Ubuntu Networking :: "Permission Denied" While Accessing Ubuntu Share From OS X

Jul 22, 2010

I've got some folders shared on our Ubuntu machine so that everybody can access them. However, some of our users are having problems with that. The two users who are on Macbooks can barely access anything without getting a "Permission Denied" message. I've hit the directories with chmod 777 just to obliterate any lingering issues, but yet the issue persists.

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Networking :: NFS Share Permission Denied

Mar 23, 2010

I'm sure there is a very trivial solution to my problem but I just can't figure it out due to my lack of knowledge.I want to mount an nfs share share on client1. The share is on server1.The server1 /etc/exportfs has entry: /backup client1 rw,all_squash,no_subtree_ check) The client1 sudo mount works just fine: sudo mount server1:/backup /backup..Can anyone let me know how to mount the nfs whare with options to read/write permissions for a regular user. And then put that mount into /etc/fstab? Should I mount first and then change the ownership of that folder?

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Programming :: CSH Permission Denied When Accessing Local File

Mar 9, 2011

I've just recently started learning shell scripting and I've been working on a basic csh script, but I've been having a few problems. Here's the script

echo Enter a file name
$< = FILE ##Name of file
echo enter a size (in kilobytes) to monitor
SIZETOMON = $< ##Size value that's input by user
du -k $FILE = $SIZE ##Size of the file that the user wishes to monitor
while (1)
if $SIZE > $SIZETOMON then
echo ALERT: File size is greater than $SIZETOMON

And here's the output
/home/lucer/foo.txt: Permission denied.
Badly placed ()'s.

I'm not really sure what the issue is with the "badly placed ()'s" or why it won't let me access files that I can access with the same shell when it's not in a script.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To NFS Share "permission Denied"?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a Acer Altos EasyStore NAS on which I have enabled an NFS share for a specific IP address. The EasyStore then shows me the NFS path as: Mount path: /nas/NASDisk-00004/media

When I try mounting the share from the machine at the allowed IP address it appears to mount OK, but when I try to view the directory using 'ls' I get 'ls: cannot open directory /nfs: Permission Denied'. the /nfs folder where I'm trying to mount the NFS share shows up in ls as belonging to a group called 11587 (everything else is shown as root). I have no control over the group ID on the NAS as it's just an appliance. How can I gain access to the shared folders?

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Ubuntu :: Print Share Inaccessible Permission Denied

Feb 25, 2010

I have a DLink 323 NAS with a USB port for a printer. Im trying to setup the printer. When I get to the part where I have to enter the username and password for the NAS, no matter what I put in for a password and username, I get the same error message (see attached screenshot). I can not get my network printer to work because of this.

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General :: Permission Denied When Accessing VirtualBox Shared Folder When Member Of The Vboxsf Group

Jul 7, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 (guest) on Windows 7 (host) with the guest additions installed. I have an auto-mount folder that maps to my D: drive on the host which I can access using sudo ls /media/sf_D_DRIVE - however, even when my user (ross) is a member of the vboxsf group I get a permission denied error when attempting to explore it. I have restarted since adding my user to the vboxsf group.

This should work because I am a member of the group (which has rwx rights), so why doesn't it?

ross@panther:~$ ls -l /media
total 8
drwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 8192 2011-07-03 22:24 sf_D_DRIVE
ross@panther:~$ ls -l /media/sf_D_DRIVE/
ls: cannot open directory /media/sf_D_DRIVE/: Permission denied


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Ubuntu :: Mount Dir Using Smbfs To Windows Share Can't Write To File Permission Denied?

Jun 19, 2010

Mount a Windows share where my user account has admin privileges. All permissions granted to the share on the windows pc side.Mount statement is as follows:sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=johndoe //winname/directoryname /mnt/tmp/Share mounts ok but does not let me create or write to an existing file. When I select Properties on the directory it says that permissions are unknown on the share looking at it from Ubuntu.

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Server :: Reading Cifs Share Fails With Permission Denied

Jun 15, 2011

I'm trying to setup a samba server to share data among clients via cifs. As a test, I mounted the samba share on the same machine and tried to access the contents of the directory. The mount command was:mount -t cifs -o username=sthomaso,workgroup=WORKGROUP //server/scratch /mnt/server/scratch..which worked fine after entering the password. Although I can "cd /mnt/server/scratch", when I try to list the contents of the directory with "ls", I get error "ls: reading directory .: Permission denied".

