Ubuntu :: Accessing A Samba Share Via Command Line?

Jul 3, 2010

I have a 500GB external usb drive connected to my USB router (running dd-wrt). I have the router setup with samba and can read/write to it from any PC on the network. I have it setup to automount in Ubuntu. How can I access that mounted samba share when I SSH into the box? I want to cp or mv files from the PC to the Networked samba share via ssh CLI.

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Ubuntu :: XP Accessing A Samba Share?

Sep 1, 2011

I use an IBM S50 desktop running XP as a file and print server via Windows shares and so far all my XP and Ubuntu laptops can see and use the shares. Now I would like to move the S50 to Ubuntu and still use it as a file and print server. To test this, I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 via wubi and then I installed samba. First thing was to do the simplest case: follow the official documentation,


I followed it to the letter, editing the smb.conf file, creating a /srv/samba/share directory, changing the permissions, and restarting the daemons. I was able to read and write to the share with my Ubuntu laptop. Success! However, my Windows laptop can see the Samba server, but when I click on the share, "Ubuntu server (Samba, Ubuntu)" to reveal the file system, it asks for a username and password.

how to let XP access the Ubuntu share?

workgroup = workgroup
server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
security = user


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Debian Configuration :: Accessing Samba Share From Xfce

Feb 15, 2016

I currently have a Samba share on a Debian 7 system. This share was only ever used by Windows systems on the network.

I just finished setting up a Debian 8 system with Xfce, and now I would like to connect to the share. I already installed gvfs-backends and gvfs-bin. When I go to Thunar file manager, and click browse network, I'm presented with a "Windows Network" shortcut. When clicked it says: Failed to open "Windows Network". Failed to retrieve share list from server: No such file or directory.

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Ubuntu Security :: Preventing User From Accessing Command Line

May 8, 2011

I'm trying to set up an unprivileged user on some field systems running 11.04 with the standard Gnome shell (rather than Unity), and ideally that user would not have access to the command line. The user can log in through GDM (but not the text consoles) with no password, so I need to provide the absolute minimum of privileges; basically the user should only be able to run one program.

I've already set the /desktop/gnome/lockdown/disable_command_line key with gconf-editor for that user, which successfully disabled the "Run Command" dialog. Unfortunately, even though the description of the key in gconf-editor says "prevents the user from accessing the terminal...", the terminal emulator is still accessible from the Applications menu, and I haven't been able to find a good way of disabling the terminal or removing it from the menu. The only thing that occurs to me is an ugly hack: replace the gnome-terminal binary with another that checks to make sure the user is not the unprivileged one and then starts gnome-terminal.

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Server :: Samba Share After Boot Requires Nmbd Command?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm running a fedora 14 file server with samba for a windows network. When I reboot my file server my samba share is no longer available. After a long search I found that if i run nmbd as root, the share is accessible again. I guess I can run nmbd everytime I reboot but I think something is wrong with my setup and it's one of those things that if I just ignore it will come back and bite me from behind

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Ubuntu :: Devicekit - Mount Samba Shares From Command Line?

Dec 1, 2010

Is there a way for a normal user to mount samba shares from the command line using devicekit? It seems like I remember there was a way to do it using hal, but that's been replaced by devicekit in Lucid if I've read correctly.

I can click on the shares I want in nautilus under "Network", but I'm using fluxbox and I'd like to mount a few shares at startup. I read the documentation for the udisks command, but I can't figure out how to get it to work with samba shares.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Some Command Line Way / Where Can Invoke Nautilus To Mount Windows Share

Oct 9, 2010

My computer is connected to the college lan where almost all machines are some variant of Windows OS. If i use Places > Network, while windows network is displayed, mostly it returns unable to mount shares, my workaround for this problem is I use some tool like nbtscan to see which hosts are up and then use network > Connect to Server > windows share and type in the ip address, this mounts the windows share even though Places> network doesn't display such hosts. My question is there some command line way where I can invoke nautilus to mount the windows share, ie the same job connect to server > windows share does? And is there some application like say lan surfer for windows which lists all the folders shared by a windows client.

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Networking :: Scan For Samba Shares Through Command Line?

