Ubuntu Networking :: How To Login Over Internet To PC

Jun 22, 2010

setup Ubuntu. Both of us in the internet. Of couse both of us behind NAT. Of couse both of us doesnt have access to router. So is anywhere available instruction how i can join to his terminal session.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Enabling Non-internet LAN Makes Internet Over Wireless Stop Working

Sep 1, 2010

I am trying to connect my desktop to my laptop over a non-internet connected LAN, but when i enable the LAN connection on my desktop (the one with the wireless) its internet stops working.

it is a very similar problem to this except that i am using ubuntu for the machine with the two connections.

right now i have my wireless on the 192.168.1.* address space, while the LAN is to be on 192.168.5.*

note: my goal is not to share internet with my laptop, just be able to connect to it and the internet at the same time.

desktop: ubuntu 9.10 , wireless and LAN
laptop: windows xp, LAN only

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Ubuntu Networking :: Help Setting Up AP Internet Sharing With Android Teathered Internet

May 25, 2011

I'm trying to set up a wireless AP with Internet sharing. I currently have the AP setup with hostapd and a dhcp server. The clients can connect but there is not Internet sharing. Now my situation is somewhat uniqe in that my internet connection is my teathered android cell phone. The tether app is azilink and i use openvpn to create a virtual networking interface(tun0).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To The Internet As Per Normal And Use Any Internet Application?

Feb 1, 2010

On this box I have Two seperate Ubuntu installations. Recently in both I seem to be having the same problem. I initially can connect to the internet as per normal and use any internet application. But after a period of time, sometimes just minutes, sometimes hours, even though the icon says connected, I cant update pages or send emails etc because there is no actual connection. My Physical connection is good I know - My Ubuntu laptop and Windows gamming PC connect fine during this period. So

Does this suggest an intermittent hardware fault or is there some thing in Ubuntu I can check to make sure that it is setup correctly and nothing has been corrupted? I am a lay PC person - I dont really want to be command prompting - Plug & Play and Point & Click is my limit.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Wireless Connection - Connect To Internet

Oct 21, 2010

I tried to install Xubuntu 10.10 Maverick as dual boot on my laptop. However when xubuntu is on, I can't find a way to connect to internet. When I try the 2 arrows on the up-right corner the option for wireless is deemed. I tried offline/online, that did not work either. when I click the firefox It says you are not connected.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection - Run Playonlinux It Says You Do Not Seem To Be Connected To The Internet

May 1, 2011

I seem to have is trying to get the internet to work. I can go to ..... ect but when I try to run playonlinux it says you do not seem to be connected to the internet, please post if you have anything useful, as I said I am very new to linux so be as detailed as possible.

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Networking :: Active Directory Login Returning Me To Login Screen?

Oct 28, 2009

I've very new to linux, so please excuse my ignorance. I am trying to setup a number of servers to authenticate against my Windows Server 2003 active directory. I have successfully done this with one computer (Dell Optiplex 755), but I can?t seem to get it to work with my servers (Dell PowerEdge R710). I am using Fedora 11. I have setup samba and pam and have successfully joined the network. Everything with winbind seems to be working properly and I can get all the user info, etc. When I log in with a local account, everything is fine. If I try to log in with an account from my domain through SSH, I see the message Code:/usr/bin/xauth: creating new authority file /home/apkelley/.XauthorityAfter that, nothing happens and it is as if I haven?t connected to anything. If I try to log into the actual server using the graphical interface, it starts logging me in, shows a blank screen for about a second, and then returns to the login screen as if nothing has happened.I would greatly appreciate any suggestions for how I might fix this problem or how to find out more information about the error.Here are my smb.conf and system-auth files:



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Ubuntu :: No Internet Access After Desktop User Login?

Mar 28, 2011

My laptop is running Ubuntu 10.04. I have my own account (custom) and 1 desktop user account.

When I log in under my account and switch to the desktop user account, I can connect to the internet. However, if I start the laptop and log into the desktop user account first I get no internet connection and the same when I switch to my own (custom) account. What gives?

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Networking :: SSH - Can't Login Using Hostname Can Login Using Ip Address

Jan 26, 2009

I am having a problem logging into my remote gentoo (2.6.23) linux machine using my hostname from my Windows XP machine using cygwin. I can login using my ip address, but not the hostname.

