Ubuntu Networking :: 780i Network Unsupported In 10.10?

Dec 26, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 in my desktop, and network doesn't work, are nForce 7 network cards unsupported in Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: NC8000 - 104 Unsupported Wireless Network Device Detected

May 6, 2010

I have an nc8000 that gives a "104 unsupported wireless network device detected" error when I plug in my Intel wifi card that I acquired recently. Based on reading, this is a common HP problem due to non-native HP hardware. If I insert the Intel Pro card after the HP boot screen, 10.04 loads just fine and Ubuntu detects the card.

1) Machine Brand and Model (PC/Laptop): HP/Compaq nc8000

2) Wireless Brand, Model and Wireless Chipset: 02:04.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2915ABG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)

3) Check interface:
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
irda0 no wireless extensions.
eth1 unassociated ESSIDff/any

4) Check for modules:
Module Size Used by
binfmt_misc 6587 1
snd_intel8x0 25588 2
snd_ac97_codec 100646 1 snd_intel8x0
ac97_bus 1002 1 snd_ac97_codec
fbcon 35102 71 .....

5) Network configuration
$ *-network:0
description: Wireless interface
product: PRO/Wireless 2915ABG [Calexico2] Network Connection
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 4 .....

6) Scan for networks:
lo Interface doesn't support scanning.
eth0 Interface doesn't support scanning.
irda0 Interface doesn't support scanning.
eth1 No scan results

7) Ubuntu Version:
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

8 ) Kernel/architecture (including 32 vs. 64 bit):
Code: 2.6.32-21-generic i686

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Ubuntu :: Unsupported Console Resolution After Initrd?

Aug 7, 2010

I debootstrapped an install into an existing lvm and booted into it and everything is working great except that after initrd hands off to boot the real root, the text font changes and the resolution is unsupported by my old monitor. The box is up and running because I can ssh in. This is more of an annoyance than anything as I only use the console when something is broken, but it does need to be resolved.

I used dpkg-reconfigure console-setup as described in the debootstrap config guide but I don't see an option for changing the "vga" statement before it regenerates the initrd.

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Ubuntu :: SMART Status Suddenly Unsupported?

Oct 21, 2010

I recently received an automatic update to my 10.04 system which included some kernel stuff. I am using vanilla repositories, I haven't added, removed, or altered any of the default repositories. I downloaded and installed the updates using the graphical Update Manager found in System->Administration

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04, and my kernel is listed as 2.6.32-25-generic. I haven't installed any new hardware whatsoever; my hard disk drive is the same as it has always been. When I go through System->Administration->Disk Utility, then view my hard drive, the line: SMART Status: reads with a grey circle and then "Not Supported" I am able to run the Benchmark application from Disk Utility and it completes without problem. This happened to me where I was unable to view SMART data after automatic updates involving the kernel when I was using Ubuntu 9.10.

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Fedora Networking :: Bridged Networking And NetworkManager - No Network Connection Because Network Isn't Managed

Mar 2, 2011

I have installed qemu/kvm and created a Bridged network connection which works just fine(Windows 7 VM won't work in NAT mode.)

But when I try to use NetworkManager it says that I have no network connection because the network isn't managed, (I set the settings in ifcfg-br0 and ifcfg-eth0 to be managed)

The real problem is that now I can't use my VPN connections (I have many) in NetworkManager.

Is there a way to have both of these pieces of functionality?

I am using FC14

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: HDTV Via HDMI Flashing Unsupported

Jun 14, 2010

I'm helping a friend set up his new pc and we're having a lot of trouble getting his second monitor to work.He has a GeForce GTS250 video card which has a HDMI output port as well as VGA. His main monitor is connected via the VGA and works fine. The second monitor is a Soniq QV320H TV which he wants to connect via HDMI. The nvidia settings configuration shows both monitors (set up as separate x-screens) but the only output on the Soniq is a black screen which flashes "unsupported" about every 2 seconds. Currently the resolution is set to auto (1280x1024) but we've also tried lower resolutions (down to 800x600) with no success.

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Ubuntu :: Error 13: Invalid Or Unsupported Executable Format?

