Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing A NAS Samba Server With Lubuntu?

Aug 11, 2010

How do I access a NAS Samba server on my network at home.I tried to add a machine in the pyNeighborhood program. I was able to add the machine and the program displayed the machine and all of the shares on the machine, but I was not able to log on. No place to enter my pass word.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use SAMBA Server In Lubuntu 10.04?

Jan 30, 2011

use SAMBA Server in Lubuntu 10.04. Like : What should I install? How to use it in Lubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: How To Do Networking Using SAMBA For Lubuntu 10.04

Jan 31, 2011

How to do networking using SAMBA for Lubuntu

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Ubuntu :: Connect To Samba Printer And File Server With Lubuntu?

Mar 9, 2011

My university provides instructions for connecting to their printers and network shares in Ubuntu. They work pretty smooth, but I've run into a couple of problems when trying to follow these instructions in Lubuntu:

1. Windows Printer via Samba printer is missing under Add-->Network Printer in the printer utility (system-config-printer 1.2.3, same one as in standard Ubuntu) I'm guessing I need to install some samba related packages that standard Ubuntu includes by default, but which ones?

2. To access network disks in standard Ubuntu, for example your pesonal space, you select Go-->Location in Nautilus and enter an address of the format smb://something.university.domain/resource. How can I access such locations with PCManFM?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - Accessing Samba Shares From Applications?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a NAS running Samba. My Samba shares are accessed from a Windows computer, it works very well.

With the kubuntu 10.04 computer, things are different : I can see the Samba shares in Dolphin, and copy files to the local drive, but lots of applications don't allow me to open a file on a Samba share.

Some applications such as OpenOffice let me browse to the share but refuse to open the remote file

Some other applications don't let me browse to shares at all.

What's up with that ? Surely I'm not the only one wanting to access files on a NAS ? How do other people do it ?

PS I chose kubuntu 10.04 because the 10.10 install hangs, the "ui" workaround I saw here and there did not work, the only solution offered was to go back to 10.04

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Networking :: Samba Requesting Password When Accessing Shares ?

Apr 2, 2010

I'm trying to do the normal setup of sharing some dir's on my linux machine using samba, to allow a windows laptop to access them.

I've managed to get the printer shared and this is allowing to send print jobs, which come out beautifully! however the actual file shares still aren't accessible

Depending on my settings, if I have security = user then when I access from the windows machine I get a username and password box - I dont want this functionality, I want the system to access right away as it would between two windows shares.

If i change security = share then it simply lists the shares, but tells me they are all inaccessible.

I've googled and searched here, tried various different things but I just can't see why/where its asking me for the username/password combo.


From /var/log/samba/smbd :


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Server :: Getting Samba Error While Accessing Forlde Form The Redhat Mechine

Sep 10, 2010

I am getting samba error while accessing forlde form the redhat mechine (local mechine)

Error "NT authentication failure" same is able to access as anonymous user

Find my samba configuration file:

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lucid - Accessing Samba Shares Incredibly Slow From Win7

May 16, 2010

Since "upgrading" (ha!) to lucid I have had a number of problems that I am working my way through. The latest is accessing samba shares from a Win7 PC. It takes minutes to open the requested share from the Windows 7 PC. File transfers, once the directory is accessed, can be measured in bytes. It is an absolute trickle.

AFAIK the smb.conf is unchanged and, in any case, there is no problem accessing the shares from another linux PC.

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Networking :: Samba Client Accessing Windows Shares On Secondary Subnet

Sep 13, 2009

I have a machine acting as a gateway for a private network. While it can ping hosts on that private network, I can't use samba (smbclient or smbmount) to access shares on hosts on the private network from that machine. Other machines on the private network can access shares on other machines - just not the gateway server.

Here's how the gateway is configured:

When I try to connect to ports 139 or 445 (via smbclient or smbmount) the mount() system call times out. As I mentioned above, I can ping those hosts, so UDP packets work but TCP packets seem to get blocked or lost.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Server With Built In VPN Functionality?

