Ubuntu Multimedia :: Uniting Names Of Tracks?

Aug 3, 2010

I am a Musician and thus have a quite a large collection of mp3 tracks.Having put my collection together over the years and from various sources, the artists' names differ quite a lot, thus Michael Jackson is any of the following:

Jackson, Michael
Michael Jackson
M. Jackson
Jackson, M

Is there any way to see the list of names in a way like in Rhythmbox/ipod [so I would immediately see at least some of the differences], but at the same time having access to the tags in order to edit them [like in EasyTag]?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rip A CD Of 16 Tracks Into 8 Tracks Mp3?

Aug 21, 2011

I use abcde to rip and encode all my music. It works great especially the option of ripping an entire cd to one flac or mp3 file, this was great for Sleep's Jerusalem. Anyway I have a cd by the Melvins (the Maggot) which they famously split each track into two tracks midway through the song. I would like to know if there is a way to rip them into "whole" tracks?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rip Some Tracks From A CD

Jul 6, 2010

Why are things so difficult using Linux/Ubuntu? I'm trying to rip some tracks from a CD, I've looked at various threads telling me how this might be possible. I've tried RipperX, installed it, used it, and the resultant track I was told couldn't be played because I didn't have the necessary files installed. Funny because I have quite a number of MP3's which play quite happily I tried RubyRipper, couldn't for the life in me work out how to install, never mind use it. I then switched to Windows, Googled CDex, downloaded it, installed it and ripped the three tracks in less time than it's taken me to type this. Don't get me on the subject of cropping photos in Gimp or F-Spot.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ripping CD's With Tracks That Blend Together?

Nov 14, 2010

I've been ripping some of our CD's to .ogg and .mp3 for listening at work with a Sansa Fuze. Have used RubyRipper but lately been using Rhythmbox. The app finds titles online, and it's all pretty easy.

Some rips are louder or quieter and that's a little annoying. But the biggest problem is with tracks that blend together and the app can't figure out how to dissect them. The Eagles "Dalton" CD is a mess. Also some Don Henley tracks, Creedence Clearwater, Stone Temple Pilots, etc.

I could use RubyRipper to rip the entire CD as one file. Or use RubyRipper to rip just the troublesome tracks as one file. Or maybe screw around with the tracks in Audacity? Was hoping that some of you have better fixes.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee Sometimes Won't Play Tracks

May 21, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 on a Virtualbox VM under a Windows 7 host.Sometimes Banshee won't play anything. The play button doesn't change, the progress bar doesn't start moving, and Banshee says it's idle. This doesn't always happen, sometimes I can play a few tracks fine and then suddenly in the middle of a track Banshee will stop and nothing will get it going again. Other times it happens from startup. Neither restarting the player nor rebooting the VM necessarily helps.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VCD With Multiple Tracks Not Playing In Totem

Apr 3, 2010

I'm trying to get Totem to play VCD's. There are many complaints about this not working, but since they're all really old and dealing with different problems, it's hard to tell if this is an issue with me, or with the totem package. When I put a VCD in the computer, I expect it to pop up, (as it does) and prompt me to open the CD with Totem (which it does). When Totem tries to play it, though, it throws this error:

Code: An error occurred. Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.

Interestingly this is the same error I get when I try to play DVDs on a separate computer with the same ubuntu software. The CD plays, however. If I click ok, and go to:
Movie > Play Disk '<disk name>'

The problem is:
1) I want it to be automatic, without errors,
2) These VCD's have several tracks and after the first 30 second track, it stops. It won't play any other tracks.

I tried a few other pieces of software just to see if other things worked (as I'm looking for user friendly-ness, I doubt the others will be a final option):
VLC: (No apparent activity. Disk spins)
gxine: Autoplay input plugin 'VCD' failed: Check engine output for further details.
Mplayer: Error!: Failed to open vcd://2.
K3b seems to have no problem, but it's not really a media player...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Hides CD Tracks - Cannot Play

Mar 30, 2011

I've got a cd from China. Wanted to open it with rhythmbox. For seconds I see the tracks (track 1 etc., instead of title) and then music brainz pops in suggesting me adding tracks to db... But the tracks are gone and I can't play cd then. How to get it to work?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cover Art In Banshee For Tracks With Non ASCII Characters

Jan 16, 2010

Banshee (Version 1.5.2) doesn't seem to support cover art for tracks that include non ascii characters in any way. All manual methods that work with ascii tracks failed (folder.jpg in album folder, copying appropriately named jpg in ~/.cache/album-art, embedding jpg in mp3 metadata). This is really quite a drawback for users who don't have an English-only music collection. Is there any workaround or bugfix that I missed or do I have to go back to Rhythmbox to have non-English cover art?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rip Cd Tracks With Abcde But Ogg Quality Always Shows 112kbs

Mar 8, 2011

I have used abcde with lots of success in the past and I always grab the a config file off the net (I think andrew's web page or something).

