Ubuntu Multimedia :: Record Audio From Multible Sources To Seperate Tracks?
Feb 15, 2011
I've been googling this problem a lot these last couple of days, with no luck.The thing is, I need to record audio from an old Tascam four track cassette recorder. I have three tracks on the tape and I want to record them to three seperate tracks on the computer. I don't have and cannot afford a decent multi-track soundcard (one of the reasons I'm using the cassette recorder, another being really cool drum sound). This means I cannot record the tracks seperately and sync them afterwards, because the speed of each playback isn't 100% reliable.
I have a USB guitar link from Behringer, which I could use and has one mono plug. Pulse Audio picks that up as a seperate input and with Jokosher I can assign line-in left and right to two seperate tracks and the USB link to a third one. The problem is however that Jokosher constantly freezes up and I've never been able to make it work properly. So my question is: is there any other way/software I could use to record from two seperate audio sources?
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Dec 6, 2009
I want to convert some audio files, to mp3 files. I have only k3b but it converts into ogg or wav. Is there any program to convert a track in mp3? r a k3b add-on?
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Mar 24, 2010
My question would be this: is it possible to open different audio file tracks into the same piano roll, or even open multiple piano roll instances at the same time? If the answer is "no", then does anyone know a good LADSPA sampler plugin? Basically, I need to be able to load multiple samples into the same instrument and have them set to a range on the keyboard, similar to what the advanced sampler in Reason does.
Having multiple samples in the beat editor is not the same, as I need to control the note off (without re-loading the sample and just changing the end time, that is too cumbersome). If any of this seems weird I should specify that I am making breakcore music where drum beat samples are highly manipulated and a piano roll for each sample is just going to be too annoying to program.
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Dec 2, 2010
I have two video files (Xvid) and would like to combine the video from one of these with the audio track of the other, in order to create a new video file.
This is somewhat complicated by the fact that I would like the resulting audio to be a mixture of the two original audio tracks, for instance, during some time segments, I would like to switch from one to the other, but the video should always be the same.
Another issue that complicates the things is that the two audio tracks have different bit rates, and when I briefly managed to merge the two, one of the audio tracks was playing much faster than the other. To clarify, the audio tracks should not overlap but just be played at the different time during the video playback.
I am trying to do this by using Audacity. The problem is that I am fairly new to Audacity and I have not been able to find any info in their user guides regarding this specific issue.
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Feb 2, 2010
I would like to record the audio from a streaming audio swf file. The site is:[URL]I found how to record audio from flash files (ie. .....) but not streaming from swf. Would anyone know how to do this?
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Jul 14, 2010
Have you ever wanted to record a sound heard from your computer or website? If yes outRec is perfect for you. This simple but powerful application let you to record your sound card audio output easily in a few steps and save it in different kinds of formats like wav, mp3 or ogg.
Download from [URL]
To get it work you need to install the dependencies with:
sudo apt-get install sox gambas2-runtime lame mplayer libnotify-bin libmp3lame0 gambas2-gb-form gambas2-gb-desktop gambas2-gb-gui libtwolame0
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Sep 5, 2010
Use Freecorder in Win7 to record streaming audio and save it as an mp3. Anyone know of a similar program for Ubuntu 10.04? Tried Sound Recorder but I guess that's just for a microphone. Streamripper only seems to work on ShoutCast.
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Feb 28, 2011
I want to record audio from a sdl game which uses alsa as output (pulseaudio is purged). I tried gtk-recordmydesktop to no avail. Can I make the game output to jack? If not how can I record the alsa output of the game?
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Jun 6, 2011
For some reason, I cannot record video with cheese. I cannot record video and audio on ....., just video. I can record audio on sound recorder. Why can't I get both? I have an e-machines (acer)em-250, 2g ram, 2ghz intel atom processor. Using Moon Os 4 neak (ubuntu 10.10 variant). I have downloaded and installed ffmpeg, and all other codecs. I can also get video on google voice and video, but no audio. Obviously I have a built-in webcam and mic. I've had this problem with every ubuntu distro I've tried since Oct. of 2010. This netbook came with Win. xp, and I had no problems with this issue then. I would just REALLY like to be able to use my webcam and be able to record video and audio.
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Aug 21, 2011
I use abcde to rip and encode all my music. It works great especially the option of ripping an entire cd to one flac or mp3 file, this was great for Sleep's Jerusalem. Anyway I have a cd by the Melvins (the Maggot) which they famously split each track into two tracks midway through the song. I would like to know if there is a way to rip them into "whole" tracks?
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Feb 10, 2009
My friend has a website whereby once you have logged in on one page, you are redirected to another page, with a url similar to:
the random string changes each time you log in, however the login page has a static url What i was attempting to do is run a script to get some data from the members page (after uve logged in) - however ive been having some trouble in how to do this, as the variable url with the random string will become invalid after a certain time, and i did not want to consantly change it.