This works:
$ ssh me@xxx.xxx.xx.xxx

This does NOT work:
$ ssh me@my_hostname
ssh: connect to host my_hostname port 22: Connection refused

I have verified that my hostname is indeed "my_hostname" on my linux machine by using the "hostname" command.

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General :: Any Server Available In Internet To Login Using Putty And Learn Commands?

Jan 29, 2011

I would like to learn basic linux commands and editors (eg : vi). Am using windows and it is difficult for me to install linux in ma laptop. So is there any free linux login servers available in internet so that I can login to server with putty and try using basic linux commands and editors.

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Networking :: Internet Did Not Connect To The Internet

Dec 2, 2010

When i boot my computer and open ubuntu version 10.04.1 the internet wireless connection i have connected automatically. Now, for one reason i don't know, the internet did not connect to the internet. The progam display a message to uncheck the checkmark in the File Menu. After doing this, i refresh the system but it still not connect.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use Internet Connection From LAN To Share Internet Connection Through Wireless?

Jan 9, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10, and I would like to use my computer to share the internet connection from an ethernet port. For example, I would like to set up my computer as a wireless access point so I can create a network that other computers can connect to for internet.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Dual Ethernet Networking - Lose Internet Connectivity?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a server with two ethernet ports. I configured eth0 to be static, set at I plugged in another router into the other ethernet port in order to configure that router. I configured eth1 to use dhcp. Using /etc/network/interfaces rather than gnome network manager. When I did this, I lost internet connectivity (internet routes through eth0 of course)

- Why did I lose internet connectivity?

In order to recover internet activity, I had to disconnect the new router on eth1 of course, and do sudo ifdown eth1. That wasn't enough however. After rebooting numerous times and pulling out my hair, I finally tried configuring eth0 as dhcp, rather than static, and this fixed the problem.

- Why didn't sudo ifdown eth1 solve the problem? What information was saved between reboots that somehow remembered that I plugged in the new router? Because my thinking was if /etc/network/interfaces was identical, and the network topology was identical, after a reboot everything should be restored, but it wasn't.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Icon Said Networking Disabled But Internet Is Working

Oct 10, 2010

I can't upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 because it said that there's a problem with my network connection. When there's none, since I am typing this now.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Networking - Connection Works But No Internet

Jun 1, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 desktop on my desktop in dual boot with Windows 7.

Heres my problem, I am unable to connect to the Internet even though my wired Ethernet connection says it is connected normally. The wierd thing about this is that I also have a wireless card in my desktop and when I connect through that I am able to connect to the Internet. I am connecting to a router that is functioning as a repeater to my main router/cable modem. I have tried to solve this myself but am having no luck. Ironically, earlier today suddenly my ethernet connection worked for a few minutes without me modifying anything.

The output of some terminal commands are below.




However a pint to that ip address (my router) is successful.


Hosts.allow and hosts.deny are both fine (not blank but no entries)

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Disable Internet / Networking Capabilities

Jan 10, 2010

I suffer enormously from net addiction (as well as gaming addiction and related behavioural maladies).I've had revelatory success in controlling my time online-and, in general, in front of a screen with unproductive applications- by locking my monitor's power cord into an Ems PowerCop (the key to which I keep at work). Writing and journaling, I do on an AlphaSmart Neo. However, I could really use a tool to allow me to edit and typeset my writing (and only those tasks).I'm considering buying an ultra-low cost net-book.I want a netbook because it's the cheapest way to keep the display power fully dependent and integrated with the machine---I can't have something that will allow a simple means of working around the Ems PowerCop. Also, since it lacks an optical disk drive (and since I'll be keeping my usb drives at work) there will not be an easy way to reinstall the operating system. However, before I buy anything, I need to know that, after installing/configuring all of my preferred settings for vim and La/Xetex, there is a way that I can cripple the netbook and all of its applications so that no internet access is possible.

The Cherrypal Africa can come with either Ubuntu, Debian, or its own Linux blend, Green Maraschino. If it ends up being either Ubuntu or Debian, what can I do that will irreversibly (at least, from a software level---a hardware level would probably require damaging the usb ports, which I don't want to do) disable its ability to try to communicate with the internet (including the software repositories)? I'm hoping for a particular system file that I can delete rather than the addition of a command somewhere that would be easy for me to undo when I'm bored out of my mind and want to see what Wikipedia has to say about the glycemic index.

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Fedora Networking :: Wired Networking Not Connecting In 12 With Windows Internet Connection Sharing?

