to restore GRUB so I can use Ubuntu again, but I can't seem to do it with my 10.04 Lucid Live CD...which I can actually get to work with "nomodeset" on my Nvidia card (GeForce 6150 LE). However, I try to use my 10.10 Live CD, and even with "nomodeset" I get nowhere. If I hit the ESC key, I can read "stdin error 0" or something along those lines, then it shows many repeating messages with "logical blocks"...

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Installation :: Ubuntu On USB Hangs On Boot / Fix This?

Dec 8, 2010

I loaded Ubuntu onto my USB using the USB installer, and then attempted to create a persistent drive (>4GB) according to the link :http://www.pendrivelinux.com/create-...per-partition/

But when I boot from the USB it hangs. I am new to Ubuntu, so I cannot give a lot of details.

When booting from the USB, it goes to the setup screen where I select boot from the USB. A list of commands appear on the screen (it's too quick,to read) and then it arrives at the intro screen with the Ubuntu symbol. On this screen it hangs.

Any suggestions on how to fix this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hangs At Boot From USB?

Dec 25, 2010

I wrote the ISO to a USB drive I had using the Universal USB Installer, and I put it into my new Acer Aspire One D255 netbook, and set it up so that it would be the first thing it booted to. I got past the ISOLinux loading screen, and now it's just hanging at a black screen with a bit of text:

Intel(r)PineView PCI Accelerated SVGA BIOS
Build Number: 2001 Accelerated PC 14.34 03/01/2010 02:34:31
Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Intel Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Anyway, it's just sitting there. The USB stick isn't doing anything, it's not flashing or jittering, it's just slowly pulsating like it usually is when it's not doing anything.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hangs After 2.6.31-17-generic Update

Jan 9, 2010

I did an update recently and it won't continue booting past a certain point - which I think is rather strange, the last message I can manage to see is:

* Starting init crypto dicks...

No. That's not a typo. I couldn't believe my own eyes - I took a picture: [URL]

I can guarantee you this is not a joke. I suspect my video card is aging on me as I get a 'London Pound" symbol on my CLI terminal sometimes.

Anyway, that's not the real issue for me. I cannot start into 2.6.31-17, but I can start into 2.6.31-16 - is anyone else having this problem?

Edit: Restarting doesn't give me the crypto dicks thing but I still get another common error:

init: ureadahead-other main process (###) terminated with status 4

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hangs At Loading Screen?

Mar 1, 2010

Here's my problem, i have 1 Ubuntu cd, (8.10, free cd), 1x 9.10 32 bit from a friend, and a 64bit 9.10 from a friend. Also i have downloaded 9.10 64bit ISO, (making sure the md5 was correct)This is what ive tried: - Installing inside windows, cd - Installing inside windows, iso mounted - Installing via cd on boot - Installing via usb on boot- Booting from cd/usb, like testing, and install from that (but got to loading screen..)Ive tried the above with all the Ubuntu's mentioned.Yet all have got to the Loading screens and just stopped.With the USB one, once (it had casper on it?), it had errors such as IO, memory buffers etcSo why doesnt either 32 or 64 bit work on my system, is there something i missed?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Installer Hangs At Loading?

Mar 29, 2010

trying to install ubuntu on a 2nd partition on a Dell D630. The OS currently on it is Windows 7 Enterprise. I've used Windows 7 to repartition and have 80GB available for the Ubuntu install but when I put the CD in to run it gets detected as a bootable CD and starts to boot but freezes after Loading...I've left it for 2 hrs and it never progressed past that screen. I've also downloaded and burnt the ISO three times (twice in the 64 bit version and once in the 32). In all cases the install never advances. I've also tried a USB install but couldn't get that to boot

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hangs At 74% - Storing Language

Apr 6, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu server 9.10 x64 on the following hardware:

Amd 64 2.2 Ghz
Kingston Hyper x 1gb
PATA 160gb HD
DFI Lanparty Motherboard

The issue is that the install gets stuck at 74% - storing language.

I have tried different ISO's and burnt different CD's.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hangs After Splash Screen?

May 17, 2010

Clean install on dell d400 laptop, worked fine with 9.10 but 10.04 gets past the stick man then after several minutes with the red/ white buttons a quick flash of colour on the screen and then nothing, just a dead PC.

Have tries alternative F6 and also i915.modeset=1 and 0 but no change. Pre release 10.04 worked fine just a problem with the official release

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 10.04 Boot Hangs?

Aug 12, 2010

I was running Ubuntu 9.10 on my Toshiba A40 Laptop and decided to take the plunge and upgrade to 10.04. Everything seemed to go well until the Restart. Now it only gets to the Splash Screen (Purple Screen with "Ubuntu" and dots under it) and then there is a flash and the text becomes blocks briefly before going to a blank screen! It seems like it might be a video problem but...

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.4 DT Hangs While Configuring Grub-pc?

Aug 14, 2010

I'm installing Ubuntu 10.4 DTE on an Acer netbook. The netbook came with Microsoft Windows installed and I'm adding Ubuntu via wubi on a USB thumb drive.

I'm almost done and it is configuring grub-pc. The last line is: Setting up grub-pc (2.98-lubuntu7) ... Then it hangs.