Jun 25, 2010

I've searched all over the internet and have found numerous threads on this topic, none of which have helped me fix the problem. I'll post as much info I can about my setup.I have 3 hard drives... one is for ubuntu (9.10), one is for my data, and one is for Windows7. It looks like this:

1st drive (hda) = ubuntu
2nd drive (hdb) = data
3rd drive (hdc) = windows


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Fedora X86/64bit :: 3D Effects Unsupported

Mar 13, 2010

It's now working... if any of you have this problem:

I'm not sure but I think it's how it worked...

HTML Code:

Last night I updated system including kernel (, then my system couldn't start, I fixed it by booting into a previous version of kernel and:


Then I was able to boot in newest kernel, nothing blurry or so, but my Desktop Effects won't work ( want compiz to work :P )

When I try System->Preferences->Desktop Effects it says 3D isn't hardware supported.

WHen I tried "compiz --replace" it says:


I get this at boot.log:


I went to /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions and in line 520 I found some action() ( I suppose it is the same for everybody...

Now I look at my xorg.conf, and it has only this:


How could I have my effects working again ? I know a lot of people had problems with newest kernel and nvidia drivers but they all seem to be working after installing akmod ...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: FFmpeg Unsupported Codec For Output Stream

Feb 26, 2010

So I've been trying to convert .avi files to .mov using FFmpeg. I input something like this:
ffmpeg -i in.avi -b 1000 out.mov

And it says:
Unsupported codec for output stream #0.1
So I tried adding -acodec mp3 OR -acodec libmp3lame and it says unknown codec.

I went to install libmp3lame-dev using
sudo apt-get install libmp3lame-dev

And it comes up with this:
The following NEW packages will be installed:

The following packages will be REMOVED:
libdc1394-22{u} libfaac0{u} libxvidcore4{u} linux-headers-2.6.28-11{u}
I'm fairly sure I don't want those packages removed? Should mention I'm on Ubuntu 9.04 64-Bit.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Error 13 - Invalid Or Unsupported Executable Format

May 16, 2010

I've been googling all afternoon to fix this error I get. The situation is as follows: I have multiple harddrives (3x320gb and 1x160gb) all on the SATA interface. One of these drives contains Windows, and the rest I use for programs and downloads. I've installed Ubuntu 9.04 from a USB-stick using the installer's partitioner to make some room for Ubuntu (Ext4 filesystem). I've tried Ubuntu and SUSE in the past.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound In Openshot / WinFF - Unsupported Codec

May 21, 2010

I have a video - taken on my mobile phone. In totem, I get sound and video: lovely. However, in Openshot I don't get sounds, and in WinFF it tells me "Unsupported codec (id=7372" for the audio stream. Why, when both are using FFMpeg do the installed codecs work differently in different programs?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error 13: Invalid Or Unsupported Executable Format

Jul 18, 2011

suddenly after upgrade

2.6.38-10-generic-pae ===> Error 16: Incosistent filesystem structure
2.6.38-10-generic-pae (recovery mode) ===> Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format
2.6.38-10-generic ===> Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format


b08e48b7-1194-49c1-a743-91e7ee90334e is a link to /dev/dm-2 which is my root partition on nvidia raid

PS: At first it did not boot at all dropping out to grub shell, but I managed to boot it with gparted live usb stick and chroot to Ubuntu and re-install grub, but now 2.6.38-8 kernel works and 2.6.38-10 is not

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Ubuntu :: Grub Error 13 Invalid Or Unsupported Executable Format

Jul 22, 2010

A few days ago I booted up my computer as normal and loaded vista. It loaded fine, but then froze at the login window. I restarted my computer but this time when I tried to load vista I got the "Error 13" message. Ubuntu still loads up fine however.

I'm fairly certain that I'm using Grub - Legacy, and since most posts that I see post the contents of the menu.lst file, I will too

Code: # menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)
# grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),
# grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub
# and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.


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Debian :: Upgraded The Version Of Xorg To An Unsupported One?

