Ubuntu :: Multiple Boot Attempts Before Successful Boot

Oct 22, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu Maverick which seems to run ok. The problem is when booting my PC. Often it takes anywhere between two and six attempts to boot before a successful boot. Sometimes it fails with "No signal" before it reaches the grub screen, sometimes is passes grub only to fail 15 secs later with a "No signal".I have an NVidia Ge Force 6600 LE graphics card, with the latest driver 260.19.06.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Successful 10.10 Boot On MacBook Pro 5,3

Apr 12, 2011

Thought that I would share my story of trying to get a USB thumbdrive to boot ubuntu on my MacBook Pro. I originally bought a 32Gb flash drive thinking that it would be as simple as throwing ubuntu on and pressing go. I soon found out the hard way that Apple won't let you boot BIOS(Legacy) OS's from a thumbdrive. A long learning curve later, I could successfully boot the ubuntu Kernel from my thumbdrive alone. I partitioned my drive into 4 partitions an EFI boot partition(1) a fat32 boot partition(2) an ext4 filesystem(3) and a HFS+ rEFIt partition(4).

After following the steps put forth on [URL] I was able to configure grub to properly load the ubuntu kernel, however, it would crash every time I tried booting. I edited my grub.cfg file to load /bin/sh on startup, and that got me to boot into an SH shell, but nonetheless startx would not properly load. A headache and a half later, I discovered that ubuntu does NOT like being booted from EFI. I could have continued these shenanigans and tried to get ubuntu to boot using EFI, but I took the lazy route out.

Apple does not let you boot USB from BIOS, but it does, however, let you boot CD's from BIOS. I burnt a copy of the "Super GRUB2 Disk" from [URL]. Poped it in my CD tray, held 'C' when booting, grub2 loaded, pressed 'detect os' and it booted. Everything works great, video drivers, usb drivers, everything is exactly like if ubuntu was on my HD, and to be honest the speed is GREAT - I would almost go far enough to say that it is faster than booting from a HD, the only issue is that without a SWAP partition, the memory fills up rather fast, and sometimes you have to wait for that to catch up.

To recap:
Step 1: Install Ubuntu to a thumbdrive just like you would a HD
Step 2: Burn the "Super GRUB2 Disk" from supergrubdisk
Step 3: Hold 'C' when booting -> detect OS's
Step 4: Boot from Ubuntu on you Flashdrive, Enjoy!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unetbootin Successful - No Boot Option There?

Jan 30, 2010

I installed ubuntu on my v13 (SU7300 model, not the ubuntu model) using unetbootin.Installation was successful, but when I restart, the boot loader only gives me the option of starting Windows.I can still use unetbootin until I start windows and uninstall it. After that, if I restart, the only OS option to boot from is Windows.

NOTE: I installed 9.10 using frugal more (no cd, no usb, but rather live from hard drive.)

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Ubuntu :: Boot Attempts Reset Computer?

Dec 7, 2010

So I run a dual-boot win7/ubuntu system and out of nowhere I am now unable to boot into ubuntu. I get up to the screen where I select which OS to boot into, then I select ubuntu, get the wubldr messages and then my computer instantly resets back to the original load screen.

This comes paired with a bad boot into my windows partition so I feel like they may be related. I did a system repair and now windows works though. I'm defraging my harddrive now just to see if it works.

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Debian Installation :: Boot Hangs After Successful Fresh Install

Nov 24, 2015

System is hanging during boot after a successful fresh install via netinstall disk. Never makes it to any GUI or prompt. However, it does still respond to CTRL-ALT-DEL (not completely frozen).Default debian installation with one exception - KDE checkbox was checked for installation. Everything else was default, with "use full disk with GRUB" option chosen.The boot process appears to hang during the service starts. It appears that the start job for "Create Static De..." is not actually ever completing. I don't know how to troubleshoot that any further than I have.

This is running on hardware, it is not a virtual machine. 480GB SSD, i7, 16GB of RAM, AMD R9 390 (I dunno if this is the problem, but it seems a likely culprit).There are no other disks attached. I have verified successful memtest completions (0 failures) and hard disk is intact and working fine (I have swapped for another disk, and the same thing happens as well).

My skill level with Linux is relatively low. I have proficiency using it and programming for it, but not much in the way of troubleshooting/ installation/ drivers.

