Debian Multimedia :: Epiphany Generally Slow And Freezing With GMail

Mar 26, 2011

A week ago I installed a completely new Debian Squeeze on a newly LUKS encrypted, etx3-formated notebook Acer Extensa 5220. I used main sources only and the only uncommon thing I did so far was to disable ipv6 according to the Debian guide:


I used Epiphany as my main web browser on Debian Lenny on the same Notebook. Before the last weeks before switching to the Squeeze I experianced the problem, that I couldn't display the freemail-webpage of GMX any more without crashing the browser. After installing the new system I can display GMX again, but now Epiphany freezes as soon as I open GMail. And unfortunately the browser is much slower than before on Lenny. Right now Chromium and Iceweasel are working without any problems with the same installation...

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Debian :: Copying Files Very Slow - Freezing After Each File

May 28, 2011

Yesterday pendrives started to misbehave when files are being copied/moved into them: after each major file (like a few hundred megabyte movie) the copying process freezes, stops and doesn't seem to proceed. After a long while (a few minutes), it unfreezes and proceeeds, only to get stuck again on another large file. Thus copying 5 movie files takes half an hour instead of just a few minutes.

The freeze occurs regardless of copying method used: mc (F5), Dolphin, command line cp or mv. During the freeze the process refuses to react to any signals, for example 'killall cp' or 'killall mc' doesn't kill the process, only 'killall -9 mc/cp' works, and also only after a short delay.

This misbehaviour continues across reboots.

What may be the cause of this? Where should I look for the source of the problem or for solution?

This has never occurred before - since I'm on llinux, copying to external devices has always been going smooth and fast. On current Debian this used to be like that as well since install untill yesterday. I don't recall doing anything special to the system yesterday or right before yesterday (I switched from Ubuntu to Debian (squeeze, AMD 64) a week ago).

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Debian Multimedia :: Epiphany Jammed With Segmentation Fault

Jul 23, 2010

I have discovered that epiphany cannot be launched. When I try, either from the gnome desktop or from a terminal, I get a box which reports that epiphany has terminated unexpectedly, and would I like to recover the last session. If I click on either from the desktop, nothing happens. Doing it from a terminal, I get the following:

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Debian Multimedia :: Text Invisible On Epiphany And Iceweasel?

Jan 24, 2011

I can't find a solution for not seeing any texts on html5 web pages. I haven't found any other report about such an odd behaviour on the web so far. Even on the new W3C web page (see the screenshot below for details) I can't see any texts. They are just invisible. I can mark and copy them, but there is nothing to see on Iceweasel 3.0.6 and Epiphany 2.22.3.

Because both browsers behave the same way I guess it's not a browser issue, but something more basic. My Debian Lenny stable should be unblemished because I've never used anything else than the main sources. I can't believe, that the W3C has switched to a new standard without propper fallback-support for older browser versions...

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Debian Multimedia :: Animated GIFs Flicker In Epiphany And Midori?

Mar 12, 2011

Using Squeeze. After updating some webkit related packages (Mar 11 2011) some animated GIFs are not working properly in Epiphany or in Midori. In Iceweasel they are ok.

Packages I'm referring to:
Frozen and flickering:


Would someone have some kind of solution or workaround? Or should I just wait for a fix, coming perhaps with the next point release?

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Debian Multimedia :: Removing Epiphany Without Removing Half The System?

May 31, 2011

I know a bunch of commands and I am comfortable using the terminal, I even set a powerpc server but I can't figure out how to remove epiphany on this new computer I'm setting up. I didn't install anything with tasksel. I installed gnome and xorg afterwards... I load it up and 'startx' just fine. then I check around for the programs that were installed. I lik'em gimp, lot's of utilities. gedit. anyway I find epiphany, which I have already established that I dislike, I immediately go to the root terminal (another nice program that comes with gnome) and type apt-get remove epiphany-browser-data the output says it will be deleting gnome... however I have researched and found these are simpy meta packages that don't really matter.... however under the section that states all the packages that will be removed by autoremove there is a huge list... I doubt these packages are safe to remove. how to remove epiphany without removing a huge amount of probably needed software

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Debian Multimedia :: Evolution Not Logging Into Gmail?

Mar 19, 2015

I have been using Debian for about 2 years now, I have decided to use my email through Evolution (actually both my live and Gmail accounts). Right now my problem lies with Gmail so I will just mention that...

