Ubuntu Multimedia :: Any Way To Install Drivers?

Apr 26, 2011

1. When i play videos in yt in hd720p i get something like 420 and slowed down a lot...
2. When i go to Additional Drivers i dont see nothing there...
3. When i install fglrx from SPM i loose all my desktop effects and when i try to restore them it says desktop effects could not be restored. In the Catalyst Manager it says driver not found...
4. Aticonfig in terminal returns nothing but "command not found"

Is there any way to install the drivers? Is it problem of the driver? Should i leave it as it is and watch only in 320p?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATI Drivers Messes Up Install?

Jul 25, 2010

I come today with a nasty problem. My computer has a Intergrated ATI Radeon HD 3200 IGP. Now despite being a IGP its more or less its own GPU. Thing is I can't get the full power if I don't use the drivers (I do some thigns that need acceleration)

I recently came back to Ubuntu cause my Windows 7 DVD wont work anymore so I have to play with ubuntu again. Currently Im running 9.10 32bit (because 10.04 LTS doesn't want to work for me even after burning a clean CD-RW (one that has never been used or blanked))

Every time I try to install the driver for my card from the resricted drivers menu, when I reboot it causes ubuntu to screw up and wont go into X and stays in terminal. Its been awhile since I tried it but after just fixing my computer I don't feel like taking the risk.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Uninstall The Old Drivers First Before To Install The New One?

Oct 29, 2010

ok so i have a clevo x8100 laptop with two 5780's in crossfire. Im not exactly sure where to check in linux but i remember im using the fglrx drivers...which from what i understand are the crappy "safe" drivers. I've downloaded the latest linux x64 drivers for the card...

do i need to uninstall the old drivers first before i attempt to install the new one? also, if i do need to uninstall the old one, do i need to disable all my compiz special effects too? I could just see that creating a problem. im afraid im ruining my ubuntu install now that i've got everything configured the way i want minus the video drivers.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Install The Drivers For Media Player?

Apr 18, 2010

how to install the drivers for media player etc in ubuntu and give me any download link...??

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Install Nvidia Drivers Forced To Run In Low-res

Aug 27, 2010

10.04 64-bit
NVIDIA GeForce 8500GT 256MB

So I kind of had ubuntu working, but then I tried updating to the newer nvidia drivers and I broke it. I had to uninstall/purge nvidia so as to get ubuntu past the black screen/no signal to monitor...

I had been using a "Broadcom B43 wireless driver" which used fwcutter to extract firmware from various source files. I have never been able to get this install working with nvidia drivers and am about ready to try anything (including yet another reinstall).

**Nvidia drivers 96, 173, & current cause my system to freeze, lock up, reboot, fail to boot, etc. You name it and it's happened.**

I tried using synaptic, jockey and the terminal to install nvidia drivers. Then I tried adding the swat ppa and installing through System-Admin-Hardware Drivers to no avail.

Every time I start my PC it displays this window.

And when I open Hardware drivers this is what appears.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Install Newer ATI Drivers For ATI HD 5770 On 10.10 X64?

Jan 11, 2011

Last night I was playing around with my system trying to install newer ATI drivers for my ATI HD 5770 on Ubuntu 10.10 x64. In my ignorance I downloaded the latest package from the ATI website and installed them directly over the drivers already running (...which were installed through the restricted software application). This caused a noticeable graphical slow down.

To correct my bad driver install I removed the downloaded package using the uninstall .sh found within ATI's wiki. However, the video performance did not improve. I then also removed the fglrx install through the repository, thinking this would revert me back to open source drivers upon reboot; Similar to how Windows reverts back to the OS driver when all 3rd party drivers have been removed.

