Ubuntu Networking :: Cann't Write To Windows Share Via Places>network

Nov 27, 2010

Using places>networking. Tried to drag files from windows to ubunto: works ok

Tries to drag from ubunto to windows, getting there was an error copying the file to smb://<computer name>/<folder name>/permission denied

Ubuntu 10.04, Windows Vista home premium

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Networking :: Cannot Write To Mounted Windows Share?

Jan 11, 2010

I have mounted a windows share to my Ubuntu 9.10 system by doing the following:

//wollemi/shared/wSharedsmbfs username=name,password=password00
I also tried:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Computer With Windows Network?

May 29, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and would like to share this computer on my windows network. I understand that Samba is the way to go, but how do I configure linux with Samba so I can share files and printers? I am able to see my windows computers (vista and xp) but I am not able to see the linux computer with those machines plus I would like to change the network name of the linux machine if possible. Please any help and information will be much appreciated. Eventually I would like to server a printer from this linux machine to the other windows machines.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mounting Windows Share On Network?

Jan 1, 2011

I have a network PC running Win7 that u use for storage of all my media; movies, music and pictures.I can connect and use the share just fine using the "connect to server" option under places menu.I think i need to modify the fstab file but I am not familiar enough with it to do this.Have searched other threads for help but I am doing something wrong.HP Laptop running Ubuntu 10.10 connecting to a win7 share through a router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows Network Share Folders

Feb 16, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 since 2-3 weeks. First I tried live CD and the OS seems to be very good. So i installed it on my laptop.So far i had no problems until I tried to access the shared network folders of my Server running on MS Windows Vista and another trial PC running WindowsXP. I'm trying to solve this since 2-3 days, I haven't found a solution.1st of all my network works fine. All computers can ping each other and as the laptop had Windows XP installed the server was accessable.1st I installed the SMB4k tool with this program. I could see the computer names, but as soon as I select a Windows computer the tool searches and nothing happens.

I tried a lot of different variations of this command but in the end I receive this kind of error. I also tried to add -o user=username pass=password, nothing changed.After this I searched information about this error, some forum threads I googled are telling the SMB4K tool modifies the /etc/sudoers file and cause this error. So i tried to change it back with some kind of sudo chmod 0640 etc/sudoers but this won't work it seems I can not modify or edit thisw file using sudo.With the pyNeighbourhood tool I could only see my Laptop but not the Windows PCs.At the end I will install Linux systems on all of my PCs, but only if all my tests will pass .

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Fedora Networking :: Network Share Windows Vista And 12 ?

Jan 27, 2010

I have installed Samba on my one of my computers that has Fedora 12 installed, and the other PC that has Windows Vista installed Hostname Adam-PC Network: WORKGROUP. Both PCs are connected to Wireless Netgear Router with DHCP enabled on the router as well as the two computers. How do I set up File sharing on these two systems?

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Fedora Networking :: Network Share Files With Windows ?

Sep 1, 2011

I am trying to both access files shared by Windows machines on my network, and I also want to share files on my Fedora 15 box. In Nautilus, if I choose the 'Browse Network' option on the left toolbar, I am shown a Windows Network icon. If I try to double click this, I am given an "Unable to mount location" error. Does anyone know why this is and how to fix it? Further, where is the GNOME 3 option to right click and choose to share a folder? Both KDE 4.5/4.6 and older versions of GNOME (at least on Ubuntu) had this. Is there a way to share files this way, and if not, is there some workaround?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Files On Windows Based Router And Network?

Jun 14, 2010

I have a Linksys router configured via Windows 7 and have to other PC's using Ubunto, and would like to share folders on the 2 Linux boxes with the Windows Laptop. I can see the windows network through the Linux machines but not vice-versa. I also have a Konica 1400W printer connected to the Linux box but can't get the W7 laptop to find it.Sharing message box states I haven't installed the correct sharing packages, but cant find them

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share NTFS Storage Partitions On HDD Over Network With Windows 7?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a desktop with Ubuntu and I've set up Samba to share files with my Windows 7 laptop. I can access my home folder just fine except for my NTFS storage partitions on the desktop's HDD and my home folder's Downloads folder (which times out whenever I try and open it).

