Ubuntu Networking :: Get BCM4321 To Work With N Speeds

Dec 27, 2010

I have a BCM4321 and have not been able to get it to connect at N speeds, but finally got it working with broadcoms drivers from their site. The drivers in jockey would only get me b/g speed not n. Quote:Originally Posted by lshw -c network


here is a small script that I wrote to assist others in getting it installed and working. First download the drivers from [URL]... then copy this into a script: compile.sh


if the kernel changes then you will have to do this again. if you don't want that hassel and don't mind staying on your current kernel then lock it in the package manager.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get Ndiswrapper And Broadcom BCM4321 To Work?

Apr 6, 2011

I've been using Ubuntu for months now, and love it except for the fact that I'm getting poor speeds while using wireless.

For a little background information: I have a Dell XPS m1530 with a Broadcom BCM4321 wireless card.

I've used the 32-bit version and can't get ndiswrapper to work. It will say invalid driver or something.

When using the 64-bit version, my wireless card's native windows driver will install and it says "Hardware Present", but the wi-fi isn't activated at all.

I've followed the guide found here:
and have also tried this person's solution:

However, nothing works. Despite the fact that ndiswrapper shows that my driver is installed, the wireless doesn't work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: BCM4321 And Wl Driver Causes Lockups?

Sep 1, 2011

I've tried searching all over the place, and I'm drowning in outdated and contradictory information. I have a brand new Netgear WiFi PCI adapter. The exact model is "WN311B-100NAS N300" The related output of lspci is


03:06.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4321 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)
lsmod returns:


Module Size Used by
lib80211_crypt_tkip 17387 0
wl 2568244 0
lib80211 14991 2 lib80211_crypt_tkip,wl


So, I know it's using the BCM4321 chipset and wl driver. Ubuntu detected this card without any trouble, and I was able to use the "Additional Drivers" application to get it running before disconnecting my ethernet.

The card works well, and is very stable until I try to download a file larger than a few MB, or try to play a video stored on my home network. As soon as I try either of those, my computer locks up hard. No error messages. Just a hard lockup that I can't get out of with anything short of holding down the power button on my case until it cuts the power supply.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Make On Broadcom WIFI BCM4321 Drivers - Receiving Some Errors?

Nov 7, 2010

I still try update my broadcom drivers, because when I try use airodump-ng i receive error.

This error:

Interface Chipset Driver

eth1 Unknown wl (monitor mode enabled)[code]....

I dont know why receive this error WARNING: modpost: missing MODULE_LICENSE() in /home/mobile/Desktop/wdriver/wl.o
see include/linux/module.h for more information

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Get Speeds Over 60kb

Jul 15, 2010

I am new to Linux and have recently dropped Windows 7 (and windows all together for that matter) for Ubuntu 10.04.I love the look and feel of Linux and enjoy using it more over Windows. Despite this I am experiencing a serious problem which may cause me to revert back to Windows 7.I have a USB 3G modem: ZTE MF622 on the KKTCELL network.I have got this modem to work with wvdial and Gnome PPP, however i cannot get speeds over 60kb, Windows gives me well over 200kb.

I have tried a number of things but nothing has worked, it seems that no-one has posted a solution to this annoying conundrum.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Internet Speeds

Apr 10, 2010

I'm finding that the internet speed in Ubuntu 10.04 is over twice as slow as the speeds that I am getting in Windows 7.I've tried disabling IPv6 through Grub and Firefox but it didn't really help much.. anything else I can try?Connecting through wireless at 54 Mbps.

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Ubuntu Networking :: SLOW Wireless Speeds

May 15, 2011

I'm using a Netgear WN11v2 wireless USB card, which I've read some people can't even get working with the default Ubuntu wireless driver. It works for me, but it disconnects fairly often, and download speeds are extremely slow, like 12-15 kB/s. I have broadband, and am running Ubuntu 11.04.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Low Gigabit Speeds In Karmic 9.10 AMD64

Feb 26, 2010

I have a HP DC-7600 with the built-in nic [3f:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5752 Gigabit Ethe


This was the best optimisation I could get, I did follow the NFS HOWTO. Copying from my PC does not exceed 120Mbits/s (System Monitor). My PC nic does not support jumbo frames. I'm looking for any assistance to improve my network speed. My PC has 4GB RAM. I copied 74GB of average sized files between 4MB to 12MB (uh ... compressed audio) and it took 155 mins using tar:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Download Speeds Drop Constantly

Mar 12, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 on a Dell inspiron 1520 with intel 3945abg wireless card. I am fairly new to linux and just installed it earlier in the day. Everything so far has been easy to setup and get running as well as the networking or so i though...

