Ubuntu Multimedia :: X-Server Works With LiveCD But Not On Installed 9.10

Jan 10, 2010

After a Christmas morning scramble trying to get Sims3 working for the kids, I ended up pulling an Nvidia 6200 AGP card out of a perfectly good Ubuntu box and threw it into the kids' PC. I replaced it in the Ubuntu system with an old Nvidia Geforce 2 Ti AGP. From the start I was unable to get any resolution higher than 800x600 with the GF2. Tried removing xserver-org, reinstalling, reconfiguring, etc. Installed the Nvidia legacy drivers, all no luck. Tried booting with a 9.10 live CD and it works perfectly - various resolutions, refreshes, etc. So, the card is capable. I've checked, rechecked, restored, modified xorg.conf to no success.

I'm at a text login now, startx returns (among other info) the following:
dlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//nvidia_drv.so: undefined symbol: AllocateScreenPrivateIndex
(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//nvidia_drv.so
(EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (loader failed, 7)
(EE) No drivers available
Fatal server error:
no screens found

Now, I've checked, and nvidia_drv.so is where it's supposed to be (in the drivers directory). What concerns me is the "//" in the directory path string in the (EE) above preceding the driver name - shouldn't this be a "/"? Is the command not able to find the driver correctly? Regardless, at this point my goal is simply to get the system to use whatever process the live cd is using which results in a working GUI. Don't need fancy 3d, etc, just want a working system.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Wireless Works On LiveCD But Not When Installed

May 23, 2010

I've been using Linux for about 2 years now, mostly Ubuntu & derivatives, but I've also tried Fedora, Mandriva, and others. I wanted to give CentOS a try because I'm very interested in going for a Linux+ or similar certification, and so I'm looking to start learning how to configure & maintain Linux servers and so on. I have a friend who's a Linux sysadmin, and he recommended CentOS as a good learning tool.

Anyway, I've only got a wireless connection in my office at home (the actual cable modem is downstairs) so I intentionally chose a wireless adapter that would work with Linux -- it has a Realtek RLT8187 chip, for which there is support built into the kernel, or so I've read. It has worked out of the box in just about every distro I've tried, and indeed it worked OOTB when I tried out the CentOS 5.5 live CD.

However, when I actually installed the CentOS to my hard drive it no longer worked -- I have only a greyed out option for a wired connection (presumably since my motherboard has an ethernet adapter, but there is no connection). Why the wireless would work in the live session but not after install? Is there a firmware file or something I need to track down? I did look on this page, but it doesn't mention anything about RTL8187.

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Ubuntu :: No Sound After Upgrade - Works On Livecd

Jun 13, 2010

I upgraded my desktop from 9.10 to 10.04 and I have no sound.

When I boot from the 10.04 livecd, sound works fine.

gnome-volume-control does not get loaded into the taskbar, when I run it from the console there is nothing listed under hardware.

I also tried creating a fresh new user account, no sound on that either but gnome-volume-control does get loaded into taskbar but still nothing under hardware.

aplay -l does list sound devices ...

**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC888 Analog [ALC888 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0


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Ubuntu Installation :: LiveCD Works But Does Not Install

Nov 14, 2010

If I run Ubuntu 10.4 LIVE from CD everything works fine. However, when I try to install, it hangs up at about 23% (while installing Firefox). I thought my HD had a problem, but the same happened after checking it had no bad sectors and even after replacing it. Same as above using a CD of version 8.4 ( live works, install doesn't complete). Same trying the Alternate in place of the Desktop edition. With the same CD's I already installed successfully on other machines. Booting from USB SHOULD be possible ( according to BIOS settings ) but apparently it doesn't work.

