Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Configure MPD

May 19, 2011

I'm new to ubuntu and I decided to try Sonata, but I can't configure MPD. Sonata uses localhost by default but it's already used by Apache. I tried disabling Apache but it still doesn't work. What IP should I use to be able to use Apache and Sonata in the same time ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MythTV So Hard To Configure?

Jan 9, 2010

I've been at this for the last hour. I just put a Hauppage WinTV-TVR-1800 into my machine, rebooted and installed MythTV. I set up the card, the video source and the input as well as configured a few random channels. I click WATCH TV in the menu, it goes to a screen saying, "Please Wait....", then it brings me back to the menu. There's no error, is there some sort of log file.

Here it is run in the terminal:

deemar@Chugger:~$ mythfrontend
2010-01-09 20:03:05.636 mythfrontend version: branches/release-0-22-fixes [22594] www.mythtv.org
2010-01-09 20:03:05.663 AudioPulseUtil: Suspend Success
2010-01-09 20:03:05.665 Using runtime prefix = /usr
2010-01-09 20:03:05.665 Using configuration directory = /home/deemar/.mythtv
2010-01-09 20:03:06.445 Empty LocalHostName.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Configure ATI Radeon HD 4650

Apr 1, 2010

I recently decided to upgrade my old desktop instead of buying a new one. I figured I would go ahead and max out the specs on the motherboard while I was at it. I had a standard AGP slot and the best graphics card I could find for AGP was the Radeon HD 4650 (AGP 1GB GDDR2). So I ordered the parts and went on my merry way.I installed the card and did a fresh install of 9.10, hoping to max perform my "new" system. The card was acting kinda fishy on the live boot and I had to reboot a few times before it magically worked. I got installed etc and when I booted it worked, but it turned out performance was painful. When using Firefox the delay when scrolling down the screen was literally unbearable. No problem right, I used the restricted drivers app to go ahead and install the ATI drivers hoping that it would auto-magically fix things.

System booted but once I logged in the screen would just fill with freezing and garbage so it was impossible to get anything done. I experimented with all three options but this is what ended up being my solution. Download your ATI driver using this site: AMD Graphics Drivers & Software Just select Linux in the OS Select column.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Configure /dev/Video0 FrameRate

Jul 23, 2010

I downloaded camE and camorama in hope of controling my webcam's framerate for skype because right now it's 24-30 which gives me dark video. But if I lower the frame rate to something like 10, the video magically brightens. camE doesn't do anything..like it turns on my webcam and does some ftp..fails..turns of my webcam ..back to normal. Camorama can't connect to my webcame. Cheese, guvideo are successfully able to conect to my webcam and play around with it.What I want to do is edit my /dev/video0 or some file from where I can fix the framerate for skype.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Configure To Get The Best Sound Results?

Jan 10, 2011

I use Kubuntu 10.10 and I'd like to know what to configure (say in daemon.conf - PulseAudio) to get the best sound quality & the most out of my sound card. By the way, I don't have any sound problems. I just want to get the best results from the built-in speakers & when I connect my laptop to external speakers. I have a Sony VAIO VGN-NR32M laptop.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Configure Pulseaudio Settings

May 10, 2011

I have just upgraded to 11.04 and the sound on my skype isn't working...configure my pulseaudio settings.whenever i try opening pulseaudio volume control, it says "Connection failed: Connection refused"

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Configure Ekiga (H232 Account)

Jan 2, 2010

I am not getting very good sound from skype. I wondered if Ekiga was better than skype so I have:

Installed it.
Obtained a sip address.
adjusted the ports on my router as below
set up the user by way of the configuration assistant.

And still I see nothing and hear nil. I am not getting an error message. When I run the test address it immediately reports it is done. I set up the H232 account.

Each of the following port ranges were translated to the same ranges:
TCP 1720-1720
UDP 5000-5100
TCP 30000-30000

What have I left out of the configuration?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Configure INTEX TV Tuner Card

Dec 24, 2010

I have INTEX TV tuner card. i'm trying to configure in ubuntu for tvtime. The card has the saa7130 or saa7134 philipse chipset.

lspci | grep -i saa713



00:0a.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)

after the installation, the card was detected and /dev/video0 was created but dmesg indicated that the card is not among the ones listed as supported and since card did not have EEPROM, the card was not up and running right away.i have edited /etc/modprobe.d/tvcard.conf and added options saa7134 card=3 tuner=14


$sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/tvcard.conf



options saa7134 card=3 tuner=14

Then CTRL+X to exit

still it did not work. tvtime would always say no signal and tvtime-scanner never picked up any channels. then i followed instruction given by rsramkee [URL]. edited saa7134-cards.c and deployed new kernel linux- with changes.i rebooted machine to windows selected one channel in tv tuner software of windows, again rebooted machine to ubuntu (i have dual boot windows XP and ubuntu tvtime able display video of channel that is selected in windows OS (No sound), but not be able to tune any other stations.In mplayer able display video of channel that is selected in windows OS with sound.



mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:chanlist=us-cable:alsa:adevice=hw.0,1:amode=1:audiorate=48000:forceaudio:volume=100:immediatemode=0:norm=PAL

i followed instruction given by http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Saa7134-alsa to set up sound. loading the loopback module with the command:

$ pactl load-module module-loopback

Now tvtime able display video of channel that is selected in windows OS with sound, but not be able to tune any other stations. Not be able to tune any stations.dmesg output:


[ 1320.568603] saa7130/34: v4l2 driver version 0.2.16 loaded
[ 1320.568697] saa7130[0]: found at 0000:00:0a.0, rev: 1, irq: 18, latency: 32, mmio: 0xdffff800
[ 1320.568737] saa7130[0]: subsystem: 1131:0000, board: LifeView FlyVIDEO3000 [card=2,insmod option]


i'm not be able to tune any stations using tvtime and xawtv. if channel is not selected in windows OS for more then 1 hour then tvtime displays message no signal, same message in tvtime-scaner (No sound).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Install / Configure ATI Radeon HD 5450

Jan 5, 2011

After installation of the new hardware I activated the ATI closed source driver. There is an issue with the screens
1st screen, via DVI: I cannot change to the native screen resolution
2nd screen, via VGA: The background of any window is not drawn.
Means: I can see lots of parts of other windows after moving or closing them.

Therefore I was searching for an alternative and found the hint to uninstall the ATI driver and use the open source one. After uninstall and reboot (requested by a parallel system update), some boot messages I have no screen output anymore. Means: two black screens. These are going into sleep mode after a few seconds. How can I get a running system again? Optimal would be, that I have full support for both screens. Same happens in failsave mode.

System environment:
Ubuntu 10.04
AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+, 4G RAM, motherboard ALiveNF6G-DVI (internal graphic deactivated), ATI Radeon HD 5450

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Configure Behaviour Of Totem Plugin?

May 8, 2011

I am using the following:

ubuntu 10.04 LTS
firefox 3.6.17
totem 2.30.2

As it stands, if I play an mp3 file via the web, firefox will launch totem which will in turn launch goom.

Looks nice, but I would like to turn off the Visualisation which takes up the entire CPU. I try under firefox preferences, Edit->Preferences->Plugins, there isn't anything there I can change.

I try under firefox Utils->Plugins and there isn't anything there I can change.I try using gconf-editor, there are different settings there I can play with like: Under /apps/totem/visual it has the setting "GOOM: what a GOOM!", I try and delete it, it doesn't change anything.

Still with gconf-editor I try changing /apps/totem/plugins/screensaver turning the setting of "active" to uncheck. No change, goom still comes up with the fantastic graphics I just don't want. Still with gconf-editor I try changing /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/visualization from "goom" to blank. Again, no change.

If I look under the process list while totem is running goom I see the following: /usr/lib/totem/totem-plugin-viewer --plugin-type cone --user-agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; fr; rv: Gecko/20110422 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.17 --referrer http://blah blah blah blah.mp3 --mimetype audio/mpeg

There doesn't seem to be anywhere I can change the command line which is being passed to totem to make it behave differently and turn off the goom visualizations. I have tried starting up totem as a stand alone application, there I go into Edit->Preferences->Display and make sure the choice for "Show visual effects when an audio file is played" is unticked. That gives me the results I am after for totem as a stand alone application, which is no Visualizations whem audio file is being played BUT It makes no change for totem running as a plugin in firefox.

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Debian Multimedia :: Cannot Get X To Start (or Even To Configure)

Nov 21, 2010

I have been trying to install Squeeze from the 6.0.1a KDE CD-1 plus the Debian repos. I just cannot get X to work. I get similar bad results to those mentioned by other users having similar problems, but none of the suggested fixes works.

