Ubuntu Multimedia :: Switches To Low-graphics Mode When Left Unattended For Some Specific Time

Jun 26, 2010

When I leave my computer and later return, depending on how long I've been away, I find the screen-saver running, the screen turned off, or the computer suspended, i get the error as specified below on a black screen:


Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode.

Your screen, graphics card, and input device settings could not be detected correctly. You will need to configure these yourself.

The message gives several options. Despite some experimentals, The only solution which I have found is to reboot and everything becomes fine as before.

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Ubuntu :: Schedule Unattended Updates To Install At A Specific Time?

Dec 8, 2010

I've been quite puzzled by the behavior of unattended updates - it seems it runs the updates at or before 7am (on all the server installs I've got). They are only set to do security updates unattended, but what I am wondering is if there is a way to change the time that they install? I want the updates to install early in the morning, at like 3am or such, so I can reboot the machine when I get up if needs a reboot.I found a few mentions about it, but nothing specifically talking about the time.[URL]..

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Ubuntu :: Lucid LTS Unresponsive When Left Unattended?

Jun 10, 2010

I recently upgraded from 8.04 (Hardy) to 10.04 (Lucid). I usually leave my Linux box running as an SSH server (setting on never sleep) while traveling so I can access files, and so on, but since upgrading, I am no longer able to connect via SSH, and upon my return the fan suggests the computer is still running (not sleeping), but the screen is dark and keyboard/mouse cues will not "wake it up".

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General :: Run A Program For A Specific Amount Of Time Starting At A Specific Time?

May 18, 2010

I want to record an internet radio station starting at 2:00am tomorrow morning. The specific program on the radio station lasts until 6:00am. The command I need to run to record the station is: Code:mplayer http://wjcu.jcu.edu:8001/listen.pls -ao pcm:file=indie_heat_of_the_night.wav -vc dummy -vo nullI'd use cron, but 1. I'm not sure how to and 2. it seems unnecessarily complicated for something that I only want to run once. If cron is the only/easiest solution, I guess I'll just have to resort to that, but I'd rather not.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Lucid Low Graphics Mode?

May 15, 2010

This started yesterday.I have been running Lucid since the Beta release with no problems. Yesterday, I found about 20 or so updates ready for 10.04. I looked them over, mostly lib files, so I decided to go ahead and let them update. That evening I rebooted my machine before I left for the night, and it came up with the error "Ubuntu is running in Low Graphics Mode". In a word X is totally hosed. The display is cut just left of center, with part of the windows on the right carrying off the screen to come back onto the screen to the left.

I thought maybe Xconf might have been messed up, but not sure how. The updates I applied did not do anything to Xorg; and my understanding was that I didn't need that file because I am running with an Nvidia card. I tried to "reconfigure" the X settings from the error message, that did not work. I logged into a text only terminal, and copied a good backup of Xorg.conf back into place and rebooted. Same thing, still running in Low Graphics mode.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Low Graphics Mode And TVTime Will Not Launch

Jun 7, 2010

After installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS over the weekend I had some problems, which I subsequently solved and thought I'd mention here.
- First, the dreaded Low Graphics (EE)NOUVEAU(0):Error allocating scanout buffer:-12 which wouldn't allow me to change my monitor resolution.
- Second, TVTime television viewer would not launch at all.

Solution to BOTH of these problems:
From Synaptic uninstall xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (experimental) and reinstall xserver-xorg-video-nv.
Now everything works!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Boot With No Screen - Low Graphics Mode

Sep 20, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 it works perfectly fine, until I boot with no screen. Then I get the "low graphics mode" and I cant remote desktop into it...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia Keeps Booting Into Low Graphics Mode

Oct 4, 2010

I cannot get my driver to work in 10.04 LTS. I've googled all around and still can't fix this. Randomly when I boot up it says ubuntu is running in low graphics mode. It was working yesterday. I had this problem before and it just randomly fixed its self. I have an Nvidia 320m graphics card with drivers from the hardware drivers program.

