Ubuntu Multimedia :: Where Is The 'Shuffle' Option In Amarok 2.3.0

Jun 9, 2010

I have installed Amarok 2.3.0 on my Ubuntu 10.04 installation and couldn't find the shuffle option anywhere? Any idea where it could be? I have attached the screenshot of my Amarok window

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Turn Off Shuffle In Amarok 2.3?

Jun 8, 2010

I am having trouble finding the option to switch between sequential play and shuffle. Anybody know how to do this?

FYI: Ubuntu 10.04, Amarok 2.3.0

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Rename Ipod Shuffle?

Jan 6, 2010

my friend just got an Ipod touch, so he gave me his old shuffle. So when I got home, I plugged it in, and it mounted fine. Then I tried to rename it, but when I right click on the icon, the "Rename" option is grayed out. How do I rename it then?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ipod Shuffle Without ITunes?

Apr 8, 2010

I just got a new iPod shuffle (pink 4th gen model #A1271). I want to use this without windows or mac (both of which I do not have access to)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ipod Shuffle Not Detected?

May 21, 2010

I've had my ipod, it would auto detect fine with gtkpod and load perfectly.
Now, as of a couple days ago, my computer won't even detect my ipod..

It's a 2nd Generation Shuffle and I'm running Lucid Lynx.

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Ubuntu :: Amarok Upgrade - Export Lyrics From Amarok 1.4 And Import Them In Amarok 2?

May 17, 2010

For the last few releases, I've remained with Amarok 1.4, but now that I've deemed Amarok 2 stable enough, I've upgrade, however, the lyrics to my songs (which I put in a lot of effort in downloading), are not reflecting. Is there anyway to export lyrics from Amarok 1.4 and import them in Amarok 2?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Script To Shuffle Music Files?

Jan 27, 2010

how I can shuffle my MP3 files before I drag them on to my player? My little D-Wave MP3/4 player does not shuffle songs. This can be a little boring. I use Banshee to drag and drop songs to it without any problems and Banshee will play the tracks randomly.

I did see a thread on the Forum recently which looked like it would shuffle the files in a directory but I have not been able to find it again.

My system is:

Banshee 1.6
CPU AMD64 X2 5200+
Drive 160G
Chipset GeForce 6100 nForce 405

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythymbox Crashing On Shuffle In 10.04 / Sort It?

May 11, 2010

Since upgrading to 10.04, Rhythmbox has been crashing regularly. It seems that every time it picks a new track, it has a chance of closing without notice. This can happen for the first track it plays, when clicking "next track" or when automatically going to the next track. This only seems to happen on shuffle, which is the way I usually use Rhythmbox. I tried running it with `rhythmbox -d` but the only output consistent between crashes is "Aborted", which appears suddenly and without any additional information or even a line break.

(10.04 64bit, upgraded from 9.10.)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: IPod Shuffle (1st Generation) Will Not Mount

Dec 2, 2010

My ipod shuffle (1st generation) will not mount in Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit when I plug it into my usb port. When I plug in the ipod I do not get an icon being created for it on the desktop. I have also checked nautilus and there is no storage device for the ipod showing when I click on computer in nautilus.I have also checked /media in nautilus and there in no listing for the ipod. The only way I can see the ipod in Ubuntu is if I open up a terminal window and use the command lsusb which then shows a listing for the ipod.

If I have the ipod plugged into my computer before I turn it on and then turn on the computer to boot with Ubuntu, Ubuntu does not boot in the normal graphics mode but boots in text mode where I have to type in my name and password on a black terminal screen. The ipod has the latest software on it as well as being reset back to original factory settings. I have no problems using the ipod if boot up on windows 7 and plug in the ipod.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee And IPod Shuffle Sync

Dec 27, 2010

Banshee will recognize iPod shuffle 4th gen. It will let me drag songs to iPod and they show up in Banshee as being on my iPod. When I disconnect iPod and hit play, the voice over tells me to please load songs from iTunes.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: IPod Shuffle How To Battery Recharge

Jul 10, 2011

I've been using Mac OSX 10.4 Tiger on iMac and am examining to change Operating System to ubuntu.The last time when I was examining ubuntu installing to Intel iMac, I couldn't recharge battery of iPod the 2nd and 3rd generation. After making decision to use ubuntu, I am going to use iPod shuffle as MP3 player. Anyone know how to recharge iPod on ubuntu OS?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ipod Shuffle (Silver Gen 4) Not Showing In Rhythmbox (U 10.04)

