Ubuntu :: Creating A 8.10 LiveCD With All Updates Installed?

Feb 1, 2009

Ive gotten a project from a local school in a very rural town to upgrade the computer systems on a very low budget. So, being a F/OSS advocate I ran the idea of a linux environment which, in reality will cost hundereds (maybe thousands) less for them, and also cut down "down-time" due to viruses and such. I was thinking of Ubuntu since its got a great community, and personally, I love it. Problem is, this school is on a limited bandwidth for internet, so installing ubuntu and performing the updates is not a feasible idea since the cost will be astronomical. My question is, how can I go about an simply "update" the ubuntu 8.10 LiveCD so that when I install it, It will have all the updates? Another thing that would be nice, is that this school would like to have their own wallpaper, so if I could change the default wallpaper while I'm performing this "update" will be very nice.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating Custom LiveCD/USB Iso File?

Apr 30, 2011

Having spent weeks perfecting my Ubuntu the way I like it, I was wondering if there is a way of preserving it as a either a liveCD or USB flash drive, with a view of using it on other PC's activated upon start up?

Possibly (under the USB option) with the option of launching from the flash drive itself, or installing onto a PC's hard drive.So, in essence, it would be a liveCD but custom made to reflect the way my Ubuntu looks and feels now? Is there any easy-to-use software available to perform such a task?

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CentOS 5 :: Creating A Minimalistic LiveCD Image?

Aug 23, 2009

I followed the instructions here: [URL] and then here: [URL] and installed the necessary packages. But when I try building the minimal image as a test, I get lots of errors, as seen in the attached build log. There are lots of things that don't seem to work. Is this project at a state where it's not currently usable? Or do I have a problem with my system configuration? I was running at root.

[root@localhost test]# LANG=C livecd-creator --config=centos-livecd-minimal.ks --fslabel=CentOS-minimal
Filesystem label=CentOS-minimal
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)


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Debian :: Making Remaster - Creating LiveCD From Existing Image

Jan 10, 2011

I'm looking for a way to create a live cd from the existing image. I'd like to include some sort of installer, I've found gui remaster utilities, but none for the shell only. I need to setup the image to automatically login, so the user could just pop in the cd and start it up without a monitor or keyboard.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating A Bootable USB Image Based On A Running System (NOT LiveCD)

Sep 2, 2010

I have a system built and running in exactly the basic configuration I want, with my recompiled kernel, extra packages, special drivers, everything works, life is good. What I want to do is take this exact setup and create an image I can copy onto a bootable USB stick. Is there a way to essentially take the contents of my hard drive and copy that onto a USB stick and then boot directly from that? The use case behind this is that I am building an embedded system of which I may have hundreds of boxes with identical hardware and software configurations. Instead of hard drives, I am going to use USB sticks for cost efficiency and maintenance. My idea is that when it's time to upgrade, I could just image a hundred new sticks and go out and swap them.

My issue is that a standard LiveCD install gets me maybe 25% of the way to a finished system. I need to recompile the kernel for realtime support with my CPU, add some fidgety drivers for some specific hardware, and install a whole bunch of additional packages. I suppose I could create a makefile(s) to replicate all the manual steps of the buildout but that seems like a lot of unnecessary complexity IF I can just image that running system as it is.

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Ubuntu :: LiveCD Of Installed Environment?

Dec 18, 2010

I would like to make a LiveCD type iso image of my system as it is currently configured. Do I just use mkisofs to make an iso of my existing system, then use Startup Disk Creator to make it bootable? I have used Startup Disk Creator to make bootable flash drives using the install iso; maybe I should somehow just add my /usr directory?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: X-Server Works With LiveCD But Not On Installed 9.10

Jan 10, 2010

After a Christmas morning scramble trying to get Sims3 working for the kids, I ended up pulling an Nvidia 6200 AGP card out of a perfectly good Ubuntu box and threw it into the kids' PC. I replaced it in the Ubuntu system with an old Nvidia Geforce 2 Ti AGP. From the start I was unable to get any resolution higher than 800x600 with the GF2. Tried removing xserver-org, reinstalling, reconfiguring, etc. Installed the Nvidia legacy drivers, all no luck. Tried booting with a 9.10 live CD and it works perfectly - various resolutions, refreshes, etc. So, the card is capable. I've checked, rechecked, restored, modified xorg.conf to no success.

I'm at a text login now, startx returns (among other info) the following:
dlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//nvidia_drv.so: undefined symbol: AllocateScreenPrivateIndex
(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//nvidia_drv.so
(EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (loader failed, 7)
(EE) No drivers available
Fatal server error:
no screens found

Now, I've checked, and nvidia_drv.so is where it's supposed to be (in the drivers directory). What concerns me is the "//" in the directory path string in the (EE) above preceding the driver name - shouldn't this be a "/"? Is the command not able to find the driver correctly? Regardless, at this point my goal is simply to get the system to use whatever process the live cd is using which results in a working GUI. Don't need fancy 3d, etc, just want a working system.