Is there an alternative way to share files between Linux and Windows 7?

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Write To Windows SBS Share?

Oct 29, 2010

I'm having some issues writing files through dolphin (smb://computer_name/) to a Windows SBS share. It seems that every time I try and write a file it simply creates a 32KB file.

I was previously able to write to this (Opensuse 11.0 / 11.1 / 11.2) and nothing has changed on the Windows server (besides for windows updates).

I'm running:
Opensuse 11.3 KDE Version 4.5.2 (KDE 4.5.2) "release 10"
Dolphin Version 1.5

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Fedora :: Make 13 Box DHCP Server For Network - Cann't Find Dhcpd In YUM

Nov 10, 2010

I would like to make my Fedora 13 box a DHCP server for my network. I can not find dhcpd in YUM. Is there a way to make my Fedora box a dhcp server? This was relay easy with Suse, but my Opensuse box just suffered a hard drive failure.

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Ubuntu :: Mount Dir Using Smbfs To Windows Share Can't Write To File Permission Denied?

Jun 19, 2010

Mount a Windows share where my user account has admin privileges. All permissions granted to the share on the windows pc side.Mount statement is as follows:sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=johndoe //winname/directoryname /mnt/tmp/Share mounts ok but does not let me create or write to an existing file. When I select Properties on the directory it says that permissions are unknown on the share looking at it from Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Write To Nfs Share From Mac OS X

Aug 2, 2011

I'm getting some strange behavior when trying to create directories on an nfs share on a linux machine that I'm accessing from Mac OS X 10.4.

I can copy files but cannot create new files or directories. I've given every directory and file that's in the share directory rwx access for groups, users and owner and changed user to 777. The line I've added to my /etc/exports file is;

/home/Music (rw,async,no_subtree_check,insecure) how I can start trouble shooting this? If I can copy a file why can't I create a new file/directory?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Write To Samba Share (NTFS)

Aug 10, 2010

I have this samba share for ghosting images to (backing up computers at work) and I can read the ghost images just fine from the share, but I am unable to write to the share. From any windows environment I have tried, I get a disk is full error. I have 200GB+ free space, so this is not the actual issue. I believe there is a write permission somewhere that I am overlooking. My setup basically lets me log in under the username samba from a client machine.

Here is my smb.conf file:


#======================= Global Settings =======================
workgroup = discount.local
server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)


I've tried chown on /media/Images to make it owned by samba, but it just reverts once I remount the partition. Either that or my eyes are playing tricks on me.

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Networking :: How To Erase Network Places Bookmarks

Apr 19, 2011

Read my Linux distribution from my user data. I have configure different network places bookmarks but accidentally, I introduced the wrong username in that one, thus it is listed as a bookmark for a network place, but it will not connect. How do I erase these bookmarks?

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Fedora Networking :: Internet Lag And Windows Network "failed To Retrieve Share List From Server"?

Apr 29, 2011

I'm running Fedora 14 and when I'm surfing the web, it seems to lag in between pages. I don't think its my net connection, I just wiped windows 7 off my system for Fedora and it did not suffer from the same lag issues.I've tried adding in google's alternate dns server but it didn't seem to fix the issue. I ran into this issue a couple years back on Ubuntu 8.1 or something like that, and I never could find out what I needed to configure.My second problem is that when I try to connect to other Windows systems on my wlan or wired connection, it gives the error "failed to retrieve share list from server". I'm not experienced in networking, can someone explain this to me?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Can Share Mounted Thumb Drive But Can't Write?

Sep 6, 2010

so after searching and reading, and searching some more, im stuck. i cant seem to get a mounted thumb drive to give write access. first thing to know is that, im using a seagate dockstar with a primary thumb drive[sda1] booting debian and samba.

i guess you could say im still in the testing phase, just trying to make sure files can be shared, mounted and accessed by users. the problem is stated as the title. i have successfully shared a folder in sda1 with rw access, but i cant do the same for the second drive[sdb1].

for sda1 with rw access, here are the smb.conf settings:

path = share
available = yes
valid users = mark


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Fedora Networking :: Server Not Show Up On Network Places

