Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rosetta Stone And Pulseaudio - Could Not Get To Recognise Microphone

Aug 3, 2010

My thread is both an information and a discussion/question thread. First of all the information. I have long searched for a solution to my desire for Rosetta Stone in Wine but could not get it to recognise my microphone.

Finally today I removed (uninstalled) pulseaudio. It took a few packages with it and I am waiting to see what effect they will have. But finally, by checking the ALSA Driver in the Wine configuration, along with uninstalling pulseaudio, my Rosetta Stone works perfectly. A great deal better than in my XP Virtualbox Virtual Machine. Stoked! For those who are interested I have Wine 1.1.42-0ubuntu4 installed, Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 and am using a Dell XPS M1530 with Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit OS. It's been a long time!!!

My question part relates to the removal of pulseaudio. There have been no obvious negative effects as yet, and from my readings it would seem there shouldn't be, however I am concerned at the other packages it took with it (dependencies). Can anyone give any further advice/info here? I know for sure it took the package ubuntu-desktop which when I try to reinstall it tries to drag pulseaudio and all it's associated packages along with it. Can I/we live without these dependent packages? If not how can I get them back without pulseaudio?

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Ubuntu :: Install Rosetta Stone?

Jul 3, 2010

well i think the tittle gives my question... how can i install Rosetta stone in my ubuntu 10.4

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Ubuntu :: Rosetta Stone Not Loading

Dec 13, 2010

I really need Rosetta Stone so I can get an extra aide while I study Japanese in university, however it doesn't seem to be working for me. It worked perfectly in 9.10 and 10.04, but in 10.10 it doesn't work. After I click my account name it just leads me to a blank page.

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Ubuntu :: Install Rosetta Stone And Wine?

Dec 7, 2010

I would really like help trying to install rosetta stone with wine....it said it is a non executable file?

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Ubuntu :: Get A Rosetta Stone Torrent To Work With WINE?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm trying to get a Rosetta Stone torrent to work with WINE with no luck,

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Software :: Seeing Files On Rosetta Stone Install CD

Sep 15, 2010

I have heard that Rosetta Stone runs well under Wine so I am attempting to install Rosetta Stone V3.x on my openSuSE 11.3 computer. I am tired of switching back and forth to Windows just to use this one program. When I insert the RS Application CD and mount it, no files show up. I have let HAL mount it, I have mounted it from the command line, and have made an image with K3B and then mounted the image but no matter what I do I cannot view any files.

I have tried to view the files with Dolphin, MC, and used ls from the command line with nothing showing up. K3B made a 408.8 MB iso file so something is on there. How can I access these files so that I can install Rosetta Stone?

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Ubuntu :: WineHQ APPDB States That Rosetta Stone Is Not Installable

Oct 10, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and WINE 1.2. WineHQ APPDB states that Rosetta Stone is not installable. I have installed it, so the information there is not correct/complete. When I installed, it ran perfectly. I created an ISO of the install disc and the first lesson. I then loop mounted each of them in turn for them to run and assigned each of them a windows directory, configuring them as CD-ROM. This worked perfectly the first day. Now it no longer works with the ISO or with the original disc. I have run the program in terminal and received the following output:

err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {96749377-3391-11d2-9ee3-00c04f797396} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {96749377-3391-11d2-9ee3-00c04f797396} not registered
err:ole:create_server class {96749377-3391-11d2-9ee3-00c04f797396} not registered
fixme:ole:CoGetClassObject CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER not supported
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {96749377-3391-11d2-9ee3-00c04f797396} could be created for context 0x17

I have seen similar outputs on the forums, but nothing that included that AUDIO ERROR. This seems to be an issue of time. If I don't do anything, the program will crash giving me error 5118. If I run through lesson select and mic testing quickly then I can get all the way to the lesson before it crashes with the same error.

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Fedora :: Rosetta Stone 3 Application - Cd Doesn't Appear The Files

Oct 25, 2009

Using F11, when the Rosetta Stone 3 application cd is inserted it is mounted but no files appears. df -h shows it is mounted (/media/RS_App) with 409M but it appears empty when you list it. The cd drive does work on other cds, and the application the cd itself works in Windows. Wine hq says it works but I cannot find the problem and I found one person using Ubuntu with a similar problem but there was no answer on how to fix.