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Ubuntu :: Create A List, From LiveCD, Of What Programs Are Installed On HDD?

Jan 4, 2011

I made this thread last night~[URL]... Because my Ubuntu failed, and i have no idea why. I hadnt done anything different or risky.. and Ive no idea what to do. So, It appears Im going to have to do a re-install. Which, I really dont mind too much... (especially with Ubuntu) But It will stink if i *again* lose all my bookmarks , and lose track of all my installed programs. The programs, not as much of an issue as the bookmarks in my browser.. I would like to know, If I can somehow access the HDD from the LiveCD, So that I can create just a simple text list of all programs installed on the hdd? I cannot access my HDD except through the LiveCD So is there a way I can do this? Some kind of simple command I can toss into terminal, and have it output me a text file of all programs installed? or something? I really am totally clueless on how I would be able to save my chromium bookmarks.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Software To Installed System Via Livecd?

Mar 2, 2010

I am having trouble installing HPLIP (all versions) onto my system. When I go to configure the source code, it goes into a loop checking for a BSD install. So, to get around this I want to try and install HPLIP onto the system via a livecd. How would I go about doing this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: LiveCD Crashed On "Try", Install Freezes On Creating Ext4 Fs, 11.04 Sux0r?

May 5, 2011

I burned my liveCD very slowly and checked it for integrity. It works fine on, for example, my dell inspiron 1012 netbook.

I am able to create the partitions etc and am shooting for a win7 dual boot. Don't want wubi or the like.

I am unable to boot the liveCD or even install the OS as it hangs on clicking "Try" and the install hangs on "Creating ext4 fs on / "

Also the 11.04 CD seems to have a lot of issues based on my browsing the top few pages of the forum.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Wireless Works On LiveCD But Not When Installed

May 23, 2010

I've been using Linux for about 2 years now, mostly Ubuntu & derivatives, but I've also tried Fedora, Mandriva, and others. I wanted to give CentOS a try because I'm very interested in going for a Linux+ or similar certification, and so I'm looking to start learning how to configure & maintain Linux servers and so on. I have a friend who's a Linux sysadmin, and he recommended CentOS as a good learning tool.

Anyway, I've only got a wireless connection in my office at home (the actual cable modem is downstairs) so I intentionally chose a wireless adapter that would work with Linux -- it has a Realtek RLT8187 chip, for which there is support built into the kernel, or so I've read. It has worked out of the box in just about every distro I've tried, and indeed it worked OOTB when I tried out the CentOS 5.5 live CD.

However, when I actually installed the CentOS to my hard drive it no longer worked -- I have only a greyed out option for a wired connection (presumably since my motherboard has an ethernet adapter, but there is no connection). Why the wireless would work in the live session but not after install? Is there a firmware file or something I need to track down? I did look on this page, but it doesn't mention anything about RTL8187.

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Ubuntu :: How To Get My Updates Installed

Feb 7, 2011

Hey all! For the past week or so, I've had a losing battle with the Update Manager. I try to install my updates, but... well this screenshot should describe my explanation. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I could get my updates installed?

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Ubuntu :: Updates Being Installed Without Permission?

May 25, 2010

I noticed this today for the second or third time since getting 10.04: all my machines are installing security updates automatically, despite the fact that KPackageKit is set to 'only notify about available updates.'

Am I just being stupid, missing a setting somewhere, or is this a bug? Aside from the fact that I like to know what's being installed, I often use my laptop on satellite or other bandwidth-metered connections (as was the case when it happened today), and I don't want the OS to start dictating how much I owe my ISP at the end of the month!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not All Updates Can Be Installed?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04, and I had some trouble with an old Drupal installation, so I ran the script below in an effort to revert PHP back to version 5.2. The script below didn't work for me, and now Update Manager gives me the message "Not all updates can be installed", presumably because the script changed the repository for some of the software from lucid to karmic.Script which "broke" Update Manager:Quote:

# by Ruben Barkow (rubo77) http://www.entikey.z11.de/
# Originally Posted by Bachstelze http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.p...74#post9080474


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Ubuntu Installation :: Updates Are Not Being Installed?

Feb 9, 2011

I am a recent convert to Ubuntu and have the Ubuntu 10.10 version installed on my computer.All has been going on well until I installed FreePops. Since then, when I check for updates through the Update Manager, it shows that it's searching for updates but then it brings up a pop up stating the following "Failed to download repository information" and under this the following is mentioned "W:Failed to fetch [URL], E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead."I have removed FreePops from Synaptic Package Manager but the above mentioned error still appears and updates cannot be installed. I have rebooted my computer also and performed the updates but the error still appears.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Not All Updates Can Be Installed

Mar 29, 2011

Today when I started my computer I got an error from the updater saying the Following
Ubuntu 10.10
Not all updates can be installed
Run a part upgrade to install as many as possible.

