Ubuntu Multimedia :: Disable Overscan With ATI Drivers?

May 11, 2010

When I first installed Ubuntu, I installed the ATI drivers with Catalyst Control Center, too. I believe the next time I restarted my computer, it was overscanned. It had the 2 inch border around my display. It was terrible, and I wanted to stop using Ubuntu because I couldn't find a fix. I finally removed the drivers through the terminal (don't remember how) and the border was gone.

The problem is, I don't have any actual drivers for this card installed. It's a Radeon HD 4650. I was thinking of trying: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver

Would the be a way to remove overscan with that? Or is there a way with ATI's closed source drivers I had the first time? Ubuntu crashes sometimes and the screen goes all weird, which I'm pretty sure is from the video card. I also can't see the boot splash for Ubuntu when starting up the computer, which I've heard can be caused by your video card.

I'd like to have the drivers for my card, but not have to worry about the damn 2 inch overscan.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: The NVidia Overscan And Fixing It?

Jun 23, 2011

I have Googled. I have searched these forums and others. I have ripped my hair out in frustration. As many are aware, custom resolutions- "What the hell" by "that's just messed up" or "Jesus Christ" by "you've got to be kidding"- are very hard to set under the new "xorg.conf isn't really used" paradigm. This should not be. Many Ubuntu users are running the OS on displays with either nonstandard display resolutions or devices which overscan the display but do not offer a 1:1 pixel display setting- such as myself, on my 50" Samsung 1080p DLP television, connected via its HDMI port.

After more than a year trying to find a hard-and-fast process for fixing this overscan problem (note that I did not say "a hard-and-fast FIX for this problem"), I have decided to turn to the collective wisdom of the Ubuntu user community in an effort to put this issue to bed for good. To that end, I create this thread.

Recent research via the web has led me to believe that the problem lies in the X server not being aware of any sort of valid modeline for my- or your- nonstandard resolution. I am well-aware that each solution for each user will be different; if you're reading this, you're probably a geek like me in the first place, and your chops are more than sufficient to tackle both biting off this huge issue and chewing it.

My question to the community is this: How do I determine the correct modeline to add to xorg.conf, how do I make it available to the X server, what do I need to do to format the modeline in a valid way in xorg.conf (if necessary), and how do I make it appear in the list of valid resolutions when I run nvidia-settings (or whatever the command is)?

Keep in mind, I'm more interested in establishing the correct pipeline for fixing the problem and allowing arbitrary resolutions to the limit of the given device's capacity, rather than an exact solution for my particular hardware. In other words, I don't want an exact answer for my situation; what I'm looking for is a method for finding the proper solution given situations similar to mine.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: TV Showing Us As Projector - Remove Overscan?

Jul 25, 2010

There's several threads dealing with overscan, but I've got an interesting twist in my setup that (I believe) is putting a kink into the proposed solutions. I'm trying to set up a media center PC with Ubuntu 10.~. The motherboard has built-in ATI graphics (3300 series), and connects to my television (Panasonic capable of 1080i) via HDMI. As can be expected, the overscan makes the top and bottom bars nearly invisible (as well as a portion of the sides).

When I run the Catalyst Control Center, it informs me that the monitor is a projector, not a TV. Try as I might, I can't convince the thing it's attached to a TV. When I run "aticonfig --tv-info", I am informed that a TV is not connected.

One question I could ask, though: does it matter? The reason I'm asking is that I can't find the "Configuration" menu option in the CCC that all the other threads talk about. I know where the little black triangle menu is, but there's no "Configuration" item in it. There's also (as best as I can tell) no way of adjusting overscan for a digital projector.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Overscan - HTPC Connected To LCD HDTV Over HDMI?

Dec 12, 2010

I have an HTPC with an onboard ATI video chipset but for hardware acceleration's sake, I installed a GeForce 9500GT video card. Everything works quite well, except for the overscan issue. I've installed the latest nvidia binary drivers (manually) but I don't see any options in nvidia-settings to solve this overscan issue.