Heres my xorg.conf file ...
Section "Screen"
Identifier"Default Screen"

Section "Module"

Section "Device"
Identifier"Default Device"

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Ubuntu :: HID Foot Switches Into Command Mode

Jan 9, 2010

I purchased a foot pedal [URL], which I want to use as a substitute for the ALT, CTRL and SHIFT key (Mainly in my texteditor, Emacs, where these modifiers are used a lot for commands). So instead of pressing ALT+x I want to press the left pedal + x. However, instead of going into the command mode it just types x to the screen. If I keep the pedal pressed, and type another x, it switches into command mode, like it should have done right away. The device seems to use HID, and lsusb gives:
Bus 005 Device 004: ID 1130:660c Tenx Technology, Inc.
Is there a way, how I can change the behaviour of the device?

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Get To Console From The Graphics Mode

Apr 5, 2011

My problem is that I anyway cannot get to the text console when I have run the desktop environment. When I press Ctrl+Alt+Fx (where x - number of tty console), the video adapter doesn't send signal into monitor. Keyboard also stops reacting, only Magic SysRq Key works. The same result I can see when I turn off the desktop environment (I have uninstalled gdm) or kill X-server with the "kill -9" command. The only way to get to console (except window terminal) is remote connection via SSH.

The problem occurs only when I have run X-server. When I turn on the computer, I can see start messages. Since I've uninstalled gdm, I have also access to the console after I turn on my computer. I can normally switch between tty consoles, until I type "startx" command. Everything started when I've tryed to install non-free ATI video drivers. They practically worked, because I've had some problems with them (I just don't remember what problems), so I've uninstalled them and returned to the open. Then this problem apeeared. I tried to reinstall Xorg, change kernel (installed from repos), switch off the framebuffer, but it gave nothing.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 9.04 Install GMA500 Driver But Run In Low-graphics Mode

May 18, 2010

Our BIOS use AMI,Memory:1GB,CPU:Z510,

then install ubuntu 9.04,GMA500 Driver,but refer Inf is:

The following error was encountered. You may need to update your configuration to solve this;

(EE) psb(0):THE STOLENbASE IS :OX1FC00000
(EE) psb(0):Screenindex is:0;
fbphys is :0x1fc00000;fbsize is:0x003bf000
(EE) Psb(0):Could not find a valid initial configuration for this screen;
(EE) screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration;

, then I try to modify the Stolen Memory to 8MB,but result no change; I doubt BIOS need do some change ,but don't know how to do,

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Computer Drops To Low Graphics Mode After Powersave?

May 31, 2010

I have recently been experiencing some issues with the powersave on my computer. I had my computer set to put the display to sleep after 10 minutes and put the computer to sleep after 30 minutes. The screen saver also activates at 5 minutes. When I woke up my computer (hit the power button) the computer would sometimes tell me that it was going into low graphics mode. I had to reboot to get my x server back. I disabled the power save to fix the problem, but I would really like to have it back. My latest Xorg.log gives an error, but I'm not sure if the power save caused the problem (more below). I am running a computer with an Intel Integrated chipset.My questions:

What caused the x server to crash?Should I post a bug report on Launchpad? If so, how? (im a bit of a noob as far as bug reporting)How can I fix the problem?Xorg.log:

X.Org X Server 1.7.6
Release Date: 2010-03-17


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Safe Graphics Mode Failed To Load

Aug 5, 2010

I made a backup of xorg.conf and added Xinerama and the other configuration items I needed. X failed to load. Then I copied my backup to xorg.conf and...X failed to load. Then I tried booting up in safe graphics made, and X failed to load. I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but it did nothing. Literally nothing -- no error, no output, no nothing. Then I saw someone who had suggested to apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg, then reinstall it, and X failed to load.

I am at a complete loss. I have now read that the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is no longer used, that the os is supposed to autodetect everything now, but in that case I don't see how I will ever get dual monitors. In any case, I can live without dual monitors, but I need at least ONE monitor, and I have no idea how to get the configuration working.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.04 - Machine Locks Up After Low Graphics Mode Error

Jan 6, 2011

After updating Ubuntu 10.04 I'm getting this error message. "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode. Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module." I have a NVIDIA Geforce 220 video card and previously installed the NVIDIA drivers. All was working well until this last update. There are countless number of forum messages on how to fix this but my problem is compounded because when I get this message the machine appears to lock up.