This can be caused by:
*A earlier update that hasn't been complete
*Problem with parts of the installed software
*In offical program packages that havent been "?Something?" By ubuntu
*Common changes in a early version of ubuntu

So what should I do? Just take Part update? And do you know what may be the cause of this. Only thing I installed lately was a "game" from the ubuntu Program central and I haven't run it and I restarted my computer 1 time before this when having it installed.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Freezes After Updates Installed

Jul 14, 2010

Running fine for a couple of weeks now, my Ubuntu Lucid install on a Sony laptop Vaio VGN-N21E went through some updates an hour ago. After the updates were installed, I shut the laptop down. The shutdown was slow but graceful with no errors. Now, when I try and power back on, I get errors about CIFS stating that the network share I map to could not connect. Also, that the network could not connect. I usually connect wirelessly and had no problems until now. It lets me log in but freezes after I see my desktop. No cursor or keyboard response...no response to CTRL+ALT+DEL...I can only manually force shutdown....

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade Interrupted - Not All Updates Can Be Installed

May 7, 2011

My laptop is sadly rather elderly and the battery is broken, so if it is unplugged it loses power and immediately turns off. Unfortunately I managed to accidentally do exactly this in the middle of upgrading from Lucid to Natty. I turned the computer back on, some automated disk checks were run, and I'm now apparently using Maverick.

Launching Update Manager, I get the following message:
"Not all updates can be installed
Run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible.

This can be caused by:
*A previous upgrade which didn't complete
*Problems with some of the installed software
*Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu
*Normal changes of a pre-release version of Ubuntu"

Clicking the "Partial Upgrade" option, the system starts to upgrade but exits with the following in the Terminal:
"dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0121' near line 42 package 'texlive-xetex':
duplicate value for 'Status' field"

Basically I have no idea what to do from here. The functions that I need from my computer are working (internet, music player) and I don't really need much more than that but I'd rather it was working. Also I can't install any updates or upgrade to Natty until this is solved.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update To 11.04 - Not All Updates Can Be Installed

May 8, 2011

i was being a little impacient with my friends Dell Inspiron 1545 tonight.. i was updating to 11.04 from 10.10 and decided to install adobe flash player plugins at the same time... so since i was installing 11.04 it wouldnt install adobe...i went back to the distribution upgrade now this pulls up... Not all updates can be installed run a partial upgrade..... i hit run partial...now this comes up.. Can not upgrade An upgrade from 'maverick' to 'lucid' is not supported with this tool. when i hit reload this comes up AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED W: GPG error: [URL] maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C1192

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Software :: Creating Link To Newly Installed G++?

Dec 7, 2010

I have installed gcc-3.3 & g++-3.3 in ubuntu 9.04. Now I want to change the default compiler as gcc-3.3/g++-3.3. After creating links to newly installed gcc/g++, gcc works fine but g++ doesn't work.

When I give "$which gcc" or "$gcc --version" it works fine, but when I give "$which g++" it gives nothing and also "$g++ --version" it gives an error "the program 'g++' can be found in the following packages: * g++..." When I installed gcc I gave the command "$configure --perfix=/opt/gcc33 --program-suffix=33 --enable-languages=c,c++" . When I give "$which g++33" and "$g++33 --version", work fine.

I tried following:

$export CXX=g++33
$sudo ln -s g++-3.3 g++

Nothing happens. I am very new in Linux and I need to install ns2.1a9b in gcc-3.3.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not All Updates Installed - Run Partial Upgrade

Sep 29, 2010

I am using the latest Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid lynx. Sometimes ago while I am updating my operating system to linux-image-2.6.32-25-generic (2.6.32-25.44) with update manager, after downloading all the files it was running the installation. During installation suddenly my pc turned off, may be for some power issue. Then while I again start my pc and tried to restart the update process the update manager show me a message. "Not all updates can be install. Run a partial upgrade, to install as many as updates as possible."

This can be caused by:
* A previous upgrade which didn't complete.
* Problem with some of the installed software.
* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu.
* Normal changes of a pre-release version of Ubuntu.

Then I tried to open the synaptic package manager. But it didn't open either and show another message which suggest to run the command in the terminal: "sudo dpkg --configure -a". And unluckily it wasn't work. and show the messgae:
"dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0103' near line 0: newline in field name `#padding'".

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Ubuntu :: Installed Todays Updates Now Can't Close FF Window

Oct 12, 2010

Everything was fine and dandy then I installed tonight's updates (about 6 of them - 2 or 3 for GTK and a couple of others) and now the close button at top right of the Firefox window doesn't work The buttons are still there, and the minimize and restore work ok, but the close button just flickers and leaves the window open. Also, if I right-click the tell-tale in the bottom bar of the desktop and slect "close" nothing happens. The FF window stays there

I can't think of any other way to close the window besides ending the processes in System Monitor. I can open other windows (like Home folder or Synaptic) and close those without a problem by clicking on the close button. It's just Firefox with the problem, so I don't think it is a Window Manager problem.