Jan 9, 2011

I have a simple problem where Windows machines can connect to shares on my Fedora server (via SAMBA), but only when using the IP address. When Windows users to go Network (in Vista and 7) or Network Places (XP), then all computers on the network show up in that window except for the Fedora server. How can I get my server to appear in that space? Although I can connect via IP address, we are using some programs that can only find shares by the computer name (aka if it's found in the Network window). I have checked and rechecked that the workgroup name is indeed correct.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mount Samba Share - Connect - Read And Write From Other Apps

Mar 9, 2010

I have a networked raid drive. Thecus 2100. Its running linux, and includes samba sharing. On that I have a folder shared. I can connect to and read and write from nautilus. No problems. However, I can't use other apps through that method. Its not really "mounting" that drive in the sense you'd normally think of (afaik).

If I try to mount the folder, no matter how I have tried so far (-t cifs, smbmount, etc), I can navigate the folders, but if I try to read any file I get a permission error. Looking at the permissions with 'ls -l', everything looks OK. The weird thing is, I can write a file, then read that file back as long as its the same session.

Just now I tried 'smbclient' with no special arguments. Just the server and path url. It asked for my password. Once I was in, I had no trouble getting files. I had a thread about this a while back and there were several links and all sorts of command line options to try, which I did, with no different outcome. I think its got to be something much simpler and more obvious. smbclient and nautilus seem to have no trouble. Anybody know what they're doing differently?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Share Denies Write, Smb.conf Snippet Included?

Aug 10, 2010

I'm a very -slightly- advanced Samba user. I believe I know the basics of editing the smb.conf and I know to use smbpasswd to update the Samba users database.I have a group of identical shares.They are readOnly for the group @movies-play and they are (supposed to be) writeable by specific users. The readOnly group works great, no prob there, but I cannot get write access for the specified users. They are in the Samba user database using smbpasswd -a mark and neelix.Here is the share section in my smb.conf...

path = /media/usb3/movies
guest ok = no[code]....

I have the workgroup and netbios info set. I have security=user set. The folder 'movies' in the path above is owned by 'mark' so it seems I should be able to write in it but I can't.I'm connecting to the share (it's on a server running Lucid) from my laptop (running Lucid. I added this mount info to fstab...

//spock/movies-usb3 /media/spockmovies3 cifs credentials=/home/mark/.smbpasswd 0 0
Of course spock in the hosts file so it resolves. I can see the share fine, just can't write.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Network / Cannot Create Folder On Share?

Jan 20, 2010

We have a storage server here running Windows. I have full permission to my share, blah blah, whole 9 yards. When I'm on Ubuntu and connect to it, I cannot create a folder or paste any items in "my" folder unless I put it in a sub folder.\storagejason = cannot create folders.\storagejasonstuff = can create folders.So, I come here asking the obvious question: dubya tee eff??

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Ubuntu :: Setup A SAMBA Network And Share To Windows 7 / OSX?

Feb 10, 2010

running a Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop in the living room with a LOT of files. I've tried all week to get this working, and can't tell where the problem is. I want to make a music share that will: Allow guests, but as read-only Allow me to mount in Windows 7 with the user 'thecheeks' Give user thecheeks read/write access to that share

I swear Samba ends up working but maybe the problem is with Windows 7. I looked at the SAMBAWiki Win 7 page and made sure my registry values were what they should have been (and they were).

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba - Windows Share - SVN

Oct 10, 2010

System: openSUSE 11.3, Gnome

In the Windows network, there are 2 or more shares as follows:

I can access both shares in nautilus e.g. "smb://bla.bla.company.com/share $". The shares are mounted then in "home/user/.gvfs/". ok.

In one of shares, is a file-based repo, which I can access easily with svn.

Unfortunately when I try to checkout any normal folder from a share (as in MS$ with Tortoise), I fail...

What's more in the file-based repo, external references exist to other shares in the network, the name is as "file:///X:/folder/file.txt". SVN gives error messages about such references and does not access files (where "X:/" is also mounted, but as a "test$ to smb://bla.bla.company.com/test$" in "home/user/.gvfs/ ").