Jan 16, 2011

I just want to use Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) to connect to the internet. I have done a massive amount of troubleshooting, but some of it seems to contradict itself, and the only two things that I know for sure are that it used to work, and that my Ethernet cable is not the problem. When I use Terminal utilities like ifup and dhclient it seems that it can not determine IP information, but when I try to put it in manually, the "Apply" button grays out right after I finish typing it in. When I try to connect normally, in KDE or GNOME, the icon acts like it's connecting, then instead of having the connected icon, I receive a notification that "the network has been disconnected", and it goes back to the disconnected icon.

Oh, and by the way, I know that I could probably find a workaround, but I have limited resources, and this used to work. The Linux is a Dell desktop with Fedora 12 and the Windows is a Windows 7 HP laptop.EDIT: I hope that I didn't mess something up, but I accidentally used system-network-config to try putting in the IP address there, and ended up changing it back to the original settings, but the computer is now calling it Auto Ethernet in the taskbar icon, although sudo iwconfig in the terminal still calls it eth0.

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Fedora Networking :: Networking - Connect To The Internet Using BSNL Broadband Connection

Mar 6, 2010

I have installed fedora 12 recently. after installation i tried to connect to the internet using BSNL broadband connection. I filled in the details such as IP, Netmask, Gateway and even DNS servers. In the services also I ensured that the network manager services is on. However even though my computer cannot connect to the internet. I then tried the ping test of the modem from the address and found that the ping test is successful. Then i tried the network administrator and there I noticed something unusual.

There are two options in the devices eth0 and eth1 thats ok but the unusual; thing is that the Activate (green button), Deactivate (red button) and even the delete buttons are in the background and I cannot select them. Isthis the problem for the network connectivity.


I then tried the ping test of the modem from the address and found that the ping test is successful. Then i tried the network administrator and there I noticed something unusual. There are two options in the devices eth0 and eth1 thats ok but the unusual; thing is that the Activate (green button), Deactivate (red button) and even the delete buttons are in the background and I cannot select them. Isthis the problem for the network connectivity.

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Networking :: Get Internet Access On Desktop Computer Through Networking?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm not really a newbee in Linux but I am a newbee in networking. I have both a Ubuntu laptop and a Gentoo desktop computer. I have just bought me the MBR1000 Cradlepoint router and it works great with my Verizon USB 760 modem plugged in it. I can now send and receive email on my Ubuntu laptop. I like it.My Gentoo desktop computer is just sitting there with no Internet access because my Verizon modem is no longer plugged into it but plugged into the router instead. Only my laptop now has Internet access. The laptop has an integrated wireless card built in the MB but my desktop has no such capability.

Is there a way (besides buying a wi-fi adapter) to get Internet access on my desktop computer through networking so that the router would give both computers Internet access at the same? My Gentoo desktop does have an ethernet adapter that perhaps I could useThe router has several LAN ports and one WAN port, both unused.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - How To Automount NAS On Login

May 3, 2010

This computer is a little netbook that I haul around with me. it's running ubuntu 9.10. In the office, I have a NAS networked on a Windows network. I can access the filesystem in Nautilus using Samba. I'm connecting to the network wirelessly, at wlan0.The folder I want to access shows in Nautilus as

And in Terminal it shows as:
jackelliott@TheJackUbuntuNetbook:~$ ls .gvfs
storage central on diskstation

How can I set ubuntu up so that when it has connected to the office network it also automounts that Windows share?

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Ubuntu Networking :: XRDP - Can Login Only Once

Sep 19, 2010

I was looking for good way to remote login into my computer. VNC wasn't good because it causes problem to run before logging into gnome. XRDP haven't got such problems, BUT i can login only once. I mean, that after rebooting computer and login remotely via rdp, and logging off on remote session, i cannot log in again. Client application stucks on message "sending info to sesman".

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Keeps Going Off And On?

Aug 7, 2010

I got a HP netbook. Every time I turn on the computer, for a brief maybe 3 minutes the internet works. Then after that for some reason it turns off. I have no idea what to do and it took 4 hours to get the wireless to work, but to my dismay it keeps turning off after 4 min! It can find the router and the network, but it won't connect again after 4 min.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet In 10.10?

Nov 2, 2010

I have also encountered a similar version of this problem. After upgrading from 9.10 (using a disk install, not via update manager), I lost my connection to my local network (as well as internet). All other devices attached to my local network have access to both internet and to the other devices on the local network, except for my Ubuntu 10.10 computer.