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Ubuntu Networking :: Permission Denied For Windows Mount

Mar 26, 2010

I have followed that many post about using a Windows mount, and still have an issue.

Using Ubuntu 8.04 to mount a shared on a Windows 2003 Server.

I have the fstab method with this line:

//server/xms /mnt/xms cifs defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000,credentials=/root/.smbcredentials 0 0


//server/xms /mnt/xms cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_ mode=0777 0 0

Both work when doing a mount /mnt/xms command. I can ls the directory on the windows share. I can cat files from the windows share.

If I touch or mkdir in the windows share I get "Permission denied"

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Ubuntu Networking :: NFS4 - UID Mapping - Permission Denied

Oct 14, 2010

I wanted to use NFS4 with id mapping. I followed the write up at [URL] and basically have everything working.

The problem is that I cannot write a file unless I have group write permissions. On the server the user has uid = 1000, gid = 1000. On the client the user has uid =1699, gid = 1000. Both have the same user name.

On the client the directory listing properly shows the user name and the group name. If the file on the server is 644, the client cannot write to the file. If it is 664 on the server, then the client can write to the file.

/etc/export on server contains:

/etc/fstab on client contains:

nfsserver:/myuser /home/myuser/mntpoint nfs4 rw,noauto,user 0 0

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Ubuntu Networking :: X11vnc - Permission Denied (publickey - Password)

Sep 22, 2010

I want to access my desktop from my laptop over the internet, after a while I found this [URL] so I followed the instructions "Access your PC over the internet" and "Logging in from another Ubuntu PC". Everything goes well until I try to run the shell script and get this: laptopuser@123.456.7.890's password:

I tried my luck with the passphrase associated with the rsa key, with the password of the laptopuser@laptop and with the password of the desktopuser@desktop but I keep getting Permission Denied (publickey, password).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mounting Samba Shared - Permission Denied

Dec 10, 2010

I have a shared directory on another machine but I can't get it to mount as a samba share. The permission denied doesn't say where/which permission is denied. Is it on the remote on on the local machine? The remote has sharing enabled for the shareddocs directory and after I have mkdir'ed the local mount point I open it's permissions too. The verbose response from mount.cfis looks like this:

mount.cifs kernel mount options: unc=//,domain=WORKGROUP,ver=1,rw ,username=clive,,,,,,,,,,,ip=,pass=** ******
mount error(13): Permission denied
Refer to the mount.cifs( manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

The man page does not have a list of error codes.

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Networking :: NFS Server - Permission Denied ?

May 12, 2010

I have a mount problem with a NFS server on Debian Lenny. No matter what I do, I cannot mount a directory from another Debian box on the same network.

The error the client gives:

The server reports:

But there it is, in my exports:

cat /etc/exports:

Doing a:

NOTE: this default has changed since nfs-utils version 1.0.x

Comes up empty (and it should not, right?)

There is no firewall inbetween. No access restrictions via the tcpwrappers.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Folder Within Windows Share

Feb 15, 2011

I'm trying to figure out a good way to access a folder within a Windows share from an Ubuntu 10.04 computer. I work at a school which uses a Windows network. Each class has one login and a folder for their work. All the folders are in one Windows share called //fses/class$. Each class does not have access to //fses/class$ (otherwise a student from one class would be able to access another class's folder) - they only have access to their own folder e.g. //fses/class$/3b.

When I try to access a class's folder from an Ubuntu computer I get an error that //fses/class$ cannot be accessed. I've got around it for the moment by using a teacher's credentials, but that's not ideal because then the students have access to other classes' work. I also tried using the 'mount' command e.g.
sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=3b,password=**** //fses/class$/3b /media/3b

This did work (although I know it'd be better to use cifs and a credentials file), but only a 'superuser' can do it, and it mounts the folder for all users. I could also give the students superuser permission for the mount command, but this seems like giving them more permission than should really be necessary. Is there any way for a user who is not a superuser to access the folder? I'd like to use something like this.
nautilus username=3b,password=**** smb://fses/class$/3b

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Networking :: NFS Server Mount - Permission Denied

May 2, 2010

I just set up a storage server with NFS sharing. Everything work fine but, when trying to mount the remote partition on my ws, this is the issue:
/usr/sbin/start-statd: line 8: /sbin/rpc.statd: Permission denied
/usr/sbin/start-statd: line 8: /sbin/rpc.statd: Success
mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.
mount.nfs: Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd.