Basic hardware information:
Desktop PC, whole 40 GB disk used for install
Graphics card: none Video controller on motherboard: VIA Technologies S3 UniChrome VGA controller (about 8 years old)
Monitor: Samsung Syncmaster 1280 x 1024 (about 8 years old)

Some things I've already tried: in rescue mode, as root, in /etc/X11X -configuremove file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf basically everything mentioned in threads in past two months regarding users who cannot get X to work reinstalling 100x with every choice for the installer I can think of

What happens: when doing the install, contrary to expectation, I am never prompted for any of the hardware information which the documentation at debian.org says I should have on hand (is that a good sign or a bad sign?)

No matter how I try to do the install,I always seem to get a nongraphical installation, so I try this: as root:apt-get install xorg in /etc/X11X -configthen move generated file (which looks like X didn't try to create an actual configuration file) to /etc/X11/xorg.config as non-root user:startx I get black screen (or a tiny tiny konsole at upper left) and system hangs

How can I tell whether this an X misconfiguration? How can I fix it? How can I tell whether I simply need a driver? Where do I look? How can I tell whether my hardware is simply incompatible with Squeeze? What do I need to replace? Do I need to get a new monitor in order to use Squeeze? Do I need to buy a new motherboard with newer video controller? Do I need to buy a graphics card? Which?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Configure 'Transmission' Client To Utilize Connection

Jan 9, 2010

I have Ubuntu installed, using transmission client to download a torrent.The torrent is coming down at ~300kbps, but my internet connection speedtests @ 50mbps...how do I configure connection to utilize connection?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gtk-recordmydesktop - Could Not Open / Configure Sound Card

Jan 13, 2010

I've just downloaded gtk-recordmydesktop and when I press record a split second later this message comes up: Recording is finished recordmydesktop has exited with status: 768 Description: Could not open/configure sound card. if I need to download anything extra from the repos or something I have to do in system settings.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Configure Generic Remote That Came With A TV Tuner Card

Jan 18, 2010

I've been trying to configure this generic remote that came with a TV tuner card (saa7134) a while ago but I haven't been able to do so. The thing is that the remote works, in fact some buttons are recognized properly... but some are not. I'm not using lirc!, from I have been reading there is support for generic remotes in the 2.6.31 kernel, besides, i can't configure lirc, it doesn't let me load the kernel modules to start up the daemon for the ir. is there a config file for the button mapping of the native remote support in kernel 2.6.31?. Been searching it but couldn't find it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Configure KDE4 Text-to-speech Suite?

Aug 31, 2010

After 5+ years of using Ubuntu, I am switching to it as my desktop. On my old FreeBSD desktop i was running KDE3; now I am runnung 10.04.1 and find that even tho things are more friendly with KDE4, one of the tools I use most,kttsmgr, no longer works like it did on my previous desktop.

How can I configure kttsmgr to use festival (right now it says "espeak") and to present the dialogue that prints the strings beneath what is being read? --Note that I downloaded flite and eflite for testing purposes. Both fail. not a peep. I do have audio with songs and can listen to streams, but nothing from ktts*

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Configure The System So That One Virtual Desktop Is Laptop Lcd And Another The External Lcd ?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a Toshiba laptop with a Intel X3100 graphics card and I'm using a second LCD display with it ( it works ok as an extension to my notebook's display ) My question: is it possible to configure the system so that one virtual desktop is my laptop lcd and another the external lcd ? Mine has a native resolution of 1280x800 and the external one 1280x1024 and I'm running Ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Configure Samsung FX2490HD - Define The Screen Resolution

Mar 12, 2011

I'm trying to configure my display on Ubuntu, but I'm getting problems to define the screen resolution. The native resolution for FX2490HD is 1920x1080, but Ubuntu only recognizes 1360x768. Following a recipe[1] that uses xrandr I can setup 1920x1080, but the image looks strange. In this mode, I see shadows behind the blurred letters. This is the code that I typed to follow the recipe:


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Ubuntu :: Multimedia Center Based On XBMC Live - Cannot Configure Bluetooth?

Apr 6, 2011

I assembled a small multimedia center based on XBMC Live (Ubuntu). And cannot configure bluetooth. In older versions of bluez was hcid.conf file, through which I can set options iscan, pscan and lm (link mode). In new versions of bluez 4.xx instead of this file is used main.conf and these parameters there is not provided. How apply these settings to the bluetooth adapter at system startup and when I connect the adapter to the usb port? In general, the system behaves is not clear. Sometimes the adapter after the system is turned on, and sometimes it turns off.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Configure Satellite Card ( Twinahn Azurewave 1027 DVB -S )?

