Ubuntu :: Q9300 CPU - Speeds 2.0 GHz And 2.33 Only?

May 7, 2010

problem is that no lower speeds available and ondemand do not work it always stays at 2 GHz even when maxing out all 4 cpu-s with something like Blender render for example?

10.04 on P35-DS3L motherb, CPU Q9300, mem 2GB.

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Ubuntu :: Fan Speeds In Gkrellm Not Selectable

Apr 28, 2010

I can't get Gkrellm to show my fan speeds anymore since reinstalling Ubuntu.I have tried 9.10 and 10.04 and tried installing packages to maybe get the drop down to show up for fan speed but still nothing.I have installed Xsensors and that shows fan speeds correctly but I want to show them in Gkrellm like I used to have. Now every other temp gauge is working like it used to but the fan speed monitor.

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Ubuntu :: Very Slow Download Speeds

Jun 29, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and my internet works fine except for my download speeds. In Windows, downloading the same file, it downloads at around 200kb/s but in Ubuntu, it hovers around 20kb/s and never tops 50kb/s. Any idea how I can fix this because I really don't want to go back to Windows but I may have to.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Get Speeds Over 60kb

Jul 15, 2010

I am new to Linux and have recently dropped Windows 7 (and windows all together for that matter) for Ubuntu 10.04.I love the look and feel of Linux and enjoy using it more over Windows. Despite this I am experiencing a serious problem which may cause me to revert back to Windows 7.I have a USB 3G modem: ZTE MF622 on the KKTCELL network.I have got this modem to work with wvdial and Gnome PPP, however i cannot get speeds over 60kb, Windows gives me well over 200kb.

I have tried a number of things but nothing has worked, it seems that no-one has posted a solution to this annoying conundrum.

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Ubuntu :: Contradictory Download Speeds

Sep 1, 2010

I'm currently downloading some files using wget. According to wget, the download speed is 40-45K/s. But according to the System Monitor, I'm downloading at a rate of 80-100KiB/s. What can explain this contradiction in download speeds? I'm not downloading updates or anything like that: wget, so far as I can tell, is the only downloading.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Fan Speeds On Dual GTX 480

Sep 3, 2010

I am running 2 gtx 480 gpu's. I got the fan to overclock on one of them by using "Option" "Coolbits" "5". But adding that to the second device section in xorg.conf doesn't produce any results in nvidia-settings. Would anyone be willing to post their xorg.conf if they have got this working?

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Ubuntu :: Optimize Boot Speeds?

May 3, 2011

Unfortunately my ubuntu installation wakes 31 seconds to get to the boot screen, almost identical to my windows 7 partition. I've already configured grub to my needs, so reducing the counter has already been done, but I have no idea what else to do for my boot speeds when it comes to ubuntu. If anything I can live with these times, but it would be very nice to have it boot at lightning speeds I may even buy a SSD when I get the money.

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Ubuntu :: Normal Boot Up Speeds ?

May 14, 2011

Recently I upgraded to 11.04 and I noticed the start up speed is much slower than when it was at version 10.

Back when I was running version 10 (10.04 and 10.10) I was running Ubuntu under Windows using wubi and my start up speed was about 9 seconds.

I no longer use Windows and have removed it, and now my boot speed is somewhere between 30 to 45 seconds.

Is this normal for a native Ubuntu installation? Or is 11.04 still buggy?

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Ubuntu :: Download Speeds Very Slow?

Jun 28, 2011

Hey guys, I got a new laptop, so I installed ubuntu 11 on my old laptop. And I have noticed the download speeds have been extremely slow.I have only been getting speeds around 20-60 kbs/sec before I installed ubuntu when it was running windows 7, I was getting around 100-300 kbs/sec. I know its not my internet, because my new laptop runnings windows 7 gets about 250-300.Any suggestions? Its not just in chrome or firefox, its especially slow when downloading packages.

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Ubuntu :: How To Increase Torrent Download Speeds

Jan 10, 2010

Is there any way to tweak the torrent download speeds in ubuntu? i remember doing lots of things in utorrent when i was using windows. Like increasing max half open connections!! is there any equivalent settings for ubuntu? I am using qbittorrent as a torrent client.

