Ubuntu :: Hook The HD Up To A SATA - USB Cable And Edit The Files From Another Machine?

Feb 8, 2011

I was attempting to set up my ubuntu 10.04 system to load Synergy before log in to eliminate the second keyboard and mouse on my desk using these instuctions. However, once I log in I get a quick terminal screen which flashes so quick I can't read it then I am put back to the log in screen. I'm pretty sure I just need to remove the syntax I added to the /etc/gdm/Init/Default file and the /etc/kde3/kdm/Xsetup file and redo it (with less beer). The problem is that user account was the only user account I'd ever bothered setting up on this system and I can't get logged in.

Is there another account built in that I could use or do I need to hook the HD up to a SATA - USB cable and edit the files from another machine?

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Ubuntu :: Trying To Hook Up Net-book To TV With DVI Cable

Sep 25, 2010

my CRT 1080i Samsung TV has a DVI connection, and my Dell mini netbook has a VGA port, so I bought a DVI cable and a VGA-to-DVI adapter. I'm not getting anything on my TV when I plug it in to my netbook...do I have to configure anything?

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General :: Power Cable And SATA Cable In Different "boxes"?

Feb 18, 2011

I can't get a certain harddrive out of its mounting (screws too tight) , but I want it connected to a different computer. Is it possible to have the harddrive's powercable connected to one computer, and its SATA cable connected to another computer's motherboard? (The powercable is too short to connect it to the other computer.)

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Hardware :: SATA External Drive Via USB Cable To Legacy Box?

May 29, 2010

Legacy box is SoYo MB PATA only; Slack10.2, 2.6.13 kernel.. All PATA drives I've tried with two IDE to USB cables work fine but was wondering if the cable will work with a SATA drive to the same box, or would I need a SATA to IDE converter, whatever.. Maybe this is a stupid query?

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Hardware :: Can SATA 3 (SATA III) Hard Disk Be Run On Motherboard Which Only Support SATA II

Aug 13, 2010

Can SATA 3 (SATA III) Hard disk be run on motherboard which only supports SATA II, except sacrificing the speed (throughput)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Build A RAID-1 System With The Two 320GB SATA HD's The Machine?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm trying to install a box with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server with a typical LAMP system in order to replace my old Ubuntu 8.04 server I have at my school to have a "backup" system and also trying to replace NIS authentication with LDAP. Well I'm getting stuck on the first step: installation of base system.

I want to build a RAID-1 system with the two 320GB SATA HD's the machine has, I have a little experience in installing RAID because I installed my old 8.04 server with RAID-1 aswell.

I boot my box from an USB stick with Ubuntu 10.04 Server 64bit, the systems boots well, asks me about language, keyboard and so, finds the two NIC cards and the DHCP configuration of one of the card is done. Then it starts the partitioner.

One of the HD's already contains three partitions with an installation of a regional flavour of Ubuntu, the other HD only contains a partition for backups, I don't want to preserve all this stuff, so the first thing I do is to replace the partiton tables of both HD's with a new one. This is done without problems.

Then I go to the first disk, by example, and create a new partition, the partitioner ask me for the size, I write 0.5 GB (or 500 MB), then I select that it has to be a Primary partition at the beginning of the disk, all goes OK. Once created I go to the "Use as: " line, type Enter and select the option "Partition for RAID volume", when I hit Enter the error appears: the screen flickers in black for a second or two, then it shows a progress bar "Starting the partitioner..." THAT ALWAYS GET STUCK AT 47%!!!

Sometimes the partitioner allows me progress a little further (for ex. lets me activate the boot bit of the partition, or it allows me to make another partiton, even once the error didn't appeared until the first partiton of the second HD!!) but it always get stuck with the same progress bar at the 47%.

I've tried a lot of things: I downloaded again the ISO and rebuilt the USB, same result. Downloaded the ISO and rebuilt the USB from another computer, same result. Unplugged all the SATA and IDE drives except the two HD's, same result. Built a CD-ROM instead of an USB, same result. Downloaded the 10.10 server ISO (not an LTS), and the USB stick can't boot, is another error, but only to try.