Anyways, I went to rip a few cd's to OGG today and my quality setting is: OGGENCOPTS='-q 6' but when I play the ogg's (using audacious or gnome player) the kbs always shows 112. I know OGG is not a bitrated encoder, but rather uses quality levels 1-10 (I think?), but I always got ~192kbs using quality level 6, but now it does not seem so.

Anyone know of something I might be overlooking her, perhaps something not quite set right... here is the confg I am using in my home dir... actually I did notice there is an /etc/abcde.conf file, but all options are commented out. I wonder if perhaps there is another abcde.conf file being used somewhere and not the one i created in ~/.abcde. I think that is how the file should be named; does that look right does anyone know?

# -----------------$HOME/.abcde.conf----------------- #
# A sample configuration file to convert music cds to
# Ogg Vorbis using abcde version


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox - M4a Tracks Unplayable From Upnp Server ?

Apr 1, 2011

Rhythmbox plays local m4a files no problem. I have a few upnp servers running on other machines around the house, mediatomb, tvmobili, vuze, mythtv. Rhythmbox is setup with the coherence plugin and happily plays mp3 from these servers but it cannot 'see' any m4a files via upnp, even though it can play the same files if i copy them to the machine that is running rhythmbox.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Can't Play Tracks With Amarok

Dec 25, 2009

I'm trying to play some music with amarok. I select one track from the playlist, and then I click on PLAY and not only the track is not played, but it starts to read others mp3 folders.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Ripping Multiple CD Tracks To One?

May 5, 2011

I am trying to rip my "Queen's Greatest Hits I" CD to my hard drive as FLAC files. For the most part, it's going well. But let's say I want to rip Track 16 (We Will Rock You) and Track 17 (We Are The Champions) as one track. (Because really, who ever listens to those tracks separately???)

What is the best CD ripper software to use to accomplish this? So far I've tried Asunder & Audex, but I don't want to download every ripper before I find one that will let me do this easily.

I was able to do what I wanted in cdparanoia at the shell:

cdparanoia 16-17 Queen_We_Will_Rock_You_We_Are_The_Champions.wav

But then I lose all the convenience of automatic tagging, etc.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Open Different Audio File Tracks Into The Same Piano Roll?

Mar 24, 2010

My question would be this: is it possible to open different audio file tracks into the same piano roll, or even open multiple piano roll instances at the same time? If the answer is "no", then does anyone know a good LADSPA sampler plugin? Basically, I need to be able to load multiple samples into the same instrument and have them set to a range on the keyboard, similar to what the advanced sampler in Reason does.

Having multiple samples in the beat editor is not the same, as I need to control the note off (without re-loading the sample and just changing the end time, that is too cumbersome). If any of this seems weird I should specify that I am making breakcore music where drum beat samples are highly manipulated and a piano roll for each sample is just going to be too annoying to program.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cinelerra Is Moving Sound/video Tracks After Add Effect/s

May 19, 2010

I have been messing around with Cinelerra after doing a Final cut pro course some time ago but as it needs to be told what to do more i am finding it hard going. When I have track 1 that has audio and video and also track two has the same then i mute the audio in one and block out the video in then other. Then add effects. It is then moving audio or video around and nothing is in sync anymore. Not where i put things. I undo the effect to see if it will go back but no go. I try to undo to the point where maybe i missed something but nope that is not it. Inevitably i have to redo everything again but then i end up with the whole thing out of sync again. I had a previous install of Ubuntu and Cinelerra and i don't remember striking this problem. Am i not loading the tracks properly. I don't have a good work flow with this and i know i should try something more simple but i am impatient to edit videos i have had for years and years and years. I never did learn editing in windows so i am happy to be getting somewhere in Linux.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Copy Playlist Tracks And Rename According To Track Order?

Oct 2, 2010

I'm currently running Meerkat beta AMD64. I've been using Audacious in Ubuntu for years, before that I used XMMS.

In Windoze I used to use Winamp. Winamp has a plugin called gen_yar. Gen_yar would allow you to right-click on the playlist and copy your current playlist files in track order to any folder on your hard drive, or to a USB mounted mp3 player/thumb drive, whatever.

It had several checkboxes in the settings.

1) Rename the files adding the track number as the prefix (01_, 02_, etc).

2) Create a .m3u playlist of the tracks in that new folder using #EXTINF: instead of the full path. That way I can copy that folder to any gadget or another computer and the playlist will still play those files.