I can connect to my network and browse we pages just fine. However, when I download a file the speed starts high, drops down to around 50kbps and then works its way back up to around 1.3 mbps before dropping right back down. I tested a file on megaupload and it seems to bounce between 50kbps and 1.5mbps nonstop.

The driver i believe is the iwl3945 if that is the default driver. I have tried disabling ipv6 and that didnt seem to change anything. I've looked around on google and the forums and havent been able to find anything on how to fix this.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Very Slow Connection Speeds But Okay On Win7

Apr 5, 2010

I am currently staying on a university campus in Taiwan. Internet on Ubuntu Lucid 64bit here is often painfully slow, except for connections to Taiwanese websites. I dual boot with Windows 7, and there is no problem there. For instance, I downloaded the same piece of software (Spideroak) on both Win and Ubuntu, with Ubuntu I had to try repeatedly as the download would not complete, and in the end it took several hours to download. On W7, it took 10 minutes. What is Windows and Ubuntu doing differently?

I tried disabling ipv6 for this session by running sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1, as a number of posts mention improving connection speed that way, but no effect.

I know that websites from Taiwan are working well, because I am getting my Ubuntu updates from a Taiwanese mirror: updates are fast, except for packages in the 'partner' repos (presumably not loaded from the mirror) which take hours to load, if at all. I don't want to depend on Windows for large downloads... (I don't want to depend on Windows for anything).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow WiFi Internet Speeds

May 12, 2010

I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 and I'm having problems with internet speeds on wifi. I have tried the two available networks on my university campus and both of them are very slow with 10.04. I'm not having problems with Windows 7 running on these networks. Although, the wired network works perfectly fine, with normal speeds. I've looked around for help but I could not find anything specific to this problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Transfer Speeds From 10.04 To XP Share

Aug 4, 2010

I've just managed to access my windows share from Ubuntu but am now getting write speeds (to xp share) of only 9MB/s over my wired network, anyone have any ideas as to why this may be? I've googled but can find no specific answer.

My NIC is:
Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5784M Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 10)
(from lspci) on a Dell studio 1737)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Tweaking For Optimal Connection Speeds?

Oct 29, 2010

I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to get the best speeds possible. I pay for 16mb/s connection (with charter) and I was getting about 4mb/s. After upgrading firmware, and changing some encryption settings on my router, that went up to about 6mb/s. It's improvement, and I'm happy with that, but I'm looking for that 10 more mb/s

So, is there anything in Ubuntu to tweak to optimize connection speeds? Also, if it affects anything, I'm using a linksys WRT320N router. I was going to use the 5.0ghz band, but my wireless adapter is an 802.11gb, so I'm stuck with 2.4.

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Networking :: Ubuntu - Significantly Slower Downloads Speeds?

May 6, 2009

I used www.speedtest.net to test my download through firefox first on vista and then on Ubuntu (9.04) - it is a dual boot machine.

Whilst I get between 18 and 19 mbs on Vista I only get 4.5 on Ubuntu - how do I fix this - is it an issue with my ethernet drivers or my setup?

I am on a 20mbs cable modem - I connect via an ethernet cable to a router - which obviously connects to the cable modem.

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Networking :: Get Speeds Closer To 1000Mb/s?

Apr 4, 2010

First of all I have two Gentoo Linux computers. These computer both have Ethernet ports that support 1000MB/s speeds. Here is the ethtool report for both of the cards.


Link detected: yes I have a Cat6 cable connecting the two computers together for direct file backup. Now when I run iperf to check my speeds, I get the following:


My question is why is this so slow and how do I get my speeds closer to 1000Mb/s?

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Networking :: Throttled Download Speeds

Apr 19, 2011

I have had a fairly perplexing problem with my Lubuntu Maverick installation on my laptop for the past few weeks. My laptop is connected to a DSL-based LAN via 100mbps Ethernet - pretty typical. Usually, the download speed from most websites tends to be around 340-350kb/s. However, its Ethernet connection seems to be having some strange hiccups. The speed starts out at normal ranges, but after about 5-10 minutes of internet use through any means (be it loading normal web pages, streaming video, downloading a file via a browser, or even other uses such as downloading a torrent using Transmission, or even a command line application such as apt, aptitude or wget, etc), the speed suddenly drops to around 40kb/s and will not raise again.