May 29, 2010

My setup is: Debian Lenny 5.0.4 I have an ATI Radeon X1200 series (embedded in the motherboard).What version of the ATI official drivers do i need? I recall that i was having troubles with the latest drivers, because ati has dropped support for these products. Another question is: Does Lenny 5.0.4 will work with the previously mentioned graphics card, or they had upgraded the version of Xorg to an unsupported one?

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Fedora :: Removing Unsupported Packages After Upgrade?

Sep 14, 2010

I recently did upgrade from F12 to F13 using preupgrade, and I was following the guide from the Fedora project website [URL]

On the section Removing unsupported packages it shows how to find orphaned packages and sugest you remove them. I tried that, found a bunch of packages that I promptly erased. But then I
came across


I thought "well I don't use a Modem" so I tried to yum erase it. I stopped when I saw that it was trying
to also remove the dependencies, a bunch of NetworkManager packages.

My question is, why is ModemManager flagged as an orphan if it has packages depending on it, isn't that wrong?

And also, the recommendation on the guide to remove these packages can be dangerous to people who don't pay attention (imagine someone accidentally removing NetworkManager, no internet).

I will keep the "orphaned" package out of necessity, but something is wrong in this whole deal.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Handbrake And PS3 - Won't Play Due To Unsupported File Type - Format

Feb 11, 2010

I have ripped quite a few movies onto my server and I play them on my PS3 with mediatomb. I haven't changed any of the settings in handbrake except I was playing around with the quality meter on the video tab. Some of my movies will play and others won't. The ones that do not play say something about an unsupported file type. They also will not play in Movie Player.

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Ubuntu :: Bunch Of C Errors On Program Compilation - Unsupported And Virtually Unknown

Feb 24, 2011

I'm attempting to install a small application called Asymptopia Flashcard System on Xubuntu x64. It's unsupported and virtually unknown, so I don't know many details about it aside from what I can gather from the source files. The first step in the installation directions is to type "make lib_install" as root at the command line. I get this output:

Making libasymptopia.so ... compiling Path.C ... Path.C: In member function �void Path::listdir(char*, std::deque<char*, std::allocator<char*> >*): followed by a bunch of errors like this: Path.C:38: error: �strcmp� was not declared in this scope

all for the file Path.C, all of them complaining about various header files not being declared. I have the latest version of gcc installed, so I'm very confused about what the problem is. This application is at least a few years old...maybe there's something out-of-date about the way it includes the header files?

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Ubuntu :: Installed 10.10 - Unremovable Watermark In The Bottom Right Corner That Says - AMD Unsupported Hardware

Mar 1, 2011

I've used ubuntu before, mostly because it works when windows doesn't and I just got a new amd fusion netbook. The acer aspire one 522.

I have a couple issues, 2 with grub, and one with an amd watermark.

1. There are two ubuntus and two ubuntu memory tests in the grub, I can't see any difference between them, after I booted the first time into ubuntu and updated, I restarted and the grub gave me two ubuntus.

Can I remove the second one from the list? (not an issue I just want to clean it up)

2. I need to make windows 7 the default operating system, I've looked at other guides and I can't figure it out. I've tried menu.lst, and when I try grub.cfg I can't change the default.

3. I installed the unofficial drivers for the wireless adapter and graphics card (6250 on fusion) and now everything is working fine with them, except I have the unremovable watermark in the bottom right corner that says "AMD Unsupported hardware"

How do I remove this?

BONUS question! How do I tell ubuntu, this is my netbook, stop denying me access to my own computer and let me in that folder!

I can't access the root folder, and I'd like to do install things without ubuntu asking me for my password every time. I'm not worried about other people being on this netbook, no super valuable info, and not really anyone else is on it anyway. Any way I could give it a master password and roam freely inside my netbook?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gnuplot And Synaptic Manager Fails Package On Already Unsupported

Apr 4, 2011

we need to install gnuplot and synaptic manager fails because Intrepid is unsupported. I know we can update to a newer version but we cannot do it now (we'll do it during summer holidays). What's the best way of installing gnuplot (or some other aplication) on our systems? Should we download from sources and compile? Could we add some special source to our list and download from there?

