Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Files From A Windows Share Within Applications

Dec 7, 2010

I cannot access figure out how to access files stored on a windows share within an application. I can access files on a windows share from places>network but if I am trying to access files from say audacitcy or gtkpod by means of file>open when the application brings up the "places" dialog there is no network Icon to choose from.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Folder Within Windows Share

Feb 15, 2011

I'm trying to figure out a good way to access a folder within a Windows share from an Ubuntu 10.04 computer. I work at a school which uses a Windows network. Each class has one login and a folder for their work. All the folders are in one Windows share called //fses/class$. Each class does not have access to //fses/class$ (otherwise a student from one class would be able to access another class's folder) - they only have access to their own folder e.g. //fses/class$/3b.

When I try to access a class's folder from an Ubuntu computer I get an error that //fses/class$ cannot be accessed. I've got around it for the moment by using a teacher's credentials, but that's not ideal because then the students have access to other classes' work. I also tried using the 'mount' command e.g.
sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=3b,password=**** //fses/class$/3b /media/3b

This did work (although I know it'd be better to use cifs and a credentials file), but only a 'superuser' can do it, and it mounts the folder for all users. I could also give the students superuser permission for the mount command, but this seems like giving them more permission than should really be necessary. Is there any way for a user who is not a superuser to access the folder? I'd like to use something like this.
nautilus username=3b,password=**** smb://fses/class$/3b

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows Network Share Folders

Feb 16, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 since 2-3 weeks. First I tried live CD and the OS seems to be very good. So i installed it on my laptop.So far i had no problems until I tried to access the shared network folders of my Server running on MS Windows Vista and another trial PC running WindowsXP. I'm trying to solve this since 2-3 days, I haven't found a solution.1st of all my network works fine. All computers can ping each other and as the laptop had Windows XP installed the server was accessable.1st I installed the SMB4k tool with this program. I could see the computer names, but as soon as I select a Windows computer the tool searches and nothing happens.

I tried a lot of different variations of this command but in the end I receive this kind of error. I also tried to add -o user=username pass=password, nothing changed.After this I searched information about this error, some forum threads I googled are telling the SMB4K tool modifies the /etc/sudoers file and cause this error. So i tried to change it back with some kind of sudo chmod 0640 etc/sudoers but this won't work it seems I can not modify or edit thisw file using sudo.With the pyNeighbourhood tool I could only see my Laptop but not the Windows PCs.At the end I will install Linux systems on all of my PCs, but only if all my tests will pass .

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows Share, Repeated Request For Authentication?

Jul 31, 2010

I am using Kubuntu 10.04, but I am posting here because the Kubuntu forums seems to be user agnostic. I just couldn't get past the verificaiton process. This should be a general networking problem that Ubuntu users can answer. On my home network, I have a Windows machine whose shared folders I can access from one machine running Ubuntu 9.04. I've had to do no network configuration on Ubuntu, it just works out of the box. On Windows I do not have a password that I use to login. Ubuntu does not ask for it either.

But on Kubuntu, when I browse the network samba shares, I can see my Windows share, open it, navigate it, but every time I cd into another level in the share or click on a file (say a music file to play), the authentication window pops up asking for a user name and password. What login information should I use here? I tried my Windows user name and a blank password,

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Files From Windows 7?

Dec 2, 2010

I am trying to access the files and directories that are on my Ubuntu 10.10 computer from my Windows 7 computer. Both are connected to the same wireless router. I have installed and uninstalled Samba and rebooted both computers several times.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows 7 Shared Files?

Mar 20, 2010

I have two computers set up, one is running Ubuntu 9.04 and the other running Windows 7 Professional. I have a bunch of shared files from Windows 7 (which I am normally able to access from any Windows 7 or Windows XP machine on my network) but I can't access them from Ubuntu.I have tried going to Places > Network > Windows Network, but I receive the error "Unable to mount locations Failed to retrieve share list from server"I have also found another recommendation for accessing a windows server, via Places > Connect to Server, but I receive another error message there, "Cannot display location "smb://..." No application is registered as handling this file."Could anyone explain what my problem is and how I could fix it? I really wish I could figure this stupid thing out myself, but it's linux.. it's not meant to be understood by anyone >.<

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Ubuntu :: Can't Prevent Keyring From Asking For Windows Share Password When Accessing

Oct 3, 2010

I have a Windows share on my network and I protected it with a password. I access it with my Ubuntu desktop, and I saved my password the first time I accessed it. The password is saved in Seahorse (the keyring), but each time I try to access my Windows share, I have to type in my keyring password.Despite trying several tutos, I haven't been able to prevent keyring from asking for my keyring password.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Windows 7, XP - To Share Files

Sep 22, 2010

Recently, I've again been trying to get file sharing working on my home network. I made some progress last night, getting so far as having all the shares on my Windows XP desktop visible to a netbook running Ubuntu 10.04 & connected wirelessly. But I ran into some snags.