Once this happens, the drop is seen across the board. Again, once it happens, the speed of everything that accesses the internet is affected. Web pages load slowly, all downloads will only operate at a maximum of 40kb/s, whether it is from any browser, or wget in a terminal. The speed stayed slow until I restarted, which would give me another 5-10 minutes. My troubleshooting attempts yielded some very strange results, which I will relate here:.......

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Transfer Speeds And Connection Losing

May 24, 2010

My wireless network is giving me a fit. Slow transfer speeds and then I lose connection and have to reboot.

greg@greg-computer:~$ /sbin/ifconfig
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:92 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:92 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:10214 (10.2 KB) TX bytes:10214 (10.2 KB)

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:16:b6:5a:9c:a5
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::216:b6ff:fe5a:9ca5/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:13085 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:9600 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:15268450 (15.2 MB) TX bytes:2704035 (2.7 MB)

wmaster0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-16-B6-5A-9C-A5-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
RX packets: 0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets: 0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes: 0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

greg@greg-computer:~$ netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface U 0 0 0 wlan0 U 0 0 0 wlan0 UG 0 0 0 wlan0
greg@greg-computer:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Download Speeds And Isn't Connecting To The Internet

Aug 27, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu for a while (though I would not consider myself an "expert") and have just gone back to school. I live on campus and connect to the network through an ethernet cord. On Windows, the download speed is 1 Mb/s by default, but if you go through and configure the network card (turning off the auto-negotiation and setting the speed to 10, duplex full) the download speed will increase to 10 Mb/s, a considerable difference. So, I tried to do this in Ubuntu by opening the terminal and typing the following:

sudo ethtool -s eth0 autoneg off speed 10 duplex full and all of a sudden, my computer isn't connecting to the internet. When I type: sudo ethtool -s eth0 autoneg on it suddenly starts working again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: TL-WNL951N Ath9k Not Working At Wireless N Speeds

Jan 10, 2011

I've recently purchased a TP-WNL951N PCI Card for wireless N stuff. I have a Netgear WNDR3700 for use with my AP and I've confirmed that within windows XP I can connect at 300mb/s.

Within Ubuntu though, it only goes up to 54mb/s. Is there something special I need to do to enable wireless N speeds?

Here's some info that I should probably put in:

root@Linux:~# lspci -nn | grep Atheros
05:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5008 Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0023] (rev 01)
root@Linux:~# ifconfig wlan0


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Ubuntu Networking :: Apache Throttle Upload 'and' Download Speeds?

Aug 9, 2011

I have installed libapache2-mod-bw and it works great to throttle download speeds to the clients (i.e. - the bandwidth out of the server can be controlled just peachy).However, I need to limit the bandwidth *into* the server from specific networks because my WAN links are tiny and do not have QoS or shaping of any sort (I know, I know - contracts in place - will be fixed in November - not my design).I know that there are ways to throttle this at the interface level (e.g. - wondershaper) but I'd like to allow full bandwidth to the clients that are connected locally. The server in question is for web file transfers (under apache2 on 443) and expected file sizes are up to 2GB so a per-network limit would prove helpful.

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Networking :: Gigabit Card With 100Mbits Speeds?

Mar 3, 2011

From what I can see in mii-tool I should be getting 1000Mbit link but when I transfer files I only get 100mpbs?

morrow:~# mii-tool
eth0: no link
eth1: no link
eth2: negotiated 1000baseT-HD flow-control, link ok
eth3: negotiated 1000baseT-HD flow-control, link ok
morrow:~# lshw -C Network
*-network:0 .....

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Networking :: Netgear GA311 Not At Gigabit Speeds / Get It Up?

Apr 3, 2010

My kernal version is

I'm running Fedora 12.

It auto-detected the card, but it's only operating at 100mb/s. It's connected to a gigabit switch. The driver auto-installed for the card is r8169. How do i get it up to the speed is should be at? Its kinda why i bought it...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Variable Download Speeds, Faulty Wifi Card?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm having a variety of problems getting a new PC working properly, getting a reliable wifi connection is one of them. Earlier today I upgraded to 10.10 using my wife's account and download speeds were frequently at a reasonable 800kbps at times. This evening my son complains about the slow speed and a test shows 133kbps download with 616kbps upload. My own PC connected by wire to the router works OK.

A couple of days ago this problem seemed resolved when I installed Wicd but didn't configure it. I thought Network-Manager would have been removed but was still present. However, a downloads test showed 6Mbps. After today's upgrade slow downloads have returned.

