Ubuntu Multimedia :: Asunder Keeps Freezing On All Of CDs / Go About Doing This?

Jul 21, 2010

Asunder keeps freezing on all of my CDs. I'm trying to rip them all to my computer with the .ogg format. I know my CDs aren't that scratched, they play in all my players just fine without skips. The first one froze at 24% and the second one froze at 85% (so close!).

Is there a better way to go about doing this?

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Debian Multimedia :: Asunder Cdripper Can't 'see' My CD / Show That?

Aug 28, 2010

I want to rip a new CD and installed Asunder, my trusty cd ripper. On my new install, the CD doesn't seem to be 'seen'. I get the same in Totem, but it says 'CD Not Mountable'. I checked and the preferences point to /dev/cdrom, which is how my cdplayer is identified in my /etc/fstab

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Fglrx Freezing During Video?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm running 9.10 x64 version on an Athlon II x4 with 4 gigs of ram and an ATI Radeon HD 4770 card, using the fglrx driver. I'm also using Compiz.

However, I'm having a pretty major problem with video playback. Some time after starting playback, the entire system appears to freeze up. At least the video does, anyway. The audio continues to play, but the mouse is locked in place and the video frame doesn't move. I tried alt-prscr-k, but couldn't kill X. I tried ctrl-alt-f1 and f2 but again, no change. Ctrl-alt-delete had no response either. In the end, I've been having to use alt-prscr-REISUB to restart the machine.

This problem happens at unpredictable times. The other night, I watched about 1 and a half hours of DVD before it happened, and then after restarting I couldn't watch 10 seconds before freezing again. Just now, again, I started watching a video file, and the system locks up a few seconds in to the video, every time (and a different place every time).

I tried both the ati and radeonhd drivers as well, but I couldn't get the results I wanted with my 2-monitor display. I've only been able to get my monitors the way I want them using fglrx. But without being able to watch video, it's pointless anyway.

I'm lost for what to do... I've spend the last 24 hours installing and uninstalling and reinstalling the different ATI drivers over and over, only to come back to this problem. Is there something I'm missing completely?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Converter Freezing Up?

May 28, 2010

This program keeps going gray & freezing up. Is anybody else having a problem

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: CNF7051 Webcam Keeps Freezing?

Jul 14, 2011

This happens with both Cheese and Skype. After a few seconds the image just freezes. This just started today, but has happened every time I try to load anything that uses my webcam feed. I tried upgrading from 10.10 to 11.4 to see if that made any difference, but the problem persists. Is there anything I can do in terminal that might fix the problem, or should I look to try and download the webcam software again

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Games Freezing On Quit / Resolve This?

Sep 11, 2010

When I play games and want to quit the system freezes and can't exit at any way. Sometimes even freezes while playing. Tried Urban Terror, Enemy Territory. 0 A.D. freezed while playing, but i was running it from terminal and in window mode so Alt+tab helped me out.

I have Ati Radeon HD5650, 4 gb ram Turion P520 in laptop.

Here's exactly what the terminal has put out at 0. AD code...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 Video Freezing In Fullscreen / Sort It?

Nov 6, 2010

Whenever i wanna watch a video on any site like ....., hulu, or cbs, the video watches fine in the normal minimized view. But when
i turn on fullscreen the video plays for a couple minutes, or seconds, and then freezes for about half a minute, but the sound continues.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Stopping After One Song Then Freezing?

Apr 19, 2011

I had Ubuntu 10 do this same thing for me. I'm using Natty now, and it worked fine until a few days ago, then out of nowhere it does this. I'm listening to a song and it plays all the way through, but when its done it doesnt play the next song. I can select a new song but when I do, it freezes. i'm using an HPG71 if that helps.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Freezing Computer After Random Time?

Jun 11, 2010

I have to say I'm really enjoying it. However, when I have been watching videos on ..... and revision3.com after a random amount of time the computer will freeze up and I have to do a hard restart of the computer.I've gone through the multimedia sticky post at the top of these forums with no real luck.Oh just got the computer today as a real budget system.AMD Athlon II X3 435 2.9ghzMSI K9N2GM-FD AM2+on board NVIDIA Geforce 82004GB DDR2 memoryI'm using ubuntu 10.04 64bit version.

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Debian Multimedia :: Screen Freezing When Launching Flightgear

Apr 7, 2016

Few days ago I did a major update to Jessie and now I can't use Flightgear simulator. The screen freezes and cannot even switch to another terminal using CTRL+ALT+F1. I can SSH from another machine and see that the CPU is stuck and it has to do with X.org. I bet it's a video driver issue that came with the update.

Did some memory, SSD and video card tests from within Windows and it passed. Flightgear can be loaded on Windows without freezing.

The PC has an integrated Radeon HD 4250 graphics card.