Present machine characteristics :
AMD Athlon 2200+ 1.8 Ghz
512 MB RAM
HD EIDE 40 GB (Master of the Primary channel)
BIOS AMI dated 13-05-2003
Motherboard : no brand
Two EIDE CD drives (as Master and Slave of the Secondary channel).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kubuntu LiveCD Fails But CD Works

Jun 20, 2010

I am able to boot from the Ubuntu 10.04 LiveCD fine, but the Kubuntu CD fails to boot. Trying to run Kubuntu sends me to a command line and after the first three steps of the install option I am again sent to a command the line. I have burnt and verified several Kubuntu CDs and each time I get this result. I am running Ubuntu, but I would like a fresh install of Kubuntu (I would rather not just install kubuntu-desktop).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Works With LiveCD Session But Not Without It

Jun 30, 2010

I am very new to this and tried searching for this problem in the forums but have not find anything. When I installed ubuntu (formatted HD), the installer gave an error but then seemed to proceed as normal and everything installed (from CD). However, when I boot up from Live CD all my wireless works fine (it detects networks, connects, etc.) When I boot up without the CD it says networking disabled and gives me no other options.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Bootup After Install But LiveCD Works Great

Feb 10, 2011

No Bootup just a Black Screen with a frozen cursor after install, but LIVE CD works in 1024x768 mode? Well, I have a Sony Bravia 32xTV with HDMI input coming out of a ZOTAC nvidia type of card. The live CD will recognize the HDMI graphics card and Sony TV/monitor and thus works like Ubuntu normally does. But when I go to install to a hard drive and try to boot up I get just a Black Screen with a frozen cursor. I even have another Ubuntu 8.04 version running on the Sony Bravia TV , so no problem with TV end of things. what do I do now, oh great Ubuntu gurus out there in cyberland? what could I possibly do , what do I read, where do I go , what, where, who, how, when ,which way?

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: WiFi Internet Works On LiveCD But Not After Install

Nov 15, 2010

I am super new to linux. I have tried a lot of distros but went with OpenSUSE11.3. I have both gnome and kde live cd. Now to the problem, When I put in the live cd and boot - the computer finds the wireless card and lets me connect to the internet. This works on both versions. But after clicking on the install icon the wireless no longer starts and then I cant get it to work. Maybe its something I should be doing. After all I am new to this.

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Ubuntu :: LiveCD Of Installed Environment?

Dec 18, 2010

I would like to make a LiveCD type iso image of my system as it is currently configured. Do I just use mkisofs to make an iso of my existing system, then use Startup Disk Creator to make it bootable? I have used Startup Disk Creator to make bootable flash drives using the install iso; maybe I should somehow just add my /usr directory?

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Ubuntu :: Creating A 8.10 LiveCD With All Updates Installed?

Feb 1, 2009

Ive gotten a project from a local school in a very rural town to upgrade the computer systems on a very low budget. So, being a F/OSS advocate I ran the idea of a linux environment which, in reality will cost hundereds (maybe thousands) less for them, and also cut down "down-time" due to viruses and such. I was thinking of Ubuntu since its got a great community, and personally, I love it. Problem is, this school is on a limited bandwidth for internet, so installing ubuntu and performing the updates is not a feasible idea since the cost will be astronomical. My question is, how can I go about an simply "update" the ubuntu 8.10 LiveCD so that when I install it, It will have all the updates? Another thing that would be nice, is that this school would like to have their own wallpaper, so if I could change the default wallpaper while I'm performing this "update" will be very nice.

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Ubuntu :: Create A List, From LiveCD, Of What Programs Are Installed On HDD?

Jan 4, 2011

I made this thread last night~[URL]... Because my Ubuntu failed, and i have no idea why. I hadnt done anything different or risky.. and Ive no idea what to do. So, It appears Im going to have to do a re-install. Which, I really dont mind too much... (especially with Ubuntu) But It will stink if i *again* lose all my bookmarks , and lose track of all my installed programs. The programs, not as much of an issue as the bookmarks in my browser.. I would like to know, If I can somehow access the HDD from the LiveCD, So that I can create just a simple text list of all programs installed on the hdd? I cannot access my HDD except through the LiveCD So is there a way I can do this? Some kind of simple command I can toss into terminal, and have it output me a text file of all programs installed? or something? I really am totally clueless on how I would be able to save my chromium bookmarks.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Software To Installed System Via Livecd?

