Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xlib: Extension "XFree86-DRI" Missing On Display ":0.0"

Jan 28, 2011

I typed vainfo in the terminal and get the following error message


libva: libva version 0.31.1
Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".
libva: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/nvidia_drv_video.so
Segmentation fault

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SUSE :: Xlib - Extension "XFree86-Misc" Missing On Display ":0.0"

Jan 3, 2010

when running sax2 -r i get this message any idea on what it means if its a problem how can i fix it

Xlib: extension "XFree86-Misc" missing on display ":0.0".

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Debian Multimedia :: Xlib - Extension GLX Missing On Display 0.0

Oct 6, 2010

I am trying to run the SDK for Meego with Qt. When I try to launch my simulator I get the error message: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". The answer I got on Meego's forum is that I am missing glx extensions. I have tried to find a way to get the glx extensions but I do not seem to get it. My searches on the web all point to Nvidia, but I have got ATI. I run Lenny 5.0.6 amd64.

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OpenSUSE :: Xlib - Extension RandR Missing On Display

Feb 5, 2010

I've verified that xorg-x11-libs is installed. This package provides libXrandr.so.2. However, when I run a program, in this case the python script for blueproximity (start_proximity.sh), I get the error in the title.

grep -ni randr /var/log/Xorg.0.log
237:(==) RandR enabled
247:(==) RandR enabled
257:(==) RandR enabled
274:(II) Initializing built-in extension RANDR

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OpenSUSE :: Xlib: Extension "Generic Event Extension" Missing On Display <my_ip>

Dec 28, 2009

After upgrading to 11.2, I get the following error when starting any xclient. Worse, its usually repeated a few times for each client.

Xlib: extension "Generic Event Extension" missing on display <my_ip>

I get this both when using Xming and nomachine.

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Server :: Error - Xlib: Extension "XINERAMA" Missing On Display ":0.0"

May 26, 2010

I am trying to get xinerama to work with x11vnc on Xvfb and I am getting:

xdpyinfo -ext XINERAMA
Xlib: extension "XINERAMA" missing on display ":0.0".
XINERAMA extension not supported by server

I am using the latest version of x11vnc which says XINERAMA is on by default. I have tried xf4vnc as well and get the same issue.

Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x2048x24 &
mwm &
x11vnc -display :1 -bg -nopw -xkb -N

I get a screen that looks like xinerama and windows pass from display to display fine, however xdpyinfo says otherwise and we have software that looks to xdpyinfo to get information about how display guis. When x11vnc was compiled it said it found libXinerama. Not sure what is going on. Does vncviewer need to support xinerama as well? Is there any way to tell if vncviewer does without downloading a newer or different version?

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General :: While Compiling Wine Got Error Xlib/Xfree86

Sep 29, 2010

compiling wine i got error Xlib/Xfree86 how can the package of it for RHEL 5.3

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Programming :: Can't Get Xlib Window To Display / What To Do?

Mar 12, 2009

I am having trouble writing an Xlib application that displays a window. The most frustrating thing is that I've written applications like this before, and never had any problems. For some reason I cannot get this program to work properly. I'm running KDE and when I launch the program, a "button" for the application will appear on the application panel, however, no window will display. It is possible to right click on the panel button and select the Close item which will successfully close the window.

The following is source code that when built will exhibit the behaviour described above code...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Xlib.h - Fatal Error: Xlib.h: No Such File Or Directory

Jun 12, 2011

I'm trying to build a program called Obpager, but I'm getting an error saying I don't have xlib.h. From what I understand, that file is included in libx11-dev, which I have installed. Any idea?


dagoss@MAGIC-PORT:~/Downloads/obpager-1.8$ make
Compiling src/main.cc
In file included from src/main.cc:33:0:


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Debian Multimedia :: XFREE86 Or Don't Have Xorg As X Window Server?