Tried dpkg-reconfigure firmware-linux-nonfree. Flightgear can start but it freezes after a short while. Same happens if I reinstall that package. Without the nonfree driver, I have very low FPS but it works.

Also, I put in another Radeon card (almost same generation) and had the same result: computer freezes completely.

Solved it by upgrading to kernel 4.4. This proves that a bug has been introduced with the latest kernel update. And it tastes like Ubuntu when they break drivers...

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Debian Multimedia :: VLC Video Playback Random Freezing

Jul 17, 2010

When I play videos in VLC, the video output seems to randomly freeze while playing the video. This does not effect the audio though. The audio output continues, but with the video frozen on a frame. This is happening in windowed and full-screen mode. I have to use "pkill vlc" each time twice then start VLC again. I have had to resort to mplayer for the time being. I am running squeeze. I was not experiencing this problem before though (started within the past week), so it must be due to some recent upgrade. I have tried "aptitude purge vlc && aptitude install vlc", but I am still experiencing the same problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audio Problems Ticking, Clicking Sounds, Freezing And Disappearance

Jul 15, 2011

I have the 11.04 installed (see hardware below) and am getting this ticking sound from the moment that Kubuntu boots and you hear the booting sound and until I shut down and it plays the shutdown sound. It doesn't matter whether I watch online audio/video or play my music library. I still hear it. Been trying to find a solution for it for a couple of weeks, but all I've found was other people with same problem but in different releases and with different sound cards. Some describe it as clicking, echo and so forth. The interesting thing is that if I stop the song while it is playing and then restart it again then sometimes the ticking will go away.

The second problem is, if something is playing and something else happens like an alert will pop up from the OS, or I open a menu of the player. Then the song will simply freeze in that spot, like a damaged CD and will repeat the last noise heard indefinitely.

The third problem happens mostly online, but I thought I'd post it here just in case all of these are related. Anyway, if I play a You tube video and then click on another one. Then the second one will not have a sound. I have to reload that page and then the sound comes in.

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Debian Multimedia :: Desktop Freezing On Left Top Corner Of Jessie

Sep 13, 2015

I've been having a problem with debian lately. It seems that sometimes a rectangular corner on the top left of my screen freezes and shows what was previously there. It goes away when I close all open windows but shows up again if I open multiple applications, especially if I open the terminal and another application. It can become very distracting and makes it impossible to see what is on the top left corner of my screen.

I'm including a screenshot of my desktop.

I am running Debian 8.2 Jessie on an Asus Q400A with 8 GB of RAM. I have an Intel Core i7-3632QM CPU @ 3.2GHz and am using XFCE as my Desktop Environment.

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Debian Multimedia :: Epiphany Generally Slow And Freezing With GMail

Mar 26, 2011

A week ago I installed a completely new Debian Squeeze on a newly LUKS encrypted, etx3-formated notebook Acer Extensa 5220. I used main sources only and the only uncommon thing I did so far was to disable ipv6 according to the Debian guide:


I used Epiphany as my main web browser on Debian Lenny on the same Notebook. Before the last weeks before switching to the Squeeze I experianced the problem, that I couldn't display the freemail-webpage of GMX any more without crashing the browser. After installing the new system I can display GMX again, but now Epiphany freezes as soon as I open GMail. And unfortunately the browser is much slower than before on Lenny. Right now Chromium and Iceweasel are working without any problems with the same installation...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Previously Functional RV620 (R600) Radeon Card Can't Run Compiz Without Freezing?

May 13, 2011

I had Ubuntu 10.04 installed with great compositing performance on my Radeon HD 3450 card, and I installed Ubuntu 11.04 last night. I can't get into anything but Ubuntu Classic (No Effects) to actually use the computer. Whenever I log into Ubuntu Classic (w/ Effects), I can hear the start sound, the panels and some shadows show up, but immediately after they first render, I can't touch anything, shadows disappear wherever I click, and it freezes, forcing me to drop to a tty and kill X.

Whenever I try to start Unity, I hear the start sound, but never see anything but the wallpaper. Also, the screen will sometimes go black for a second or so before returning to the same frozen graphics available previously, and sometimes I can't even drop to a tty after it does this. From glxinfo, everything seems to be in order. Here is the relevant data.

direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on AMD RV620
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 7.10.2
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20

So far as I know, Unity should support OpenGL 1.5+ capable drivers/cards, and compiz should support even lower requirements. As I said, on the LTS release the drivers performed admirably well, far better than fglrx on the same card- much more fluid, no jerkiness. I can get Unity working with fglrx, but it's quite depressing to watch, and I don't plan on using it when I have an open card that should work well. I am aware that there were recent changes to the kernel to bring in the Gallium driver for R600 cards- I've read something about r600g and r600c and one of them being used in Ubuntu. I'm supposing the recent change is what's causing these issues, and I'm curious about how to change them back or correct whatever is causing these problems.