Evolution simply does not accept my gmail password when I log in. I have gone through the whole "Evolution Setup assistance" many times, and whenever the setup is done, and I proceed to open up the program and actually log in to my email> I enter my password and click "ok", and then the same login screen simply flashes and asks me to enter my password again! This is the entire problem. I cannot go beyond the login screen, and evolution simply asks me to enter my password again, and again, while never logging me in. And yes, the password is correct as I use the very same one to log into gmail's web interface several times a day. Imap is also enabled in my gmail account.

I have used Gmail's imap and smtp configuration information from [URL]..... and it simply does not work, even though I put all the information into Evolution Correctly.

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Debian Multimedia :: Email Client For Gmail And IMAP

Feb 5, 2012

I am running debian testing, amd64 architecture on my box. I have 3 gmail accounts that I use regularly. I have used mainly thunderbird/icedove to access my mailboxes via imap.However, now two of them have really several tens of thousands of emails I often experience difficulties in dealing with them (the connection often freezes, browsing my folders is a pain).I tried also sylpheed and claws, but the situation has not really improved.I do not think there is anything fundamentally wrong in the way I configured my accounts on the various clients (actually, some of them even boast automatic setup of gmail accounts).

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Debian Multimedia :: Screen Freezing When Launching Flightgear

Apr 7, 2016

Few days ago I did a major update to Jessie and now I can't use Flightgear simulator. The screen freezes and cannot even switch to another terminal using CTRL+ALT+F1. I can SSH from another machine and see that the CPU is stuck and it has to do with I bet it's a video driver issue that came with the update.

Did some memory, SSD and video card tests from within Windows and it passed. Flightgear can be loaded on Windows without freezing.

The PC has an integrated Radeon HD 4250 graphics card.

Tried dpkg-reconfigure firmware-linux-nonfree. Flightgear can start but it freezes after a short while. Same happens if I reinstall that package. Without the nonfree driver, I have very low FPS but it works.

Also, I put in another Radeon card (almost same generation) and had the same result: computer freezes completely.

Solved it by upgrading to kernel 4.4. This proves that a bug has been introduced with the latest kernel update. And it tastes like Ubuntu when they break drivers...

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Debian Multimedia :: VLC Video Playback Random Freezing

Jul 17, 2010

When I play videos in VLC, the video output seems to randomly freeze while playing the video. This does not effect the audio though. The audio output continues, but with the video frozen on a frame. This is happening in windowed and full-screen mode. I have to use "pkill vlc" each time twice then start VLC again. I have had to resort to mplayer for the time being. I am running squeeze. I was not experiencing this problem before though (started within the past week), so it must be due to some recent upgrade. I have tried "aptitude purge vlc && aptitude install vlc", but I am still experiencing the same problem.

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Debian Multimedia :: Desktop Freezing On Left Top Corner Of Jessie

Sep 13, 2015

I've been having a problem with debian lately. It seems that sometimes a rectangular corner on the top left of my screen freezes and shows what was previously there. It goes away when I close all open windows but shows up again if I open multiple applications, especially if I open the terminal and another application. It can become very distracting and makes it impossible to see what is on the top left corner of my screen.

I'm including a screenshot of my desktop.

I am running Debian 8.2 Jessie on an Asus Q400A with 8 GB of RAM. I have an Intel Core i7-3632QM CPU @ 3.2GHz and am using XFCE as my Desktop Environment.

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Debian Multimedia :: MPlayer Video Freezing When Firefox Playing WebM

Aug 7, 2011

i'm using debian wheezy and whenever i'm playing a webm video, typically on videos, totem and mplayer can't play video. the video just freezes. (i assume because they both use gstreamer.) when i try to use vlc when those 2 aren't working, the video does play but there is no sound.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Downloads / Freezing Up And Sound Cut Off

May 11, 2010

I used to have Windows XP on my desktop computer which was changed to Linux 9.10 awhile back and just recently I downloaded Linux 10.04. I am having problems with my screen while viewing websites and games I play freezing up. I have also noticed that it is very slow at times downloading sites I wish to view. The sound on videos and games comes and goes. I thought by upgrading to Linux 10.04 would fix the problems, but it has not.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 On Acer Aspire One - Really Slow And Freezing

Dec 9, 2010

I recently installed Ubunto 10.10 (the netbook version) onto my Acer Aspire One Netbook. The OS it came with was a very old Red Hat, so I got rid of it. I am a complete Linux newbie, and not having the best experiences so far. Basically, the netbook is completely clean with Ubuntu just installed. It's not got any files on it or any extra software. But it runs REALLY slow.