However, this did not work as planned. On reboot I was presented with a 'no signal found' error with my monitor after viewing the Ubuntu splash screen (which does still display, oddly). After which I rebooted and attempted attempted a low graphical boot through the recovery menu, with the same result. Returning to the recovery console, I attempted to simply reinstall the fglrx driver


I am at wits end. Is there anyway for a newbie such as myself to recover from this double driver install/purge/etc? If not, is there a way to re-install the Ubuntu O/S files, but leave my installed programs/config files in place? While I know I can boot to a live CD to backup my content and reformat, it does take a very long time to move 500Gb of data between two drives.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Install ATI Open Source Drivers

May 23, 2011

As far as I can tell, I have the proprietary AMD drivers installed.

I want to install the open source drivers instead to see if I can get better performance.

According to this site, I have to install the PPA to my software sources as instructed here. I've done that. But how do I actually install the open source drivers?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.04LTS : Failed To Install ATI Proprietary Drivers?

Jun 17, 2011

I have installed Xubuntu 10.04lts, Kubuntu 10.04LTs and Ubuntu 10.04lts because since I replaced my graphic card, I want to see which one of those 3 I like best and keep it. To do this, I need to configure my AGP Saphire HD4650.

Initially, I did not have any xorg.conf, so I went to recovery and created one with X -configure. This allowed to find out I was using Radeon driver from the start.

Then I followed the instruction from link "How To: Configure ATI Radeon HD 4650" but using kdm instead of gdm. Once I get to install the ATI driver ati-driver-installer-10-12-x86.x86_64.run, I get an error message that says to check the /usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log.


Unloading radeon module...
ERROR: Module radeon is in use
Unloading drm module...
ERROR: Module drm is in use by radeon,ttm,drm_kms_helper
[Message] Kernel Module : Trying to install a precompiled kernel module.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Set Nvidia Drivers - Dual Monitor Without Proprietary Drivers?

Apr 8, 2010

I have been using ubuntu for quite a long time, and for the first time, I am now unable to set nvidia drivers to work. I have just install ubuntu 9.10 amd64 on an AMD 64 athlong X2 with a GEForce 6500 nvidia card.

The only reason I need the proprietary drivers is to use two monitors.

I am going crazy, I have tested everything I have found on the web. I have tried all the nvidia drivers version, I have tried envyng, ... but nvidia do not work!!

I am trying Xinerama with nv, but it does not work either!!!

Here is my xorg.conf file in which I have tried to use nv driver to set dual monitor. X fails to load and it says that screen 0 is deleted, that devices are found but there are no matches in the config file. Any clue?

Section "Files"
ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled"


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Debian Multimedia :: Sid Kernel - Cannot Install NVidia Drivers

Jun 6, 2010

I am running Debian "Sid" and cannot install the Nvidia driver. When I try to install the driver using Module Assistant it says "Bad luck, the kernel headers for the target kernel version could not be found and you did not specify other valid kernel headers to use." It also says "If the running kernel has been shipped with Debian please install the package linux-headers-2.6.32-trunk-amd64." The kernel I am running is the one currently in Debian "Sid".

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Debian Multimedia :: Install Nvidia Drivers In Wheezy?

May 2, 2011

I'm having all sorts of problems after doing my first update (#1. safe-upgrade, #2. full-upgrade) in over a month.

Anything from no Nvidia linux-headers being found to any VT not working. After completely removing all of the previously tried Nvidia presence on my PC, is there a safe way for me to install the non-free drivers?

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Debian Multimedia :: Install Nvidia Drivers In Squeeze?

Jun 21, 2011

It seems that I'm learning a bit about Debian in the last couple of days...

Here's the thing. I don't appear to be getting any 3D accelaration from my video card at the moment.

Having tried many things (which all failed) and making a mess of my computer I have done the following things:

1. Reinstalled Lenny from scratch.

2. Updated sources to point to stable and allowed update manager to do its thing.

I now appear to have a working build of squeeze.

X is up and running fine, but when I check /var/log/xorg it appears that I'm running the NOUVEAU driver, which does not support the 3D functionality of the card.

So... What is the best method for getting the appropriate driver installed?

