Ubuntu Multimedia :: Syncing IPhone - What Media Player Is Easiest To Sync With IPod
Dec 13, 2010
syncing my iPod with Ubuntu. I have already imported all my music from my iPhone to Banshee..:
1. What media player is easiest to sync your iPod with? I've tried doing it in Banshee but it always messes up.
2. new media player or banshee and instructions how to sync my iPod with it?
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Mar 31, 2011
is there a program OTHER than using WINE and iTunes that I can use to sync my iPod Touch with my Ubuntu 10.10 machine? I still have Vista as a Dual Boot
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Jan 31, 2010
I'm struggling to find a way to sync my media player (Sony W995 - it just appears as a disk when plugged in, so it should be OK I think). I can kind of get something working by adding the mount point as a 'Local Music' folder. The problem is, there doesn't seem to be a way of 'syncing' to Local folders. Further more, my music collection is in FLAC format on my PC - but I need to transcode it to mp3 when syncing with my media player. Is this possible? I don't expect to be syncing the other way at all.
Otherwise, I'm stuck with manually transcoding/copying files with Dolphin
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Mar 24, 2011
As most do now my local library has a decent catalog of audiobooks, which I would like to be able to listen to on my iPod. These books can be downloaded only by using Overdrive Media Console (which is available only for Windows and Mac, and also requires Windows Media Player to work!) and iTunes if you want to transfer to an iPod.
I've searched around for Linux friendly solutions. They fall into two categories, try Wine/virtual machine/dual boot to run the required software, or give up. But pretty much everything I have found is about four years old now. Has anything changed in the last few years, or is this still pretty much the way things are? At the moment I use my girlfriend's Vista computer to download books, but I would like to be as Windows free as possible, and able to do it on my own computer.
Can anyone offer advice for being able to download audiobooks and put them on an iPod, with a minimum of non-Linux software? Relatedly, I would also be quite happy to replace the iPod firmware with Rockbox, but from what I can tell that would make library audiobooks even less accessible (so asking if this is an option is like asking for $10 after being refused $1).
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Jan 9, 2010
able to get an I pod nano 3rd gen 4gig to sync with Rhythm box or sync rhythm box back to the Ipod?
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May 11, 2010
lucid is running great. rhythmbox is doing a great job of syncing audio with my iphone. however, what is the best way to sync video? i've tried dragging and dropping video files from nautilus to the iphone icon in rhythmbox...but that doesn't seem to work.how to sync video?
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Jun 27, 2010
Basically, I want to be able to cerate a playlist in Rythmbox and transfer it onto my iPhone.When I try to do this it looks like it syncs, but it never appears on my phone. Normal transferring of songs works fine. Is it possible to do this?I'm using Lucid and firmware v 3.1.3 on an iphone 2g.
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Jul 8, 2011
I can't pinpoint when it started, but some time in the past several weeks, files have started going out of sync when I view them in VLC Media Player. Initially, sound and video are perfectly synchronized. After 10-20 minutes, it becomes obvious that the actors' mouths are not moving when I hear their lines.
If I stop playback, restart, and resume at the same point in the show, sync is again perfect for a while.
This is a really irritating problem. I cannot even get halfway through a half-hour TV show (really more like 22-26 minutes) without stopping & restarting.
As I stated, it's hard to point to a specific time when the problem started, but it could be connected to the upgrade to VLC 1.1.10.
Here's why I'm pretty sure this is not a problem with my files:
1) They are straight *.iso images of DVDs. No extra conversion/compression/processing so fewer opportunities for errors in the files.
2) The same files play back perfectly in Windows under all circumstances.
How did you fix it? Will we just have to wait for VLC 1.1.11, or is there a fairly easy way I can downgrade to version 1.1.9?
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Jul 27, 2011
I know that iDevices do not support OGG, but on Ubuntu 10.10 when I synced my iPod Touch with Banshee, it would convert my music (all .ogg) and then sync it to the iPod without changing the original files. Now I'm on Kubuntu 11.04 (still using Banshee, I prefer it over Amarok) but when I try to sync now I just get errors saying .ogg is not supported. How can I fix this? I'd rather not convert all my music into .mp3 because (a) It goes against my free software values and (b) it would take forever.
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Mar 4, 2011
I have an ipod classic 160gb, that I sync with my machine at home.
I use Linux at work, and want to just plug my ipod and just listen to the tracks, with all the playlists and such. I don't want to sync nothing, I just want to listen to the tracks as if I was using the ipod itself.