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Fedora :: Rosetta Stone / Wine Not Able To Detect Language Iso

Dec 11, 2009

I installed Rosetta Stone v3.4.5 using wine on Fedora 12. Seems like the program was installed fine. When I launch the program it is asking me to insert the language CD. I have the iso files instead of CDs. I tried mounting them but still Wine/Rosetta Stone is not able to detect the mounted iso. Can someone give me a clue as what should I try?

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Software :: Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 No Longer Working Under Wine 1.2

Sep 19, 2010

About 3 months ago I got Rosetta Stone (version 3) working under Ubuntu using Wine, after some weeks trial and error. It was still working at the end of July, after which I didn't attempt to use it until last week. It no longer works, and I suspect this may be because in the meantime I upgraded Wine to version 1.2 - I'm not sure what version I upgraded from; possibly 1.1.43. If I start it by right-clicking the .exe file name and choose "Open with Wine Windows Program Loader", the task bar shows "Opening RosettaStoneVersion3" for a few seconds. Nothing else happens. If I execute it from a terminal - i.e. type "wine RosettaStoneVersion3.exe" while in the Rosetta Stone folder, nothing at all is output.

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Software :: Rosetta Stone In Wine Mic Doesn't Work

Jul 8, 2010

rosetta stone has had the mic function work before under wine but for some odd reason when i do the mic test it doesn't work i activated all of the drivers in wineconfig and still nothing what might be the problem here i am using rosetta stone v3

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Ubuntu :: External Hard Drive / Flash / Rosetta Stone Not Recognized

May 18, 2011

I'm very new to Ubuntu. Now that I have it installed, my computer doesn't recognize my external hard drive or flash drive. How do I access my external hard drive and flash drive? I'm also trying to get Rosetta Stone to work using Wine, but having a heck of a time. I've searched the forums and have found some similar topics, but nothing that really helped me.

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Software :: Just Installed Rosetta Stone Trying To Install A Language Pack?

Jul 21, 2009

i successfully installed rosetta stone and now i want to install a language pack but that requires the cd drive how do i give wine access to the cd drive so i can install a language pack

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Software :: Rosetta Stone 1.7.x Crashes In Wine - Mic Doesn't Work / Fix It?

Jul 11, 2010

I installed TRS mostly successfully (sometimes the installer crashed, too), but sometimes it works for a while, and sometimes it keeps crashing. It does not crash on any particular lessons.

Also, the mic doesn't work, but that's of less importance right now. I just do *not* want an ISO of Win-doze taking up my hard disk...want to move everything to Linux. FYI, the audio works in Wine, but it's soft. (Playing the same sounds with "aplay" in Slackware and "Winamp" in Wine, which I also tested, the volume is different! I don't care about Winamp...just used it for testing.)

I know version 1.7 of The Rosetta Stone is really old, but I wonder if anyone has successfully used it under Wine?

I'm Running Slackware 13.0 and details of my test are in the App Database:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Rosetta Stone Application Installation Ends Prematurely

Jan 24, 2010

I'm trying to install the Rosetta Stone v3.3.5 for Ubuntu 9.1 and here's what happens. I open the RosettaStoneSetup.exe with Wine and after the files extract and I agree to the terms the installation starts. The progress bar fills to the end and then I get a popup telling me that the installation ended prematurely.

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Ubuntu :: Wine / Rosetta Stone - "Cannot Create Needed Files Of Not Enough Disk Space"

Mar 27, 2010

Running ver 9.10 with Wine installed. Up untill about 2 mos ago Wine loaded 'Rosetta' ok. I tried last week and get Application Error. "Cannot create needed files of not enough disk space". I have over 35 gb unused space. I removed wine (purged) and re-installed -- still no good. It however works on my laptop that has same configuration (9.10)??

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Jack Sense And Microphone With PulseAudio Installed?