Boots up pretty quickly, but it takes ages to do anything. It'll either just run ridiculously slowly, or it will run okay for 10 seconds and then not do ANYTHING for the next 10. I have never been able to play an MP3 track without the whole thing freezing, let alone a video.Why is it so bad? The machine's not that old (maybe a year and a half) and the OS is brand new. There's no files or added software on it. What's the problem? Is there anything I can do? It's so frustrating! And it's the the only computer I've got at the moment.

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Debian :: Can't Watch Flash On Epiphany

Sep 8, 2010

How do I get flash to work on Epiphany?

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Debian :: Epiphany Default Search Engine

Jul 13, 2010

I have been using Epiphany for about 10 days now. It seems that suddenly my search engine was changed from Google to VirginMedia.I cannot find any option to set the default search engine, either in Epiphany preferences or in gconf-editor.Can anyone explain how this change has occurred or how I might get back to having Google as my default search engine? I am using Debian Lenny 5 and Epiphany 2.22.3

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Debian :: Epiphany And Nautilus Extensions Not Showing

Nov 22, 2010

I used the Synaptic Package manager to successfully install Epiphany and Nautilus extensions. I restarted but the Epiphany extensions do not appear in the Tools/Extensions list and the Nautilus extensions do not appear in any of the commands.

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Debian :: Clear The Epiphany Download File?

May 16, 2011

How do I clear the epiphany download file?

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Debian :: Iceweasel: Browsing With Empathy Epiphany

Apr 22, 2011

I have this problem with some pages here on LQ. They just scroll way out to the right (see attached screenshot, notice the horizontal scrollbar). I have no problem browsing them with empathy epiphany, so I guess it must some setting that I am missing. Also, symbols like smilies appear very pixelated.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Internet Freezing Leading To Slow Computer

Aug 3, 2011

I first noticed the problem because my wireless internet will stop working. The usb stick has its LED constantly on but it fails to connect. I have tried some methods of restarting the networking, like "sudo restart network-manager", disabling and re-enabling the wireless and networking from the taskbar applet. I tried removing the module and restarting it. It might be a bigger problem because I'll find that things will randomly hand for awhile, like opening system monitor, or running terminal commands. They do eventually run but only after several minutes. A restart seems to get everything working again, but the problem comes back at random times. I am willing to solve this right now as I have time, just let me know what info you need and I will post it.

Update: Some more info I forgot to include. I am running Ubuntu 11.04. It just froze again, I tried logging in and out but the internet still wouldn't work and things were hanging, I couldn't get file manager open. I have even tried shutting down the computer and had it stall on the Ubuntu logo with the dots loading so I had to hard restart.....


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Debian :: Unusual Video Phenomenon In Epiphany/Iceweasel?

Mar 26, 2010

just installed debian 5.0.4 on an imac g3 500mhz allinone and when i went to videos to test the video quality the video seems to open over and over, audio starts and then restarts and copies of the video pop up continuously. the only way to kill the video is to shut down the computer. this happens in epiphany and also in iceweasel, is this a flash issue? any one seen anything like this before? it acts like there is a loop in the software that causes it to keep opening the same thing over and over.

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Debian :: Browser - Uninstall Epiphany And _not_ Gnome

Jun 19, 2009

Hi all, i used synaptic to uninstall epiphany and it also removed gnome-destop along with it, resulting in me having to reinstall(AGAIN!) Ofcourse my intention was to uninstall epiphany and _not_ gnome, so is there a way to take epiphany off of my system with out affecting gnome?

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Server :: Squid - Not Working Though Proxy And The Internet Explorer Is Getting Very Slow And Freezing The Computer

Nov 6, 2010

I have configured a squid proxy server with @2 eth in different network subnet and with site blocking and extn file download blocking. One eth0 for office wired network and another eth1 is for office wireless network for laptop use for guest and visitors.

The problem is [URL] is an Indian government website, which is not working though this proxy server and the Internet Explorer is getting very slow and freezing the computer. In alternate I have configured a another test server with squid proxy with out any security and test the same. the problem is still with the all the computer in the network. The above website is perfectly working with Gateway configuration in TCP/IP properties in Network Configuration in MS Windows XP computers but through squid proxy its not working.