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Ubuntu :: SATA II / Error "ata4: Limiting SATA Link Speed To 1.5 Gbps" - Allowing The SSD To Run At SATA II Speeds?

May 1, 2011

I keep getting this error in my log viewer every 2 seconds: Code: ata4: limiting SATA link speed to 1.5 Gbps I have a dual boot SSD and I have run many SMART tests in windows and linux, (using smartmon tools and the disk utility) and the reports are all 100% healthy..... My research shows that this error represents one of the following:

1. Problem with SATA controller
2. Changing BIOS to allow SATA
3. Changing SATA mode to PATA or AHCI
4. Replacing the SATA cable
5. Allowing the SSD to run at SATA II speeds, i.e. 3 Gbps

- Does anyone know how to try number 5, i.e. allowing the SSD to run at SATA II speeds? I am lost here and this problem has caused my machine to crash twice when watching a movie in linux/ ubuntu. (It is worth noting that the crashes have only occurred in linux and I have never had an issue in windows, so it does seem to be a linux setting somewhere, hence why I think it is a "allowing SATA II to run at correct speeds issue")

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Ubuntu / Apple :: EMac And IMac File Sharing With Ethernet Cable And Other Cable?

Oct 12, 2010

how I could file share, or make the whole Hard Drive (HDD) accessible to another computer. The two other computers I have are a Toshiba Laptop with Ethernet and USB, and a iMac Intel with Firewire, USB, and Ethernet. Putting these to use along with:

Three Ethernet Cables
Two Printer Peripheral USB Cables
The Two Computers
A 2GB Flash Drive

That is all I can think of right now. I do not want to use CDs. In a way, I would like to do a network boot. So, how do I get the whole HDD visible to the others computers (either/both) and be able to write to it? I want to put Xubuntu on it, and earse the rest of the Hard Drive. The computers getting this are the iMac G3s and the eMac G4. The eMac has 256MB RAM, 40GB HDD, and a 700MHz processor. Two iMacs have 128MB RAM, 40GB HDD, and a 600MHz Processor. The other iMac is the same as the rest but has a 500MHz processor.

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Ubuntu :: Copy SCP A Couple Files From 10.10 Machine To A Fedora 12 Machine

Dec 8, 2010

I have been trying to SCP a couple files from my Ubuntu 10.10 machine to a Fedora 12 machine. Before today, did it with out any problems, always worked. Today however; after the SCP is complete from my machine, the file on the other machine is zero bytes, an empty file. The only thing I can remember getting changed was the new kernel that was in the update I did today. But I don't think that would have changed the SCP works.

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General :: Transfer Files On A Machine With Ftp / Sftp And Scp Disabled Onto A Remote Machine?

Nov 30, 2010

How do you transfer files on a Linux machine with ftp,sftp and scp disabled onto a remote machine

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General :: Transfer Files From One Pc To Another Using A Network Cable

Apr 24, 2011

I was wondering if there's a way to transfer files from one pc to another using a network cable or something

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Networking :: Transfer Files From A Machine To A Windows Machine Which Are Not In The Same Network?

Jul 6, 2010

I had run one script in unix machine and want to copy the results to a windows machineBoth the machines are on different networksIn linux machine trying to do the ftp to the windows machine its giving connection refused. How to chech whether ftp is running on that linux machine or not?Also tried scp and ssh , both are failing

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Networking :: Can Cat5e Cable Tester Be Used For Cat 6 Cable

Apr 7, 2010

Can Cat5e RJ45 connector crimper be used for Cat 6 connector because I heard cat 6 connector is different from cat 5e connector and also same question for cable tester can cat5e cable tester be used for cat 6 cable?

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General :: Copy Files From Machine A To Machine B?

Mar 8, 2010

How can i copy a files from Machine A to Machine B.Which is LAN connected

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Server :: File Server Machine To Store All Data So Being That Have Got Four Identical SATA Hard Drives?