Here is an album of "screenshots" (phone photos) of the boot sequence in debug: URL....I tried booting straight to console by removing "quiet" from boot options and changing to "text", but it does not alter the outcome in any discernible way.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Doesn't Recognize Cdrom After Successful Boot

Jan 8, 2010

My computer have Windows XP installed and now I want to install suse 9.0. I insert the boot disk (disk 1) and reboot my machine.Then on the boot option window, I select 'installation'. Then comes the error: cannot find SUSE installation CD. Activating Manual.... Then 'English'-->'English(US)'-->'Installation'. Then comes another error: Cannot mount CD-ROM.

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Fedora Installation :: Install Still Attempts Window Boot

Sep 26, 2009

I'm having an issue installing Fedora 11 on my system. After the install, I remove the DVD media, reboot the system, and it reports an error stating that Windows cannot start, missing or corrupted hal.dll file. I appologize if this is a common problem or has already been answered. My searches haven't yielded helpful information, mostly what I've found is people attempting to setup dual-boot machines or boot Fedora via the Windows Boot Loader.I have experience in computers, although I am completely new to Linux/Fedora. Through my work, I have experience using AIX, but no experience installing or managing drive partitions.The system in question is a 5 year old Windows XP system that I built myself. The system has two drives (C: and D: in Windows). The C: drive was the Windows install drive and the D: drive was added later for additional storage. I am attempting to completely overwrite Windows on this machine. I want it to single boot into Fedora 11, I am not looking for a dual-boot system. The system will become a network file server.

The specs of the system are...
Processor: AMD Athlon 64 3500+
Mobo: Gigabyte GA-K8NSNXP-939

I downloaded the DVD iso for Fedora 11 x86_64 via Bit Torrent, burned the ISO to DVD and booted the system from DVD. I ran through the install (Anaconda and see the following information on the screens..

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Debian Installation :: UEFI Won't Find Boot Device After Successful Install

Sep 12, 2014

I installed Debian Jessie (netinst, daily snapshot) on my Acer Aspire V5-123 laptop in the UEFI mode with the secure boot turned off. everything (network, hardware, partitioning, ...) went smoothly to the last step, but after removing the boot media (USB stick) and rebooting, the firmware could not find the boot device ! The only thing I can think of, is that the EFI boot is not set up properly by Debian installer, but I don't know how to fix it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 On Macbook Pro - Now Takes 4 Attempts To Boot And Beeps On Restart

Apr 29, 2011

I've tried to install 11.04 on my Macbook Pro (5,4) today. I had two drives in the machine, an SSD as my main drive, and an HD. I installed rEFIt before attempting to install Ubuntu. I moved my Snow Leopard install to the secondary HD & made sure I could boot to it. Then, I used the live CD & gparted to clear the 1st drive (the SSD), create the swap space, create the Ubuntu partition, and launch the install, where I used what I had just created on the SSD. The install completed okay (but with no option to select where the GRUB installer went, like some tutorials tell you to look out for). This seemed to go okay, so I went to restart at the end of the install, but the machine didn't come back up.

Instead, the power came on & I could hear the drives, but the screen stayed black, the battery light flashed a load of times really quickly (too quickly to count, but at least 10 times), and then the machine let out 1 long beep and stayed on the black screen. I forced it to power down & tried again, and just got a black screen, the battery light shining steadily, and no beep. I forced it to power down again, and got the same, then again, and got the same, and then a 4th time, which actually allowed me to boot. And this has been the pattern since then. I shut down, and my first attempt to restart gets me the flashing light and the beep, with the black screen. I try 3 more times to power down and restart, and just get the black screen. Then, *every* time on the 4th time, I'm allowed to boot.

The same routine will be gone through the next time I power down and try to restart. I've tried totally clearing the disk in gparted, restoring the OSX install from TimeMachine, everything I could think of, but all to no avail. Finally, thinking that maybe the OSX install I had safe on the secondary HD might still be okay (looking at it in gparted showed an EFI boot section & everything), I opened up my MBP, swapped the drives around so that the HD is now the main drive, and the SSD the secondary, and renamed the drives so that the primary HD is now called 'Macintosh HD' and is first in the list of drives that appear when I manage to boot each 4th attempt. But, to my great disappointment, I still got exactly the same error. Can anyone offer any advice on how to:

1) Get my machine booting to a safe Snow Leopard install on the (now primary) HD?
2) Safely install Ubuntu on the (now secondary) SSD?