Here is the Winamp Plugin: gen_yar (Yar-matey!_Playlist_Copier) [URL] There's a link to the source code at the bottom of that site if that helps.

Here's another: Winamp Plugin Save Playlist In Order [URL]

I have yet to see this feature in any Linux media software. I've tried just about all of them. The only thing close would be drag-n-drop playlist files from Rhythmbox.

Does anybody know of a plugin for Audacious or Rhythmbox that will do this?

Alternatively, is there a Nautilus script that when I right click on a folder full of mp3s, it will create a playlist of files in that folder, and save that playlist file inside the folder (without the full paths as mentioned above)?

I hate having to boot into Virtual Box just to use Winamp to create portable playlists.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Extract And Joing Multiple Audio Tracks With Video

Dec 2, 2010

I have two video files (Xvid) and would like to combine the video from one of these with the audio track of the other, in order to create a new video file.

This is somewhat complicated by the fact that I would like the resulting audio to be a mixture of the two original audio tracks, for instance, during some time segments, I would like to switch from one to the other, but the video should always be the same.

Another issue that complicates the things is that the two audio tracks have different bit rates, and when I briefly managed to merge the two, one of the audio tracks was playing much faster than the other. To clarify, the audio tracks should not overlap but just be played at the different time during the video playback.

I am trying to do this by using Audacity. The problem is that I am fairly new to Audacity and I have not been able to find any info in their user guides regarding this specific issue.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Split Single Lossless Cuefile To Tracks (flac/wv/mp3/ape/ogg)?

Jan 8, 2011

found this today on my travels


## Split Lossless Audio by Cue File
## By CokiDVD
## Contains some code from:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Record Audio From Multible Sources To Seperate Tracks?

Feb 15, 2011

I've been googling this problem a lot these last couple of days, with no luck.The thing is, I need to record audio from an old Tascam four track cassette recorder. I have three tracks on the tape and I want to record them to three seperate tracks on the computer. I don't have and cannot afford a decent multi-track soundcard (one of the reasons I'm using the cassette recorder, another being really cool drum sound). This means I cannot record the tracks seperately and sync them afterwards, because the speed of each playback isn't 100% reliable.

I have a USB guitar link from Behringer, which I could use and has one mono plug. Pulse Audio picks that up as a seperate input and with Jokosher I can assign line-in left and right to two seperate tracks and the USB link to a third one. The problem is however that Jokosher constantly freezes up and I've never been able to make it work properly. So my question is: is there any other way/software I could use to record from two seperate audio sources?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Can't Convert Audio Tracks Into Mp3 Files

Dec 6, 2009

I want to convert some audio files, to mp3 files. I have only k3b but it converts into ogg or wav. Is there any program to convert a track in mp3? r a k3b add-on?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Brand New CD Not Copy Protected - Two Tracks Will Not Rip / Any Fix?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a brand new 3CD opera and two of the tracks on the last CD will not rip.
I have tried on two different machines with the same result. (Grip/cdparanoia)
The tracks appear to play OK on CD player.
Any solutions available?
Can I return disks as faulty?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Banshee Transfers Invalid Tracks To Creative Zen (MTP)?

Jan 9, 2010

I'm having a few problems with my Creative Zen and Banshee after swapping computers and upgrading to openSUSE 11.2. At first I was having problems because it wouldn't detect, but that seems to be about resolved now (although I do sometimes have to unmount it in Nautilus then disable and re-enable the MTP extension in Banshee at the moment). Now the problem appears to be that it'll transfer, but that the tracks won't play.

I'm using Banshee 1.5.2 with a custom build with this MTP on 64-bit patch added. I manually manage the device (I've got 10GB of music and an 8GB player, so I use a smart playlist that I manually sync with) and have been testing with just a few tracks at once - MP3 and M4A (iTunes+). Tracks generally copy over okay (although one MP3 in particular seems to freeze during transfer) but when I try to play them I get "There is a problem playing this audio".

I've tried Gnomad, but the tracks didn't show up at all, and I've tried Rhythmbox, but it doesn't sync album art, even for tracks I know it has the art for.Anyone had similar experiences or have any ideas? I've had all of these songs on there before, so it is annoying that it isn't working now.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Increase In File Size Of Ripped CD Tracks To MP3 Between Previous Releases Of Karmic?