My last attempt ended up with nvidia-glx fighting with xorg, so I'm hoping that someone will have up to date instructions that I can follow...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Adding Restricted Nvidia Drivers To Fresh Install Script?

Dec 30, 2010

Just wondering how i could add a entry into a restore script i would run after doing a fresh install of #! Crunch bang. going to be using a base script from [URL]...to do the basics replacing the aptitude thing with apt-get of course What i will be using is as follows

# This script is the first in a series of setup scripts for gnome
# Check for admin rights. If user is not an admin user, exit the script
if [ $UID != 0 ]


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Debian Multimedia :: Squeeze And Gnome - How To Install NVidia Drivers

Oct 11, 2010

My problem is that I am trying to install nvidia drivers I got integrated card nvidia geforce 6100 nforce and amd x2x64 processor and also squeeze x64, so I downloaded the driver but when I try to top gnome I cant
/etc/init.d/gdm stop it says no such file or directory
So I google it and I found that squeeze has genome 3 so I put:
/etc/init.d/gdm3 stop
and it just appears a black screen just with a prompt but without any shell, I cant sign in debian or do anything it is just a black screen and i try ctrl+alt+f1, f12, f8, space and nothing, I can write but it doesn't response the only thing that I can do is press ctrl+alt+dell and it restart the PC. How can I stop gnome to install my drivers?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gateway NV57H26u - Sounds Drivers Not Working Properly After Fresh Install Of Natty

Sep 1, 2011

Sounds drivers not working properly after fresh install of Natty.

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Ubuntu :: Install Proprietary Drivers Thats Not Through The Hardware Drivers Option On System?

May 8, 2010

I know i know, some will say "eww Proprietary Drivers" but hey, ubunt is all about having more control of the OS. Is there an easy way to install Proprietary Drivers thats not through the hardware drivers option on system?

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Fedora :: NVIDIA Recalls Drivers Over Fan Speed Bug - Install Kmod With Beta Drivers?

Mar 7, 2010

[URL] I just updated and then saw this news , whats the solution for me, I either want to go beta or downgrade, If i try to boot to previous kernel, boot hangs in graphic mode, I cant start X and gdm . How to install kmod with beta drivers? Or whats the solution, nvidia ver: 195.36.08


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OpenSUSE Install :: Older Version Of Mozilla Firefox Internet Browser / Ati Drivers / Sound Drivers

May 9, 2011

after few years being limited with my pc configuration (windows OS) I realized that linux or it's distributions is the best invention in 21 century. And finally I am starting use it. openSUSE 11.4 installaition succesful, I updated it and it looks I don;t have any problems, but I got few questions.

1. How install older version of mozilla firefox internet browser here? I can't install some plugins because it's a firefox beta 12 version, for example. I am quake fan, o I like play quake live, but i can't install quake plugin, because my firefox is beta version.

2. Does I got all drivers instantly installed to my mashine? ATI video drivers, sound drivers ect??

3. Are there any How-To guides which can teach me, how I can improve my desktop? gadgets, 3D desktop ect...?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: OutDated Drivers: Install Intel Drivers?

Sep 4, 2010

I verify in Intel site that my Intel'drivers are outdated, because Dell Suport is slow, so how do I update them in Opensuse?

Do I use Virtual Machine or try through Wine?

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Hardware :: Install Video Drivers And Sound Drivers

Apr 28, 2009

I have a new dell inspiron 1545 since i am facing problems with vista i wanted to work with linux operating system (fedora 9). I want to install the video drivers and sound drivers for my laptop..When i installed fedora 9 my screen resolution was 1366x768 but suddenly now my resolution is 1024x768. I tried to change the resolution but I am unable to find my laptop resolution. What could be the problem

Here I can see my video card and sound card.. I want to install the drivers for my cards

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Ubuntu :: Install Drivers To Install / Boot After Installation From Raid Drives

Mar 1, 2011

Installing Ubuntu 10.10 desktop.on a Highpoint rocketraid 2642.Installing Ubuntu, it does not find the drive?How do I install the drivers to install and boot after the installation from the raid drives?