Here's what I'm working with:

-a desktop running Windows 7 Ultimate
-a desktop which dual boots Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit and Windows XP Pro SP3
-a netbook which dual boots Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10 and Ubuntu 10.04.

Everything connects wired except the netbook, which connects wirelessly. The router assigns each a specific internal IP address, so in effect all have static internal IP addresses, tied to the MAC addresses of their network adapters.

I have Samba Server Configuration Tool installed on both the desktop (Ubuntu 9.10) and netbook (Ubuntu 10.04). Versions are 1.2.63 in both Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04.

Here's as far as I got last night:

-Shares on the Windows XP machine were accessible from both the Windows 7 machine and Ubuntu 10.04 on the netbook, with no password required.

-I configured Samba on both machines to be part of the same workgroup (named PENGUIN) as the Windows 7 machine and the desktop when it's running Windows XP.

-I set up a share in Samba on the netbook while running Ubuntu 10.04. The share is visible on the network from the Windows 7 machine, but I couldn't access it. I was asked for a username and login. I had no idea which one to use, but no combination I tried worked. Windows kept saying it couldn't find a "path" to the share.

-In the Nautilus "network" item on the netbook, I can see the shares on my Ubuntu 9.10 desktop. But I can't access them. Again, I get asked for a username and password, and I have no idea what to enter, or where the username and password can be set.

-I set up a share on the Windows 7 machine, allowing read-only access to everyone. But it doesn't show up on either of the Ubuntu machines, at all, in the "Penguin" workgroup. So I'm not sure how to proceed.

Do I need to explicitly configure the IPv4 settings on each machine to a static internal IP? As I stated, each machine gets a predictable address assigned by the router, so in effect the machines do have static IP addresses. However, I'm not sure that's all the same to Samba.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Prompted For A Password When Accessing A Windows 7 Share?

Feb 14, 2010

I have searched for days on this problem and no one seems to have the fix. Everyone else seems to go off on tangents.I have 3 computers. One runs XP pro, one runs Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and one runs openSUSE 11.2.The two windows machines can share files between each other with no problems.On suse I setup samba correctly. When I go to Computer -> Network on suse, I then go into Samba Shares. Then I see my workgroup name. I click to go in and I can see all 3 of my PC's listed here.When I click on my XP pro machine,am prompted for a user name and password. I put it in and I gain access perfectly.

When I click on my Windows 7 machine, I am prompted for a user name and password. I enter it in and it prompts me again for the user name and password. It will not let me in.I have changed all of the settings in 7, I have disabled the firewall, I have changed the security policies, I have changed the encryption strength.Simply Samba is nolaying well with Windows 7. I cannot believe that I am the only one with this problem

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba - Share Files From Windows Machine

Jun 6, 2010

I am trying to see share files on my windows machine to my linux machine. I would like an answer to how to fix the problem. This is where i am at i am using my own network to learn who to use nmap properly. I ping my whole network with nmap -sS -O. Then i used nmblookup -a which gave me the infromation i needed. Then i run smbclient -L computername -I ip address -N

This will not show me the windows os this only show me my laptop. What can i change for this to show me the other computer on this network. The port i am wanting is open. I want to be able to mount the share files and move them to my computer i am going to use the commands put and get to move the files when i am able to get to the smb: >


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Ubuntu Networking :: Way To Quickly Share Files With Windows Clients On The LAN

Dec 13, 2010

Here I am editing /etc/samba/smb.conf and trying to remember what I should chmod the directory and the files to, then I think to myself there's probably an easier way. That way should be clear to the user.

There's dropbox and Ubuntu one but these are something slightly different, these sorts of things involving a cloud service or something needing to download to Windows clients, which is not what we want if we don't have an internet connection. So, is there a better way? Something to aide making smb.conf and permissions perhaps?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Deleting Files Off A Samba Share From A Windows Box?

May 17, 2011

I'm trying to make my music directory, located on my Ubuntu box, available to all the windows clients (Windows 7, to be specific) located around the apartment. It seems to work fine, I can see and read from the shares from my windows box, but deleting files doesn't work, I just get a permission denied.I've tried being as lenient as I can in the smb.conf, as well as setting 777 on the affected files, nothing changes. I've read, from my various googling, that the octal file permissions aren't as important as the samba permissions. Okay fine, but how do I tell samba to ignore permissions and let everyone delete files? I've read that samba works with samba users, but again, I don't care about users, I just want a global share that anyone can connect to and read (and delete) files.

Here's my smb.conf file: http:[url]...As you can see, I've played around a bit with options, but I just can't seem to get anything to work.