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Debian Multimedia :: KDE Very Slow Redraw On Radeon

Nov 29, 2010

redrawing windows in KDE is very, very sow (since 4.4 or so I guess, but maybe it was always like this). When I switch to a desktop running Kopete and Amarok, it takes like 2-3 seconds to redraw the applications. GTK apps are faster to redraw, although far from ideal. This happens both with the effects enabled as well as disabled. When the effects are enabled, it's faster, but still very slow.

When switching apps or desktops in Gnome with Compiz running, it's almost instantaneous... I don't think it's because of any particular effect like Blur, because I've disabled them all, though the compositing is up (e.g. the bar is transparent, but all other effects are off in KWin). On the other hand I have plenty of effects enabled in Compiz and it's still ways much faster.

I have ATI Radeon X1200 integrated card, using the radeon driver (I'm not sure whether is it from experimental or Sid, but I don't think it matters, since the older versions were slow the same) without any particular configuration from my side (i.e. no xorg.conf).On my other computer with either quite powerful NVidia card or an Intel card the performance is the same in KWin and Compiz...

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Debian Multimedia :: Mplayer Slow Video?

Feb 7, 2011

When playing some HD files Mplayer video is slow compare to sound. Totem plays the same videos with perfect synchronization of voice and video. I have tried all video drivers in Mplayer none seems to work.My version of mplayer is : MPlayer SVN-r31918 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer TeamRunning Squeeze.

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Debian Multimedia :: Slow Typing Response In Gedit

Sep 2, 2014

I am having some issues with the typing speed in gedit. When typing the response is usually really slow,It can be up to a second or so between rendering keystrokes. I don't believe it has anything to do with resources. I have checked the processes running when it happens and everything looks pretty normal cpu usuage is also very low at the time. The system is very responsive with everything else at the time.

I only have this problem with gedit, gvim, vim, nano etc are fine. Maybe an issue with a GTK lib of some sort? The problem happens with very small files like little bash scripts. I have including some info about the system ...

System: Host: debian Kernel: 3.14-2-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit gcc: 4.8.3)
Desktop: Gnome 3.12.2 (Gtk 3.12.2-3+b1) dm: gdm3 Distro: Debian GNU/Linux jessie/sid
CPU: Quad core Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 (-MCP-) cache: 4096 KB
flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 vmx) bmips: 19200
Clock Speeds: 1: 1600 MHz 2: 1600 MHz 3: 1600 MHz 4: 2400 MHz
Graphics: Card: NVIDIA GT200 [GeForce GTX 260] bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:05e2
Display Server: X.Org 1.16.0 driver: nvidia Resolution: 1920x1080@60.00hz
GLX Renderer: GeForce GTX 260/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 340.32 Direct Rendering: Yes

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Debian Multimedia :: Compiz: Slow Resize Windows?

Sep 30, 2010

I am using the last Debian Lenny (506) + the last ATI Privative Driver (10.9) + Compiz + Gnome, and, I have a great Slow Resize windows problem.When I try to resize a window (Alt + middle click) is very very, VERY!! slow. I try to find the solution browsing. After search
and read forums and threads about this, couldn't find it

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Debian Multimedia :: Blender 2.49 Has Too Slow Response In Squeeze?

Aug 5, 2011

While Blender 2.5 may be stable, the Python API is not. According to the Blender website... Note: The Blender Python API has areas which are still in development. The following areas are subject to change. -operator behavior, names and arguments -mesh creation and editing functions.

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Debian Multimedia :: Iceweasel (3.5.13) Is Slow In Some Java Requiring Websites

Oct 30, 2010

I ve noticed that iceweasel (3.5.13) is slow in some java requiring websites: showcase: [URL] then add in the field location more than two locations (3=max i think). notice the slughiness if not the IW rash. Trying the same with epiphany (2.30.6) is (much) bettereventhough the cpu usage is also getting high System: Linux debian 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Tue Oct 19 14:40:34 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux at Gnome Desktop

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Debian Multimedia :: Intel 945gm And Opengl Screensavers Are Slow?

Dec 19, 2010

When using the very nice opengl screensavers, rss-glx, etc. the screensavers are very choppy.I tried modifying my xorg.conf but still no go.Anyway to get the rss-glx screensavers to run at normal speed?I read online that Intel disable the hardware acceleration.This is a work laptop but I just wanted to see if I could get it going.

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