Mar 2, 2010

I am having trouble installing HPLIP (all versions) onto my system. When I go to configure the source code, it goes into a loop checking for a BSD install. So, to get around this I want to try and install HPLIP onto the system via a livecd. How would I go about doing this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Eth0 Works With Live Cd But Not Once Installed

Jan 20, 2010

i've just installed ubuntu 9.10, and i was browsing the internet fine using the live cd, but once i installed it to disk eth0 wont connect or even show it's all greyed out. lspci reporgts :Ethernet Controller Sundance Technology Inc /IC Plus Corp IP1000, ifconfig finds eth0 no problems i think it mihgt have something to do with root privs

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Ubuntu :: Installed In Usb Flash Drive It Works But Not In School

Feb 27, 2011

When i boot to my ubuntu installed in my usb flash drive it works (home computer) but in school it wont? in school i already boot from the usb in bios but it promts the message "boot error". what should i do.. ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: <repost> Ureadahead Broken In Maverick - Can't Fix With LiveCD

Dec 10, 2010

I recently tried to upgrade my graphics card. I had an Intel GMA 950, and upgraded to a PNY Nvidia GEForce 8400GS with 512 DDR I installed the card, and was unsuccessful in getting it to work, but while using the onboard graphics I updated the drivers in ubuntu to use the Nvidia proprietary drivers. I went into a cycle of rebooting and fiddling. booting into Ubuntu was successful with the onboard card, however I only got a command line. I used nano to change my xorg.conf from saying

Driver "nvidia". I simply deleted this portion in the hope that X11 would simply think on its feet. Onboard graphics wouldn't deliver any X session after that. I eventually got the card to work after futzing with the BIOS settings, however once I tried to boot, I got the error "init : ureadahead main process (264) terminated with status 5" after numerous upgrades, my GRUB menu has several kernels, however none of them would boot properly, including recovery sessions.

I decided to boot into a livecd to edit my xorg.conf in a Live environment, but I was unsuccessful, the LiveCD (simply Maverick Meerkat, after trying Karmic Koala) got stuck in a loop of not being able to detect media in /dev/sr0, which is very puzzling. So now I'm stuck with a computer with a functioning video card and nothing else.

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CentOS 5 :: LiveCd On A PXE Server?

Feb 13, 2009

Im trying to set up a CentOS 5.1 LiveCD on my PXE/tftp server and am having problems. I can currently successfully install CentOS 5.1 using my PXE server but can not get it to load the Live CD.

I tried following this How To but it doesnt cover a Live CD just a rescue mode.

http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/PXE/Rescue_PXE My entry is /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default for the live cd is this:label centoslive kernel centoslive/vmlinuz0 append ks=http://ip.to.liveCD.contents/CentOS/5.1/ks/live initrd=centoslive/initrd0.img ramdisk_size=8192 selinux=0 text


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: LiveCD Persistent Image And Firefox Flash Plugin?

Jan 23, 2010

I have a Ubuntu 9.10 LiveCD (and I plan to keep using it as just a LiveCD); this works fine.

Firefox works fine too, and installing a flash player plugin is all right.

The problem appears when I reboot and see that Firefox no longer has the flash plugin installed.

So I tried making a persistent image USB stick for this, added the persistent keyword at the end of the boot options, and Firefox still forgets that it can actually play ..... videos.

The persistent image USB seems to be doing something, at least browsing through it shows several folders, for instance /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin which constains a file libflashplayer.so

It's just that Firefox doesn't seem to care. What else should I do?

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Debian Multimedia :: Make A Livecd With A Set Of Privacy Apps?

Nov 28, 2010

Just for the fun and learning experience I am working on a minimal install with Squeeze +IceWM. The goal is to make a livecd with a set of privacy apps - like Iceweasel with Tor/privoxy and some encryption tools. Everything is working out just fine, but I thought it would be very nice to have an installer. I read about the refractainstaller and refractasnapshot in this post, and thought they sound like a good solution: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=54635#p315738 However, the links seem to be dead and so were all the mirrors I tried. Does anyone know where these files can be found or any other easy way I can make Debian installable from a livecd?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Transform 11.2 LiveCD On A Server?

Aug 23, 2010

I have openSUSE 11.2 (m8) Gnome LiveCD installed in my VirtualBox and now i want to move the schema to server side. I know, this is not normal, but it's fun - 'Have a lot of fun!', that is what i do in my study time.

So, how can i remove the packages useless for servers in a simple mode? My first idea uses category GROUP of a package, but this not work.

I can, for example, see the packages on System/Daemons, ok, but i can't see a list of groups inside System/ in a easy way.

And /usr/share/doc/rpm/GROUPS it's not full.

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Server :: Initrd Image Created With Cpio Doesn't Boot The Livecd

Jul 1, 2011

Im trying to build an initrd image for my livecd using cpio -o -H newc, but the livecd can't boot. If I create the initrd image using mkfs.ext2 then it works.