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Ubuntu :: Lm-sensors Doesn't Show Fan Speeds

Mar 12, 2010

I'm running ubuntu 9.10 64 bit on a Dell Latitude E6400 with the following configuration:

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8700 @ 2.53GHz, 3MB L2 Cache 1066 MHz
Intel Graphics Media Accelerator x4500HD
250 GB Hard Drive SATA 7200RPM

I'm experiencing overheating problems, after just 15-20 minutes of minimal use (surfing the internet, not even watching flash vids or any other vids). The same laptop under Windows 7 64 bit stayed really cool.

I've read several posts here and followed this manual: [URL] to try to control the fans (I only installed the lm-sensors and ran the sensors command, I didn't do anything beyond that). Specifically what I did was install lm-sensors (via apt-get), ran sensors-detect which advised me to add the coretemp module to /etc/modules, which I did.

However when running sensors the only information I get is the overall temperature and the temperature of each of the cores.

why I'm not getting fan speed info when running sensors? Also is there a way to find out if more modules needs to be added to /etc/modules?

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Ubuntu :: External SATA Transfer Speeds?

Mar 26, 2010

I just bought a 1Tb hdd and reformatted to FAT32 it is connected via eSATA to SATA cable.At first I transfered music that initially was getting speeds over 100mb/s (according to nautilus) after about a minute it started to dwindle. Now most files will range somewhere between 8-20mb/s although I've only seen a couple go beyond.i edited hdparm.conf to enable DMAHere is the output of hdparm -Tt for both internal(sda) and external(sdb) hardrives.

Timing cached reads: 14872 MB in 2.00 seconds = 7444.68 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 372 MB in 3.00 seconds = 123.91 MB/sec[code]....

What is the issue this output leads me to believe that I should be getting the same speed I once got.I'm running Intel Core 2 duo at 3.00, ASUS P5Q (enabled AHCI) and 4gb ram 12gb linux swap. Also Karmic 9.10

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Internet Speeds

Apr 10, 2010

I'm finding that the internet speed in Ubuntu 10.04 is over twice as slow as the speeds that I am getting in Windows 7.I've tried disabling IPv6 through Grub and Firefox but it didn't really help much.. anything else I can try?Connecting through wireless at 54 Mbps.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid And Jaunty - Different Processing Speeds?

Jun 27, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu Lucid an my Celeron 2.4 Ghz laptop but for some reason I find it slower than Ubuntu Jaunty which is on my Pentium 4 3.00Ghz desktop (especially Gdebi Package Installer. Could this be because of the different processing speeds of the processors, or just Ubuntu 10.04 or because Jaunty has been updated so many times and Lucid is still quite new. It is not just slower, much slower.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get BCM4321 To Work With N Speeds

Dec 27, 2010

I have a BCM4321 and have not been able to get it to connect at N speeds, but finally got it working with broadcoms drivers from their site. The drivers in jockey would only get me b/g speed not n. Quote:Originally Posted by lshw -c network


here is a small script that I wrote to assist others in getting it installed and working. First download the drivers from [URL]... then copy this into a script: compile.sh


if the kernel changes then you will have to do this again. if you don't want that hassel and don't mind staying on your current kernel then lock it in the package manager.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Slow Download Speeds From 10.10 32 Bit?

Mar 13, 2011

Whenever a client tries to download a file from my server via ftp, SAMBA, Teamspeak 3 File Transfer, etc., they report very slow download speeds, around 3-6 kb/s. If I try a ftp file transfer locally, the upload speeds are normal, but I still experience slow download speeds.

My server is connected to a router, which connects to the internet. All other machines connected to that router can upload and download files at normal speeds. It seems to be a server problem, I just don't know where to start.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Transfer Speeds Via HDD To HDD (10.10) / Make It Up?

Apr 6, 2011

I have read many threads but cannot find a solution on this code...