Jan 25, 2011

I've got 4 identical 1 TB drives and would like to use them in a software RAID configuration on my home server. I'm running Debian Linux using 'mdadm' utility to manage the software RAID. I don't know how much I've read is fact or dated or even false so I decided I would ask here to get help from people who know more about this than I do. This is essentially just a file server machine to store all my data so being that I've got four identical SATA hard drives, I was thinking about doing RAID level 5. I guess I'll start here and ask if that is the recommended level of RAID. I think RAID level 5 will be fine for my general server usage. My second issue is partitioning the four individual drives to get maximum performance / space from them. Basically just asking here how would you or you recommend I partition the drives? I was thinking about doing three seperate partitions per drive:

/dev/sda1 = 4 GB (swap)/dev/sda2 = 1 GB (/boot)/dev/sda3 = 995 GB (/)Now from that partition schema above, obviously all the types will be 'fd' for RAID and the partition for /boot is going to be bootable. My confusion is that I read Grub doesn't support booting from RAID 5 since Grub can't handle disk assembly. If /dev/sdx2 (sda2, sdb2, sdc2, sdd2) are partitioned for /boot (bootable), how would you guys configure this RAID to match up equally? I don't think I do a RAID level 1 on 4 identical partitions, right?

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Ubuntu :: SATA Libata Verses Silicom Images SATA Module

Jun 21, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04, and happened to have an Silicom Images PCXpress card plugged in, and it kindly added the sil_sata module.This is fine for this chip set.I think that my earlier installation of Ubuntu 9.04 used Libata, which does support NCQ and also has good legacy support for the Intel Intel ICH7 chipset I have inside my Sony Vaio SZ notebook. Also, libata also support Silicon Image chipsets as far as I can tell from URL...I wish to remove the Silicom Images SATA modules and replace this with libata and then test the performance between the two device drivers.

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Ubuntu :: Can Edit Pdf.files On It

Jul 25, 2010

Installed Ubuntu last night on a friends computer. I never work with pdf.files. Is there anything he can use to edit them on Ubuntu. I had to laugh thou when I returned home from work he was playing with Ubuntu, and downloading .exe files, and was frustrated why they were not installing.

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Ubuntu :: How To Edit /var/www/ Files

Sep 28, 2010

I have lots of files I need to put in my /var/www/ folder (Apache http server). I thought I understood how to edit it:For single files: sudo cp file /var/www/For opening files: sudo gedit /var/www/fileBut I can't use the above for a thousand files, and I really can't afford the learning curve of BASH scripting at this time. So if there a way I can do this the GUI way (drag and drop and all that) without having to add myself in the group permissions for the /var/www/ folder?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Edit T2i MOV Files

May 31, 2010

Got my T2i a few days ago. Shot a bunch of short MOV files. Trying to do simple edits like trimming the beginning and ends. Nothing else.

Cinelerra 4 - no sound
Kdenlive - aside from crashing all the time, renders with unacceptable artifacts.
Lives - spends a long time making proxies then crashes
Avidemux - crashes on save/render
Kino - plays back first frame then last frame. Kinda funny but not.
Open Movie Editor - Does nothing at all
Open Shot - Can't find any libs
PiTiVi - Tools? We don't need no stinkin' editing tools.

Will Lunmeria be released before I die?
Will Lightworks be released before I die?

Is it time to retrench back into Windows 7 where there are numerous editors that actually work? Sure, costs money but the free stuff just dont work.

BTW, VLC plays the files back beautifully -- no skips, no jerks, sound completely in tact.

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General :: Get Files In Windows From Partly Formatted SATA Drive (system)?

Mar 16, 2011

I have purchased a DLink Sharecenter Pulse NAS as my PC failed. I wanted to put the two SATA drives in and extract the data before formatting to use as JBOD or RAID. However, before I managed to access my data, the setup software started formatting the drives. I switched it off immediately.

Purchased a SATA to USB2 lead and connected to my work laptop but I cannot see the drive(s). Used Partition Magic and each drive has 3 partitions - of which show about 74GB as used and 2 x 512MB as not. Looks like the drives have been partly set for Linux but the format was not comlete. Have tried to use explore2fs to read them but I cannot access the 74 GB partition only one of the 512MB partitions.

I'm a bit stuck now - any one got any ideas how I can get my files off the 74GB partition before I put them back in the NAS to format.

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Debian :: Check If Mainboard Supports SATA-I Or SATA-II?