My questions:
- what is the best solution to mount shares, so I can access all the SVN repos?
- How can I access normal files and folders from a share with svn?
- How can the problem with external file references in a file-based SVN repo can be solved? without to checkout/commit files "manually"...
- Some checkouted scripts (Perl, etc.) use libs from shares:
"Use lib qw(r:/tools/perl/lib/). how to get around this as well?
- How can I change mount-names: "test$ on smb://bla.bla.company.com/test$" to something like "share-test$?
- How can I change the mount location? in "home/user/SAMBA/" instead of "/home/user/.gvfs/"..

I had tried to use "fuse-smb": installed, created config, but when I run "fusesmb /home/user/SHARES/", i get an error message: smb.conf is missing.. Where can I get this config?

And one last question: Can someone recommend me a svn-gui? i have tried tried rabbitcvs, esvn and some others .. but all either do not work or crash.

I'm not sure, but maybe I can use svn and tortoise in wine, and checkout/commit the necessary files from/to "home/user/project/"? there raises the questions whether it is possible to install tortoise in wine and how to mount the shares on the wine? How to manage the hard-coded lib-names in some scripts...

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General :: Windows - Share Folders Over Network Across OSs?

Dec 21, 2010

I have a desktop with ubuntu 10.04 with my whole music collection in it. I want to access it using my laptop and my brother's laptop, both running windows (vista and 7 respectively). All are connected to the same network.

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Networking :: Network Has An Intermittent Fault - File Share Network Stops Working

May 7, 2011

Sometimes my file share network stops working,and will then work again.I'm lost with this problem. The server pc is a Zenwalk pc.The other pc is a win7 pc. This error only occurs on Zenwalk. When i run puppy from the live cd the file shares are always visible,without fail.Under puppy i use pNethood. When the ping command is used there is no problem, and the pc name can be pinged.This is shown below:


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General :: List All Files In A Windows SMB Network Share?

May 31, 2011

Given a single SMB network share (for example, \server\SHARED_FOLDER), I want to recursively list all the files, including those in the subdirectories (like find(1)).

I would prefer to do it in Linux, but I also accept Windows answers.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Windows Share - You Might Not Have Permission To Use This Network Resource

Jul 7, 2010

I cannot browse the samba printers from windows xp professional clients.

I get the following message when trying to access the workgroup:

Code: Example is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.

The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available

Another strange thing is that if I set the workgroup to EXAMPLE in smb.conf, the workgroup shows up as Example on my windows clients.

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Ubuntu :: Set Save Location Of Bittorrent In A Network Share Folder In Windows?

Jan 14, 2011

my ubuntu machine disk is already full, i want to set the save location of of bittorrent to a network share in windows is this possible?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Prompted For A Password When Accessing A Windows 7 Share?

Feb 14, 2010

I have searched for days on this problem and no one seems to have the fix. Everyone else seems to go off on tangents.I have 3 computers. One runs XP pro, one runs Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and one runs openSUSE 11.2.The two windows machines can share files between each other with no problems.On suse I setup samba correctly. When I go to Computer -> Network on suse, I then go into Samba Shares. Then I see my workgroup name. I click to go in and I can see all 3 of my PC's listed here.When I click on my XP pro machine,am prompted for a user name and password. I put it in and I gain access perfectly.

When I click on my Windows 7 machine, I am prompted for a user name and password. I enter it in and it prompts me again for the user name and password. It will not let me in.I have changed all of the settings in 7, I have disabled the firewall, I have changed the security policies, I have changed the encryption strength.Simply Samba is nolaying well with Windows 7. I cannot believe that I am the only one with this problem

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OpenSUSE Network :: Mounting Apache WebDAV Share On Windows 7

Aug 12, 2011

I want to setup a SSL encrypted WebDAV share on my OpenSUSE 11.4 server that is accessible from the internet. Everything is working fine when using Windows XP or Linux clients, but a connection with Windows 7 is not possible ("the selected folder is not valid").

I already searched for a solution to this problem I tried several setups:
- with and without encryption
- with Basic authentication
- with Digest authentication
- without authentication

I did not have success so far. Is there any solution to this (except not using Windows 7)? Or can anyone confirm that this should be working (and maybe my configuration is messed up)?

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