I'm currently using this PC with a wifi link to the router and am connected to the Forum. If I hover the mouse pointer over the N-M toolbar symbol a window opens saying-

Wireless network connection 'Auto MYESSID'active:MYESSID(67%) If I right mouse click on the N-M symbol and select Edit connection... the wireless window reports that I was last connected 3 days ago. My own PC's wired connection window says against Auto eth0 that I've never used this. Both these are untrue. I wondered if having a hidden ESSID doesn't help? I'm left thinking that the rt2500 based wifi card needs replacing. We're some distance from other houses.

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Networking :: Extremely Slow Upload Speeds On Network

Nov 16, 2010

Trying to watch movies between my systems and I'm getting upload speeds of 6.5 kb/s from my system to the one connected to the tv. I'm running Ubuntu on both machines, tried with VLC and XBMC. Both are running wirelessly but I know that this issue is new, I used to get at least a meg a second on LAN.

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Networking :: Sysctl.conf Settings For Best Internet Connection Speeds?

Mar 7, 2011

Last week I attempted to get "up to speed" with my Comcast cable connection... Ubuntu 9.10, Dell Vostro 400 desktop, Firefox 3.6.13... Comcast says I should have 12 Mbps connection... if I get 1.0 Mbps, I'm doing good... they just tested everything, and said everything is fine on their end. They use [URL] and connects to a server in Chicago, 60 miles away. That gets fantastic speeds, and it's a durn shame the internet doesn't store all its files there!! I use [URL] for my tests, and it uses a server in Dallas TX.

I go to my girlfriends house, and her AT&T DSL line has d/l speeds of 4.5 Mbps or better!!! She's running XP Pro on a Dell machine. So, started digging on the web and thru the forums, and found this:


But, like ALL too many things, it's dated... it's from 2008... I've set my settings to what is there, and disabled ipv6 in Firefox. Hey, now, I'm sometimes up to 1.4 Mbps!! Also found this, but no date...


Reading forums, I see that folks have said there is a network connection problem with 9.10... and then I see that others are saying the same thing about 10.04 and 10.10!! I have 10.10 on my laptop and had to fight to get its Atheos card to be recognized. Running some tests [URL] gives me weird results: Download 2.64 Mbps, Upload 4.12 Mbps. NOT what it should be. Similar results from testmy.net.

Dunno exactly what info is needed... Speedguide.net gives me results below, but I've tried changing numbers (says my RWIN is low) and nothing changes:

TCP options string = 020405b40402080adf1dca100000000001030306
MTU = 1500
MTU is fully optimized for broadband.


So, today, find, once again, that I'm d'ling in the range of 90/KB/s (719 Kbps)... disgustingly slow. I go on my HP laptop and run the test, and it says 1.6 Mbps. So, desktop directly connected to router is not even 1 Mbps, and wireless connection is faster? Neither of which is close to what I should be getting...

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Fedora Networking :: Improve Internet Speeds - ISP Limited Connection Speed

Jul 5, 2010

Is there a way by which i can improve my Internet speed. I have a 100Mbps connection but the download speed is only 100kbps. I know that my ISP has limited by connection speed, but i am curious to try as to how i can get the maximum speed.

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Fedora Networking :: O2 Mobile Broadband (Huawei E169 HSDPA) - Internet Loads At The GPRS Speeds Max Of 5kb/s

Dec 26, 2009

I have a little bit of a prediciment with my Mobile Broadband dongle, even though I know I'm in a 3G area (Dongle Supports 3G connection) my internet still loads at the normal GPRS speeds max of 5kb/s. Is there anyway to change the speed of it or do I have to keep with GPRS at the moment?

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Ubuntu :: Q9300 CPU - Speeds 2.0 GHz And 2.33 Only?

May 7, 2010

problem is that no lower speeds available and ondemand do not work it always stays at 2 GHz even when maxing out all 4 cpu-s with something like Blender render for example?

10.04 on P35-DS3L motherb, CPU Q9300, mem 2GB.

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Ubuntu :: Fan Speeds In Gkrellm Not Selectable

Apr 28, 2010

I can't get Gkrellm to show my fan speeds anymore since reinstalling Ubuntu.I have tried 9.10 and 10.04 and tried installing packages to maybe get the drop down to show up for fan speed but still nothing.I have installed Xsensors and that shows fan speeds correctly but I want to show them in Gkrellm like I used to have. Now every other temp gauge is working like it used to but the fan speed monitor.

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Ubuntu :: Very Slow Download Speeds

Jun 29, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and my internet works fine except for my download speeds. In Windows, downloading the same file, it downloads at around 200kb/s but in Ubuntu, it hovers around 20kb/s and never tops 50kb/s. Any idea how I can fix this because I really don't want to go back to Windows but I may have to.

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