Why? Because this way I can use the usb port.
So, I don't want to manage my ipod in Linux, I just want to listen to the tracks on it in Linux, like it was a local library but it's instead in my ipod.
(I've tried gtkpod, it works to show my files, but I can't play, shuffle, etc. It would be interesting to have a complete audio software to handle everything like it was a local library)
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Feb 18, 2010
Is it possible to link a folder to GTKpod so that it can automatically update the changes to iPhone that are made to files or folders like tag changes or adding or deleting files?
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May 28, 2010
I'm trying to sync my iPhone (3G, 3.1.2) through Rhythmbox on my newly installed Lucid Lynx. While I can access and transfer music files to my iPhone, upon unmounting the iPhone doesn't update the library nor show the music. If I remount it in Rhythmbox, I can play the files from there. In my file manager I can access my iPhone, but I can't either see the iPod_Control directory nor find anything in Music or Playlists folders. BTW, on Karmic Koala I was able to update music on my iPhone, though it would not always update library.
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Oct 7, 2010
Im reading everywhere that Ubuntu 10.04/10.10 supports sync of Iphone BUT when I try, I have no success of syncing mp3:s from Ubuntu to my Iphone.
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Jun 13, 2011
I've noticed there are a few threads started not only here but on other forums asking about gtkpod in KDE I was in the understanding that an iphone cannot sync with KDE as KDE detects it as a camera or an I missing something if so what packages do I need to get it to work in KDE.
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Jan 19, 2010
I am trying to get working properly with Ubuntu. Currently I am trying to get it to work with Banshee.Originally, my girlfriend connected it to iTunes running under Windows, and configured it and loaded music, photos and podcasts onto it. Unfortunately for her, the Windows machine had a hardware failure, and there is no other PC running real Windows for her to use. I have some Windows Virtual Machines on my Ubuntu server, but there are known problems passing through the iPod USB connection to a KVM Virtual Machine.
I tried iTunes under Wine (using the PlayOnLinux software to install and configure), but that also doesn't work (also apparently a known problem).So I am left with getting the iPod working with real native Ubuntu software. I tried Rhythmbox, but that doesn't seem to support writing to an iPod. Then I tried Banshee, which claims to be able to do it all.Banshee can connect to the iPod, and I can load music and videos onto the iPod, but:Banshee cannot see any of the music already on the iPod (loaded with ITunes),The iPod cannot see any of the files (music or video, nor any new Playlists) loaded by Banshee. The files are there (I can see them by browsing the iPod device with Nautilus), and they are certainly taking up storage space, but they do not show up when using the iPod directly.It is as if there are 2 iPods: the real iPod, and a virtual iPod accessed by Banshee.
I am running Banshee 1.6 Beta 3 (1.5.2), on Jaunty (9.04).When I first connected the iPod to Banshee it told me that, because the device had been used with a new version of iTunes, the media catalogue would have to be rebuilt, to which I agreed. I am starting to suspect that there are now 2 media catalogues on the iPod, one being used by Banshee, and the other by the iPod iteslf.
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Feb 11, 2010
Take a look at this blog I found while searching for methods to sync your music with Ubuntu Natively!!!! AND it works! Take a look at the screenshot attached. STOKED. Below is a link with instructions: [URL]
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May 9, 2010
I know this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find any recent topics.
What's a good program in Linux/Ubuntu to convert any video file to .mp4 for an iPod/iPhone?
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May 19, 2010
ive spent days figuring out how to sync my iphone 3gs firmware 3.1.3 in ubuntu 10.04. my laptop can detect my iphone, i can actually browse its folder. (i can see photos and music from my phone, i tried to paste some photos in a certain folder and went well, just in ONE folder).
i tried almost all instructions i can find on net, but nothing is working well. i even freshly installed my ubuntu, thinking that i did something wrong in my first attempt. still cant sync music and photos.
i transferred songs already to my phone using itunes in windows (on another laptop). they said that doing this can initialize my iphone, but it didnt work.
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Nov 9, 2010
I wanna update my iPhone please help me with the root commands for this simple task.
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May 2, 2010
I am curious if it is possible to manage apps on an iPod Touch with Nautilus or any media-oriented program on Ubuntu 10.04. I have seen several blogs stating that users have been able to manage their apps using Nautilus, but I am unsure if this is true or not.