Apr 23, 2011

What id the way you scan for samba shares through command line, do i need samba to be installed to do it

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Software :: Can't Start / Stop / Restart Samba Via Command Line

Oct 12, 2010

I have a GUI for Samba already as it most likely installed, the problem is I don't have a shared folder in admin menu. I have told samba what folder to share and what user to have access to it. As well I have looked at the config file to make sure what was in the gui printed into the config file. However I cannot start, stop, restart samba via command line. I will try config package and hopefully that drops down everything,


sudo service smbd restart unrecognized service, nmbd same thing. Now it is installed, but has no script file or the script file is not in the init.d folder like it should be still trying to figure I have come to the conclusion that the daemons are not installed and am trying to figure out what those script files look like or a way to import them off a ftp, however no luck with google so far. But the scripts files don't exist on my box. how do you install samba daemons when it says samba is already installed.

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Fedora Networking :: Set Up Samba Using Command Line Terminal / Network Does Not Work

Nov 29, 2010

I set up Samba using command line terminal, and my network does not work. I have Samba username and keyring passwords all set, then I go to gui system-config-samba, and my samba user profile password is incorrect. In the past, I have used a 10 letter password, however, every time I boot the computer, I have to go back in and re-enter the password.I wonder if samba is truncating the password because it only accepts an 8 character password? I have deleted the user, and added a new username, and it is still doing it.

If I go into the gui and re-enter the password, usually I can get the network back up with my windows machine. All of the parameters are correct, I use the network to transfer files from my Windows to my Fedora drive all of the time when it works.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Installing File Sharing Using EBox - Failed To Enable: "root Command /usr/share//ebox-samba/ebox-samba-enable Failed"

Sep 27, 2010

Installing file sharing using eBox and get the following error:


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Fedora :: Run Python3 Scripts From Command Line And Call Up Python 2.6.2 Idle With The Command Idle From Command Line?

May 29, 2010

i've gotten my fedora 12 to the point where i can run python3 scripts from command line and can call up python 2.6.2 idle with the command 'idle' from command line. what command will call up python3 (3.1.2 to be exact) idle?

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Slackware :: SAMBA Share Option 'grayed Out' In The Share Dialog?

Mar 18, 2011

I am attempting to share a folder from an existing drive that has been formatted in NTFS. I simply right click on the folder, goto share, and I can see the option to share to UNIX and that works with no problems. My question is; why is the SAMBA sharing dialog grayed out?

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Networking :: Samba Configuration - Cannot Mount Samba Share

Apr 26, 2011

Start>Run>\ gives me "The specified network password is not correct." It lists my domain as "ANTEC" which is the name of my computer, though I've changed the workgroup to WELLS. I've run:

setsebool -P samba_domain_controller on

Trying to connect to samba locally gives me this:


[tedward@hp-firegate ~]$ smbclient // -Utedafur
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Accessing Network Share In K3b?

Jun 10, 2011

I have some large files on a network share that I would like to burn directly to a DVD using K3b. Any new data project does not have access to the Windows share. I can access the files ok in Natty Norwhale. Just cannot seem to find them in K3b.

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Server :: Accessing Win7 Share From Ubuntu

Aug 26, 2010

I have created a share on a Windows XP VM and a share on Ubuntu, both access each other fine without a hitch. On my Windows 7 net book I can access shared files on Ubuntu, but cannot access a share on Windows 7 via Ubuntu. So I figure the cause of the problem is a certain configuration in Windows 7.

Also another question. On my net book I have IIS setup for hosting media files onto my local network so that I can use my PS3 browser to view them on my television. What software can I use in Linux to achieve this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Folder Within Windows Share

Feb 15, 2011

I'm trying to figure out a good way to access a folder within a Windows share from an Ubuntu 10.04 computer. I work at a school which uses a Windows network. Each class has one login and a folder for their work. All the folders are in one Windows share called //fses/class$. Each class does not have access to //fses/class$ (otherwise a student from one class would be able to access another class's folder) - they only have access to their own folder e.g. //fses/class$/3b.