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Ubuntu :: Minimal 10.10 Install - Can't Install The ATi Video Card Drivers

Oct 15, 2010

I just installed a minimal version of Ubuntu 10.10 (with Openbox) over 10.04. Mainly everything's ok, but I have three problems:

1. When shutting down or rebooting, my speakers make a loud pop. Upon googling around, I found this topic on the Arch forums. Running


Before rebooting/shutting down works. I, however, would like to have this permanently fixed so I don't have to run these commands every time before rebooting/shutting down.

2. I can't install the ATi video card drivers. I downloaded the correct driver (10.9) from the ATi website and made sure I had the packages found here installed. I also made it executable by running


When I run the installer, using


I get this output:


3. When booting, I get a message saying something like "intel_ips can't find i915 symbols, so graphics turbo is disabled". When googling for this, I see this is a kernel related issue. Since I don't have any understandings of kernels, I thought this is a little too high up for me. What does it mean and how can I fix it, as it slows my boot down quite a bit?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Uninstall Old Drivers

May 26, 2010

how I can uninstall my old driver (10.4) so I can update my drivers to 10.5? I have a lot of issues with 120.4 and want to make sure all config files are wiped clean.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Working Drivers For Gt 430 ?

Aug 15, 2011

I'm looking for a WORKING driver for my Geforce GT 430 1GO DDR3. It seems like every drivers I tried screwed up my computer so I had to format it.

Is anyone having a working geforce gt 4XX (unity, compiz etc) ? I'm stuck on gnome basic without effects.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Some Wireless Drivers - Don't Have A /lib/modules/<kernel>/build Directory

Dec 14, 2009

I'm trying to install some wireless drivers, but apparently I don't have a /lib/modules/<kernel>/build directory, which is causing the Makefile to throw an error. Is there a specific place I should point the Makefile at?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Keep ALSA Drivers Working?

Jan 9, 2010

Running songbird, have been just fine for months, now every time I try to play a file I get "autoaudiosink and alsasink are missing." I can cure this by following the "Getting the ALSA drivers from a *fresh* kernel" instructions in the comprehensive sound solutions guide. But I have to do this *every time* I restart my computer. How can I fix this permanently?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATI Catalyst Drivers Broke?

Feb 4, 2010

To start from the beginning, I realised that I have no audio, so I tried a couple of fixes that I found online. Upon rebooting, all my graphics were very choppy (moving windows, scrolling etc). The sound is working though. I dont understand how fixing sound can mess with the graphics but hey it isnt working and thats what matters.I have an installer for the ATI drivers downloaded from ati.amd.com. when I had a clean install of Ubuntu 9.10 and installed these drivers everything worked 100% without any problems. Running the installer now doesnt seem to work. The log in /usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log reports:

Errors during DKMS module removal
Errors during DKMS module removal


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Uninstall The Drivers For The Old Card First?

Mar 21, 2010

Do I need to uninstall the drivers for the old card first?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATI Radeon 5750 Drivers?

Apr 18, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 64 bit (I had 32 bit before) and I want to get my graphics card working. I have an ATI Radeon 5750 hd card. I tried to use the proprietary drivers from "hardware drivers" but I get a watermark in the bottom right hand corner of the screen and the resolution is terrible. Also, the whole screen seems to be vibrating, which kills the eyes, so I got rid of that driver.

I also tried to download and install the driver from ATI website [URL]... but ubuntu couldn't open the pakage. I gave me some error message about the "encoding text" or something like that. So how (if it's possible) do I get my video card working so that I can use compiz and run 1080 resolution? I have been through tons of threads but none of them helped my any.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: New Nvidia Drivers Don't Show Up?

May 2, 2010

I just upgraded to lynx but my nvidia drivers only say "173" and "recommended" as the two options. no idea which version the "recommended" one is but that's what is enabled. I did an update but still it does not show the 195 drivers that I thought I read were shipping with lucid.

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