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Dec 25, 2010
I tend to buy music on my iPod touch directly, then synchronize it with iTunes later. After goofing around with Rythembox by trying (unsuccessfully) to import some mp3s onto my iPod, I noticed that my recently purchased 'Fame Monster' Lady Gaga album would not synchronize with iTunes, although the music was still playable and indexed correctly on the ipod itself. I also noticed that Rhythembox can't seem to find that album either. It is quite strange.
So I browsed around the file structure on the ipod to try to hunt down these m4a files and found them in a folder called 'Purchases' - they were all there along with a few other recent purchases. These m4a files are different though - they don't seem to have any of the audio tracks' meta-data embedded in the files themselves, that info is instead in associated 'plist' files that are just xml files with all the info about the tracks you'd expect.
When you sync an ipod touch with itunes, it copies your 'on-the-go' generated playlists - so I tried to trick itunes into finding these files by adding my gaga album to a playlist, but sure enough after synching, that playlist simply disappeared. I tried it again, but this time also adding other songs that are not having any problems, and sure enough the playlist was successfully copied to itunes... SANS any of the gaga tracks! This is so weird.
So basically I have these tracks that are paid for, not cheap might I add, that are playable on my ipod touch, but simply refuse to synchronize with itunes. Why not just grab it m4a off the ipod directly? Well thats true, they play on my computer just fine that way, but the files don't have any of the album and track information embedded...
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Dec 6, 2010
A friend of mine has a 1st generation iPod touch, and wants to switch completely to linux, but is concerned how the songs currently on his iPod will be handled when he switches. He has many songs that are only on the iPod; he has purchased them from the iTunes store directly on the device, not through iTunes on his computer.
When he syncs his iPod with Banshee, will Banshee merely copy the songs onto his linux partition? Is there any chance that Banshee will remove the songs from his iPod? He obviously dosen't want to lose any of his music. A slightly lesser concern as well... will Banshee be able to play these protected files?
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Aug 15, 2010
Whenever I try to sync music to my iPod nano 5th gen the songs dont sync. Ive been trying to use Banshee since I couldnt delete songs using Rythembox. The problem though is that it says its syncing, the songs are transferring, and all that good stuff but when I go to look at my music theres nothing in there.
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May 27, 2010
I want to have my whole library in OGG because it's free and has a better sound quality. The thing is that i have an ipod nano 4th gen and I heard that you can't sync ogg files with an ipod. So, how can i get my music into my ipod without having two separate libraries (that would take too much space in my HDD)?
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Oct 9, 2010
I just got a 4th generation iPod Touch today. I plug it in to my laptop (Ubuntu 10.04), it recognizes it as a photo storage but it will not recognize it in Rhythmbox or Banshee. Therefore I cannot get any files on to it. Although when I plug it in and open Rhythmbox it makes a little noise.
I have tried installing libimobiledevice, ifuse and tried with gtkpod (basically I've read a lot of stuff about getting it to work) all to no avail. I also plugged it into Windows Vista to get it started as well as transferred a song from iTunes 10 to it, and it still doesn't do much when on my laptop.
It seems to not be mounted in the proper place for gtkpod and no fixes seemed to work. For using ifuse it does not seem to recognize that it is plugged in. I have updated all the libimobiledevice packages and still nothing.
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Nov 18, 2010
Can anybody explain to me how to sync an iPod using Guayadeque please???
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Apr 28, 2011
My 2nd Gen iPod Nano isn't syncing with Rhythmbox, Banshee, or any other music program. My computer will see the iPod and mount it fine, but only as a Read-Only drive (so I can't drag files onto it). In Banshee, for example, it will see the drive, but none of the sync options work, and I can't drag music files from the library onto the iPod.and if anyone knows anything, that'd be great. Also, if you need more info, let me know. Trying to move everything into Linux and this is really the last thing I want to work to make the move final.
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Apr 13, 2011
Ubuntu10.10.i want a media player with all media codecs.it should able to play all formats of videos and audios so please suggest me a media player.(i used km player in windows i want a media player like that)
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Dec 26, 2010
I have just got a new iPod Touch 4th generation, currently running iOS 4.1. I am having difficulty syncing it with Rhythmbox (or any application!), as it seems to go un-recognised! It currently is not jailbroken.
Is there any way to mount and sync music with this iPod? My old nano used to work just fine in Rhythmbox.
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Dec 27, 2010
Banshee will recognize iPod shuffle 4th gen. It will let me drag songs to iPod and they show up in Banshee as being on my iPod. When I disconnect iPod and hit play, the voice over tells me to please load songs from iTunes.
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