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Ubuntu :: Asus A50IJ - CPU Frequency Scaling Unsupported - Cpu Temp Is 49 Without Any Reason

Jul 26, 2011

I just bought asusn a50ij and of course I installed ubuntu, now I have few problems: when I try to add CPU frequency scaling monitor to panel it says: CPU frequency scaling unsupported Next problem:my cpu temp is 49 without any reason.and I cant see my graphic card temp,when I go to Harware Drivers I doesnt show any drivers at all,so I dunno whether its nvidia or raedon it doesnt say anything! Also I installed jupiter and each time I turn on my computer it goes to Maximum Performance how can I turn it off?

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Ubuntu :: Unsupported Number Of Arguments / Falling Back To Default Session

Aug 4, 2011

I just installed my Lubuntu, but I upgrade to lubuntu 11.04 (natty), after that I decided to try unity, so I installed ubuntu-desktop and unity, but when I try to start session on Ubuntu or unity it told me the title error, then I got the error.It open me a session without any menues and just a clean desktop.On another topic, after I upgrade, Lubuntu ask the password each time I turn on my computer, But when I try to change the settings and click on the button that say: enter session without asking password, that button appear locked.How do I unlock it?

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Fedora Servers :: LTSP - ERROR: Fc14 Unsupported

Feb 3, 2011

when i want run "ltsp-build-client" command i get this error: ERROR: fc14 is unsupported i want know there is any plan for ltsp 5.2 support in fedora 14 and how i can solve this problem for use ltsp in fedora 14.

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Fedora Hardware :: Unsupported Operation While Copying - External HD?

Jul 25, 2011

My USB ntfs external hard drive mounts fine when I plug it in and I can often copy files with no problems.However, I have some large folders on my machine (~10 GB with ~ 200,000 files) which begin to copy to the external drive but then stop with the error "Unsupportes operation while copying <filename>." The file currently being copied when this happens appears to be random. Does anyone know what the issue is and/or how to fix it?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unsupported Version 30277 Of Verneed Record

Jul 8, 2011

I recently installed Fedora 15 on a new laptop (after, of course, deleting the pre-installed virus that came with the laptop). I installed the normal suite of tools using yum, including gcc. However, I cannot even build and run Hello World, so now I really feel like I don't know what's going on.

Code: #include <iostream>
int main (int argc, const char *argv []) {
std::cout << "Hello, world ";
} Build: Code: g++ -o main.o main.cc -g -Wall -pedantic
g++ -o hello main.o -g -Wall -pedantic -nostartfiles
/usr/bin/ld: warning: Cannot create .note.gnu.build-id section, --build-id ignored.
/usr/bin/ld: warning: Cannot create .eh_frame_hdr section, --eh-frame-hdr ignored.
/usr/bin/ld: error in main.o(.eh_frame); no .eh_frame_hdr table will be created.

That doesn't look too promising, but they are warnings, and an executable was created, so try running it:
Code: ./hello
./hello: error while loading shared libraries: ./hello: unsupported version 30277 of Verneed record. I have not had any success understanding what is wrong from googling, so I am now trying it here.

Let's see:
> uname -a
Linux readingj #1 SMP Mon Jun 13 19:49:05 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> g++ --version
g++ (GCC) 4.6.0 20110530 (Red Hat 4.6.0-9)
Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is No warranty; not even for merchantability or fitness for particular purpose. I ran 'yum -y update' just before producing all this.

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General :: Change Screen Resolution To A Unsupported Mode?

May 8, 2011

I just installed Opensuse 11.4 (gnome) in a new desktop but the screen resolution is 1360x768 60hz and this is not listed in monitor settings, so the monitor keeps displaying "not optimized mode" message. In order to use the correct resolution, I used these two commands:xrandr --newmode "1360x768_60.00" 84.75 1360 1432 1568 1776 768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsyncxrandr --addmode VGA1 "1360x768_60.00"it worked, but every time the computer is restarted, I must run this command again. So I think "I just have to create a script in the initialization!". It works, every time the computer is started, there is no need to run the commands again. But when program enters in full screen, the resolution is "lost" and the monitor message is displayed again.