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Ubuntu :: New User - Updates Installed - Hanging Boot

Dec 29, 2010

I've got 10.4.1(rev190?) installed in what I guess is Wubi and have been running dual boot for a couple of weeks now. My other OS is XP. I recently ran the updater then shut the computer down for a week. I can't remember now if I had to restart to complete any updates or not but my laptop battery is fried so once I unplugged it after it completed shutdown all power was removed from the system for 9 days. Today I tried to boot Ubuntu and after I chose it from the boot menu it flashed some sort of message about WUBILDR really quick (I wasn't able to read it all) then went through its normal boot until the Ubuntu splash screen where one dot went red and the system hung.

I allowed it a good 15 minutes to see if it would unhang but no dice. It boots fine on XP. Any advice? I'm reading the Wubi Megathread right now but as I'm new to Ubuntu I figured I'd check to see if anyone else experienced these particular problems here, too. Right now I'm going to download the Ubuntu installer to a disk to try some of the Megathread troubleshooting.

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Ubuntu :: Installed Updates Now Flash Doesn't Work?

Aug 21, 2011

I ran Update Manager and installed updates. Now flash video and other things with flash content wont work.

To give one example. I go to a web I use frequently and the following message is displayed at the top: "Additional plug-ins are required to display media on this page"

I click on "install mising plug-ins" and select Flash Player-installer. Bu then it tells me it's already installed! This has only happened since last night when I installed the updates!

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Fedora :: F11 Won't Start Up After Updates Installed

Aug 21, 2009

I installed updates a few days ago and now my computer just hangs. After the blue and white bar at the bottom of the screen disappears when loading F11, I get a blank screen with the following: ADDRCONF (NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready. I think this happened after I had some kernel updates installed. The only way I can get Fedora to run is by booting up with a previous version. How do I fix this? I seem to be having alot of issues with updates messing up some part of my system lately.

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OpenSUSE :: Package Updates Not Installed In 11.4 KDE / Why Is So?

Aug 6, 2011

I am running openSUSE 11.4 KDE 4.6.5 on my desktop AMD64. Just added R47 repo in order to upgrade KDE 4.6.5 to 4.7. However, after running zypper up I saw lots of packages not being updated.code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating An ISO And Reinstalling - Transfer The Software And Packages That's Already Installed

Feb 25, 2010

I want to transfer the software and packages that's already installed. I have an ISO disc creator to take the current information on my hard disk and format it for an ISO, which I can burn onto a DVD, but what I'm wondering is, how would I go about reinstalling the OS

here's the backstory, I'm wanting to transfer the hard drive from this computer to the one I'm going to custom build once it's finished, and I'm pretty sure I would have to reinstall due to the fact that I would have to reconfigure and install new hardware drivers. If I'm wrong, please tell me so I don't waste the time and go through the trouble of this

my plan is to create an ISO of my hard disk, then backup all of my personal files, then remove them so the ISO will have more room (and I may get rid of some unnecessary packages), then get rid of everything on the hard drive (just use a livedisc of something and use a partition manager to delete all partitions on the hard drive) then move the hard drive over to the new computer, and reinstall with the ISO disc I created

the things that will be staying the same is the graphics card, some peripherals (like monitors, keyboard, wacom tablet, printer, etc...) but the motherboard has a different sound card and a different processor (I'll probably just install a different kernel to accommodate for that) and some different things that are smaller (don't forget the power supply)

offer a better method of transferring the hard drive (and don't say "just simply take the hard drive out and put it in the other computer" unless you have indisputable proof that it will work. I know it most likely won't work for multiple reasons, the drivers being one of them, the fact that windows can't do that (I have a different plan for windows that involves upgrading from vista 32bit to windows 7 64 bit))

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General :: Creating Image From Existing Installed CentOs

Mar 22, 2010

I have just finished installing (after hard work ) Centos 5.4 x86 configured with Snort & Snorby as frontend web, i would like to create from this installation kind of image that could fit to almost any hardware type.

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Software :: Creating Image Of A Installed Linux Machine

Dec 22, 2009

How do you create an image of an installed linux system and use it to build other desktops or servers.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Installed 10.04 And Lost Wireless Connection Right After Updates?

Jun 6, 2010

I installed a clean installation of ubuntu 10.04 inside Windows 7 and wireless worked normally in the beginning that I downloaded and installed all the updates "I selected without updating Grub".On the first reboot after updates, the wireless icon disappeared from the panel and could not connect to the internet although the settings in the Networking tools were correct.

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