Here is my xorg.conf file:

# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 260.19.21 (buildmeister@builder103.nvidia.com) Thu Nov 4 20:57:26 PDT 2010
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen 0 "Screen0"


I tried adding that ModeLine line myself (using xrandr and gtf) but that fails too. I've scoured the web and these forums, and I've seen some overscan issues reported but with no solution in sight.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Catalyst Control Center (Overscan Adjustments)

Jan 4, 2011

I've got 10.10 up and running like a champ. Haven't done much in it, but all was well. After a little while I went in to turn the cool effects on, and it told me I needed a driver for my ATI card so I said go for it. It ended up putting Catalyst Control Center in for me. That's all fine and dandy except on the windows side I can get into an area that allows me to adjust overscan and turn it off (its a slider for under and overscan).

This version wont seem to let me do that, so now I'm stuck with either NOT a full screen, or no ability to have fun graphic effects. While your here, how can I change the data files which I think ubuntu refers to as your /home folder (documents pictures etc) to a different location? Windows7 and Ubuntu need to see the files in the same places so I don't have to have two working sets of files.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Set Nvidia Drivers - Dual Monitor Without Proprietary Drivers?

Apr 8, 2010

I have been using ubuntu for quite a long time, and for the first time, I am now unable to set nvidia drivers to work. I have just install ubuntu 9.10 amd64 on an AMD 64 athlong X2 with a GEForce 6500 nvidia card.

The only reason I need the proprietary drivers is to use two monitors.

I am going crazy, I have tested everything I have found on the web. I have tried all the nvidia drivers version, I have tried envyng, ... but nvidia do not work!!

I am trying Xinerama with nv, but it does not work either!!!

Here is my xorg.conf file in which I have tried to use nv driver to set dual monitor. X fails to load and it says that screen 0 is deleted, that devices are found but there are no matches in the config file. Any clue?

Section "Files"
ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled"


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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable Storage Drivers On An Aircard

Jan 15, 2010

I work for a regional cell phone company, and have recently taken it upon myself to create some documentation that will aid our mobile broadband users with installation of the aircards we carry.I decided to start out with Ubuntu 9.10, and I am using a Novatel mc727. I set it up using the mobile broadband feature that is built in, but I am having a few problems. First I have noticed that once you get the connection created, if you try to edit the settings, an error pops up stating that you are not authorized to do so, before I even get a chance to put in the password. Its not really a big deal, and if it comes down to it you can always delete the connection and start over. However, I have noticed that with the card plugged in, sometimes it can take up to 15 minutes to be recognized as a connection. I got to thinking about it and figured it may have something to do with the fact that this card, and all the cards we carry are seen on windows as a mass storage device. So to test this, i left the card in and rebooted, and of course on reboot, the card was mounted and once i hit eject, it was seen as a modem right away.

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Software :: Disable PaX For Nvidia Drivers?

Jan 14, 2011

When using hardened gentoo kernel with PaX and SELinux...but SELinux is disable...I can not run Compiz Fusion. I get: Compiz: error while loading shared libraries: libgl.so.1: failed to map segment from object: operation not permitted". I went into X without compiz fine with no problems. Just seems to be with Compiz-Fusion. This is with Nvidia closed source drivers.

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Hardware :: ATI Radeon 57xx Using HDMI Overscan (CentOS 5.5 X86_64)?

Feb 9, 2011

So, I need to use the HDMI out on my Radeon 57xx because the DVI input on my monitor is in use by another machine that has no other way to connect to it, and I won't swap cables around all the time. Of course, because someone somewhere decided that if it's plugged in to HDMI it must be a TV and have overscan issues I have a nice black box surrounding my screen image.

In Windows I can resolve this by opening CCC and changing the overdrive settings. Thus far I have yet to be able to get CCC to open and the only thing the console tool allows you to do is toggle overscan on and off, which doesn't seem to have any effect so far. Has anyone gotten this issue resolved? Do I need to focus on getting CCC working (which I probably won't use for anything else...) or is there a console command that can handle the job? Change to xorg.conf? Anything?

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Debian :: Install Nvidia Drivers, But Installer Wrote To Disable Nouveau First?