It doesn't respond to any keyboard commands such as Ctrl-Alt-F1. I am not able to get to a command prompt at all. This was a fresh install of 10.04 so I believe it uses GRUB2 which automatically boots into the operating system with no menu. Is there a way to stop GRUB2 from automatically running the OS and giving me a menu? I really don't want to reinstall.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Dual Boot Up And Low Graphics Mode Error

May 26, 2011

I have a dual boot xp -ubuntu - AGP ati 2600 series radeon. Intel 8300 dell. The message comes up after login "ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode". I hit ok and I get 5 choices and none of them work.

1) run ubuntu in low-graphics mode.
2) reconfigure graphics.
3) troubleshoot the error.
4) exit to console login.
5) restart X.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: System Starts In Low Graphics Mode And Never Shows The Desktop

Jun 5, 2010

I downloaded a linux kernel from linux.org to check what is the kernel is about, i clicked on make_file or make sth .. and in the same session i downloaded a program called login window.

Now the problem is that the system boots ok, it gives me a msg saying that system is running in low graphics mode, when i press ok i get a few options like troubleshootin or restart x or use back up configuration .. and nothing works .. when i press start normally it never stops loading .. i can see the terminal when clicking ctrl + alt + f1,f2 ... but when i press ctrl + alt + f7 or return back to the desktop ubuntu is still loading .. it never stops loading.

And after using ubuntu for a while i really hate windows 7 .. i have it on the system, so is there a way to fix this problem?

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Programming :: Using Switches - Allow Program To Run In Debug Mode

Nov 23, 2010

I want to allow my program to be able to run in DEBUG mode. i.e., I want to be able to run ./program, and I want to be able to run ./program -v to show all the debug output. How do I go about setting up something like that?

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Ubuntu :: If Move The Window To The Second Screen It Switches To Fullscreen Mode

May 1, 2011

Upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 which trashed my useful desktop.

Synapticed gnome and changed login preferences to ubuntu classic which basically fixed the desktop except...

If I open a program, say LibreOffice or firefox it opens correctly.

If I move the window to the second screen, it switches to fullscreen mode.

If I click on the resize button, then it opens correctly, but on the first screen

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Debian Multimedia :: Graphics Mode And 'xf86config' Command Not Found?

Mar 29, 2011

I recently did a reinstall on my system and I am now running Squeeze. I am currently trying to get some software running, but I believe I am having issues with the graphics requirements. The software needs an X server with 8 bit / PseudoColor mode. It is recommended to work in "8,24"-overlay mode. This was set up on my old install on this computer, so I know it is not a problem with my graphics card. But in the installation guide it says to enable this function it is necessary to add some information in the file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. The problem is I don't have this file. I had this file in my old install, but on the fresh install it is not there. I have the /etc/X11/ directory, and it contains: directories: app-defaults, applnk, cursors, fonts, twm, xinit, xkb, Xreset.d, Xresources, Xsession.d


files: default-display-manager, rgb.txt, X, Xreset, Xsession, Xsession.options, XvMCConfig, Xwrapper.config

I think I've looked through everything in the /etc/X11/ directory but I don't see anything that looks like the XF86Config-4 file. Is there possibly a package that I am missing or something I need to run to create this file? I know on my old install this file was created or modified by running 'xf86config' in the command line. I've tried that, but it tells me 'command not found'.

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Get VLC To Start At Specific Time In Media File

Mar 14, 2015

How do I get vlc to start at a specific time in a media file. I can do it easily in mplayer2, mpv but not vlc. Let's say the media file is named abc.avi (file format,container not important for this example.) Also the running time is around 2+ hrs. In mplayer2 and mpv I can simply do :-

Code: Select all$mpv abc.avi --start=00:59:00

And it will start running at that point in time.

In vlc, it also seems to have something at :-

Code: Select all[$] vlc --advanced --help

Playback control:
      --input-repeat <integer [-2147483648 .. 2147483647]>
                                 Input repetitions
      --start-time <float>       Start time

Now I don't understand what the <float> bit. I tried :-

Code: Select all$vlc abc.avi --start-time=00:59:00

But that didn't work. It's possible that it might be a bug, then again I might not have done it correctly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: NVIDIA Graphics Driver - Graphics Mode Option Via The Start (GRUB)?