Mar 20, 2011

I have a couple of questions and one problem regarding my AMD64 Testing box. According to this Debian Xorg Wiki : Xorg is the default X Window server since Debian 4.0 (etch). It replaces XFree86 and is maintained in Debian by the XStrikeForce. But...it appears that I don't have Xorg as my X Window server, but rather XFREE86? I just checked my i386 Testing box, it does have /etc/X11/xorg.conf


The problem: I have lost my higher screen resolutions after today's apt-get dist-upgrade. I only have 800x600 and 640x480. I probably won't complain about these resolutions in twenty years or so, but for now, I'd rather get the higher resolutions back, ha.


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Ubuntu :: Extension "GLX" Missing On 11.04 ?

Apr 28, 2011

After upgrading to 11.04, Ubuntu says my hardware are not good enough for Unity, so I have to use Classic desktop. However, I lost OpenGL.

glxinfo showsXlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".lspci shows00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)How can I get OpenGL back?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: RANDR Extension Is Not Present?

Sep 2, 2010

I've been trying to get the dual monitors to work the way I want them to, so far no luck. I read that xinerama would enable dragging between two X screens so I went to System -> Preferences -> Monitors and clicked the box for xinerama. Rebooted and now the top panel is on the other screen and, more importantly, I can't access the monitor controls anymore.When I click on Monitors I get an error message that says "Could not get screen informaion, RANDR extension is not present"I love Ubuntu, but the work required just to get it doing what I need it to do is tough to soldier through.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee Lyrics Extension Not Working

Aug 29, 2010

I installed the banshee-extension-lyrics addon from the repos and it doesn't seem to have any effect on Banshee. I've searched through Banshee's Preferences and the Lyrics option is already checked under the Extensions tab, but it doesn't work.

There is an option for the lyrics to be displayed is in the context pane, but it always says the same thing:


Song Name Lyric


Powered by LyricsPlugin [URL]

The problem, then, is that although the Lyrics option is available and does something, it doesn't display actual lyrics!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mplayer Does Not Recognize A Mp3 File Without Extension

Sep 21, 2010

When trying to play a MP3 file without extension, mplayer shows this message:


$ mplayer file
MPlayer SVN-r29237-4.4.1 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory


It does not happen with all the files I've tested, but only some of them, is there an option to indicate mplayer that the file is actually in mp3 format?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Files Got Copied Over Without Extension (.mp3)?

May 30, 2011

I got around 6,000 songs that I copied from my ipod to my external hard drive through rhythmbox, but for some reason it didn't copy over any extensions (all of my music files are mp3's) so I was wondering what would be a really simple way to add the extension to all the files in the music folder. My folders are setup like /Music/Artist/Album/song.mp3 (well right now there is no .mp3 but ya get the point

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ITunes Store Access - Third Party Extension

Jan 4, 2010

I got about 30 bucks worth of iTunes giftcards I'd like to redeem, but Apple doesn't have iTunes support for linux. I installed it via wine, but I can't get the itunes store to open up. I've been trying for several hours to get a workaround, with no success, as follows:

1) iTunes on Wine (didn't work, like I said)
2) Sharp Musique (old thread, all the links were broken and it's not in my Synaptics repos)
3) Banshee iTunes Store extension*****

This last one with Banshee seems promising, but I'm getting nowhere. I've downloaded the third-party extension, installed the .deb, and followed the directions on the banshee webpage. Still, when I go under Edit>>>Preferences>>>Extensions, it doesn't show up. I found the install called "iTunesMusicStore.dll" in /usr/lib/banshee/Banshee.Plugins, and I've moved it to ~/.config/banshee-1/addin-db-001/addin-data, but it still won't show up in the plugins.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Legal To Use Plugins To Reverse Extension Formats?