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Hardware :: ATI Radeon And Samsung TV - Unsupported Video Mode

Oct 7, 2010

I had planned to use my Samsung LED-TV (UE40B6000) as a secondary display connected to the DVI port (my 5:4 display is connected to the VGA port). But there are only two modes I can get it to work with: 1280x1024@60Hz and 1280x1024@75Hz. _All_ of the other modes produce a "unsupported video mode" on the TV screen. Now here's the thing, it works fine under Windows, I can easily set the LED-TV to 1920x1080@60Hz as described in the TV's manual, i.e. just choose the settings under Windows (no extra driver required). So, I thought I might have messed up my Ubuntu system some way. I tried with both Ubuntu 10.04 and openSUSE 11.3 live CDs producing the exact same results - only 1280x1024 produces a picture.

I switched modes using the "gnome-display-properties" tools which reports a Samsung Electric Company 7" display offering all the modes it should (incl. 1920x1080@60). As this didn't work I used xrandr to switch with the same results. After that I started fiddling with a /etc/xorg.conf file for the better part of last night with ModeLines and suggestions (gtf ...) from all across the internet, too numerous for me to remember, especially since I basically took whatever came along (not a very structured approach - I know, but I got somewhat desperate). Nothing worked, nothing at all.

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc R480 [Radeon X800 GTO (PCIE)]
01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc R480 [Radeon X800 GTO (PCIE)] (Secondary)
xrandr: .....

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Ubuntu Servers :: View Cannot Be Shown Because It Uses An Invalid Or Unsupported Form Of Compression"

Mar 3, 2011

I'm successfully hosting an https site on my single available public facing IP address - but I want to expose a couple of internal web sites. Essentially, I have:[URL]..I get most of the way there by using mod_proxy and the directive:


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Debian :: Working On A Project With Unsupported Libraries (don't Ask) And Can Only Build Successfully With G++ 4.1?

Jan 20, 2011

I didn't do enough research beforehand and just discovered that while gcc 4.1 is still packaged, g++ 4.1 is not. I am working on a project with unsupported libraries (don't ask) and can only build successfully with g++ 4.1.*I see that there are packages for Lenny. Is it safe to install these under Squeeze?Being new here I am not sure where else to look for third party packages is, so if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great. I'd very much prefer not to try to build from source as I'll almost certainly clobber my 4.4 install in the process.

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Fedora Hardware :: Server Twin/two Processor Causes Freeze (unsupported)

Aug 13, 2010

My older motherboard is a MSI K7D Master which had two AMD Athlon 1800 MP's installed. My new motherboard is a HDAMA Rev G which has two AMD Opteron Socket 940 CPUs 2.4Ghz installed. When both chips are installed, Fedora will freeze when putting the system under load (i.e when transferring data). This has now happened to both the motherboards, once I remove the second CPU the system will run perfectly.

I think it may be a kernal problem as this also happens on other linux distributions. I have posted here for several reasons, a) to allow any other person searching for a fix a solution (all be it not a good solution), b) to request help on fixing this issue or request to who and where I should report this bug, c) to see if any other users are having the same issues. I should add that I once had the MSI mobo used in conjuntion with Windows Home Server which never had a problem when both chips were installed.

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Fedora Hardware :: Ultimate-N 6300 Does Not Work Under F13 - Unsupported - Too Old - EEPROM

Nov 11, 2010

I replaced the old WIFI card (Intel PRO 3945ABG) in my Dell D620 with the new Intel Ultimate-N 6300.

According to intel's website the driver is integrated in the current kernel (mine is 61.fc13.i686.PAE) and I have the latest firmware installed as well (iwl6000-firmware- 1.fc13.noarch) however it does not work.

I tested the card with Windows XP and it works perfect.

The output from "dmesg" is:



But with my previous card "lspic -v" will show the driver in use but the new card does not:


So it detect the card for some reason does not assign it a driver!

And i googled this "Unsupported (too old) EEPROM" and found some results related to Ubuntu but were not useful.

So am I missing something? what does that message mean "Unsupported (too old) EEPROM"?

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