Now no matter how i transfer if its from HDD to HDD or to SSD i never get more then 18-20MB/sec, i just tried booting to my live CD and was able to transfer with 24-25MB/sec

This is really slow, since the worst (2.0TB) can do a minimum of 30 READ

Anybody got any ideas, this seems to be something that has plagued ubuntu for years, and no i don't want to try other distros, i tried almost all of them a year ago and finally went with ubuntu

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Ubuntu Networking :: SLOW Wireless Speeds

May 15, 2011

I'm using a Netgear WN11v2 wireless USB card, which I've read some people can't even get working with the default Ubuntu wireless driver. It works for me, but it disconnects fairly often, and download speeds are extremely slow, like 12-15 kB/s. I have broadband, and am running Ubuntu 11.04.

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Hardware :: Very Slow USB Transfer Speeds / Ubuntu Only

Dec 27, 2010

I'm at the end of my rope here. And the most frustrating part is, I've found many posts all over the web from others who have had similar problems, but they ALL seem to be older distros and those solutions don't work for me. "Find Similar Threads" only yields one thread, and I don't have the file mentioned in the answer (the original poster didn't either).

Computer: AMD 64 Quad core, USB 2.0 on front bus, dual booting Vista and Ubuntu 10.10
Device: New Sansa Clip+ 8GB mp3 player

Problem: When I transfer files to my mp3 player in Ubuntu, I max out at about 150 KiBbps. It's painfully slow - it takes me half an hour to transfer 300 MB worth of albums. I had similar problems with an older player that may have been usb 1.1, but this one is brand new. And when I switched to Vista (first time in months, thankfully), I was able to transfer the same files at upwards of 3 MBps. I know that flash devices often can't write anywhere near the max speed of USB 2.0, but obviously it can do a whole lot better then 150 KiBps!So, same hardware, same files, different OS - the problem must be with my Ubuntu config.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Burning Speeds (<1x) In Kubuntu

Nov 4, 2010

I when I burn a dvdrw with K3B, it remains at 1x speed even tough I chose the maximum speed in the dialog(don't know whether this is also the case with dvd-r or cdr since i don't have any with me at the moment). So, I guess there is something wrong. I read that it could have something to do with DMA, Or could it be something else?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Low Gigabit Speeds In Karmic 9.10 AMD64

Feb 26, 2010

I have a HP DC-7600 with the built-in nic [3f:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5752 Gigabit Ethe


This was the best optimisation I could get, I did follow the NFS HOWTO. Copying from my PC does not exceed 120Mbits/s (System Monitor). My PC nic does not support jumbo frames. I'm looking for any assistance to improve my network speed. My PC has 4GB RAM. I copied 74GB of average sized files between 4MB to 12MB (uh ... compressed audio) and it took 155 mins using tar:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Download Speeds Drop Constantly

Mar 12, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 on a Dell inspiron 1520 with intel 3945abg wireless card. I am fairly new to linux and just installed it earlier in the day. Everything so far has been easy to setup and get running as well as the networking or so i though...

I can connect to my network and browse we pages just fine. However, when I download a file the speed starts high, drops down to around 50kbps and then works its way back up to around 1.3 mbps before dropping right back down. I tested a file on megaupload and it seems to bounce between 50kbps and 1.5mbps nonstop.

The driver i believe is the iwl3945 if that is the default driver. I have tried disabling ipv6 and that didnt seem to change anything. I've looked around on google and the forums and havent been able to find anything on how to fix this.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Very Slow Connection Speeds But Okay On Win7

Apr 5, 2010

I am currently staying on a university campus in Taiwan. Internet on Ubuntu Lucid 64bit here is often painfully slow, except for connections to Taiwanese websites. I dual boot with Windows 7, and there is no problem there. For instance, I downloaded the same piece of software (Spideroak) on both Win and Ubuntu, with Ubuntu I had to try repeatedly as the download would not complete, and in the end it took several hours to download. On W7, it took 10 minutes. What is Windows and Ubuntu doing differently?

I tried disabling ipv6 for this session by running sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1, as a number of posts mention improving connection speed that way, but no effect.

