Ubuntu :: Get A Rosetta Stone Torrent To Work With WINE?
Feb 2, 2010I'm trying to get a Rosetta Stone torrent to work with WINE with no luck,
View 1 RepliesI'm trying to get a Rosetta Stone torrent to work with WINE with no luck,
View 1 Repliesrosetta stone has had the mic function work before under wine but for some odd reason when i do the mic test it doesn't work i activated all of the drivers in wineconfig and still nothing what might be the problem here i am using rosetta stone v3
View 7 Replies View RelatedI installed TRS mostly successfully (sometimes the installer crashed, too), but sometimes it works for a while, and sometimes it keeps crashing. It does not crash on any particular lessons.
Also, the mic doesn't work, but that's of less importance right now. I just do *not* want an ISO of Win-doze taking up my hard disk...want to move everything to Linux. FYI, the audio works in Wine, but it's soft. (Playing the same sounds with "aplay" in Slackware and "Winamp" in Wine, which I also tested, the volume is different! I don't care about Winamp...just used it for testing.)
I know version 1.7 of The Rosetta Stone is really old, but I wonder if anyone has successfully used it under Wine?
I'm Running Slackware 13.0 and details of my test are in the App Database:
I would really like help trying to install rosetta stone with wine....it said it is a non executable file?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI installed Rosetta Stone v3.4.5 using wine on Fedora 12. Seems like the program was installed fine. When I launch the program it is asking me to insert the language CD. I have the iso files instead of CDs. I tried mounting them but still Wine/Rosetta Stone is not able to detect the mounted iso. Can someone give me a clue as what should I try?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAbout 3 months ago I got Rosetta Stone (version 3) working under Ubuntu using Wine, after some weeks trial and error. It was still working at the end of July, after which I didn't attempt to use it until last week. It no longer works, and I suspect this may be because in the meantime I upgraded Wine to version 1.2 - I'm not sure what version I upgraded from; possibly 1.1.43. If I start it by right-clicking the .exe file name and choose "Open with Wine Windows Program Loader", the task bar shows "Opening RosettaStoneVersion3" for a few seconds. Nothing else happens. If I execute it from a terminal - i.e. type "wine RosettaStoneVersion3.exe" while in the Rosetta Stone folder, nothing at all is output.
View 2 Replies View RelatedRunning ver 9.10 with Wine installed. Up untill about 2 mos ago Wine loaded 'Rosetta' ok. I tried last week and get Application Error. "Cannot create needed files of not enough disk space". I have over 35 gb unused space. I removed wine (purged) and re-installed -- still no good. It however works on my laptop that has same configuration (9.10)??
View 2 Replies View Relatedwell i think the tittle gives my question... how can i install Rosetta stone in my ubuntu 10.4
View 2 Replies View RelatedI really need Rosetta Stone so I can get an extra aide while I study Japanese in university, however it doesn't seem to be working for me. It worked perfectly in 9.10 and 10.04, but in 10.10 it doesn't work. After I click my account name it just leads me to a blank page.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have heard that Rosetta Stone runs well under Wine so I am attempting to install Rosetta Stone V3.x on my openSuSE 11.3 computer. I am tired of switching back and forth to Windows just to use this one program. When I insert the RS Application CD and mount it, no files show up. I have let HAL mount it, I have mounted it from the command line, and have made an image with K3B and then mounted the image but no matter what I do I cannot view any files.
I have tried to view the files with Dolphin, MC, and used ls from the command line with nothing showing up. K3B made a 408.8 MB iso file so something is on there. How can I access these files so that I can install Rosetta Stone?
My thread is both an information and a discussion/question thread. First of all the information. I have long searched for a solution to my desire for Rosetta Stone in Wine but could not get it to recognise my microphone.
Finally today I removed (uninstalled) pulseaudio. It took a few packages with it and I am waiting to see what effect they will have. But finally, by checking the ALSA Driver in the Wine configuration, along with uninstalling pulseaudio, my Rosetta Stone works perfectly. A great deal better than in my XP Virtualbox Virtual Machine. Stoked! For those who are interested I have Wine 1.1.42-0ubuntu4 installed, Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 and am using a Dell XPS M1530 with Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit OS. It's been a long time!!!
My question part relates to the removal of pulseaudio. There have been no obvious negative effects as yet, and from my readings it would seem there shouldn't be, however I am concerned at the other packages it took with it (dependencies). Can anyone give any further advice/info here? I know for sure it took the package ubuntu-desktop which when I try to reinstall it tries to drag pulseaudio and all it's associated packages along with it. Can I/we live without these dependent packages? If not how can I get them back without pulseaudio?
I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and WINE 1.2. WineHQ APPDB states that Rosetta Stone is not installable. I have installed it, so the information there is not correct/complete. When I installed, it ran perfectly. I created an ISO of the install disc and the first lesson. I then loop mounted each of them in turn for them to run and assigned each of them a windows directory, configuring them as CD-ROM. This worked perfectly the first day. Now it no longer works with the ISO or with the original disc. I have run the program in terminal and received the following output:
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {96749377-3391-11d2-9ee3-00c04f797396} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {96749377-3391-11d2-9ee3-00c04f797396} not registered
err:ole:create_server class {96749377-3391-11d2-9ee3-00c04f797396} not registered
fixme:ole:CoGetClassObject CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER not supported
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {96749377-3391-11d2-9ee3-00c04f797396} could be created for context 0x17
I have seen similar outputs on the forums, but nothing that included that AUDIO ERROR. This seems to be an issue of time. If I don't do anything, the program will crash giving me error 5118. If I run through lesson select and mic testing quickly then I can get all the way to the lesson before it crashes with the same error.