Jun 1, 2010

My motherboard supports SATA but I do not know which version: SATA-I or SATA-II. I want to buy a SSD so it would be pointless to buy a fast SSD if my motherboard only suports SATA-I

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Ubuntu :: Edit Files In Windows Over Internet?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a remote server running Ubuntu, but the only computer that I have physical access to runs windows xp. Is there any way to edit the files remotely? Right now, I'm using ssh and then nano to edit the files, but I'd rather use a windows text editor (notepad++). I know I can use pscp to copy files, but every time I make a change to the file, I have to uploaded again to see the results (very tedious).

PS- the win xp computers im using are at my college. You CAN install software on them, but there's a firewall to the outside internet blocking SOME ports... SSH, port 80, port 8080 work fine right now. I can get admin access to the windows computer, and I have root control over the ubuntu one. Also, I can only use whatever computer is open... so I'd prefer to use a program that can be installed on a USB stick.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cant Edit Raw Files With Any Program?

Apr 15, 2010

I haven't put this in the forums for any of the separate programs, because im having the same problem in all of them, im thinking maybe its a problem elsewhere?I recently got a Canon DSLR. It can save in Raw format, I use this function. Canons Raw format is "Whatever.CR2"F spot viewer and all editor programs see then and 'preview' them with no problem. The images appear to have no problem until you load them into GIMP (with UFRAW) UFRAW standalone, RAWStudio etc.

They load, but only as a small vertical rectangle. Often very purple in colour.I thought maybe it was something wrong with just the way it looked, so I just loaded one, went save as (a jpeg) and then loaded it up, it loaded as a small picture of the same purple-haze bar.Have I done something wrong? I googled it, downloaded UFRaw, even Ubuntu studio, same problem before and after studio installation. All these programs claim to read raw images.Just as an example, In RawStudio:I load up the folder of raw images. I can see all the images clearly with no problems in the preview slider up top. I can scroll through them and see them all no problem. When I click on one, it loads in the editing box as some weird bar (always vertical in orientation) often faintly resembling part of the photo but with seriously acid trip colours. Eg massive purple hazes, green everything etc.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Edit Files Via Sshfs/fuse

May 4, 2010

sometimes i edit files in a remote server. i normally mount the remote drive via sshfs and edit a configuration file or two and some text files using gedit. after i upgraded to 10.04 i cannot save the files that i edit anymore. i can rename the file. but the weird thing is that i cannot save the file after i edit it. one of the files that i was editing is crontab.

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Ubuntu :: Does F-spot Edit Actual Files

Jul 15, 2010

Having just spent many hours going through my entire photo collection tagging, rotating and editing (red eye, cleaning up etc), I am now sat with the window open deciding whether or not it's safe to close it.

I cannot find a save or apply button so I'm not sure if these changes are only made in F-spot itself or if I have to do anything else to make sure it saves to the files.

I DID check the option about storing data in the files where possible but I don't want to just assume it and have to do all this again.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Edit Efi Files Either On Mac Or Windows?

Nov 14, 2010

my macbook(2008-2009) isnt booting ubuntu 10.10(on a usb drive) corectly. im just getting a black screen, where i can type in commands. now i found the scripts online, but how can i edit efi files either on mac or windows?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install / Use Vim To Edit Files?

Apr 15, 2011

on ubuntu server 10.10, how do you install/ use vim to edit files like setting a static ip address or folder permissions.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Create And Edit .php Files?

Jul 15, 2011

i was wondering if there is someway on my ubuntu server to create and edit .php files? Sorry if it is a nooby question.

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Fedora :: PHP Can Not Edit Files?

Feb 25, 2011

I installed apache, php in my fedora 14.

phpinfo() works fine. But the following file 'a.php':

PHP Code:

if ( !file_put_contents( '/var/www/html/a.txt', 'aaa' ) ) {
echo 'Failed!';
#    phpinfo();
} else {
echo 'Succeeded.';


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Program To Convert And Edit .m2t Files?

May 20, 2010

I used dvgrab to pull the video off of my Cannon HV30 HDV camcorder. Now I have a bunch of 5 minute clips at about a gig each. I need to edit these together and use a better file type. What should I convert to, and what program should I use for encoding and editing?

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