Aug 10, 2010

I've seen many posts about setting up VPN's but my doubt goes further. I just need access to the local network of my office from a Windows XP (which of course is outside the LAN). I would like this PC to have access to the whole LAN, but what I really need is it to access to an Ubuntu Server (e.g. The router is a Netgear DG834, which has a built in VPN functionality. So, is it enough if I set it up? Do I need to install any VPN server in Ubuntu? What if I want to access to another computer in the LAN? Where should I start?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Accessing From W7 To SAMBA?

Jun 24, 2010

When i set up a samba server, with no users in it, i can access from any pc, except the W7 ones.

I go to start, execute, type "\servershared" and a window pop ups asking for credentials... but i hava none!!!

i found out that user anonymous / no password works out, but its annoying

is there any way to overpass this autenthication??

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Ubuntu :: XP Accessing A Samba Share?

Sep 1, 2011

I use an IBM S50 desktop running XP as a file and print server via Windows shares and so far all my XP and Ubuntu laptops can see and use the shares. Now I would like to move the S50 to Ubuntu and still use it as a file and print server. To test this, I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 via wubi and then I installed samba. First thing was to do the simplest case: follow the official documentation,


I followed it to the letter, editing the smb.conf file, creating a /srv/samba/share directory, changing the permissions, and restarting the daemons. I was able to read and write to the share with my Ubuntu laptop. Success! However, my Windows laptop can see the Samba server, but when I click on the share, "Ubuntu server (Samba, Ubuntu)" to reveal the file system, it asks for a username and password.

how to let XP access the Ubuntu share?

workgroup = workgroup
server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
security = user


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Networking :: Accessing A Remote Server Using Ssh Or Sftp

Apr 30, 2010

I cannot access a remote server(Ubuntu) using ssh or even using sftp from my ftp client. I've been accessing this server regularly for many months with no problem until now. There is a web server running and that's OK, so no problems there. I asked the owner of the server if he could access using ssh from within his LAN, which he could! So openssl is working from within the LAN, but not ouside of the LAN. I access the remote server by using one of [URL] free domain names. I'm aware that this service requires renewal or activity at least once a month and as far as I know this is up to date and working OK.

Is this a router gateway problem? I suspect that port 22 has been blocked, but what could block this port? It's been working well for so many months. As far as I can tell the owner of the server/LAN has not been tampering with the router, so what could be blocking port22? I'm currently accessing the server using vnc4server.

Another really weird thing is that when I access the terminal on the remote server via vnc4server and I ssh back to the server using one of [URL] free domain names, it works! So as I understand ssh is accessing itself by going out of the LAN and back to itself. This would suggest that port22 on the gateway router is working. But when I try to ssh from a pc outside of the LAN, I just get timed out!

* openssl working from within the LAN but not outside of the LAN.
* sftp not working.
* domain name from dyndns.com working and up to date.
* Web server is working OK.

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Fedora Networking :: Accessing VPN And Terminal Server At Work

Aug 20, 2009

Loving my new Fedora system and the steady march towards making a MS free house but I have a problem. I need to be able to connect to my company server via VPN and then initiate a terminal server connection. Two clicks on XP but I have no idea what to use now. As soon as I have this down I can remove my XP partition forever as I have everything else I need daily working like a charm.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Accessing SAMBA Shares Since Upgrade?

May 27, 2010

provide support for a small business that uses Windows machines to access files stored on an Ubuntu server which has just been upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04 (32 bit version). Before the upgrade the users accessed their share by this batch file:


net use x: \servernamesharename /user:username

This would then prompt the user for his or her password which they would enter to allow them access to the share.Since upgrading to 10.04, the user gets a "system error 58" stating "The specified server cannot perform the requested operation"If the batch file command is changed to:


net use x: \servernamesharename

The same error message is given. The only work around I have found is to modify the file to read:


net use x: \servernamesharename /user:username password

This is not ideal at all as it makes the password protection useless.When I performed the upgrade I left the smb.conf unchanged. The smb.conf file is:


# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the


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Ubuntu :: Accessing A Samba Share Via Command Line?

Jul 3, 2010

I have a 500GB external usb drive connected to my USB router (running dd-wrt). I have the router setup with samba and can read/write to it from any PC on the network. I have it setup to automount in Ubuntu. How can I access that mounted samba share when I SSH into the box? I want to cp or mv files from the PC to the Networked samba share via ssh CLI.