Using F11, when the Rosetta Stone 3 application cd is inserted it is mounted but no files appears. df -h shows it is mounted (/media/RS_App) with 409M but it appears empty when you list it. The cd drive does work on other cds, and the application the cd itself works in Windows. Wine hq says it works but I cannot find the problem and I found one person using Ubuntu with a similar problem but there was no answer on how to fix.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm very new to Ubuntu. Now that I have it installed, my computer doesn't recognize my external hard drive or flash drive. How do I access my external hard drive and flash drive? I'm also trying to get Rosetta Stone to work using Wine, but having a heck of a time. I've searched the forums and have found some similar topics, but nothing that really helped me.
View 6 Replies View Relatedi successfully installed rosetta stone and now i want to install a language pack but that requires the cd drive how do i give wine access to the cd drive so i can install a language pack
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to install the Rosetta Stone v3.3.5 for Ubuntu 9.1 and here's what happens. I open the RosettaStoneSetup.exe with Wine and after the files extract and I agree to the terms the installation starts. The progress bar fills to the end and then I get a popup telling me that the installation ended prematurely.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have Ubuntu 11.04. My system exceeds by far the recommendations for the game. The game is from 2001 and has very low system specs, so that's not the problem. Other games run fine, I have 3d acceleration etc. The game installs, but when I try to run it, it gives me the following error:
Critical Error: General Protection Fault
History: UD3DRenderDevice::CreateVideoTexture <- AllocTextures <- UD3DRenderDevice:: SetRes <- UD3DRenderDevice::Init <- UWindowsViewport::TryRenderDevice <- UWindowsViewport::OpenWindow <-UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine
I really love that game and couldn't do without it. Another problem, not games related. My Ubuntu desktop freezes completely sometimes if screen is idle for a few minutes. A blank, white full screen appears and nothing I do can get me back to normal desktop. Only solution is Restart.
In the new opera browser bit torrent doesn't work -_-
I click on the file, select open with opera's bit torrent client, and the OK the next window and it does nothing.
I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 for Netbooks and I've a problem with Rhythmbox related to Jamendo streams. There's a "Dowload using Torrent" button for downloading albums from Jamendo but when I press it, it does NOTHING. My computer has Trasmission Bittorrent client installed as it comes by default in this distribution.Even when I can download Jamendo music using my Web Browser, I really would like to download Jamendo's music directly from Rhythmbox using that button.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use deluge and it worked for a while then randomly I got this error message when trying to download a .torrent file:"/tmp/Manchester_Orchestra___I_m_Like_A_Virgin_Losing_A_ ___-1.torrent could not be opened, because an unknown error occurred.Try saving to disk first and then opening the file."
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if torrents and torrent programs don't work as well in Linux compared to Windows.I have used them in the past but all of a sudden, nothing would work in my Kubuntu install. Absolutely nothing would start. I tried different configurations, settings, but nothing. I left it alone and rebooted and started up XP. I installed Azureus and I didn't do nothing else.I didn't even configure Azureus and left the router settings.I was able to start a download.I've used KTorrent (default) and Azureus before.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI downloaded and installed Wine, but when I right click on an EXE file and select Open with Wine Windows Program loader, nothing happens. Also when I click on Configure Wine sometimes it brings up the menu, but most times it does not. I am not getting any errors or anything, it just doesn't load up. I even tried unintalling it and reinstalling it and still nothing.
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View 8 Replies View RelatedLike on games that use a Windows programing language only. Or one like Blockland. Or Portal/GMod(Steam)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI updated to Lucid and it works great except for the programs installed on Wine. They still appear on the menu but will not launch.
View 5 Replies View RelatedLooks like willmaker may work under wine. Anyone know of any other will-making software that runs on linux natively or perhaps online?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been having problems trying to run my .exe files and windows programs through wine. I first had the error message about it being an executable file, but I fixed that with right clicking and allowing it. Though the program is still not coming up, does anyone know which direction I go now to fix it?
View 9 Replies View Relatedwhether iTunes will work through WINE in Ubuntu? Or is it not that simple? The reason I ask is because I have one iPod left (my wifes) and I need itunes for this, but I want to be on Linux from now on. Am I stuck? Will I always need windows? Or can I really escape the circle of evil licensed software! (who doesn't love some over dramatics
View 6 Replies View RelatedI can't get any software in wine to work?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI cant seem to get iTunes to work no matter what I try, I installed WINE and various versions of iTunes, depending on what the guide that im following tells me to do. I usually get most of the way through and then something that i'm suppose to put into the terminal doesn't work. Itunes sometimes freezes the computer when i try and use it, and sometimes it gets to the point where it says something about not being able to work because qucktime wont work and i have to reinstall itunes, which i try to do, which does nothing.
I have a computer with a 64 bit processor, and an ipod touch. I am willing to go to whichever version of Ubuntu that works best with whichever version of itunes, i don't have anything important saved so going to a different version of the OS isn't a big deal. I have to have itunes because I have to back up my music onto something.
So, which version of Ubuntu is best with itunes (i have ubuntu 9.10) and has anyone used a guide that is proven to work recently? If their easer method of getting my music onto my computer, im open to that as well.