While reading through some documentation i read that wget should be able to login to a form login website however ive had no luck, the command i was attempting to use was:
wget --user USERNAME -password PASSWORD [URL]
similarly i also tried
wget --post-data "username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD" [URL]
and even both combined. However neither has worked as the html dl'd is simply the login page website. I cannot post a direct link to the website as it is private, however ive looked at the source coding and ive extracted (what i think) is the relevant bit, which is:
<form action="/cgi-bin/sblogin/login.cgi" method="post" name="login" id="login"><br /><br />
<div class="user_text"><span class="text3">USERNAME:</span></div><div class="user_box"><input type="text" class="text" name="uname"></div>
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Jan 4, 2010
The commandcvlc --run-time 180 "http://amber.streamguys.com:4500/wcvehd1.m3u" --sout file/ogg:/home/mikeb/Audio_Recordings/WCVE-test"$(date +%F-%T)".oggwill successfully record a stream from my local NPR station. If I understand the messages thatare printed to stdout when I run it, this transcodes the mp3 stream to an ogg filece I am using this to timeshift a program that I otherwise would not be able to listen to, I would prefer simply to dump the stream in mp3 format without transcoding. tried changing "ogg" "dump" but that produces an error about the --sout option. Can someone tell me how to modify this command so that it simply dumps the incoming stream to a file in mp3 format
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Mar 22, 2010
I creating a mini soft for screencast (audio + video) with ffmpeg.For the video,it's ok.For the sound, the capture of sound of my webcam (/dev/dsp1) it's ok.
ffmpeg -f oss -ar 44100 -i /dev/dsp1 -acodec mp2 -ab 128k test.mp3
But for my audio desktop :
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May 6, 2010
I was wondering is somebody could look at this simple script that I am working on. I cannot get it to output to my home directory. I noticed the message "bad input or output format" in the VLC verbose terminal.
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Nov 11, 2010
I can't seem to get my computer to record the audio from an application... Sound Recorder, Audacity, and outRec all output files but they are just silence, even though when I see them in a media player they show the visualizations. I have followed a couple guides to no avail.
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Jan 6, 2011
I'm trying to record the beautiful music of rai-tv. Sadly to say it onlyings me audio-files with no sound at all. Ps. In "alsamixer" everything is on 100%
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May 29, 2010
There is no audio output to the speakers when listening to, or while recording from Line-in. Enabling software sound playthrough in Audacity did not help. Audacity simply froze. But I can make fine recordings from Line-in and play the recorded files. Also no sound from cd-audio. KsCD begins playback, but no sound. Only VLC works with cd-audio. Maybe some slider settings that I missed? This is what I did so far: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.20
00-00: CMI9880 : CMI9880 : playback 1 : capture 2
00-01: CMI9880 Digital : CMI9880 Digital : playback 1 : capture 1│
louis@linux-6ozx:~> cat /proc/asound/modules
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Aug 25, 2010
i'm using optical s/pdif output, called "hda intel, ad198x digital (iec958 (s/pdif) digital audio output)" in phonon preferences. sounds works just fine -- except i can't use multiple audio sources simultaneously: for example amarok+videos is a no-no. only the first audio source plays, so i have to close amarok in order to listen to any flash videos. i had this problem already with opensuse 11.2, but couldn't figure it out (using 11.3 now).
i just recently got a hunch that it might have something to do with mixing and the s/pdif, and i tried using analog output ("hda intel (ad198x analog)"). lo and behold, it works! amarok+flash that isash still doesn't still consider this a major leap forward.however, i'd like to keep using my optical output.
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Jan 12, 2010
I am trying to record audio playback from an application and the microphone at the same time on recordmydesktop using pulse audio. I just can't figure out how to mix them both. I have tried a lot already and can only get either the mic or the audio playback to be recorded, not both. Can this be done using pavucontroll?
I have been search now for hours to find a solution (also here on the forum) for this and getting really frustrated now. Maybe i'm just missing something really obvious, so sorry if this is a stupid question.
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Mar 3, 2010
I have alsa 1.0.22 on my system. I can plug in my pcmcia card into my laptop, and my computer register's it, but when I plug in my microdock, alsa still thinks it's an EMU 1010, which is just the basic one, and I have a 1616, so none of my inputs register anything at all, so I can't record audio. The only thing that seems to be working perfectly or at all, are the audio jack on the pc card, the headphone jack on the microdock, and the stereo mini out for speakers on the microdock. I think it's odd that the headphone and stereo outs work on the microdock, but I can't input any audio. how to get the rest of my microdock to work?
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Aug 4, 2010
Is there a way to record streaming audio from an integrated motherboard.
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Jan 15, 2010
Is there any way to record audio from internal source with gtk-recordmydesktop?
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Jun 13, 2010
I am wondering how i would do this using VLC (i want both video and audio to be recored),
i see this RTSP Protocol people use but no idea how to use this for a website thats going to have a live show on.
By the way the thing i want to record will be here http://e3.nintendo.com.
Would it be rtsp://e3.nintendo.com?
hopefully thats a link that can be recorded...right?
the reason i want to record this is because i got a test i have to take... i gotta stay for like 2 hours.