I tried so to mount it locally :
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting localhost:/var/ftp/pub /mnt
I don't think it depends because of the permiss of the directory, and anyway it's 1777.

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Networking :: SSH - SCP Permission Denied (File Not Exist)

Oct 13, 2009

using a terminal
logged into userMan remotely

scp /file.txt xxx.xxx.xx:/home/userMan/

Is the syntax above correct?
I'm trying to copy /file.txt from local machine, to server with userMan
error: /file.txt doesn't exist

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Files From A Windows Share Within Applications

Dec 7, 2010

I cannot access figure out how to access files stored on a windows share within an application. I can access files on a windows share from places>network but if I am trying to access files from say audacitcy or gtkpod by means of file>open when the application brings up the "places" dialog there is no network Icon to choose from.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows Network Share Folders

Feb 16, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 since 2-3 weeks. First I tried live CD and the OS seems to be very good. So i installed it on my laptop.So far i had no problems until I tried to access the shared network folders of my Server running on MS Windows Vista and another trial PC running WindowsXP. I'm trying to solve this since 2-3 days, I haven't found a solution.1st of all my network works fine. All computers can ping each other and as the laptop had Windows XP installed the server was accessable.1st I installed the SMB4k tool with this program. I could see the computer names, but as soon as I select a Windows computer the tool searches and nothing happens.

I tried a lot of different variations of this command but in the end I receive this kind of error. I also tried to add -o user=username pass=password, nothing changed.After this I searched information about this error, some forum threads I googled are telling the SMB4K tool modifies the /etc/sudoers file and cause this error. So i tried to change it back with some kind of sudo chmod 0640 etc/sudoers but this won't work it seems I can not modify or edit thisw file using sudo.With the pyNeighbourhood tool I could only see my Laptop but not the Windows PCs.At the end I will install Linux systems on all of my PCs, but only if all my tests will pass .

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Fedora Networking :: Ping: Sendto Permission Denied

Jul 22, 2010

I run a small home network with a wireless network using Apple airport wireless router. I have two macs and one Linux box (Fedora 13). Everything worked until about a week ago. Now the two macs can communicate with each other, and one of the macs can communicate with the Linux box, but the other can't, which is a bummer because it is a print server.

Pinging from the mac to the linux box gives the error message:

ping: sendto permission denied

Ping from the Linux box to the mac just hangs:

[/home/pjs] # ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

Firewalls on both boxes have been disabled. The Mac was running Little Snitch, but it has been uninstalled.

I have looked for messages from /var/log/message using tail -f and there are none when I ping either way.

ifconfig and /etc hosts, hosts.allow and hosts.deny look normal.

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Fedora Networking :: Ssh Error Message - Permission Denied

Feb 8, 2011

I've just set up keys using


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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows Share, Repeated Request For Authentication?

Jul 31, 2010

I am using Kubuntu 10.04, but I am posting here because the Kubuntu forums seems to be user agnostic. I just couldn't get past the verificaiton process. This should be a general networking problem that Ubuntu users can answer. On my home network, I have a Windows machine whose shared folders I can access from one machine running Ubuntu 9.04. I've had to do no network configuration on Ubuntu, it just works out of the box. On Windows I do not have a password that I use to login. Ubuntu does not ask for it either.

But on Kubuntu, when I browse the network samba shares, I can see my Windows share, open it, navigate it, but every time I cd into another level in the share or click on a file (say a music file to play), the authentication window pops up asking for a user name and password. What login information should I use here? I tried my Windows user name and a blank password,

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Fedora Networking :: Permission Denied When Sending Packet Using DITG?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm implementing static IPv6 address on two Fedora 13 installed hosts. These two computers are connected using a switch between them and I use D-ITG to generate traffic in the network.I need to send packet from host1 to host2 using this command and I got permission denied

#./ITGSend -a 2001:db8:c003:111e::3 -T UDP -x recv_log_file -t 30000 -c 32
Connect error in createTransportChan(): Permission denied


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Error: Unable To Create Socket - Permission Denied

May 21, 2009

I have a cgi script that tries to get the IP address of a domain. the Domain is defined in Bind, yet it can not resolve it. I put the domain in the host file and it then gives a Error: unable to create socket - Permission denied

I figure I have to do some code changes to the script but here I would like an explaination as to the error I am getting.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Active Directory Samba Share Permission?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm having a problem with Active Directory and Share permissions that I cant seem to figure out. I used likewise-open to join my ubuntu server to a windows 2008 domain. Everything seems to be working fine. The problem is, the only way I can access the shares is if I CHMOD 777 the share directory. If I CHMOD 770, the Domain owner or Domain group member of the directory cant access the directory. Also, when creating a folder within the share, I need to set the directory mask as 777 in order to enter those sub folders.