Jan 5, 2010

I use Ubuntu for my programming and work but want to watch .movs or listen to .mp3s... only problem is the anti-circumvention law in the USA. So what I'm really trying to find out is what's legal and what's not? is reverse engineering an mp3 file to a file that ubuntu can read illegal?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Visual Effects Not Working - The Composite Extension Is Not Available

Mar 24, 2010

Basically when trying to activate Normal or Extra visual effects on a new karmic installation, I get the error message "The Composite extension is not available".

Here is my xorg:

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Join Ulitple .avi Files With A Numbered Extension?

Sep 19, 2010

This should be easy but despite all the hints and tricks I've read, I cannot make this work. I have 130+ files with the names filename.avi.001, filename.avi.002, filename.avi.003 all the way up to filname.avi.132. How do I join them? A simple cat command does not work, neither does avimerge or any other utility I can find. I'm guessing because the file extension is a number and not .avi. Is there and easy way to rename them all and then join them? I can't be the only one with this issue but I've scoured the forums and found nothing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System -> Preferences -> Display Missing?

Jun 28, 2010

I just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 using the automated distro upgrade, and my resolution has been changed to 1024x768. I tried to go to System -> Preferences -> Display to see why this might be, but that entry is missing from my Preferences menu. I am using a Radeon HD 4200 video card, but I am not using any special video drivers right now. /etc/X11/xorg.conf does not exist.

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OpenSUSE :: Trying To Find XFree86

Aug 21, 2011

I am running Opensuse 11.4 and trying to install the ATI graphics driver. System requirements are for XFree86-Mesa_libGL and XFree86-libs. I can find XFree86-Mesa_libGL but end up with dependency hell and can't find the libGLU.so1 needed and I can't find XFree86-libs Has anyone got any ideas where to find these and any dependencies.

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General :: Differences Between XFree86 And KDE?

Oct 7, 2009

My old Intrepid box got old and senile in the hardware, so I had to take it back round the shed and put her down.I buried her next to her favorite tree in the backyard. So yes, I got this new Mini ITX setup with a dual core Atom processor and 4 gigs of ram for my new computer. I'm going to use it as a media center in my living room. However Atom 1.6 ghz is no screamer so I'd like to build a system using a light weight operating environment to leave more power for running programs and playing my media.

I could install the latest version of Kubuntu again but I thought this time I'd try to get a bit deeper into Linux and educate myself. Could someone clarify the differences between XFree86, Window Manager, and a Desktop Environment (KDE/GNOME/etc)? I know it goes like Hardware -> XServer -> XFree86 -> Window Manager (I read the tutorial on linux.org). But where does KDE or a "Desktop Environment" come in? Is KDE a decked out window manager with its own programs that runs on top of XFree86 or what? Or does it totally replace XFree86?

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Debian Multimedia :: Updating Icedove And Iceowl Extension

Sep 18, 2015

I'm using icedove with the calendar extension. Since quite some time there is a pending update from 31.7 to 31.8 which is held back by apt:

Code: Select all> apt --installed list icedove iceowl-extension
Listing... Done
icedove/testing,now 31.7.0-1 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 31.8.0-1~deb8u1]
iceowl-extension/testing,now 31.7.0-1 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 31.8.0-1~deb8u1]

> sudo apt upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       


Seems like the problem lies with the package libvpx1. The correct version (>= 1.3) seems to be installed but under the name libvpx2.

Code: Select all> sudo apt install icedove

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

 icedove : Depends: libvpx1 (>= 1.3.0) but it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

> apt list --installed | grep libvpx
libvpx2/testing,now 1.4.0-4 amd64 [installed,automatic]

What can be done, or should the dependency in the icedove package be updated?

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Ubuntu :: Titlebar Disappears And Buttons Are Missing From All The Various Display Windows?

Jun 9, 2011

I have been experiencing a random issue on Ubuntu 10.04 for awhile now.The issue is that some times when I start my PC into Ubuntu the bar (Title bar) with the 'Min, Max,Close' buttons are missing from all the various display windows, e.g Nautilius, including Firefox. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did you resolve it? Do I need to log an issue for this. If so what info about my system do i need to supply?