According to my router, the Ubuntu 10.10-computer is attached and has been assigned an ip-address. However, it is not possible to successfully ping from my 10.10-computer or to it. From the computer I can ping "localhost" but fails!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't SSH From Internet, Can From LAN

Mar 12, 2011

I'm a novice linux user. I have a computer at home running Ubuntu 9.10. I would like to be able to connect to it with SSH when I am away from home.From another computer at home, I can connect using

ssh user@
but I cannot connect using


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wlan0 Will Not Autostart Upon Login

Jun 14, 2010

Toshiba Satellite A505D-S6958
Wireless: Realtek 8192e
Ubuntu 10.04, x86


I was using ndsiwrapper with XP driver, but always prefer to Linux drivers if they are available. So, I emailed Realtek web support and they sent me latest drivers for Ubuntu 10.04. I followed their instructions and it works great! With, the exception of, I have to run ./wlan0up each time after I login to start the wireless.

I seem to remember having to modify a file some place, which was very easy to do, but for the life of me I cannot seem to remember what it was or what to put into it? and also, how do you tell if your wireless card is making use of the "n" speed, if the network your are on has it available?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Can't Login To Windows Seven

Jul 1, 2010

I've got two computer :

- My laptop, with Ubuntu 10.04
- My PC, with Windows Seven

When I try to access my shared files ON my PC FROM my laptop, Samba ask for a password. I typed my Windows Seven login/password, pressed OK... and again, Samba asked for the password. I thought the problem came from Windows Seven, not allowing remote access from a local user account... I tried to allow anonymous access on my PC, but it didn't help...

But then, I learned I could also mount my shared files by adding a line in /etc/fstab :

// /media/KynePC smbfs credentials=/etc/samba/cred-file,rw 0 0

In the cred-file, I put the exact same login and password then before... and bingo, it works.

But the problem is not fully resolved, as I can only browse files from the "mounted shortcut". I can't use my remote printer anymore, or access any external HD that I share on my PC So I really need to get samba working.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Setup The Network Before Login

Aug 23, 2010

I was wondering if there was some "clean / easy / official" way to enable networking during boot up and before a user logs in, other than editing /etc/network/interfaces by hand? Could be useful when away and in need of rebooting and still be able to access the computer, etc. I wouldn't mind doing it by CLI but just wondering if there is a GUI / simpler solution.(On Ubuntu 10.04.1)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Vpn - No Other Addresses Can Be Accessed Before Login

Jan 28, 2011

In order to get internet access at my school I have to log into a vpn. No other addresses can be accessed before login. With XP the login is authenticated through the browser (IE and Firefox supported) and run by a juniper network connect applet.

Now when I try to do this in firefox in Ubuntu it tells me that I'm not allowed to login. So I started doing a little research and found out that I should be able to authenticate with VPNC. Trouble is I can't get internet to install anything. Which means I have to download the packages in XP and reboot into Ubuntu. And every time I hit a snag I have to reboot into XP to look up what I need to do. So what I'm wondering is if there is some work around that will get me logged in (maybe through the browser authentication?) so that I can work through issues in one os instead of two?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Login In Windows Domain?

Jul 21, 2011

With Kerberos it's possible to join and login in Windows domain. The easiest way to do is this or I think so...

When installing likewise-open, it installs Kerberos also. I have no idea what are those realms and other stuff. There's some guides (also by Microsoft!), but it's gibberish for me. My native language isn't English, so half of those words go in one ear and out from the other.

I'm running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1 and I'm able to join the domain with my Windows clients. Now I want to join with Ubuntu but I have no idea what to do.

Like what's FQDN how to find out domain's FQDN Whats Kerberos realm and what it should contain how to install Kerberos correctly and so on

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Ubuntu Networking :: WiFi Web Based Login

Sep 1, 2011

I need to connect to a WiFI hotspot using web based login let me explain the steps that I follow to get connected in Windows and please let me know the steps to be followed in Ubuntu.

Steps that I follow in Windows

Step1: Scan for wireless network

Step2: Connect to the wireless network of my interest (unencrypted). At this point I am connected to the wireless network.

Step3: Open browser and type some website I am redirected or in some browsers need to click the warning to go to the NAC server and enter my login and paswword.

After successful login I can start browsing the Internet.Please let me know the steps to be followed in Ubuntu(scripts or CLI appreciated since I use Ratpoison).

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