When I try to access a class's folder from an Ubuntu computer I get an error that //fses/class$ cannot be accessed. I've got around it for the moment by using a teacher's credentials, but that's not ideal because then the students have access to other classes' work. I also tried using the 'mount' command e.g.
sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=3b,password=**** //fses/class$/3b /media/3b

This did work (although I know it'd be better to use cifs and a credentials file), but only a 'superuser' can do it, and it mounts the folder for all users. I could also give the students superuser permission for the mount command, but this seems like giving them more permission than should really be necessary. Is there any way for a user who is not a superuser to access the folder? I'd like to use something like this.
nautilus username=3b,password=**** smb://fses/class$/3b

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Server :: See The Currently Accessing User For An Nfs Share?

Mar 2, 2011

I am using Redhat EL5 ,i am having NFS server installed in my server and around 100 clients are accessing the NFS shares, i want to know the remote users with host ip and username who is currently accessing my NFS Share.and is it possible to restrict a specific share to a particular host in NFS..? if yes how

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Ubuntu Servers :: Accessing From W7 To SAMBA?

Jun 24, 2010

When i set up a samba server, with no users in it, i can access from any pc, except the W7 ones.

I go to start, execute, type "\servershared" and a window pop ups asking for credentials... but i hava none!!!

i found out that user anonymous / no password works out, but its annoying

is there any way to overpass this autenthication??

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Ubuntu :: Can't Prevent Keyring From Asking For Windows Share Password When Accessing

Oct 3, 2010

I have a Windows share on my network and I protected it with a password. I access it with my Ubuntu desktop, and I saved my password the first time I accessed it. The password is saved in Seahorse (the keyring), but each time I try to access my Windows share, I have to type in my keyring password.Despite trying several tutos, I haven't been able to prevent keyring from asking for my keyring password.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Files From A Windows Share Within Applications

Dec 7, 2010

I cannot access figure out how to access files stored on a windows share within an application. I can access files on a windows share from places>network but if I am trying to access files from say audacitcy or gtkpod by means of file>open when the application brings up the "places" dialog there is no network Icon to choose from.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows Network Share Folders

Feb 16, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 since 2-3 weeks. First I tried live CD and the OS seems to be very good. So i installed it on my laptop.So far i had no problems until I tried to access the shared network folders of my Server running on MS Windows Vista and another trial PC running WindowsXP. I'm trying to solve this since 2-3 days, I haven't found a solution.1st of all my network works fine. All computers can ping each other and as the laptop had Windows XP installed the server was accessable.1st I installed the SMB4k tool with this program. I could see the computer names, but as soon as I select a Windows computer the tool searches and nothing happens.

I tried a lot of different variations of this command but in the end I receive this kind of error. I also tried to add -o user=username pass=password, nothing changed.After this I searched information about this error, some forum threads I googled are telling the SMB4K tool modifies the /etc/sudoers file and cause this error. So i tried to change it back with some kind of sudo chmod 0640 etc/sudoers but this won't work it seems I can not modify or edit thisw file using sudo.With the pyNeighbourhood tool I could only see my Laptop but not the Windows PCs.At the end I will install Linux systems on all of my PCs, but only if all my tests will pass .

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Windows Share, Repeated Request For Authentication?

Jul 31, 2010

I am using Kubuntu 10.04, but I am posting here because the Kubuntu forums seems to be user agnostic. I just couldn't get past the verificaiton process. This should be a general networking problem that Ubuntu users can answer. On my home network, I have a Windows machine whose shared folders I can access from one machine running Ubuntu 9.04. I've had to do no network configuration on Ubuntu, it just works out of the box. On Windows I do not have a password that I use to login. Ubuntu does not ask for it either.

But on Kubuntu, when I browse the network samba shares, I can see my Windows share, open it, navigate it, but every time I cd into another level in the share or click on a file (say a music file to play), the authentication window pops up asking for a user name and password. What login information should I use here? I tried my Windows user name and a blank password,

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Ubuntu Servers :: Accessing SAMBA Shares Since Upgrade?