Jan 26, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu (9.10) and noted that in order to successfully run the trial off the CD I had to test in "safe graphics" mode. I have an NVIDIA GEforce 6600 GT card - which was discovered by Ubuntu in the first few minutes of the trial and so I activated the recommended driver and continued to test. After a successful trial I installed Ubuntu (dual partition Ubuntu / Windows XP), however, it seems the install didn't activate the required driver (as part of the process) and so I'm unable to get into my newly-installed Ubuntu at all. All I get is a flashing tty screen asking for my username and password - however it's erratic and won't recognise what I type. So - I'm stuck in a catch-22 as there doesn't seems to be a safe graphics mode option via the start (GRUB?) menu list.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Script For Unattended Setup/remove Multimedia Packages?

Nov 18, 2010

I've built a script that should meet the requirements to pass the MMCHECK script written by J. McDaniels and RedDwarf. Save anywhere, call anything, and then (must be run as root):

chmod +x <nameOfFile>
./<nameOfFile> setup|remove
function addRepo() {


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Ubuntu :: Change Volume Or Brightness From The Keyboard, As Soon As The Indicator Goes Down, Mouse Automatically Switches To Drag Mode

Jan 31, 2011

I have a problem with Maverick. Whenever I change my volume or brightness from the keyboard, as soon as the indicator goes down, my mouse automatically switches to drag mode. I have to switch to open terminal by keyboard shortcuts and reboot

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Ubuntu :: After Installation - Get A Icon Which Says And Indicates How Much Battery Time Left

Feb 28, 2010

I installed ubuntu and i love it but i got some question

1) How do i get a icon which says and indicates how much battery time i have left

2) [url]

If u go on that link a lok at that video and go on arounf 4 min ulll see that the person had somee amazig 32 desktop woth eyes and his mouse is like fire and water, also i have 3gb ram and n ubnntu it shows 2.75.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Card Switches Between /dev/video1 And Video0?

Feb 3, 2010

Seemingly at random when I reboot my PC which I do every now and then, when I get it back up and running it will sometimes have switched my video card from using /dev/video1 to /dev/video0 or vice versa. It's not a huge deal but it is slightly annoying and I would like to understand why it does it and how I can stop it from flip flopping.

Not sure what you need to know in order to answer but I use 9.10, gnome 2.28.1, the video card is a Hauppauge 150 PVR something.

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Ubuntu :: Gunna Run In Low Graphics Mode

Mar 16, 2010

i did an update after a LONG time on my machine (there were like 77 updates) and when i restarted the computer, as reccomended, it booted up saying that ubuntu is gunna run in low graphics mode... apparently i am not able to use a window manager either, as became evident when i clicked on the "show desktop" button...

also there are no tabs for any of the open windows on my "start bar" (the lower bar across the screen... also i cant switch to different desktops anymore and i cant maximize/minize or drag windows like my web browser around (probably cause there isnt a window manager running)....

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Randomly Go Into Low Graphics Mode

May 14, 2010

I have (not so recently) installed 10.04. It seems to randomly go into low graphics mode completely randomly i.e. using firefox, gimp, terminal.... not just with high graphics programs. A dialog will pop up and say that my devices are not detected/ configured properly. I then have to force shutdown..

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot 9.10 With Graphics Mode

Apr 9, 2011

In these days I install ubuntu 9.10 64bit on several notebook (Intel + AMD Switchable Graphics, NVIDIA Optimus Hybrid graphics), but the same problem is it can't boot ubuntu with graphic mode. I only can install it with text mode, and after installation, it still boot with text mode. I tried to execute startx, but failed to switch to graphics mode. I didn't see this issue with some notebooks with ATI/NVIDIA graphics, so I think this issue may relate with VBIOS VBE mode settings.

When I try to execute "startx" under the text mode, some error information appears as below.
(EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory
(EE) No devices detected.
Fatal server error:
no screens found

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Ubuntu :: Running In Low Graphics Mode

May 7, 2011

I was attempting to install conky, but I hit some errors and now my ubuntu is running in low graphics mode.

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Ubuntu :: Running In Low Graphics Mode / Fix This?

Feb 21, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.10 and when I boot my PC I can see the following message: Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode and Ubuntu stops booting. I can-t boot in it I can only use command line.
I think I accidentally uninstalled some packages clicking at completelly removal at some ipod utillities in synaptic. How can I fix this?

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