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Server :: PHP Enabled Server Won't Run A Script That Works On Other Servers?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a script that works fine on a commercial server and my CentOs Box at home but doeasn't work with another commercial server (Where we need it to).I have pulled the PHPINFO.PHP from both and wondering if someone could tell me which parameters to compare when the following happens:The script seems to do the HTML/Java and outputs the PHP script on the page , but this site has many other PHP scripts working fine:

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: CD ROM Works But Sometimes Does Not

May 10, 2011

Im running the upgrade to natty 64. My cd rom drive works when it wants to. when i put the disk in the system wont recognize it. so i just leave the disk in when i go to work. when i turn the comp back on 8-16 hrs later it will show up as ready to burn. i flashed back to windows and the drive wouldn't work at all, but on 10.04 it worked all the time. do you think that the drive is just being temperamental and is on its way out? or a kernel issue? If I shut the comp off and turn it right back on with the medium left in it, it will recognize the disk. this will not work on a restart.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Make A DVD That Works?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm trying to make a DVD that'll play on my stand alone DVD player. I import and edit the video using Kino and then export in an MPEG format. Fool that I am....I then waste hours and hours of time trying to create a DVD using Qdvdauthor. Then I click Create DVD and what does it do? It creates a bunch of useless files that when burned into a DVD produce a piece of junk.

Does anyone know exactly how to make a working video DVD on Ubuntu? unless you know exactly how to solve this problem don't send a bunch of links. I'm tired of reading the same regurgatated "how tos" that don't work.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: DVD Ripper That Works With 10.04

May 11, 2010

I'm on 10.04. Every dvd ripper I've tried so far has failed in one or another. I have all restricted extras and medibuntu codecs installed.
DVD::Rip either throws an error message or stops ripping somewhere through the process
Handbrake only finds some of the dvd titles
OGM rip gives an "Unknown error"
Acidrip says "mencoder interrupted by user"

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No DVD Works With Xubuntu?

Sep 13, 2010

I absolutely love Xubuntu, and I have it installed (9.10) on two laptops and one desktop pc.The only major problem: I can't play my dvds!! I've tried to open them with VLC, Totem, etc, but no luck. The icon appears, but says I'm missing some files.

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Server :: Installed IBSng In Ubuntu-server But Cannot Start This Server?

Apr 10, 2011

I installed IBSng in ubuntu-server .but i can not start this server :Code:[root@myserver]# /etc/init.d/IBSng start.: 8: Can't open /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions"functions" file is in RPM base system . and ubuntu have not this file

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Microphone Works But Does Not Record?

Jan 31, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on an Asus F3JC laptop with an integrated webcam and microphone. The webcam is a

user@ubuntu:~$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 05e1:0501 Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd DC-1125 WebCam

and it works. If i tap on the microphone or if I blow on it, I hear noises but after I record something with gnome-sound-recorder I don't hear any sound! The same with Skype, for example.

On Xp (other hd partition) it works.

The audio device on the laptop is a

user@ubuntu:~$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC660 Analog [ALC660 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1


If I open the "sound preferences tool" the device for sound input is "Internal Audio Analog Stereo" and even if I tune the volume of the microphone I don't see any movement in the input level bar. I've also checked alsamixer and the digital volum in the capture interface is set at the maximum.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: What Video / MP3 Player Works Well?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a Zune and I know of the issue of not talking well w/ linux... What portable video / MP3 player works well w/ Ubuntu w/o going the route of wine or Virtualbox as I do not want to waste a day or two getting those hacks to work

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: .flv Sound Works But No Video?

Mar 15, 2010

I have no problem playing all videos and sound files. I have installed most codecs and propriety software. I can play all downloaded .flv videos from all the sites except one. When I open the .flv file from this site, I get "internal data stream error."

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Have No Sound From Headphones But Mic Works / Fix It?

Mar 24, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10. Clean install. I have a cheap headset but can't get sound to come thru the headset. The mic works, but sound only comes from main speakers.

I do not have a HP, SONY or anything like that. I bought my pc barebones and built myself. So there doesn't seem to be any easy fix for my pc. Here are the specs:

Gigabyte MB model# GA-M61SME-S2 code...

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