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Debian Multimedia :: MPlayer Video Freezing When Firefox Playing WebM

Aug 7, 2011

i'm using debian wheezy and whenever i'm playing a webm video, typically on videos, totem and mplayer can't play video. the video just freezes. (i assume because they both use gstreamer.) when i try to use vlc when those 2 aren't working, the video does play but there is no sound.

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Ubuntu :: 64-bit Freezing - How To Fix It

Dec 13, 2010

Once or twice a day, the entire system just locks up, and the only way I know to undo it is with a hard reset. (The mouse cursor still moves around--but it can't click on anything.) It did this with a clean Lucid install, and still does it with Maverick. Often, it's when I'm in Firefox (and usually a site with Flash), but I'm not 100% sure of that.

Now, one issue is that I don't know how to diagnose this issue. With the system frozen, it's hard to probe anything to see what went wrong. Is there a particular log file somewhere that I should check out, that may say what happened?

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Ubuntu :: Random Freezing In 9.10

Jan 4, 2010

Ever since I reinstalled Karmic Koala on this PC I've had a problem with random freezing. Initially I believed it to be an issue with my xorg.conf file, however, I disabled it and the crashing still persists..

Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.70GHz
Memory: 1GB
Graphics: 82845G/GL [Brookdale-G]/GE rev 01

For what it's worth, I use this same PC for windows XP and do not have this issue.

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Ubuntu :: Freezing After 9.10 Upgrade?

Mar 2, 2010

I just upgraded to 9.10 from 9.04, and whenever I try to do anything that requires admin privileges (like run software update), I can type in my password, but I hit enter, and my whole computer locks up hard, caps lock and mouse don't even respond.

I have also noticed this same freezing when I try to mount an internal hard drive, which also asks for a password. Sudo by commandline seems to work fine though. Plus occasionally there are weird graphical glitches, which may or may not be related, but only showed up after the upgrade. I also get freezing when running too many high resource apps, like firefox and openoffice at the same time.

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Freezing Up?

Apr 13, 2010

since I installed Karmic 9.10 (fresh install, kernel 2.6.31-20-generic) my pc keeps freezing up...
I think it must have something to do with my videocard because right before it freezes the screen goes blank and when it comes back (yes it does!) it is frozen... Sometimes it happens fast and sometimes after 30 mins or so...Still haven't figured out in which direction to search...Anybody know why or have tips? I am almost ready to re-install 8.10

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 System Is Freezing

Apr 24, 2010

I have a clean install of Kubuntu 9.10 running on ext4 partitions (root and home). Kernel: 2.6.31-20-generic-pae.Freezing is becoming a way of life! I first thought it was my main browser (Seamonkey) but freezes have occurred even when it's not open. It usually occurs when computer is left unattended for a while.I'm not sure if it's the desktop crashing, no ides how to check logs especially as I have to reboot to gain access.

Mouse and keyboard work fine, I can use ALT+F4 to close windows and ALT+F2 to restart. But programs freeze, KMenu won't open, Taskbar is frozen, no HD activity.Where do I go from here?9.10 seems OK on my laptop but that was a upgrade from 9.04 and I don't usually leave it open unattended for any periods of time. I did a clean install of 9.10 after an upgrade was having the same problems.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Is Keep Freezing

May 1, 2010

I've just upgraded to Kubuntu 10.04 and I've noticed that the new FireFox 3.6.3 keeps freezing up, using 100% CPU and lots of disk activity for seconds at a time for apparently no reason at all. The OS itself doesn't freeze up, it's Firefox only, but it's still annoying since I surf the web a lot. I see a lot of maxing out of my dual-core CPU's with System Monitor and I don't like it. Is anyone else having these problems?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Freezing On Startup?

Aug 24, 2010

I am getting frustrated and at my wits end. I went away from home for 3 days and came back to a frozen computer. To start, my linux computer was locked and wouldn't allow me to switch to my other computer using my KVM. All I saw was the default wallpaper with no icons, cursor or anything. Rebooting the computer allowed me to resume normal operation on the other but not on my linux comp.Now when I boot I can only get to a recovery console if luck is on my side and trying a normal boot freezes the computer with a blank screen and blinking cursor.

I tried editing the GRUB commands with "nomodeset", "i915.modeset=0" and "i915.modeset=1" with no luck. I also tried removing "quiet" and "splash" from the boot and it freezes at random parts of the boot. Sometimes with an error loading a device with IRQ 21 and sometimes on a memory address. I am running XP on the same computer, so I thought I would try to boot into that, even THAT freezes!I have even tried running my LiveCD and it tells me there is an error reading the boot CD...the same CD I installed with 3 weeks ago without any problem! As I type this, the computer is booting, sort of, to a black screen with a ridiculously large "X" cursor and a small white dot in the upper left.System Specs:Athlon 32004gb RAMGeForce 7200generic DVDgeneric sound

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Ubuntu :: Freezing In Mint 9?