Nov 26, 2010

I'm using an Acer Aspire 5536g and Ubuntu 10.10 x64. I can't get any sound from my mic with PulseAudio installed and the headphone jack sense function doesn't work either - when I plug my headphones I get sound from both them and my built-in speakers. I don't have any problems with PulseAudio removed.

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Ubuntu :: Pulseaudio With Microphone Selection?

Apr 4, 2010

AlsaMixer by default selects "Mic" as the microphone input for my Toshiba Satellite T115D-S1125 see pic below:


I need to select "Mic 1" but as soon as I do the mic is muted in Sound Preferences see below:


For a brief moment I can see activity from the input level display and then nothing...I have tried removing PulseAudio and that has worked but I prefer to correct this with PulseAudio installed as it seems to be a simple fix...

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Debian Hardware :: ALSA - PulseAudio And Microphone On An Audigy2

Sep 22, 2010

I've recently switched to Debian Squeeze x64 from Kubuntu 10.04 x64. Overall, I like Debian.

I have one small problem: I play Runescape occasionally, which requires Java. On Kubuntu, I'd use Sun Java, however on Debian it just crashes.

So, I decided to use OpenJDK. Now OpenJDK works fine... But I can't get it to work with ALSA audio output. I installed PulseAudio, and that took care of -that- problem.

Now, currently I have both ALSA and PulseAudio installed. For playback, it works great. PulseAudio is a bit laggy, which isn't too noticeable in Runescape, and for things like media, it seems to work OK. For TF2, which I play through Wine however... No. So, I set that to ALSA, and -that- worked right.

Now comes my main problem: I can't get mic input. I'm trying to use Teamspeak 3(proprietary), and while audio output works, I can't get any input.

TS3 lets me use ALSA or Pulse(along with a couple more), but:

1. Selecting PulseAudio lets me select "SB Audigy Analog Mono", the same thing but a "monitor", and "Default Input Device". None of those work, I get "Error: could not open the selected capture device". On top of that, in the PulseAudio control panel, I get zero level on the monitor, making me think its not setup correctly.

2. Selecting ALSA gives me a whole list of options... But they appear to be audio -outputs-, not capture devices. Also, I get the same error as above.

When running "arecord -l", I get:

Of these, I believe the first one was what worked on Kubuntu. Now, of note is that I'm using my "Line in 2" port for capture; On my previous installations I'd simply set its volume with alsamixer and be done with it.

That all being said, I need a solution to one of these three problems:

1. How can I get OpenJDK to work with ALSA, and thereby remove PulseAudio; get everything standardized with ALSA like I had on Kubuntu, OR

2. How can I remove PulseAudio lag, and get the mic working with that, remove ALSA and get everything standardized with PulseAudio, OR

3. How can I simply make my mic work with the current setup?

Any of those will do. I just need to get my mic working.

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Fedora :: Pulseaudio And HDA Nvidia Sound Cards Microphone Don`t Work

Jul 7, 2011

I`ve problem with my microphone on fedora 14 with Gnome 2. When i try to use alsamixer command there everything is ok. I tried pulseaudio and HDA nvidia sound cards, but microphone don`t work. How to fix this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Pulseaudio And Mixer - Change The Microphone/speaker/ring Devices In Skype?

May 14, 2010

Due to the fact that with pulseaudio it is impossible to change the microphone/speaker/ring devices in skype, I had to remove pulseaudio.

After that I can choose a device in skype, but the mixer does not work anymore. There is a way to have a working mixer without pulseaudio package or a way to choose audio devices in skype with pulseaudio installed?!

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Debian Multimedia :: Why Is Firefox Stuck In The Stone Ages

Jun 28, 2010

The version of Firefox (Iceweasel) in Sid, is 3.5.10. The latest version (of Firefox) is 3.6.6. Why is are the repos stuck so far behind? or is it Iceweasel that is stuck?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia X Server Doesn't Recognise S.video?

Feb 25, 2010

I have 9.10 64 on a HP TX2020 laptop, with NVIDIA GeForce 6150. I can't get twin monitor to work. When I go into Nvidia X Server, it doesn't recognise the tv over s-video. According to a lot of the forums I've searched, there should be an option to enable xinerama, which there's not. I know I should study this more and I will, but getting simple things to work takes so long on this OS and I'd really just like to see a movie.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Does Not Recognise TV Tuner On ASUS F8SA Notebook?