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Networking :: Accessing Home File/print Server Through The Internet?

Mar 30, 2011

I just received a 2 tb drive for my server to be. The pc is a P4 3.06 ghz with 4 gb of ram. I have found a number of posts on this forum, as well as on the net in general, about setting up a file/print server at home. What I want to be able to do is to access my server through the internet from my office computer (windows 2000) How can I do that? I have not yet spent much time trying to decide which distro I will use. It seems that a number of them are suitable for this purpose, so I just plan to try several from a live cd and then choose one.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Accessing Samba Shares In KDE?

Jan 6, 2010

I wonder how to get Samba share access working well...Dolphin supports Samba but it doesn't really mount anything, it seems... Non-KDE Applications therefor can't access samba that way. In Gnome there was a workaround for the same problem. You could simply go to ~/.gvfs in any application and find the samba mounted there.Is there anything like that in KDE? I set up a Samba mount via /etc/fstab for now but that is quite annoying because it fails after each Suspend, changing WLAN Access Points, etc. Then I have to go to the console and manually launch sudo mount -a to get it working again. How can I make things more comfortable?

P.S.: I'm even up for using something else than Samba to talk to my fileserver. However I don't know of anything that would work better in this regard. (NFS would have the exactly same problem for example)

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Debian :: Accessing Samba Shared Folder Through FTP

Oct 13, 2009

I got a ftp server (proftpd on debian) on machine "A" and I got a Samba Server (debian also) on machine "B" with a shared folder called "public". how do I access the shared folder via FTP?

I already tried the following command:
mount -t smbfs //machine B/public /media/public
And the following message appears:
mount: special device //machine B/public does not exist

But the folder public is already shared cUz I can access it using Windows XP.

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Debian Configuration :: Accessing Samba Share From Xfce

Feb 15, 2016

I currently have a Samba share on a Debian 7 system. This share was only ever used by Windows systems on the network.

I just finished setting up a Debian 8 system with Xfce, and now I would like to connect to the share. I already installed gvfs-backends and gvfs-bin. When I go to Thunar file manager, and click browse network, I'm presented with a "Windows Network" shortcut. When clicked it says: Failed to open "Windows Network". Failed to retrieve share list from server: No such file or directory.

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Fedora :: Accessing Samba Shares From Fresh F15 Install

Jun 6, 2011

I am having a problem accessing my samba shares from my notebook that has a fresh install of Fedora 15. I know that the server with the samba shares is working since I can access them from the windose box. I have just moved from using Ubuntu to Fedora and have definitely found my home. How would I tell if samba is running (or any service for that matter) on my notebook? I Installed samba-client

yum install samba-client

Though I still cannot access the shares. All it shows is windows network.

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Debian Configuration :: Long Delay In Accessing SAMBA Shares

Jan 27, 2016

When I boot up, or come out of standby, etc, it takes about a minute for my Windows shares on Win 7 to show up under Network. Is there anything I can try that will make this initial connection faster? Either on Debian or the Win7 machine? I have the latest Debian vanilla. This is over wifi. My other devices list the shares right away.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lubuntu Networking - Pinging To No Avail ?

Apr 27, 2011

Ive recently installed lubuntu 10.04 on an old sony vaio. ive been able to connect to the internet (satellite broadband) for a few months then no connection. the connection is fine so its definatly the network on the vaio. ive tried pinging to no avail.

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Server :: Log User Samba Who Delete Or Move Files/folders On Samba Server ?

Feb 8, 2010

I need to know is there any way to record or tracking or make logging if when user samba delete files or folders i can know that, cause sometimeon samba server some users complain they lost files, though i have daily backup and i can restore their files, i just want to know if or maybe some other users in one group accidentally move or delete the files.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wifi On Lubuntu

Jul 11, 2010

I just installed lubuntu on my eee 901, and everything seems to be ok, but my wireless card doesn't seem to be detected?

if I type ifconfig -a, it does not show (in ubuntu it worked like a charm)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Both NFS And Samba On The File Server?