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Server :: SSH Frozen Display - Maybe Missing Responses

Apr 12, 2010

I'm having a problem with connecting over ssh to a server (wrdsvr) that has me perplexed. I'm using putty to connect from my WIndows VM desktop to a SLES 9 server. If I connect to wrdsvr from my desktop over ssh and run certain commands with multi-line output, the display freezes after the first line. If I connect from my desktop to a different server (oksvr), and then from oksvr I connect to wrdsvr, then there is no problem. In fact, by running 'w' after connecting in that roundabout way I can see that subsequent commands I type into the frozen window still run.

I just can't see anything in the window itself as the display is frozen. I have sshd logging running in debug mode on wrdsvr and there is nothing produced during this. There is also nothing in the putty event log. If I type 'exit' in the frozen window, the server sees the connection as closing normally and then gone. Usually my putty window would then close automatically, but in this frozen case it doesn't. So although it is sending characters I type in, it doesn't seem to be receiving the output in return.

commands that run successfully are:

commands that cause the display to freeze are:
ps ax
ls -l
top (for this one I don't even get the first line of output, it freezes immediately)

The machine I'm connecting from is a VMFusion guest running Windows XP. I get this behavior connecting using putty, but I also installed a demo version of securecrt (when this issue occurred previously) which saw the same problem, but I can't repeat it as my license expired. (Last time the issue went away while I was troubleshooting an immediate service-affecting problem on that and a number of other servers and I don't know what fixed it!) I exported the putty registry keys and the profiles for the two servers are identical. I tried loading the profile for oksvr and temporarily changing the hostname to wrdsvr, but saw the same issue. I am connecting over a Cisco VPN.

My colleague is on the local network and does not see this issue when he connects to wrdsvr using putty. We are both using the same version of putty 0.60. Here is the background on the servers. Both wrdsvr and oksvr are running SLES 9. My actions just before I noticed these issues were the following. I updated them using you (yast online update) to the latest patch versions. Using the rpms from Novell, I installed binutils, make, gcc, and glibc-devel and finally VMware tools on both. I then rebooted. Since then I've run you again but that hasn't changed anything. I've compare the installed patches using diff and they are the same. Now I'm working my way through the output of rpm -qVa on each one, but nothing so far.

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Software :: XFree86 To X Org Manual Migration?

Sep 11, 2009

I want to manually migrate my XFree86 settings to another box running XOrg. Both boxes have exact same H/W config. Only diff is that one runs sarge, other runs etch. What is the strategy to do that?

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Software :: ATI Driver Cannot Find XFree86 On The System?

Jan 29, 2010

I have just installed openSUSE 11.2. I tried to install the ATI driver for Radeon 8500 but it complains that no XFree86 can be found. Doesn't openSUSE come with XFree86 installed?

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Software :: Replacement / Alternative To Xfree86-lib On RHEL 5.4?

Jun 25, 2010

We are setting up a new environment for a client by upgrading their O/S as well. These are database servers and are going to run Oracle on them. I have installed the RHEL5.4 O/s and all was well. I also setup all the required packages as per oracle documentation and still all worked fine. The dba then installed the following packages as he stated it was required, however this caused the gui dispay to be broken a X fails to start:


The current kernel version is: 2.6.18-164.el5PAE I tried to see if this package is on the Linux disks, however it could not be found and he thus downloaded these packages. Does anybody know about an alternative package set to replace these or alternatively an updated set specifically for RHEL 5.4 as I am unable to find any on the web.

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Make GNOME Extension Call Systemctl Hibernate

Oct 10, 2015

I'd like to know how I can modify an existing GNOME extension to call Code: Select allsystemctl hibernate

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Software :: Failure To Build Binary For XFree86 On RHEL 5

Jul 17, 2010

When I try to build the binary from the src file for XFree86 on RHEL 5, towards the end, it shows:


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