On the web, I find numerous bug reports about my situation, but no work arounds. What do I do?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.04 Ok But 10.04 Hangs On Toshiba Sat M200

Aug 23, 2010

I should also say that I am a Hardware person primarily, and while I have had a little bit of a 'play' with ubuntu in the past, I am still very much a begginer, so please try to keep suggestions to a noob level of instruction.

I have a little Toshiba Satellite M200 which came with VISTA (ugggh!) Needless to say Vista has fallen over its own huge feet and landed in a scrambled pile. I have mnaged to copy off all data I needed, and then tossed up between XP or Ubuntu for the re-install. I decided to go with Ubuntu to try and get used to it on a single machine before (hopefully) changing over the rest of the computers here to eventually be M$ free.

I booted the M200 from a Live-CD of 9.04 which I already had from a while back and it ran fine. Ok, looks good so far. I then checked for the latest version and downloaded/burned the live-cd of 10.04 which also ran fine on the M200 when I booted it. I istalled 10.04 from the live-cd but after the initial reboot (and all boot attempts since then) the computer hung while still loading (before it reached the GUI) and had a corrupted screen, lines, coloured blocks etc.....

I wiped 10.04 and installed 9.04 instead just to get it up and running. The 9.04 install went fine, it rebooted and still worked so I did all the updates it wanted to, then rebooted, everything was still fine. After the reboot it offered to upgrade to 9.10, so I did that, then rebooted. It all seemed fine while booting, and made it all the way into the GUI, but now the touchpad no longer worked. I plugged in a USB mouse and that worked, but I could find no way to get the touchpad working again. In the end I blew-away 9.10 and again reinstalled 9.04 and did the updates, but stopped before upgrading to 9.10.

This is the state of the M200 at this stage, running stable on 9.04, although the wireless network sems to keep dropping out for some reason and not reconnecting.

I would like to try to get 10.04 up and running as I really like the look of it (love the loading screen), the new communications arrangement for IMs etc, and seriously, whats the point of installing an older version of an OS when you actually prefer the latest one?

why 10.4 would run fine from the live-cd but fall over when its installed? I was thinking it could be display drivers or something, that only get configured and set up on a full installation, but I have no idea how to work around this.

On a side note, I booted a desktop from the 10.04 disk and it all seems happy except that it wont go above 800x600 screen res, would this be solved with a full installation where it can then set up display drivers properly etc?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10 Hangs At Login

Nov 27, 2010

Recently I decided to upgrade my 10.04 installation the lazy way, by clicking the upgrade button instead of a clean install (32bit). Now, I can only get into Ubuntu with the recovery mode. If I let the system boot the normal way, I end up at the login screen where I (correctly) enter my password and then nothing else happens. I can move the mouse, the clock ticks on, and I can even use the restart button, etc. But the login screen stays gray and does nothing else, so no desktop. With recovery-mode I can use the failsafeX option to get into the desktop, everything works fine there. And even though it calls it a low-graphics environment or so, everything looks normal, its even my native resolution of 1440x900.

My first idea was some driver issue for my Ati Radeon HD 2600 Mobility card, so I looked into that. I've checked/done the following:
- Installed the drivers manually (downloaded from AMD)
- Uninstalled those drivers
- Used aptitude to remove any fglrx things
- Installed Jockey
- Installed the drivers with Jockey
- Removed the drivers with Jockey (Ive read this is the cleanest option)
- "no drivers" at this point
- Use generic/default X config, make specific X config (both from the failsafe X boot thing)

Nothing worked at all, booting still only works with recovery option and then the low graphics mode. Otherwise, it will just "hang" on the login part. When I boot first recovery mode, and then pick the resume option, I'll see some errors near the end of the booting process.

I've seen 2 errors which might be related to my issue:
- "Unable to allocate crypto cipher with name [ecb(aes)]" (home is encrypted, and accessible with safe boot)
- BUG: CPU#1 stuck for 61s!

Now, the second error seems to "match" with hanging at login. I login, something is stuck and churns the CPU... and never gets unstuck, so login just hangs there. However, I can't find any information related to that stuck CPU thing. Only changing PIDs and other numbers/stack traces, no processname or any other name to work with. So I'm at a loss here.

Big dump of possibly interesting part of kern.log:
Nov 26 20:31:25 lexmortis-laptop kernel: [44.572381] BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 00000021
Nov 26 20:31:25 lexmortis-laptop kernel: [44.572386] IP: [<c027c1b0>] sysfs_delete_link+0x30/0x70
Nov 26 20:31:25 lexmortis-laptop kernel: [44.572397] *pdpt = 0000000035f29001 *pde = 0000000000000000 .....

Despite that with low graphics mode everything works, it seems to be a non-graphical issue here (stuck CPU on some process?). Unless I missed another option I can test for the graphics / drivers. ow I could find more info on stuck CPUs during boot?

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Ubuntu Installation :: UNR Hangs When Attempting To Install?

Dec 21, 2010

I'm trying to upgrade an EeePC from 9.10 (I think it is) to 10.10. I've tried two different thumb drives and a CD, redownloading the UNR image each time. What happens is it will get the the screen where it says 'Preparing to install Ubuntu-Netbook'. I hit forward, and then the little dial just spins indefinitely. I've also tried plugging the thumb drives into different USB ports, and playing around the with the hard disk compatibility mode on in the BIOS (currently set to 'compatible', but AHCI, IDE Enhanced etc made no difference).

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