Heres the share section from my smb.conf

comment = Ubuntu File Server Share
path = /srv/samba/public
browseable = yes


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Ubuntu Networking :: Symbolic Links Deny Permission In Samba Share?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a Samba share that contains a symbolic link and when I try accessing it from the WinXP machine it denies permission. If I access it from the Linux account, it goes in with no problems. Is there a certain setting that needs to be set or enabled or is this just one of those things with Samba?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Open Mounted Shares On NAS "Permission Denied"

Mar 30, 2010

I have an Acer EasyStore NAS which I can access fine in Nautilus, but a server which I have been trying to mount via command line refuses to even let me view the contents of the folder. The mount command appears to work, a password is requested when connecting to the shared folder.

sudo mount -t cifs --verbose -o user=jason //nas/media /mnt/nas
mount.cifs kernel mount options: unc=//nasmedia,ver=1,rw,user=jason,ip=,pas s=********

But I cannot even view the folder contents, as even a simple ls returns:

ls: cannot open directory /mnt/nas: Permission Denied

Even on my laptop which is able to access all the shared folders under Nautilus I am unable to mount shares from the command line.

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Ubuntu :: Accessing Permission Locked Folders Through Livecd?

Dec 6, 2010

My spare laptop refuses to load into the OS (it's running 10.10) or even give me a log-in screen - it sits there with a blinking cursor in the corner of a black screen. It's a 7 year-old laptop I mainly use as a mediacenter, which means I keep very little on it so I figured I'd just do a complete reinstall and move on.

So I threw in a livecd to grab the one folder I needed before I was going to wipe the drive, but apparently at some point this folder got permission locked, and it won't let me open it or copy it to an external through the livecd. Is there any way I can get at this folder?

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Ubuntu :: SUID And 'permission Denied'?

Feb 3, 2010

I have just installed 9.10 netbook remix onto my Eeepc 901. I was previously using 9.4 Rather than clicking on shutdown icons, or going through shutdown menus, I added a keyboard shortcut to run a shell script containing the following code:

init 0
because init needs to be run as root to have the correct permissions, I set the owner and group to be root , ran chmod 711, then chmod u+s to prevent anyone altering the script, and to allow anyone to execute it with root privelidges Since updateing to 9.10 netbook remix, I have been unable to get this to work. have applied the above changes but get a "/bin/bash: /usr/bin/shutdownscript: permission denied" error when I try to run my shutdown script from the terminal (nothing happens when I press the key combination asigned to the keyboard shortcut). If I run the shutdown script with sudo then it neatly shuts down. ls reveals the following permissions:-rws--s--x 1 root root

So it appears as if SUID and SGID are both set, and the owner/group are correct, and the script works, and yet it doesn't have the permissions to work. I installed 9.4 long ago enough that I can't remember if I had to do anything else to get it working, or has something changed between 9.4 and 9.10?

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Ubuntu :: Bash: Permission Denied

Mar 27, 2010

I tried to execute the following command: $ ./eval_online_wiki.ml -db_user aa -db_pass bb -db_name cc It returned as follows: bash: ./eval_online_wiki.ml: Permission denied What does this mean? How to solve the problem? Actually, I was following a README, and it says "$ ./eval_online_wiki -db_user <username> -db_pass <pwd> -db_name <db_name>"

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Ubuntu :: Opera: Permission Denied?

Aug 19, 2010

Forum.Ref:Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid LynxFluxboxOpera 10.61Has anyone a clue how I can solve following (minor but annoying) problem?It takes a relative long time (a few seconds) as normal user before Opera starts in my fluxbox environment. I expected a quicker startup time.Also because when I start opera as root the startup time is shorter.I started opera in a terminal. No messages when started as root with gksudoBut 5 lines of:open: Permission deniedwhen started as normal user. Startup succeeds after these messages.So I figured out that there is some kind of authorisation problem but have no clue how to find out which files opera tries to open and fails and what to do at this point.I searched for similar problems on this forum and also via google but could not find any real answers.

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