Obviously the first is a top priority, as I need my machine in order to work! Then I can concentrate on moving my dev environment to Ubuntu, which I've been dying to do for ages.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Vista Multiple Boot - No Boot Filename Received - No Bootable Device

Jan 2, 2010

i had a working multi-boot system, vista on sda1,2; swap sda3; ext=sda4; ubuntu sda5; fedora sda6; data sda7 - i mount the data partition when using all of the linux releases so i don't have to have multiple copies of music, docs, etc. everything has worked fine until yesterday. i tried to install fc12 on sda6, replacing fc11. it required me to format sda6 as ext4. i wasn't sure where i had grub installed, but have a backup of menu.lst in data (sda7), so figured i could let it install to mbr or wherever it wanted to by default. when the install completed and i reboot, i get a black screen and these messages: CLIENT MAC ADDR: 00 19 XX XX XX GUID: XXXXX PXE-E53:

No boot filename received
PXE-M0F: Exiting Intel Boot Agent.

No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key I tried reinstalling fc12, same exact errors. I then thought maybe the problem had something to do with ext4 partition mixed in with ext3's, so i installed mepis on the sda6, and let it write grub to mbr (i think, not really sure where it wrote it). anyway, i still get the identical black screen. no grub type menu or anything. the screen used to show "DHCP for a few seconds", but doesn't anymore after i disconnected the ethernet cable.........

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Boot Options In Grub Boot Menu?

Apr 3, 2010

I'm a noob but enjoying dual booting. However, every time I run update manager I get a new vmlinuz entry and now I have multiple boot options in my grub boot menu. Now when I have like 5 ubuntu entries to move past to select Windows. and the latest Ubuntu is always at the bottom so I have to annoyingly scroll down to select the latest there. I don't really understand what the vmlinuzXXX entries in the boot folder are for so I don't want to delete them. I've thought about editing the loop in the 10_linux file in the grub.d folder but it looks like its calling a function or macro or something:

linux='version_find_latest $list'

But like I said, I'm a noob to all this (a .Net developer on Windows professionally) and don't understand where this is. It looks like this function call has the logic I need to fix. Because its not finding the latest, its just finding all. How to I get back to one Ubunutu boot option like when I first installed?

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Ubuntu Security :: Block Multiple Ssh Login Attempts?

Mar 22, 2011

I am running a ubuntu server 10.10 with SSH, and OpenVPN. I use it mainly for the VPN, but I have seen log in attempts such as:

Mar 22 14:52:53 UbuntuSvr sshd[2397]: Invalid user support from
Mar 22 14:52:55 UbuntuSvr sshd[2399]: Invalid user student from
Mar 22 14:52:57 UbuntuSvr sshd[2401]: Invalid user transfer from
Mar 22 14:52:59 UbuntuSvr sshd[2403]: Invalid user user from


Is it possible to make it so when some one has tried logging in 5 times with an invalid user/pass that the ip is banned for 10 minutes? I have password auth set to no and am using keys.

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Ubuntu :: Switch Between Multiple Os's On A Multi-boot Pc?

Apr 19, 2010

i just installed ubuntu last night, with dual boot towards xp and ubuntu 9.1 on my pc. But was wondering if there is a way to switch bettween the two withOUT rebooting.

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Ubuntu :: CPU 100% On Boot / Multiple Instances Of Same Process

Jul 30, 2010

I tried the google and browsing the known bugs in the sticky before posting this thread.On boot the machine is pegged at 100%. It is a dual-core with 4GB of ram and is running 10.04, 64bit. Also, as time goes on it eats up all the ram till theres maybe 32mb free. What happens is there are multiple 4-10+ identical processes running. seem to be gnome related.The machine sits idle on my floor and runs samba and apache/mysql/gallery for my test website that no on but myself visits.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Multiple Boot?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm currently running Ubuntu 9.10 on my server and I want to install a new 10.04 from scratch in a second bootable partition to be able to boot it up and test the new version before putting it into production (without tampering with my old version). I have an empty partition on my drive already

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Ubuntu :: Deleting Multiple Boot Entries?

Feb 2, 2011

It seems each time I select 'restart later' after downloading updates I get extra lines on my boot screen.The top line works correctly to get me into Ubuntu & the bottom Win. How do I delete the unnecessary lines?

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General :: 64 Bit Or 32 Bit Ubuntu 10.04 In A Multiple Boot With Windows 64 And 32 Bit ?

Sep 20, 2010

I have Vista and windows 7 both as 64 bit versions installed on the same hard drive with XP Pro 32 bit on separate partitions. So should I install the 64 bit version of Ubuntu 10.04 on this system to best be able to view and edit, copy and paste, and share folders and files between all 3 of these operating systems ? Is it true that 32 bit systems can not access any folders or files created by or on a 64 bit system, but a 64 bit can handle accessing 32 bit files, right ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: When The GRUB Boot Menu Starts Up There Is An Option For Win 7 Boot But It Will Not Boot Windows?