Aug 8, 2010

I've just installed Squeeze and try to install Nvidia drivers, but installer wrote that I have to disable Nouveau first. So could you please tell me how to turn off nouveau driver totally and correctly.

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OpenSUSE Install :: OS 11.3 RC2 - Disable Nouvou Module Permanently; Use Propietary NVidia Drivers?

Jul 5, 2010

I have compiled the proprietary nvidia drivers for 11.3. When I boot, even using the nomodeset boot option, the nouveau module still loads, causing gdm/X to fail. I am able to manually remove the modules with rmmod and restart gdm. Everything then works normally. I have added the line "blacklist nouveau" to both 50-blacklist.conf and 99-local.conf in /etc/modprobe.d

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Disable RandR

Dec 27, 2010

I'm attempting to disable RandR so that fglrx can control X without interference. I've already followed this advice from another thread, but aticonfig still indicates that RandR is active:

$ aticonfig --enable-monitor=0
Error: option --enable-monitor is not supported when RandR 1.2 is enabled!


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Temporarily Disable OpenAL

Mar 25, 2010

Having an issue with PlaneShift in regards to this error in terminal:

Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-close.c: 731: _dl_close: Assertion `map->l_init_called' failed! On search of the PlaneShift forums, I saw someone state disabling OpenAL would fix this.

I've searched Google and these forums, but still can't find a guide to disable OpenAL. So how would I go about disabling this temporarily so I can get PlaneShift working?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Disable Acpi Services

Apr 27, 2010

I need to disable acpi services in order to get fglrx working on my toshiba satelite a300.
I've already tried this:Quote:

sudo aticonfig --initial -f
sudo aticonfig --acpi-services=off

But the acpi services still loaded when i booted the computer. How can i really turn them off?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Disable OpenGL MythTV

Aug 3, 2010

I was configuring mythtv and when I was in the video settings I set it up to use OpenGL. Now I can no longer see video and I can't get back to the settings screen to disable OpenGL. Is there a config file that I can edit to disable OpenGL or someway to revert everything back to default. I tried completely removing the frontend and reinstalling it but that didn't do anything.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Disable Audio CD Autorun?

Dec 1, 2010

Used to be under System > Preferences... now I can't find it. And no google entries about it (most are from 2007) and I find it amazing there's no entry on it on the forum either! -> http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=77800610

...as anyone ripping a CD will notice that rhythmbox autoplays it

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Disable Onboard Sound Card?

Mar 13, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10Code:$ uname -aLinux ubuntubear 2.6.31-20-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 8 09:02:26 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/LinuxI have ASUS M4A78-E motherboard. I've disabled Onboard sound card (VIA VT1708S) and installed Audigy sound card (c-media sb 8738 5.1 channel (CMI8738/PCI-6ch-LX)). But my system still detects Onboard sound card.

$ alsamixer
AlsaMixer v1.0.20 (Press Escape to quit)


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Disable Multiple Instances In Mplayer?

Oct 16, 2010

I have been using totem player as my default video player. I've abstained from using VLC player considering the fact that it's got some security issues. Of late, I've installed and was mighty impressed by Mplayer because it could play .flv files which totem player couldn't. The only thing which I find irksome is its multiple instances. Can you please help me disable multiple instances in Mplayer. (I've experienced same problem in VLC player too, but right now I'm trying to stick with Mplayer)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Disable Headphones Muting Speakers

Nov 7, 2010

I would like to disable the headphone jack shutting off main speakers when I plug headphones in. I know this sounds odd. But when I use mixxx I would like to be able to use the line out for external amp hook up. The headphones for cueing. This worked after I installed mixxx but once I rebooted the computer it no longer worked.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Disable Screensaver When Banshee Is Playing?

May 4, 2011

using 11.04/Natty, Banshee is 2.0.0-2ubuntu1 from repos.Is there any way to disable gnome-screensaver when Banshee is playing?Looks like this was possible in Banshee 1.x if Banshee was fullscreen, but in Natty with 2.x , appears that screensaver still activates.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Uninstall Old Drivers

May 26, 2010

how I can uninstall my old driver (10.4) so I can update my drivers to 10.5? I have a lot of issues with 120.4 and want to make sure all config files are wiped clean.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Any Way To Install Drivers?