May 27, 2010

provide support for a small business that uses Windows machines to access files stored on an Ubuntu server which has just been upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04 (32 bit version). Before the upgrade the users accessed their share by this batch file:


net use x: \servernamesharename /user:username

This would then prompt the user for his or her password which they would enter to allow them access to the share.Since upgrading to 10.04, the user gets a "system error 58" stating "The specified server cannot perform the requested operation"If the batch file command is changed to:


net use x: \servernamesharename

The same error message is given. The only work around I have found is to modify the file to read:


net use x: \servernamesharename /user:username password

This is not ideal at all as it makes the password protection useless.When I performed the upgrade I left the smb.conf unchanged. The smb.conf file is:


# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the


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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing A NAS Samba Server With Lubuntu?

Aug 11, 2010

How do I access a NAS Samba server on my network at home.I tried to add a machine in the pyNeighborhood program. I was able to add the machine and the program displayed the machine and all of the shares on the machine, but I was not able to log on. No place to enter my pass word.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - Accessing Samba Shares From Applications?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a NAS running Samba. My Samba shares are accessed from a Windows computer, it works very well.

With the kubuntu 10.04 computer, things are different : I can see the Samba shares in Dolphin, and copy files to the local drive, but lots of applications don't allow me to open a file on a Samba share.

Some applications such as OpenOffice let me browse to the share but refuse to open the remote file

Some other applications don't let me browse to shares at all.

What's up with that ? Surely I'm not the only one wanting to access files on a NAS ? How do other people do it ?

PS I chose kubuntu 10.04 because the 10.10 install hangs, the "ui" workaround I saw here and there did not work, the only solution offered was to go back to 10.04

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OpenSUSE Network :: Prompted For A Password When Accessing A Windows 7 Share?

Feb 14, 2010

I have searched for days on this problem and no one seems to have the fix. Everyone else seems to go off on tangents.I have 3 computers. One runs XP pro, one runs Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and one runs openSUSE 11.2.The two windows machines can share files between each other with no problems.On suse I setup samba correctly. When I go to Computer -> Network on suse, I then go into Samba Shares. Then I see my workgroup name. I click to go in and I can see all 3 of my PC's listed here.When I click on my XP pro machine,am prompted for a user name and password. I put it in and I gain access perfectly.

When I click on my Windows 7 machine, I am prompted for a user name and password. I enter it in and it prompts me again for the user name and password. It will not let me in.I have changed all of the settings in 7, I have disabled the firewall, I have changed the security policies, I have changed the encryption strength.Simply Samba is nolaying well with Windows 7. I cannot believe that I am the only one with this problem

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OpenSUSE Network :: Accessing Samba Shares In KDE?

Jan 6, 2010

I wonder how to get Samba share access working well...Dolphin supports Samba but it doesn't really mount anything, it seems... Non-KDE Applications therefor can't access samba that way. In Gnome there was a workaround for the same problem. You could simply go to ~/.gvfs in any application and find the samba mounted there.Is there anything like that in KDE? I set up a Samba mount via /etc/fstab for now but that is quite annoying because it fails after each Suspend, changing WLAN Access Points, etc. Then I have to go to the console and manually launch sudo mount -a to get it working again. How can I make things more comfortable?

P.S.: I'm even up for using something else than Samba to talk to my fileserver. However I don't know of anything that would work better in this regard. (NFS would have the exactly same problem for example)

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Debian :: Accessing Samba Shared Folder Through FTP

Oct 13, 2009

I got a ftp server (proftpd on debian) on machine "A" and I got a Samba Server (debian also) on machine "B" with a shared folder called "public". how do I access the shared folder via FTP?

I already tried the following command:
mount -t smbfs //machine B/public /media/public
And the following message appears:
mount: special device //machine B/public does not exist

But the folder public is already shared cUz I can access it using Windows XP.

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Fedora :: Accessing Samba Shares From Fresh F15 Install

Jun 6, 2011

I am having a problem accessing my samba shares from my notebook that has a fresh install of Fedora 15. I know that the server with the samba shares is working since I can access them from the windose box. I have just moved from using Ubuntu to Fedora and have definitely found my home. How would I tell if samba is running (or any service for that matter) on my notebook? I Installed samba-client

yum install samba-client

Though I still cannot access the shares. All it shows is windows network.

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