May 2, 2011

I installed 11.04 after Windows 7. when the GRUB boot menu starts up there is an option for Win 7 boot but it will not boot windows. When that option is selected the screen changes colour for 2 seconds and then reverts to the GRUB menu. Ubuntu boots fine.I downloaded the Boot Info Script and ran it, the results are

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================[code].....

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Ubuntu :: Multiple NVidia Cards Boot Hang?

Mar 29, 2010

I have 2 NVidia graphics cards, a GTX275 and a GT210. My system boots just fine in 32-bit Windows 7, so I know it isn't a hardware problem.Linux boots fine with either the GTX275 or the GT210 installed, but hangs after the file system check if both are installed. My motherboard has 3 pci-e slots, an x1, x4, and an x16. I've tried various configurations, all fail except 1 graphics card installed in either of these slots. I got my system to boot a couple of times with both cards installed in Xbuntu 9.10. Then this problem randomly happened.

System Specs:
Ubuntu 10.04 Beta, 2.6.32-16 Kernel
MSI N275GTX Twin-Frozr 896MB
MSI N210GT 512MB (got it for VDPAU on an HDTV )[code].....

I'm not inclined to believe the problem is here. I don't even get a bootsplash, let alone XServer to start. The system hangs after a flurry of HDD activity. Checked partition, and it's ok.


fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
/sbin/fsck.xfs: XFS file system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot On Multiple Disks?

Jul 7, 2010

I recently tried installing Lucid x86 on my system beside Windows 7 and managed to screw it up.

My disk setup is this;

Disk A = 3 partitions (1st partition=Windows 2&3 partitions=Data)
Disk B = 1 partition
Disk C = 3 partitions (1st partition=Data 2&3 partitions=Ubuntu & Swap)

Disk A = SATA and internal
Disk B = SATA to USB external
Disk C = SATA to USB external

I want to install Lucid on the 2nd partition on Disk C. And dual boot it with Windows on Disk A.

During Lucid setup i specified the partition for installation (C2) and asked for GRUB to install on Disk A (no partition specified) so GRUB is always used as the dual-boot manager even if the Lucid disk (Disk C) is ejected. Once installed and rebooted i was taken to the GRUB rescue prompt as no installation drive could be found (a long string of numbers (looked like a Disk ID number???) was also shown). Obvviiusly, i could not access either OS on my system at this point. I had my W7 DVD handy so it was just a case of recovering the windows boot manager and i could use my PC but how do i go about installing Lucid with this setup? Should i specify a partition for GRUB to install to? I have a hunch this is where i am going wrong but am too scared to try again and potentially balls things up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Want To Boot Multiple Distros With GRUB

Jun 21, 2011

I currently am in an adventurous phase and want to try other distros while still having a reliable, stable Ubuntu installation to fall back on. I'm currently in the process of partitioning my disks, and I realized that I might have trouble booting them, as the most recently installed would control GRUB and clobber any previous GRUB setup. So what I want to know is how to go about managing everything so that only one distro, preferably Ubuntu, has control of the GRUB menu at boot up, and will still recognize the other distros on other partitions.

I plan to have three 15GB root partitions, one swap, and one home partition for each distro.

Would I create a /boot for each distro? Or create one /boot with files from each distro copied there? Or should I do something else entirely?
I just don't want the distros to interfere with each other. Also, I don't want to use VMs for this, because I want to see what a real full-performance install is like for each distro.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Can't Boot Multiple OSes

Jul 9, 2011

The system came with Windows 7 installed.

After installing Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty) with Unity, I installed Xubuntu 11.04. All three OSes could be seen in the GRUB menu and I could boot any OS of choice.

Then I installed OpenSUSE 11.4. I suspect it installed legacy GRUB on the OpenSUSE root partition. Thereafter, I was not able to boot Ubuntu or Xubuntu.

I have now used a LiveCD (system rescue mode) to re-install GRUB on the MBR. However, I can only boot Win7 or Ubuntu. Can't access Xubuntu or OpenSUSE.

The results of my boot-info file are as reproduced below:

Boot Info Script 0.60 from 17 May 2011
============================= Boot Info Summary: ===============================
=> Grub2 (v1.99) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at sector 1 of the same hard drive for core.img. core.img is at this location and looks


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OpenSUSE Install :: Multiple Boot From Usb?