Apr 26, 2011

1. When i play videos in yt in hd720p i get something like 420 and slowed down a lot...
2. When i go to Additional Drivers i dont see nothing there...
3. When i install fglrx from SPM i loose all my desktop effects and when i try to restore them it says desktop effects could not be restored. In the Catalyst Manager it says driver not found...
4. Aticonfig in terminal returns nothing but "command not found"

Is there any way to install the drivers? Is it problem of the driver? Should i leave it as it is and watch only in 320p?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Working Drivers For Gt 430 ?

Aug 15, 2011

I'm looking for a WORKING driver for my Geforce GT 430 1GO DDR3. It seems like every drivers I tried screwed up my computer so I had to format it.

Is anyone having a working geforce gt 4XX (unity, compiz etc) ? I'm stuck on gnome basic without effects.

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Debian Multimedia :: Disable Alt+F4 For Certain Windows?

Oct 24, 2010

I am using devilspie to have a wallpaper terminal. Since it does not show up on the taskbar, I sometimes do not realize that it is in focus, and Alt+F4 results in me closing it. Is there a way to disable Alt+F4 for certain windows?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Disable Screensaver When Viewing Full Screen?

Feb 28, 2010

I found a few threads dealing with this subject about a year ago but none seem to have come up with a simple answer. I use vlc and one writer indicated there was an option in vlc to disable the screensaver when in full screen mode. However, I've checked all over vlc and can't find this option.I'm not interested in creating a switch using Terminal to do this manually. I just want to know if disabling the screensaver can be automatic when in full screen mode - like in Windows

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To DISABLE Sound Click On Applications

Jul 23, 2010

this morning after a reboot I made a discover. Clicking on tabs, launching applications, and so on, make annoying and stupid sounds from my speakers. CLICK, BOP, BLAP! Who decided to turn these things on? I'm listening MUSIC, I don't wanna those stupid sounds bother me! Anyway, I was suddendly on System -> Preferences -> Sound and I choosed Sound Theme: NO SOUND. But those annoying sounds are already there. And there's no way to disable them! Is this a BUG or what? Is there something to do?

I also discovered another thing: clicking on items that are at RIGHT of my screen, the sound come from RIGHT. Clicking on center, they come from center. Right, right. So I realize that sounds are stereophonic. And really I can't understand why a software developer choosed to waste his time coding a piece of code to do this, instead of solving the hundred millions of bugs we're affected from YEARS.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Could Not Disable Volume Control Notification Icon On 10.10

Oct 30, 2010

I am annoyed with the pop up of volume control notification on GUI of my Ubuntu 10.10 ,The volume slide bar moves automatically.Its flickering on my screen and hinders my work.I wonder why ,I am new to Ubuntu ,how to put off this notification I tried

sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service.disabled

but the notification icon is gone but a small volume control frame appeared from now-where giving the same frustration.( I have installed Ubuntu10.10 on HP Pavilion dv5-1015nr laptop un-installing the preloaded windows)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Keep ALSA Drivers Working?

Jan 9, 2010

Running songbird, have been just fine for months, now every time I try to play a file I get "autoaudiosink and alsasink are missing." I can cure this by following the "Getting the ALSA drivers from a *fresh* kernel" instructions in the comprehensive sound solutions guide. But I have to do this *every time* I restart my computer. How can I fix this permanently?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATI Catalyst Drivers Broke?

Feb 4, 2010

To start from the beginning, I realised that I have no audio, so I tried a couple of fixes that I found online. Upon rebooting, all my graphics were very choppy (moving windows, scrolling etc). The sound is working though. I dont understand how fixing sound can mess with the graphics but hey it isnt working and thats what matters.I have an installer for the ATI drivers downloaded from ati.amd.com. when I had a clean install of Ubuntu 9.10 and installed these drivers everything worked 100% without any problems. Running the installer now doesnt seem to work. The log in /usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log reports:

Errors during DKMS module removal
Errors during DKMS module removal


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Uninstall The Drivers For The Old Card First?

Mar 21, 2010

Do I need to uninstall the drivers for the old card first?

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