Mar 15, 2010

Has anyone else noticed an increase in file size of ripped CD tracks to MP3 between previous releases of Ubuntu and Karmic? Specifically using the same Gstreamer pipeline settings the file size in Karmic is now considerably larger than in previous releases like Jaunty or Intrepid. Is there a fix for this bug. Seems like Sound Juicer/Rhythmbox have some significant bugs in Karmic!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Large *.mp4 Files In Gtkpod - Hangs At "Copying Tracks" At 0%

Jul 27, 2010

I am dual booting XP and Ubuntu 10.04, but in the future I will be getting a new machine and I will only be running Ubuntu and won't have access to iTunes. Because I have an iPod Touch, I have been trying to find workarounds for syncing everything that iTunes took care of in the past. One problem I have is managing movies. I have looked through various media players/iPod management tools (Amarok, Rhythmbox, gtkpod) and I am using Rhythmbox to sync my music and and attempting to use gtkpod to sync my movies.

gtkpod is able to sync songs (Tested with a few minute test clip) and short *.mp4 files (15mb I know for sure from test). I am unable, however, to get it to sync a movie (~700mb) I am able to drag it onto my iPod in gtkpod, but when I try to save the changes and write the files, it hangs at "Copying Tracks" at 0%. It eventually crashes during the couple times I have tried to wait it out. So this being my situation, my question is, is there a size limit to the *.mp4 files I can sync to my iPod Touch via gtkpod? is there any other tools that you know of that I can sync videos to my iPod with?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Making A Mess Of Folders And File Names

Jan 8, 2010

I've been enjoying using Rhythmbox to rip a stack of CDs. Initially I had problems getting it to recognise Lame but following uninstalling and reinstalling it, it seemed to be working well. That is, until I looked in my Music folder.

It turns out files have been placed in individual folders, named "number - title.udio" (e.g.: "11 - She Can Do What She Wants.udio". The mp3 file itself is named identically throughout - it's the string for the gstreamer settings, i.e. "x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc preset=1002 ! xingmux ! id3v2muxmp3".

The settings within Rhythmbox's properties for folder and file naming are all set to the sensible default. This is a pain. In the short term I'm going to try EasyTAG to sort it out, but ultimately I need to sort this or find alternative software.

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Ubuntu :: Wipe All The Tracks Off IPod?

Jun 10, 2010

however I've managed to hash up the iPod database using gtkpod, as it seemed to come up with some error, which it quite often seems to do. It all semed normal unitl I ejected the device, as, upon ejection, it appears to not have any tracks or videos on, only games, however I can tell you that all the tracks are still there. The only other issue is my windows box is out of commision, and my laptop doesn't have enough space to hold 80g of music, and need the iPod soon for many presentations, which rules out sending it back to apple.

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Ubuntu :: Streaming Local Tracks ?

Sep 21, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 and put some music from my flash drive onto my computer. I play the music and it opens with Totem music player, but I cannot figure out for the life of me why it's streaming if it's on the disk Ubuntu is installed on. I can't skip to certain places in music or movies, and if I pause anything to go AFK for 5 seconds and press play to resume, it goes back to the beginning. Does anyone know why this is happening?

I forgot to mention that there was a codec I downloaded to try and view a SWF file in Totem and it still wouldn't play. Perhaps that's the problem? Anyone know the name of the codec so I can get rid of it?

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Ubuntu :: Banshee Closes When Skipping Tracks?

Jul 18, 2011

Banshee only recently started doing this: When I play an song it works fine but if I click on skip it plays the next song for about 1-2 seconds then Banshee just closes. Also if I just let the song play (or skip to the end of the song) it also closes within 1-2 seconds of playing the next song. If I'm half way through a song I can click on another song to play it and it works fine through.I've tried disabling all my extensions but that didn't make any difference.

If I launch Banshee by typing 'banshee' into Terminal (and then play a song and press the skip button) this is what the Terminal says:

[Info 23:04:34.467] Running Banshee 2.0.0: [Ubuntu 11.04 (linux-gnu, i686) @ 2011-06-28 05:46:57 UTC][code].....

EDIT: I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 not Lubuntu, how do I change it?

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Fedora :: Rhythmbox Will Not Rip CD Tracks

Jun 8, 2010

I cannot get Rhythymbox to recognize my external cd drive when I put a cd in. It used to do so & I was able to import my cd's this way. Now it simply does not find the cd at all. I have upgraded to F13 from F12, so could this be a reason?

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Software :: Converting CD Tracks To MP3

Jul 26, 2011

In Linux, how to Convert CD Tracks to MP3? What software can do it?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Log That Tracks System Load And Processes?

Apr 19, 2010

I have several web servers running Ubuntu 8.04 64-bit server and occasionally Apache sends my load to 13 and higher.

Is there a log that actually tracks the system load levels and possibly the processes running at the time and their percentage of the load?

At the basic level what I am looking for would be a log of top but not exactly that.

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