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Networking :: Share Files Between Windows XP Machine And Ubuntu Server

Dec 9, 2010

I am trying to share files between my Windows XP machine and ubuntu server. I set up and configured samba following the instructions in the Online Ubuntu Server Guide. [URL] This is the abbreviated version of my smb.conf file here.

workgroup = HOME
server string = %h server
interfaces =,
# map to guest = Bad User


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Fedora Networking :: Network Share Files With Windows ?

Sep 1, 2011

I am trying to both access files shared by Windows machines on my network, and I also want to share files on my Fedora 15 box. In Nautilus, if I choose the 'Browse Network' option on the left toolbar, I am shown a Windows Network icon. If I try to double click this, I am given an "Unable to mount location" error. Does anyone know why this is and how to fix it? Further, where is the GNOME 3 option to right click and choose to share a folder? Both KDE 4.5/4.6 and older versions of GNOME (at least on Ubuntu) had this. Is there a way to share files this way, and if not, is there some workaround?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Files On Windows Based Router And Network?

Jun 14, 2010

I have a Linksys router configured via Windows 7 and have to other PC's using Ubunto, and would like to share folders on the 2 Linux boxes with the Windows Laptop. I can see the windows network through the Linux machines but not vice-versa. I also have a Konica 1400W printer connected to the Linux box but can't get the W7 laptop to find it.Sharing message box states I haven't installed the correct sharing packages, but cant find them

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static IP Address To Share Files With Windows Using Samba?

Aug 30, 2010

I seem to remember I could just use DHCP given addresses when sharing from Windows to Windows, and they'd keep sharing even when the IPs changed.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - Accessing Samba Shares From Applications?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a NAS running Samba. My Samba shares are accessed from a Windows computer, it works very well.

With the kubuntu 10.04 computer, things are different : I can see the Samba shares in Dolphin, and copy files to the local drive, but lots of applications don't allow me to open a file on a Samba share.

Some applications such as OpenOffice let me browse to the share but refuse to open the remote file

Some other applications don't let me browse to shares at all.

What's up with that ? Surely I'm not the only one wanting to access files on a NAS ? How do other people do it ?

PS I chose kubuntu 10.04 because the 10.10 install hangs, the "ui" workaround I saw here and there did not work, the only solution offered was to go back to 10.04

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Ubuntu :: Accessing Windows Files From A Wubi Installation?

Dec 28, 2010

I got the BSOD on Windows 7 and I was unable to fix it at all. But I had already installed Ubuntu on my computer a while ago with a wubi installation. I look and saw other form posts/ tutorials online and ever time I follow them the error I end up getting is hard drive already mounted. Is this because I am already on that hard drive by running Ubuntu or is it because of a bsod error. Also what will happen if I force unmount my hard drive? Basically I want my files from the windows portion so I can move them then too a portable hard drive and factory reset my whole computer.

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Ubuntu :: Windows 7 Won't Share Files?

Nov 7, 2010

Earlier this year I had probs getting Windows 7 to share files with Linux over a network. I uninstall Windows sign-in assistant and this worked.

Recently I installed Windows Live Essentials 2011 and all seems to have gone pear shaped because I can no longer share files with Ubuntu and Windows 7.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows Shares From 9.10?

Feb 16, 2010

i have 3 ubuntu machines running 9.10. All of them are running SMB so that the Windows machines can access the shares on the Ubuntu machines, but the ubuntu machines can not access shares on the Windows machines. When I click to connect to a windows machine ( all of them running XP), it says "connecting to COMPUTERNAME.." It never opens the computer, and it always comes back with an error saying that it failed to connect. I haven't been using ubuntu for very long, so im not as savvy with it as I am on windows. All windows machines can see all ubuntu shares, just not the other way around and I'd like it to be both.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Drive With SMB And Windows?

Aug 2, 2011

I'd like to setup a drive on my Ubuntu Server (10.04.2 LTS) so two laptops running Windows 7 can read/write to it via the local network.

Can Windows read/write to ext2/3/4, or do I need to format the drive as NTFS?

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Ubuntu :: Deleting Files On A Windows Share

Mar 17, 2010

I am connecting to a Windows 2003 server share from my Ubuntu 9.10 machine. This is not a problem & deleting normal files is fine. What I am actually trying to do is remove a virus from this server. If I have AV software running on the server it is constantly picking up the virus & eventually this kills the server. The AV software is unable to remove the virus on the server, but is able to on desktop machines.Anyway, I thought use Linux to do the job & get the AV software back on the server. No go. I get a permission denied error when trying to remove the files with rm -f "filename"Is there anyway around this? I am reluctant to start the server with the Ubuntu live CD as it is in use as a file server. If I could remove the files manually this would be good.

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Ubuntu :: Share Files With Windows Boxes?