I know that websites from Taiwan are working well, because I am getting my Ubuntu updates from a Taiwanese mirror: updates are fast, except for packages in the 'partner' repos (presumably not loaded from the mirror) which take hours to load, if at all. I don't want to depend on Windows for large downloads... (I don't want to depend on Windows for anything).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow WiFi Internet Speeds

May 12, 2010

I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 and I'm having problems with internet speeds on wifi. I have tried the two available networks on my university campus and both of them are very slow with 10.04. I'm not having problems with Windows 7 running on these networks. Although, the wired network works perfectly fine, with normal speeds. I've looked around for help but I could not find anything specific to this problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Transfer Speeds From 10.04 To XP Share

Aug 4, 2010

I've just managed to access my windows share from Ubuntu but am now getting write speeds (to xp share) of only 9MB/s over my wired network, anyone have any ideas as to why this may be? I've googled but can find no specific answer.

My NIC is:
Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5784M Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 10)
(from lspci) on a Dell studio 1737)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Tweaking For Optimal Connection Speeds?

Oct 29, 2010

I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to get the best speeds possible. I pay for 16mb/s connection (with charter) and I was getting about 4mb/s. After upgrading firmware, and changing some encryption settings on my router, that went up to about 6mb/s. It's improvement, and I'm happy with that, but I'm looking for that 10 more mb/s

So, is there anything in Ubuntu to tweak to optimize connection speeds? Also, if it affects anything, I'm using a linksys WRT320N router. I was going to use the 5.0ghz band, but my wireless adapter is an 802.11gb, so I'm stuck with 2.4.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Dl Speeds With Wireless Network Card

Jun 30, 2011

In my desktop I recently installed one of these network cards. Web pages load pretty quickly, but the signal is only 2 out of 5 bars. On my notebook, I get 4/5 bars from the same location away from my wireless router. I have a 25/25 Verizon FiOS plan and can usually obtain around 30Mbps through Speedtest on my wired machines and notebook. But for some reason, my desktop barely goes over 4Mbps.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Internet Speeds After 11.04 64bit Installed?

Jul 29, 2011

I have recently switched to Ubuntu 11.04 64bit from Windows 7. Since installing 11.07 I have experienced random disconnects, slow speeds and just overall poor performance from my ethernet card. Looking into the issue further I noticed that the driver installed for my NIC is "driver=r8169", but the actual NIC card is "product: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller" which I think pretty much says I should be running the 8168 driver.

When I run lsmod I only see "r8169 " installed. How do I go about getting and installing the r8168 driver? I am pretty sure I just need to install this driver and then blacklist the r8169 in blacklist.conf. Any clarification would be great.

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Networking :: Ubuntu - Significantly Slower Downloads Speeds?

May 6, 2009

I used www.speedtest.net to test my download through firefox first on vista and then on Ubuntu (9.04) - it is a dual boot machine.

Whilst I get between 18 and 19 mbs on Vista I only get 4.5 on Ubuntu - how do I fix this - is it an issue with my ethernet drivers or my setup?

I am on a 20mbs cable modem - I connect via an ethernet cable to a router - which obviously connects to the cable modem.

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Fedora Hardware :: USB 3.0 Operating At USB 2.0 Speeds?

Apr 28, 2011

I have enabled the xhci_hcd module, but my usb 3.0 hard disk is still only being recognised at "480MB/s" connection speeds (with benchmarks confirming it is definitely running at usb 2.0 speeds.

The usb 3 controller is the NEC chip everyone seems to be using. The devices is a Seagate free-agent go (something like that anyway) with the usb 3 adapter.

lsusb takes a good couple of minutes to run, and doesn't mention the NEC controller at all, lspci does list it, and devices plugged into it work, but only at usb 2 speeds as mentioned.

I have a relatively high competency with linux (mostly with fedora over the years) so don't worry about solutions or requests that are quite technical.

Happy to provide machine specs if more detail is required, running Fedora 14 x64 with everything up to date. Specs: [URL]

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