Jul 11, 2010

Ever since switching to Ubuntu (Hardy at the time) I have had no luck getting my TV Tuner to work. I think the closest I have come is finding this information but it didn't really help and I'm not sure if it's relevant. Can anyone help? I have attached the relevant output of lsusb -v***EDIT***Further to this I have read these instructions and I get the following result.

michael@michael-laptop:~/v4l-dvb$ sudo modprobe dvb-usb-dib0700
WARNING: Error inserting dib0070 (/lib/modules/2.6.32-19-


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Route Audio Out Into Audio Into Microphone Or A Virtual Microphone

Sep 29, 2010

I"m running an online radio station and would like to run my headphone audio into my microphone or a virtual microphone, either way, I would like my audience to hear what I hear without having to hold the Mic to the speakers.

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General :: Su -c "yum Remove Alsa-plugins-pulseaudio Pulseaudio" - Distribution With No Pulseaudio?

May 22, 2011

I've had nothing but trouble with Pulseaudio in Fedora 14. I had managed to get rid of it in Fedora 10 with the command: su -c "yum remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio pulseaudio" I just don't want to have to deal with Pulseaudio anymore. It does not like my sound card and gets in the way. Is there a Linux distribution that does not use Pulseaudio ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: HOW TO MPD With PulseAudio Independent On X

Feb 7, 2010

This tutorial is meant for Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala, but it might work in earlier or later versions as well. I wrote this tutorial mostly because it took me a full day of work using lots of help from people on #mpd and #pulseaudio from the FreeNode IRC server.The goal is to get the MPD daemon working using PulseAudio, but without it being dependent on the X server or a session. To do that we must configure PulseAudio to run in system-wide daemon mode (which is not recommended by the developers, but in this case we do not have a choice). This means it will be using the /etc/pulse/system.pa config file instead of the usual /etc/pulse/default.pa. We must also make sure the appropriate user/group permissions are set, or PulseAudio will be rejecting the connections.The result will be an interrupt-less music environment, not dependent on the X server. Meaning we can for example log out and log in without the music having to stop for even a second. Switching TTYs (Ctrl+Alt+Fx) will also keep the music playing (not possible by default). All that and PulseAudio will still be able to detect and configure all your devices automatically.

Instructions: Make sure you add your username to the following system groups: pulse, pulse-access and audio.Do that by going to System --> Administration --> Users and Groups.Click the unlock button (the one with a picture of some keys), then click Manage Groups. In the list of groups that pops up, for each of the previously mentioned groups click "Properties" and select all the users that you want to have this functionality.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound From Pulseaudio?

Jun 7, 2011

I seem to be having a problem with my sound. Every time I start my computer, I hear the sound played at the login screen and the sound played when I login. Right then, every time, the sound cracks up and stops before it finishes. Running "ubuntu-bug audio" shows that ALSA works fine but pulseaudio does not. For reference, "pacmd list" says that there are 0 sinks, 0 sources and 0 caches.

Edit: Solved by a really stupid mistake: loose 3.5mm audio cable. Don't do that. your sound and you're on a desktop computer, go, right now, and check to make sure that you haven't made the same mistake as me.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: PulseAudio - Specifying Particular Sink Or Source?

Jan 13, 2010

Using the Pulse Audio manager does anyone know if it is possible to specify a particular sink or source to be used by a named program? I am assuming it will not be the same as the default.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Pulseaudio Eats Up 100% And Needs To Be Restarted

Jan 27, 2010

I'm on 9.10 and I use huludesktop often to watch my Hulu queue. Every once in a while (and more so lately) the video freeze and the sound stutters. I then find that pulseaudio is taking 100% of a CPU (I have a quad core AMD 64bit machine). Killing pulseaudio causes huludesktop to continue without sound and a new pulseaudio starts up. I have to kill huludesktop and resume playback and then everything's OK, until it happens again.

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