Dec 7, 2010

What I want to do is that;

openSuse live CD gParted live and arch linux installed in a usb. I would probably need a grub for it too

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Ubuntu Servers :: Starting Multiple Programs At Boot On Server

Feb 11, 2010

Running Ubuntu Server 9.10.I have a couple of programs that I would like to start at boot, they will both run forever. I have created a cron job with @reboot and that will start a program, but if I have multiple programs in there it waits for the first to finish before starting the next.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Recover Multiple Boot Options Menu ?

Jun 21, 2010

Previously I'd installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix (Lucid) on my Acer Aspire One 751h netbook. the machine came with XP installed, so I installed Ubuntu as a dual-boot setup. I had various problems with the configuration of Ubuntu (nothing to do with the boot process, and now solved) so I reinstalled it.

What I'd actually done with the second installation was to install it again alongside both XP and the original Ubuntu installation (maybe that was also a stupid thing, but I didn't know it would work like that). When I realised what I'd done, I did the stupid thing, which was to delete the partitions with the older installation and swap file (using the Disk Utility).

After that, the next time I rebooted I went straight into grub-rescue. I don't know much about this, but I found a forum entry explaining the basics, so I can now issue grub-rescue commands that let me boot into Ubuntu. I've run update-grub and my /boot/grub/grub.cfg file looks fine.

However, I think this only kicks in once I've got past the initial boot menu and have chosen Ubuntu (now on sda5 - hd0,5). My problem is that the files/processes that load the boot menu on startup still have the old configuration, so when I reboot I still go into grub-rescue and I get 'partition not found' (or, since I recreated the partitions, 'file not found') and root is at (hd0,7).

Is there a way, once I've got into Ubuntu, of changing the information in the startup boot menu Alternatively, if I copy my entire file system from sda5 into sda7, would that do the trick?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting Multiple Distros From USB - Choose Which One To Boot From?

Oct 31, 2010

With the startup disk creator on Ubuntu (Currently running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) I realised you could boot Ubuntu from a USB and then install it onto the HDD if you wish to. *Side note* Still amazes me you can run a whole operating system from a USB memory stick drive *End Side note* Now My question is: 'Is it possible to have multiple distros of Linux on a USB memory stick and choose which one you wish to boot from when you boot up the computer?'I was hoping to get a seagate portable HDD ((here) and load quite a few different Linux distros on it to get a broader view of Linux than just Ubuntu (Although Ubuntu does rock ).

Is there simple ways of doing this? I have read around this forum and Google and a suggestion was given to install all of the distros onto the portable HDD/ USB memory stick and then install Ubuntu onto it last as its good for picking up other OSes in its GRUB. (Again if my idea on GRUB and its workings are wrong please point it out - got to keep learning)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Will Not Boot, , Multiple Error Messages Showed Up?

Jan 2, 2011

I installed ubuntu with the windows installer. while installing in windows, multiple error messages showed up, but installation still proceeded.it rebooted, and ubuntu finished installation.on the next reboot,when i chose ubuntu from the windows boot manager, it loaded grub.however,there was no option for booting ubuntu in grub, and you are forced to go back to the windows boot manager.

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General :: Possible To Install More Than One Distro On Multiple Boot PC

Mar 28, 2011

If I can install more than one distro on my Multiple boot pc. I already have, Mandriva, Win xp, and Win 7 on. But you know how it is, you want to try out all the linux systems if that is possible. I guess using a live cd would allow me to do it. I do not want to bugger up the systems I already have on.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Multiple Logins At The Boot Screen?

Feb 18, 2010

Is there any method to allow multiple users to login to the main server - something like is allowed in windows ?

I am aware of how to telnet/ssh into the machine, but there are some engineering programs which need to be run on the head node (for some display issue problems on the ssh windows), which locks up the head node for another user who might need to log into the machine for their own work.

where I can set it up to permit multiple users to work at the head node without logging off, and instead allow "switch user" or something of the kind ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Multiple Operating Systems Without Choosing The OS At The Machine?

Apr 4, 2011

Sorry for the hard to understand title but it's difficult to describe in one sentence. What I'd like to do is install Windows and several different versions of Linux on the same system. After everything is installed, I'd like to switch between operating systems *from inside the operation systems*.

Example: I'm inside Windows but I want to reboot into Ubuntu 9.04. I need to run a command to update the boot manager so it knows to boot into Ubuntu 9.04.

I do not want to walk to the physical box to make a menu selection. EDIT: I'd like to be able to switch between Windows 7 and Ubuntu (9.04, 10.04, and 10.10)

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