Aug 30, 2010

I've been using mint 9 now for a few months and love it (yes i'm a noobie, lol). Every now and then, maybe twice a month, everything freezes and the only thing I can do is to reboot. The question is, is this a somewhat normal thing to happen using Linux? I have used other distros as well and it seems to happen with them too.

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Ubuntu :: CD/DVD Drive Freezing 10.10?

Oct 10, 2010

Whenever I put a cd or a dvd into my cd/dvd drive, waiting half a minute, my system completely freezes (like a screenshot) needing a hard reset. I have looked into the matter and found that a lot of people are having this problem. Like them:


however, nobody knows how to fix this instead of replacing the dvd drive, which is not 100% guaranteed to work. I just installed a fresh 10.10 on my whole hard drive, gave up Windows completely and here I am, not being able to access my dvds with my work.

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Ubuntu :: Freezing When Logged Out?

Jan 21, 2011

I just recently made a new user so that other people cane my computer when I'm not around, and I have noticed things aren't working right. For example,rted a few files downloading in Firefox and then clicked 'Switch from Fracta', expecting it to be like windows and the downloads would continue in the background while people log into the other account. But the screen just went black. Completely unresponsive.ouldn't let me ctrl-alt-f1 to the command line and alt-sysrq-R,S,E,I,U,B didn't shutdown and restart the pc. Also, It is not uncommon for the computer to freeze when my screensaver starts after however long of inactivity and the computer doesn't respond at all

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Ubuntu :: Why Freezing Upon Reboot Once In A While

Jan 26, 2011

Why my pc freezes upon reboot once in a while, especially after certain updates? It never happened under Vista. I'm with Ubuntu 10.10 since October, never used Linux before. I think it's a bug in Maverick but I'm too lazy in reading the very long sticky! What happens at those very few times is a normal reboot, but a few seconds after a gradual and then complete freezing, you would have time to click the firefox icon but it will never open. Fastest way to get out of trouble is to reboot forced or other if you can.Maverick then works fine as ever.Just embarrassing I have to undergo all this. Can this bug be solved in the near future? My PC is Intel 32 bits 2 core with 2 GHz and 320 GB and I have 4GB RAM but I think it has nothing to do with the hardware, it has more to do with the OS!

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Ubuntu :: U10.10 Freezing Up Solid / Fix It?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm a bit perplexed on this issue. I searched through Google looking for similar issues and can't seem to find one that quite fits and I was wondering if someone else has heard of this happening.

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 (32 bit) on a friend's Dell Inspiron 1501 to replace the entirely screwed up Windows Vista that was on it. The install process went without flaw or issue. Everything worked perfectly out of the box. My issue comes when I try to copy files from my terabyte external onto the computer (the files she had backed up from her vista install). Files larger than about 300MB cause the computer to freeze up solid. The only thing that works is the power button to force shutdown. There's no mouse... nothing. This made me think there was a hardware issue but...

The external drive has no issues on any computer other than this one so I'm inclined to think the Dell is causing the issues. I ran Ubuntu's drive test and it reported no errors, and MemTest 86 comes up with no errors.

So, I'm looking for some educated guesses. If Ubuntu can handle installs and lengthy updates with no problem, but then connecting an external USB HDD and copying over files causes it to freeze up tighter than I've ever seen Ubuntu freeze before... could a faulty USB port cause this? Motherboard? Ubuntu itself? I'm installing Ubuntu from CD.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Freezing In 11.04?

May 29, 2011

After updating to 11.04, I have been experiencing several problems. One of the major ones is my USB mouse constantly freezes, usually shortly after boot. The computer itself is not frozen, so I can use the keyboard to close applications and restart. Restarting my computer will sometimes solve the problem, but not always. It is so frustrating.

I disabled ACPI, and although that stopped the mouse from freezing, I was uncomfortable with it being disabled, mainly because my computer never shut off properly, it would simply hang.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Keeps Freezing Up On Me / Resolve This?

Jun 13, 2011

i don't know what's happening here, but my computer keeps freezing in ubuntu... i can't figure out what's triggering it, because it happens when i'm doing different things. the time between freezes is always different, sometimes hours, sometimes a whole day, and sometimes back-to-back after a reboot. the only way to get out is a hard reset. whatever sound is playing will just continue to loop. it's happened while watching (non-full screen) videos, while using eclipse (luckily had just saved work), and while just general browsing. i tried reinstalling 11.04 because it happened before, and for a little while i thought it was fixed, but in the past few days it has picked up again. the only thing i can think of that i have installed was some new drivers for my bcm43225 wireless because it was always slow.

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