Sep 1, 2011

I Have a satellite card Twinhan Azurewave AD-SP200 (1027) DVB -S and i do not know how to configure it .I found a patch for my card but i do not know how to use it .Patch I work with Ubuntu 11.04 ( X64 )Kernel 2.6.39-0-generic

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Configure Font For QT Based App

Jan 5, 2016

I install a qt application through apt-get. After launching the app, its font looks like the link shown : [URL] ....

How can I adjust the font to allow the app display font correctly?

Environment: stretch/sid, QT5 (libqt5gui5 libqt5multimedia5 libqt5network5 libqt5qml5 libqt5quick5 libqt5widgets5 qml-module-qtquick-controls qml-module-qtquick-dialogs qml-module-qtmultimedia)

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Debian Multimedia :: Configure The Notifications On Gnome?

Jan 25, 2011

What package provides the utility found in the gnome-control-center for changing the notification themes? There is a gconf key that says slider, so it's possible it can be changed there, but I'm not certain what themes are available/valid

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: How To Configure Sound Card In 11.1

Sep 8, 2010

How to configure sound card in opensuse 11.1. I tried some of the solutions like alsaconf but its not working .... Also please tell me how to find model of sound card that I have in my laptop. Laptop that I am using is DELL inspiron15r, core i5.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: How To Configure Kaffeine To Use Jack

Apr 19, 2011

How to configure Kaffeine to use jack. After I start jack with:
$ jackd -v -d alsa
There is no audio coming from Kaffeine.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Configure Audio And Webcam - Freezes Everything - Disconnect Power Plug

Feb 10, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) on a five year old desktop computer with no problems what-so-ever until that is when i try to use aMSN. The aMSN program is great and problems only arise when i try to configure the audio and webcam. When i open up Preferences -> Edit audio and video settings and try to configure the audio and webcam everything just freezes solid and the only way i can un-freeze the computer is to disconnect the plug from the power connection.

On other occasions when i have again attempted to configure the audio and webcam the whole aMSN program just vanishes off the screen altogether? I have a Logitech QuickCam 8.1.1

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Configure NVidia Codec - How To Enable HDMI Audio Output

Feb 21, 2011

For X-Mas I got myself a nice little nettop running off an ION motherboard. how to enable HDMI audio output, but got it to work. I've realized that when I'm in XBMC (which is admittedly the only place I watch movies) certain sounds like gunshots will be extremely louder than something like dialog. My friend believes that I should mess around with the channels (to fake the center channel from the left and right) I don't want to threaten Linux, how lightweight I can make it which is critical to an HTPC, but considering XBMC just got a Netflix addon

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Configure Gnome Terminal Profile

Nov 8, 2015

This problem has lasted for several months, but I can't find anything like bug report in debian related website.

Basically my problem is after genome-terminal (version is launched, I want to change profile setting such as font, color, etc. However, when I click the button `Edit > Profiles > Edit`, nothing happens (no dialogue pop up). `Edit > Profiles > New` And `Edit > Profiles > Delete` function correctly.

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Multimedia :: Configure A Serial Mouse On Debian Squeeze?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a very old Pentium 3 that don`t have USB or PS2 suport.
I need to configure a serial mouse.
I did it on debian etch editing xorg.conf. I chage the mouse protocol to "Microsoft" and it works normaly.
But on squeeze it does not exist!

How can I configure it?

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Debian Multimedia :: Could Not Configure Installing Custom Languages

Feb 27, 2011

My Debian installation was originally only in Croatian, and I was fine with that until now. Being irritated by some javascripts (especially those that won't let me close a tab in Iceweasel) I installed noscript. However, I could not configure it (the configuration was "translated" in Croatian rendering it useless). So I did# dpkg-reconfigure localesand added English (en_US) besides Croatian (hr_HR)....


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Debian Multimedia :: Configure Moc To Play Music Through DAC Card?

Mar 5, 2011

I have moc running well in Debian 6. However, I cannot get moc to playback music via my USB DAC card, it only plays back through my soundcard. I use ALSA for playback.Is there any way that I can configure moc to play music through my DAC card as I do through Audacious?

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Debian Multimedia :: Lost Bottom Panel While Trying To Configure?

Apr 23, 2011

i lost my bottom panel while trying to configure. any way to get it back?

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