Mar 5, 2011

I am having trouble sharing files between Ubu and Win boxes. We have seval boxes hooked up to the same router. XP and Vista boxes are part of the same workgroup (lets call it FOO). No domain. It is a simple home network. Each Win box has its own name. Win boxes can see each other (by clicking Network icon from control panel). Shared resources can be accessed by providing user name and password. Now I need to make Maverick box a part of the the same workgroup. All group members should be able to access Maverick's shared recourse by providing user name and password and vice versa.

I installed samba (is that what I need?), but couldn't get things working yet. Official docs aren't very clear. What is the server name and domain? Win boxes don't need any of that. I can just click network icon and go into any computer I want. What are the steps to setup Ubu box similarly? Samba docs say edit smb.conf file. I have 2 in my box :


Which one is for editing. Where do I put FOO (our work-group name)? How to set permissions?

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Ubuntu :: Burn Files To CD From A Windows Share?

Mar 28, 2011

Is there a way to use Nautilus (or another non-KDE based burning program) to burn files to CD which exist on a Windows share? Whenever I drag files into the Blank CD window, it says Error (Operation not supported by backend). I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Files In Dual Boot( 10.04 And Mint)?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a dual boot ( Ubuntu 10.04 and Linux Mint), but I spend most of my time in the Ubuntu 10.04 partition. The point is that I have a huge files in the Mint compartment and I would like to gain access to those files from my Ubuntu 10.04 partition. I have tried samba and could not get the file sharing system to work. I had used samba when I was dual booting between Ubuntu and Windows and it worked but not in my present Linux dual boot.

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Server :: Can't See Windows Share Files?

Mar 6, 2011

I can see linux share folders from windows,but not the windows share files from Linux.The windows pc name is jm-pc and the share file is temp. When the command nmblookup is used it discovers the Windows pc ok.

nmblookup jm-pc
querying jm-pc on jm-pc<00>

i created a folder /home/windows and ran the smbmount command

root[~]# smbmount \\jm-pc\temp /home/windows
mount error: could not resolve address for jm-pc: No address associated with hostname
No ip address specified and hostname not found

When i try to run smbclient,and enter the correct password that was created for samba(which is the same password as the Windows pc):


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General :: Share Files From Windows 7 To Ubuntu 10.4 With VirtualBox?

Sep 17, 2010

How to share files across Parent Operating system Windows 7 and Virtual Operating System Ubuntu Linux 10.4?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows Machine And Vice Versa?

Oct 11, 2010

I had a look through a tutorial video showing how to set up Samba, and the end result was the only shared file/folder showed up on Windows. I want a direct access to all the files and folders like you can do from Windows to Windows, by signing in the user account from another system. And likewise I want access to all Ubuntu files and folders of a user account through Windows.

how if it's possible with or without Samba.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Info For Accessing Shares On A Windows 7 Computer?

Dec 29, 2010

I just got my Ubuntu 10.10 laptop to finally be able to access my Windows 7 Professional's shares, and I'd like to share how I got it working. Whenever I would go to Places > Network on Ubuntu, and then double click on my Windows computer (sometimes after finding it in Windows Network > {workgroup name}), it would immediately bring up a box saying "Password required for {computer name}". My Windows password wouldn't work here, but I didn't even want to be asked for a password. In Windows, under Network and Sharing Center > Choose homegroup and sharing options > Change advanced sharing settings..., Turn off password protected sharing was already selected.

So, I eventually found out that samba (the program Linux uses to talk with Microsoft's SMB network share protocol) has a bug of sorts. The format of the SMB packets coming from a clean Windows 7 is known by samba. However, if you install Windows Live Sign-In Assistant (which is provided through Microsoft Update) on Windows 7, the packets coming from Windows 7 are modified, and samba can not handle this. A patch has been written for samba, but Ubuntu's repositories (which has samba version 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.1) does not yet have that patch.

Also, it seems Microsoft has stopped Windows Live Sign-In Assistant from appearing in Programs and Features. It doesn't appear even if you specifically download and install it separately. I did, however, notice that the installer calls itself Windows Live Essentials 2011. So I found that in Programs and Features, and uninstalled it. It asked which components I wanted to uninstall, and I selected all of them. Rebooted Windows, and now I can access the share no problem. I also grabbed the offending packet using Wireshark before and after that uninstall. The packet is indeed different. Specifically, without Windows Live Essentials 2011, there is no mechToken in the packet.

The current version of samba available is 3.5.6. I may try downloading and compiling that later, and see if it deals with the change that Windows Live Essentials 2011 makes OK. Also, it may be possible to get the share working without uninstalling every single Windows Live Essentials 2011 component. You may want to try that if you would like to keep a component.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows Vista - Dual Boot

Apr 3, 2011

Ubuntu and am dual booting it with Vista and I want to be able to access all my files from Vista whilst running Ubuntu. When I go on places, network, and click on windows network, I get a message saying 'Unable to mount location: failed to retrieve share list from server'.

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