Apr 24, 2010

how to show music files on Rhythmbox for Ubuntu 10.04b? I have no issues with music showing up fir my Gen 1 iPod Touch, but when I plug in my iPod Shuffle (gen 4 silver) I got an error (only got it once and dont know what it said) and it displays nothing. I tried gtkpod as well after reading that on the forums but that is a no go as well.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Shuffle Songs In Banshee / Sort It?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a problem where I can't shuffle songs in Banshee Media Player. All the playback options to repeat and shuffle songs are grayed out. Makes me absolutely mad right now since I wanted to make a playlist with Christmas songs to play while decorating the Christmas tree. And I wanted the list to be played at random... no luck there.

Tried to upgrade via ppa to latest version but that didn't do the trick.

I have a fairly large music library, mostly in mp3-format. I run 10.04 LTS and Banshee 1.8.0.

Rhytmbox seems to be able to shuffle, but I am kinda used to Banshee and would like to continue using it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Manually Sort Songs On An IPod Shuffle Using Banshee?

Mar 11, 2010

I use Banshee 1.5.4 on Ubuntu 9.10 with a 2nd gen iPod Shuffle. I was thrilled when I plugged it in to see that everything worked right out-of-the-box but then I found that there's no way to manually order songs, Banshee always put an arrow in a column for you.

If you don't know much about the Shuffle, it lets you flick between 'sorted' and 'shuffled' mode. In sorted mode it plays songs in the order they are arranged in the music playlist. I like to keep classical and relaxing songs at the top of my playlist for when I can't sleep but Banshee won't let me manually organise my songs so I can't do this.

Peculiarly, when you drag songs to the Shuffle individually, though they will show up as being sorted, when you go to play them on the Shuffle they play in the order in which you dragged them. I was planning to just drag and drop over each song individually but I think there must be an easier way... I'm probably just missing something. P.S. Here's a screenshot to clarify. I synched the songs over in the order of Blur, Gorillaz, Air and Muse but they don't show as such

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ipod Shuffle 2nd Generation And Rythmbox After Upgrading Can't List The Items?

Oct 21, 2010

I own an ipod shuffle and in ubuntu 10.04 worked perfectly, but after upgrading (I did a fresh install) to ubuntu 10.10 rythmbox recognizes the ipod, but it can't list the items and if I try to reload the list, rhythmbox closes irremediably.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Terminal Command To Shuffle Or Randomly Play A Song On Banshee Media Player?

Jun 2, 2011

What is the terminal command to shuffle, or randomly play a song on banshee media player? I have already checked 'banshee.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok And MP3s On NAS?

Jan 31, 2010

I would like to play the MP3 files that are stored on my Linkstation NAS through Amarok but I can't get Amarok to play them. The only way I can get the files to play is through Dolphin or to copy them to my local drive and play them from there.

Does anyone know how I can get the files to play through Amarok? I thought it would be easy seeing as I can play movie files from the NAS using Dragon Player and edit photos stored on the NAS using GIMP. Why won't Amarok play ball?

Am running Kubuntu 9.10 & Amarok 2.2.0

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Compile Amarok 1.4.10 In 10.04?

Aug 23, 2010

how-to compile from source; based on this post [URL]with some new hints and modified patches. This works on Ubuntu (Gnome version) without the official repository version of Amarok installed.



sudo apt-get install libgpod-common libgpod-dev libgpod4 kdelibs4-dev libxine-dev libdbus-qt-1-dev libtag1-dev libsqlite3-dev libtunepimp-dev libmysqlclient15-dev libpq-dev libvisual-0.4-dev libsdl1.2-dev libifp-dev libxine1 libxine1-ffmpeg build-essential checkinstall ruby ruby-dev libruby libltdl-dev



under Amarok - Configure Amarok - Appareance - Download theme, then search for 3Dintegrity

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok's Gone Silent - How To Fix It

Aug 25, 2010

Amarok's gone silent on me. It used to work fine until recently, even though I haven't done anything I can think of to change this apart from routine software updates.It is only happening to me.Other users on the machine are OK.I can play sound from other applications including Kaffeine, Skype and Audacious. The problem occurs with all file types I have tried, namely mp3 ogg and mpc.