Apr 29, 2010

I have in my home 3 pc's 2 of them ubuntu, 1 windows/ubuntu. I have a NAS (mybook WD) that I'm going to hack to install a linux OS on it, to take advantage of some benefits. I'll need access from windows networks. I've read there are many benefits of NFS over Samba, with the inconvinient that it cannot be access by windows. Is it a good idea to have both NFS and samba on the file server?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Can't See Shares On 9.10 Samba Server?

May 10, 2010

I have an Ubuntu 9.10 Samba file server. I have set up Ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix in a home network which also has Windows XP home and Vista computers already present in the network. The XP and Vista machines have no problem accessing the file shares.

The server is running mhddfs with FlexRaid. The security is set to share level access. I have a hosts allow line in the smb.conf file to permit access to certain IP addresses and have added the 10.04 netbook remix IP address to this hosts allow line.

I cannot access shares from the 10.04netbook remix machine if the hosts allow line is active, but have no problem from the windows machines. If i comment out the hosts allow line, all machines can access the share, including the netbook remix machine. I am fairly new to Linux and would appreciate any help in solving this problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Xubuntu/Lubuntu: Wireless Works On One But Not The Others

May 13, 2010

So, I tried reviving my old windows laptop by installing Ubuntu on it, but it turned out to be too heavy for it, so i turned towards Lubuntu and Xubuntu.

Now, for the couple of days I used Ubuntu, until i decided it's moving too slow and I should go for a lighter version, my USB wireless adapter (and the touchpad, but that's a subject for another subforum) worked fine.
When I installed Lubuntu and Xubuntu, it stopped working. I tried using network-manager and wicd to make my adapter scan for wireless networks, but it's like the USB isn't even there. When I pulled it out and stuck it on my main PC (that is running Ubuntu), it was discovered immediately and connected to my router. But I can't do it on either Xubuntu or Lubuntu.

PS: If anyone has a quick hint about why my touchpad is working during the installation of Xubuntu, but not after it's complete and loads the desktop, I'll make a new post in the relevent section. A USB mouse works fine everywhere, but a touchpad isn't moving the pointer.

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Networking :: Connecting To Internet With Lubuntu Through Ubuntu Machine

Apr 29, 2010

How to create some sort of network, which would mean that one computer (Lubuntu in this case) is connecting to internet through second PC (Ubuntu), which is directly connected to cable, so maybe I get some manuals and tips. The computer which is connected to internet have two LAN cards (Realtek 8139 and integrated nVidia MCP65), Realtek card is connected to the internet provider cable (internet is tied to my computer's MAC address and uses static IP).

Second computer have also a Realtek card and it's connected to first computers integrated card. Anyhow - I've put on the first computer eth1 (which is integrated MCP65) IPV4 setting to "Shared to Other Computers" and IPV6 to "Link-Local Computers" and while I was having Windows XP on the second machine, setting on it (the XP machine) DHCP (or how was it correctly called, when system automatically resolves or gets the IP and the rest what it needs?), second computer was receiving Internet signal and I could use both of them in such way.

Now the second computer is with Lubuntu and I thought that I could do the same way as did on XP - just put in Network Manager for the connection (eth0) everything to automatical and there will be internet, but there aren't and the manager shows some kind of "Automatic Ethernet" option, which after activation also doesn't do anything. What do I have to do, to make my Lubuntu machine to recognize Ubuntu's eth1 and to use it as a source for Internet?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Server - Authenticate With Passwords?

Jan 2, 2010

True or False: If you have a user on your Linux/Samba machine with a password, example:
User = Bob
Password = Password0
And Bob is on an XP computer, where his username is also Bob and his password is also Password0, is it normal for Bob to go to:

\SambaServer, double click on Bob's share (valid users = Bob only) and Bob get RIGHT in without being prompted?

On my prior setup, the user HAD to log in. If they wanted auto login next time with their credentials, they had to check "remember password." But now it's as if Samba knows who they are. It's very strange. What's the normal behavior? Must EVERYBODY authenticate with passwords, or if the Windows credentials are the same as Samba does it just somehow auto-detect it and allow them through?

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