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Feb 13, 2011
I am currently trying to start doing some screen casting and having a problem with audio recording in gtk-recordmydesktop. The problem is that I need to record both; my computers audio card output, and my mic input at the same time. As of now I am able to record one or the other.
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Mar 26, 2010
I want a program similar to Windows Movie Maker that can record audio and import pictures that I made with GIMP and put them on a timeline so that I can make an animation.
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Jul 14, 2011
im looking for a good screen recorder that can record video from my desktop and audio through a mic and i need it to export the files as mp4 so i can edit it. i can use terminal commands if necessary but would prefer a GUI because i only have a few days to learn the program.
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Jun 28, 2010
I have detected some problems when I try to record sound in my Kubuntu 10.04 system.
The problem is that the "default" device for audio recording does not work but I have to select another device to do so. I always selected the "default" device for audio recoding but currently I have to select hw:0,2 device.
Another odd thing is that different programs show me different device. For example, Audacity shows me that I have the following audio recording devices:
- HDA Intel: ALC888 Digital (hw:0,1)
- HDA Intel: ALC888 Analog (hw:0,2)
- spdif
- default
The only one that works is hw:0,2.
But arecord shows me (when I execute "arecord -L") the following:
Finally, in KDE system preferences for audio I get that I have 2 different audio devices for audio recording:
- HDA Intel (ALC888 Analog): it is said that it will try first x-phonon (CARD=0, DEV=0) and, if the latter does not work, it will try plughw (CARD=0, DEV=0)
- HDA Intel (ALC888 Digital): it is said that it will try first x-phonon (CARD=0, DEV=1) and, if the latter does not work, it will try plughw (CARD=0, DEV=1)
Where is the hw:0,2? and how can I set the alsa system to use hw:0,2 as the default device for audio recording?
All of that would not be a problem but I also have an ubuntu 9.04 installed on a virtual machine (by using virtualbox) and audio recording doesn't work there. I suppose that it is becase of the virtual sound card is using default devices for playing and recording audio.
I must say that audio playback works fine in both host and guest systems. It is just audio recording.
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Feb 14, 2009
I've been using lxdvdrip to rip a couple of DVDs that I own to my hard drive; and I usually am able to use just one command and let it do its thing, instead of waiting for all the prompts ("Select audio tracks?", "Specify burn location?", etc), using something such as 'lxdvdrip -u=a -a=2 -fv=~/film-dvd -lang=en -bp=0'. The problem is that this will only work for movies that have English audio tracks, and I have quite a few movies in other languages. There's no way to simply predict what audio tracks a movie will have, short of playing it and cycling through them all.
There doesn't seem to be an lxdvdrip option to specify a language other than German, English or French; you have to choose it manually. Is there a way -- using lxdvdrip or something else on the command line -- to list the particular properties of a DVD, specifically what audio tracks it has? Something kind of like the "exiftool" command for listing EXIF data.
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May 28, 2010
I've run into something very interesting over the past several months with audio CDs and KDE 4.3.1. Background: I've got two computers running Slackware 13 --stable with Vincent Batts's KDE 4.3.1 packages. One of them is a desktop running Slackware64 and the other is a laptop running 32-bit Slackware. The two computers are running almost the same software too. I like to listen to audio books that I get from the library on my MP3 player. The vast majority of them are CD audio (as opposed to MP3 books), so the disks simply have a whole bunch of .cda tracks on them when I view them in Windows.
HOWEVER, when I view them in Dolphin or Konqueror, I get several folders offering the files in different formats. For instance, there's a folder for the individual tracks as .wav and another for .ogg files. The folder that I really like is one called something like "Full CD," which offers the whole disk in one file in four different formats. That's the one I like. I can get the whole disk in one OGG file so that an entire book is just 12 files on my Sanza. The only thing that seemed strange was that it took for freaking ever to "copy" from the CD to my hard drive.
I think I figure out what's going on! I think that Dolphin is actually calling K3B when I click on the audio CD and when I "copy" from the CD to the hard drive, it is actually encoding the .CDA files. The Problem(s)Until recently, the burn (if that's what it is) was slow on the 64-bit machine, but it worked. However, in the last week or so, it seems that the last few bytes of data to burn are taking forever (like an hour or more) to do so. I hear a strange clicking from my drive, so maybe that's the whole problem. I'm going to get a new drive and see what happens. The burn works well on my 32-bit laptop, but it doesn't recognize audio CDs when I insert them like the 64-bit desktop does. I need to open Dolphin and type 'audiocd:' in the toolbar for it to recognize the disk. Then everything works well. So: Am I understanding what's actually going on with audio CDs? Why does my desktop computer recognize audio CDs when they're inserted, but the laptop doesn't?
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Mar 20, 2010
So I work off and on doing live sound work and I am interested in starting to record some of the shows I work on. Naturally I only run Linux based operating systems on my computers so I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good piece of hardware for recording 8-16 tracks that fully supports Linux. I have firewire and USB interfaces on my studio laptop.
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