Amarok looks like it's playing when I click play, in that the playback process bar is working and the time elapsed is displayed. Amarok appears as a client in the PulseAudio manager. The only thing I can see that might be odd, apart from the silence, is the big button near the top, level with and the same size as the play/pause button. I can't remember what this button is for. The symbol on it looks odd, as if an animated symbol for volume adjustment got caught on one particular frame. Clicking on this button does nothing either visually or functionally

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok Not Working Under 9.04?

Sep 5, 2010

i set up an ubuntu image in virtualbox.

everything works fine exept amarok.

i doesnt play any sound at all. i tried the gstreamer and the xine phonon...

vlc works flawless.

banshee though also doesnt play anything.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok 2.3.2 With Gnome ?

Sep 23, 2010

How can I install Amarok 2.3.2 (recent version) in Ubuntu? I downloaded the source file and looked at the README file. It says I need to have some dependencies before installing. But since Amarok is for KDE, it would be frustrating to get all the dependencies correctly in Gnome. Or is there another way to do it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok Not Working On 10.10?

Dec 15, 2010

I just made the switch back to Ubuntu from Kubuntu. Now I'm having problems running my favourite KDE app, that's Amarok.

Amarok regularly scans my collection, no problems with that. When I try and play any tracks they're not playing and Amarok scrolls through the playlist without playing anything. No error messages are displayed either (although I remember once I got some message related to phonon).

how I could get Amarok running on Ubuntu 10.10?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Play .ogg Files In Amarok 2.2.2

Jan 3, 2010

I can't seem to be able to find out how to play ogg files in amarok. It has to be a simple solution, but my old eyes can't see it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok Crashes On Startup 9.10?

Jan 28, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 and having trouble with Amarok. It crashes on on startup. I have read that the issue is not with Amarok but rather phonon. Is there a solution? Application: Amarok (amarok), signal: Segmentation fault [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0xb68cb950 (LWP 13047))]

Thread 5 (Thread 0xb527bb70 (LWP 13054)):
#0 0x003e9422 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1 0x07fcb142 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0
#2 0x037168d4 in pthread_cond_timedwait () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#3 0x075519ff in ?? () from /usr/lib/libxine.so.1


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Some Tags Are Not Shown In Amarok

Feb 3, 2010

For example, an mp3 file has all the tags filled - track number, year, genre, etc. But when in Amarok, some tags are not shown to me.Look at the attached screenshot, please. You see, when I look into track properties I can see that it HAS got a track number and a year. But it is not shown in playlist.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok 1.4 Forked As Pana?

Feb 6, 2010

my friends with taste in good music players! Amarok 1.4 has a new fork called Pana! Homepage: [URL]..Current build with visualization support (which is not enabled in the build from the PPA). [URL]..please also install these packages:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound After Starting Amarok?

Feb 9, 2010

If I run Amarok right after ubuntu starts, and then start a movie, there is no sound. It doesn't matter that the playback in Amarok is paused, stopped or active, there is no sound in the other player. Even if i exit Amarok, i don't get any sound. It is important to note that the other player is definitely a gnome application. I tried playing a song in Rhythmbox after Amarok was started, or play a video in Movie Player: no sound. I get sound from KDE video players, but the video doesn't work there, so that isn't an option. The only explanation i can think of, is that Amarok somehow "occupies" the sound drive, and it remains "occupied" even after the application was closed. Because if i start Movie Player before Amarok, this problem never appears.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok Doesn't Play

Feb 19, 2010

I have installed Amarok on clean Ubuntu 9.10 and when I tried to play some mp3 files it just skip them all and finish the play list. I don't know how to fix this, maybe I need something to be installed. On other programs the files works fine. I have some Intel efault sound card.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok Does Not Play Any Media / Get That?

May 11, 2010

I've been a Ubuntu user for the last 7 days and just switched from Vista.I've been loving it so far except for this tiny problem.
Amarok does not play media files at all.The pre-installed Rhythmbox with 10.04 works great.In Amarok,it isn't that I don't get sound. It just won't play. If I click a file, then click play it quickly goes through an amount of songs and then it tries to play all the songs in the playlist unsuccessfully.
I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx and Amarok 2.3.0(KDE 4.4.2) in a 32 bit system.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Adding Shoutcast To Amarok 2?

May 28, 2010

I am running 10.04 Gnome. I have installed Amarok and would like to use the Shoutcast internet radio streams. How do you do that?

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